Grounding: Part 14 (Kirishima)

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"Like I said earlier." Seth said with a smile on his face. "Smart girl."

"Sweetie." I heard Fear say, but I didn't look at her. I didn't have time.

"Which means you-." I stopped talking and felt a massive pain in my chest. I fell to the ground on my knees.

"Y/n?" I heard Kiri yell, but it sounded as if he was a mile away.

"Not now." I begged, and it was getting harder to breath. I looked at Fear and she was kneeling next to me. 

"I'm sorry, I should have warned you sooner." Fear told me.

"Well, looks like this will be easy." Seth said and I looked up to see that he had an ice spear in his hand and he shot it towards me.

"Not so fast!" Kiri said and jumped in front of me with his whole body hardened. The spear made contact with Kiri's hard skin and it turned into snow. 

"Kiri." I choked out, and I felt like I was going to black out. Bakugo grabbed onto my shoulders and held me, while I started hyperventilating. 

"Hardening?" Seth asked. "That would be very useful." The villain started walking towards us. 

"Stay away from him!" I yelled and pounded my fist into the frozen ground. The ground shook and part of the earth and shot forward and hit the guy head on, knocking him back. I started panicking as the shadow appeared standing next to Kiri. A tightness started balling up in my chest, and my stomach started fluttering.

"Fine then." Seth said and shot more ice spears at Kiri, and he blocked every single one. "You can't hold out forever! And when you give way! I'll get you!" I held onto Bakugo, and everything was starting to get spotty.

"Bakugo, help Kiri." I told him.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Kiri yelled over his shoulder. "Stay with her!" I had never heard Kiri so angry. 

I looked over at him, and I saw the shadow standing next to him. It stood there, and something about it was different than before. It looked like it was in the shape of Kiri, every move he made it did the same. I had never seen it move before.

And slowly, it started fading. No, not fading. Merging, it was merging with Kiri.

And I finally understood my shadowed emotion. Why every time I saw the shadow before, it was when I was with Kiri. I had only seen it a couple times before, when I was younger that I had seen it. Before my family had gone to shit. 

It wasn't an emotion I had never had before. It was an emotion I had blocked after my Dad left. An emotion I had never thought I would see or feel again. Because everyone around me while growing up, never really cared about me. Not until UA, not until Kiri.

I loved Kiri. And he was my earth's emotion. 

I got off the ground, and rushed in front of Kiri. And deflected a spear and used my fire to shoot it at the guy, and it caught him off guard enough he got blasted and sent flying into the trees.

"Everyone hold on." I said pushing Kiri closer to the group, and closer to the edge of the cliff. I gestured my hand up and twisted it so tree roots would sprout out of the ground and hold onto everyone. Mina and Denki were still unconscious, but Aizawa was able to sit up and Bakugo was on his feet. My roots wrapped around Bakugo's and Kiri's legs, while they wrapped around Mr. Aizawa's torso.

"Where do you think you're going?" Seth yelled and started coming out of the trees. I threw my hands out in front of me before swiping them to the sides. A large crack appeared a couple feet in front of me, and I smiled. 

"Kiri, hold onto me." I said, and I could feel my voice shaking. He wrapped his arms around me, and it was almost instant that my anxiety was muffled. I stomped my foot, and the entire corner of the cliff went crashing down.

We dropped down the side of the mountain, before we crashed down. And started sliding down the cliff.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bakugo yelled at me, and was barely able to keep standing. I controlled the ground we were on and made it start sliding towards a river, that wasn't far from us.

"Getting us the hell out of here." I told him.

"Look out!" Mr. Aizawa called out, and I turned my head to see Seth was chasing us down the cliff using water from the snow to travel. 

I pulled away from Kiri and threw myself off the moving piece of mountain, and allowed myself to roll onto the earth and being completely surrounded, head to toe, by rock of the mountain. I put my hand out and grabbed onto the ground to slow me down a bit and I had to keep one of my hands out to keep the piece of cliff moving, and not crash. I moved the earth under me to keep pace with it. 

"Neat trick." Seth said, and caught up with me. "Mind if I borrow it?" He asked and grabbed a hold of my rock armored arm. But to his surprise he couldn't use my quirk.

"Can't borrow a quirk if you can't touch me." I told him and punched him in the face. And we traveled down the hill at a high speed that I wasn't very comfortable with. But I wasn't about to slow down, and let Seth catch up. I moved so I was right next to the moving cliff, and I looked behind me to see Seth was about to come down on top of me with and ice spear.

And explosion sent him flying backwards and crashing into the trees. I looked over at Bakugo and he had a grin on his face. I got in front of the cliff, and we were close enough to the river that we could make it by ramp.

"Mr. Aizawa!" I yelled just before I made an uppercutting movement and created a ramp out of the earth and both me and the piece of cliff went flying into the air. I turned around and released everyone from the tree roots, and they flew into the air. Aizawa used his scarf to grab everyone and pulled them to him.

I lifted my arm into the air and some of the water from the river shot up to us. I used the water to create a barrier around them just as Seth shot into the air and used my air quirk to change direction of the water ball. I reached out and gabbed it before it really got away from me, and I looked down.

Whether Seth changed directions of the bubble or not, it wouldn't have mattered any way. Because of the speed from falling down the mountain, I overshot us. I quickly got on top of the barrier and when we were directly above the river I used my air quirk to shoot it straight down. 

'Please make it.'

From the force it took to send it straight down it made me go up a bit and Seth ran directly into me. He attempted to claw at the rock that surrounded me, but it was no use. He started beating on it, and I had no time to deal with him. 

I pushed him away from me enough that I kicked him in the chest and sent him flying away from me. And when I turned around while falling, I saw I was falling straight towards the river. But I was too close to do anything to stop the fall. I was too heavy, that I fell too fast.

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