New Bed (Kirishima)

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I laid in bed staring at my ceiling, wanting nothing more but to close my eyes and sleep. I blinked before looking over at the clock on my nightstand.


Twelve thirty in the morning, and no matter how tired I was. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't rest.

'Sleep. That's all I want.'

I sat up from my bed and walked over to my bathroom. I turned the light on that ended up blinding me and making my eyes burn, so I turned it back off. After years of staying awake for hours on end, my eyes had come accustom to seeing well in the dark. And when I stood in front of my mirror I could see exactly what a mess I was.

Dark bags laid under my eyes. They stung. Every blink, no matter how hard I closed them they wouldn't let me sleep.

'I'm done.'

I grabbed my blanket off of my bed and walked out of my dorm. I walked towards the stairs and one step at a time I got closer and closer to finally getting to sleep. I pushed the roof door open and walked over to the edge. And my eyes started stinging again, but this time it was from tears.

I stood on the roof top of UA looking towards the city. My cheeks felt like there was ice on sticking to my face. The cold air up this high whipping at the tears running down my cheeks. I crawled up onto the ledge.

I looked down towards the ground. The concrete looked like it'd make a nice pillow, and the grass from here looks so soft like it'd make the best blanket.


I thought.

'All I want, is too sleep.'

"Hey." Someone said from behind me. I turned my head and saw a boy with spiky red hair hanging in his face. "Umm, whatcha doing up there?" I could hear he was nervous, nervous for me. Even when I wasn't.

"Please leave me alone." I begged him, and went back to looking at my new bed. "I just want sleep."

"Well then maybe we should go back downstairs." He said. "I could tuck you in and maybe sing you to sleep. Do you know 'Baby Shark'?"

"It won't help." I said. "Nothing helps."

"Well what about someone?" He asked, and I flinched at his question. I turned and looked at him. "Has someone ever helped you?"

"No." I said.

"Well then, let me help you." He told me and took a couple steps forward and put his hand out to me. I felt more tears run down my face as I reached my hand out to him and he quickly grabbed my hand, pulling me off of the ledge.

He pulled me so hard that I fell off the ledge and landed on top of him. I was straddling him with my hands on either side of his face. I looked down at him and watched my tears fall onto his face.

"I'm sorry." I said and got off the top of him before wrapping myself in my blanket. I pulled my knees to my chest and covered my head with my blanket.

"I went to get a snack out of a vending machine when I saw you come up here." He told me, as he pulled the blanket off of my head. "What were you doing up there?"

"I'm just so tired." I said. "I want sleep."

"Come on. You can stay with me for tonight." He said and picked my blanket cocoon ass of the ground and onto my feet. "What's your name?"

"Y/n." I told him and let him lead me down the stairs.

"Well my name is Kirishima, but you can just call me Kiri." He told me, but I already knew that.

"We're in the same class." I told him. "I'm kind of new, but I don't make an effort to really socialize. I don't have the energy to try."

"Why are you so tired?" He asked as he opened the door to his room.

"It's a long story." I said, and walked in.

"Well it looks like we have time." He said in a joking tone, but I didn't laugh. I sighed and squeezed my eyes, hoping the pain would stop.

"When I was young, I watched my parents die." I told him, and he sat me on the edge of his bed. "I've had nightmares since."

"And they won't let you sleep?" He said, more than asking. I nodded.

"I've tried everything." I told him. "I've tried exercise, music, white noise, sleep studies, medication. Nothing works."

"Have you tried sleeping with someone?" He asked, and I jumped before staring at him. "No no no! Not like that!" He said, as he waved his hands in front of his face.

"No, I've never had someone that close to try." I told him and looked back down at the floor.

"Would you like to try?" He asked, and I looked at him again in surprise. "I have a hard time sleeping too. So maybe we can be insomniacs together?" I took a couple of seconds before I nodded and I laid down in his bed.

We laid there for a half hour talking, before Kiri fell asleep trying to sing me 'Baby Shark'. I watched as he slept on his back. Watching the rise and fall of his chest, and timed my own breathing with it. He started shivering, and I realized he fell asleep on top of his covers.

I shimmied around in my blanket and used half of it to cover him. At the touch of warmth he rolled over into me, and hugged me to his chest. I tried pulling away or just plain getting out of his arms, but nothing worked. I finally accepted it and stayed where I was, I even snuggled into him. And the feeling of his heartbeat, is what did it. The sound and feeling of his heartbeat thumping against my ear, is what sent me into a peaceful sleep.


POV: Nobody

"Hey Kiri lets go!" Denki yelled from outside of Kirishima's door. "Are you gonna come out of there or not? We have class!" After a couple more seconds of him not answering, he finally opened the door but didn't walk in.

"Whoa! Kiri slept with a girl!" He called out into the hallway and everyone went to see.

"Oh this is so cute!" Mina squealed as she pushed her way into Kirishima's room and started taking pictures. Y/n was the first one to wake up to all the noise, and her yelling was what woke Kiri up.

"Ah, whats happening?" Kiri yelled as he rolled over and fell on the floor.

"Shitty hair finally getting himself a girlfriend." Bakugo said and y/n hid under her blanket as Kiri sat up off the floor.

"Alright, alright." Kiri said and shoved Mina out the door and slammed the door shut in everyone's face. "Y/n? You okay in there?"

"Yeah." She said, but in reality she was starting to overheat due to her bright red warm cheeks.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked and sat down on the bed in front of the blanket bush that concealed y/n. After she didn't answer Kiri started pulling at the blanket. He lifted and stuck his head under the blanket and joined her in the near dark space. "Y/n?" He whispered to her.

"Yeah?" She whispered back.

"How did you sleep?" He asked again. She smiled, thinking that he couldn't see, but he could.

"It was the best sleep I've had in years."

"Wanna do this again tonight?" He asked her, and she smiled even bigger as her heart fluttered.

"I'd like that." She answered.

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