Ninety-Nine Problems: Part 1 (Denki)

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Warning: This story consists of suicide attempt. Please read with caution, or skip this story if it's something you can't handle.


I closed my dorm room door behind me, after walking in. I just got back from the store, and I locked myself in my bathroom. I reached into the bag, and pulled out a brand new bottle of pain meds.

I stared down at the label. It said that there was a total of one hundred pills in the bottle.

Do they actually count how many pills go into the bottles? Or do they have a machine that counts for them? Or maybe they do it by weight?

However they do it, I was going to find out how many were in there. By counting each individual one.

I decided that counting them one by one, would take too long. So I decided to count them by fives. That's all I would be able to handle anyway.

I grabbed my cup from off my counter, and filled it up with water. I poured five pills into my hand, before pouring them into my mouth. I took a drink of water, just enough to let me comfortably swallow the pills.

After a few minutes, I was already at forty. I had to take a moment to keep myself from falling over, as I could feel myself getting a little dizzy. But I kept going.

Eventually I poured the last of the pills into my hand, and there were only four in my hand. There were only ninety-nine in the bottle, and I was sure of it. I hadn't dropped any and was careful to only take five at a time.

I took them and drank the last of my water. When my head went back to let me take a drink, I fell back onto the floor. I managed to pull myself up enough that I could rest my head against the edge of my tub. I looked down at the empty pill bottle on the floor next to me, and I started thinking about each problem that I was taking these pills.

Problem after problem. After problem. Every day there was something new. And every day it felt like there wasn't a damn thing I could do to change any of it.

My grades. My parents. My friends. From where I sat all the way to Timbuktu, and every little thing in between.

I had a million problems. All but one. My best friend, Denki Kaminari. We had been friends since we were five years old. He knew about all these problems, or at least most of them.

But he was the one thing in my life, that didn't bring me any problems. As much as he was always getting in trouble, he always made sure I was never part of it. He's always been extremely protective of me. Even though he's somewhat friends with Mineta, when ever they try to get pervy or something, Denki always made it clear that I was to stay out of it.

He protected me as best as he could. He was the one good thing in my life. And I was about to hurt him, with my stomach full of pills. I took a deep breath, and I felt something in my chest panic.

"Oh god." I whispered to myself. What was I thinking? I was only thinking about myself. What about Denki? Who was going to take care of him the next time he gets in trouble, or sick? Who's going to take care of him when I die?

I reached behind my back and pulled out my phone. I immediately scrolled until I found his name. I hit dial and I put my phone to my ear. It rang for a couple of moments, and I felt my lip quiver.

"Hello?" I heard his voice through the phone. He was coming down from a laughing fit. He was having a good time, and I was about to ruin it.

"Denki." I said, and I felt tears roll down my face.

"Y/n?" He askes, I could hear that his smile was gone. "What's wrong?" Or maybe I shouldn't ruin it right now.

"I just don't feel too good." I told him.

"Oh, what's wrong? Do you want me to make you some soup?" He asked me, and I smiled. He couldn't make soup to save his own life.

"I don't think soup is going to fix this." I told him.

"Y/n, tell me what's wrong." He told me, I took a deep breath and my eyes started feeling foggy.

"Denki, I fucked up." I told him.

"Where are you?" He asked me.

"My dorm bathroom." I told him, I didn't hear anything for a couple of moments and I had to check to see if he hung up on me. "Denki?"

"I'm coming, just hold on." He told me, his voice was strained a little bit. "I'm almost there, just hold on. You hear me?"

"Yeah." I said, and I couldn't keep holding my phone up. I dropped my phone, and I heard Denki shouting for me to answer him. But I couldn't think of what to say.

"Y/n!" I heard yelled from outside my bathroom door. The door nob started jiggling aggressively. It stopped, and suddenly the door was busted open. I looked up just enough to see he kicked it down. "Y/n!" He said and got on the floor next to me. "What'd you do?"

I couldn't bring myself to say it. All I could do was point at the empty pill bottle. He looked at it and held it in his hand.

"How many did you take?" He asked me.

"They lied about how many is in there." I said. "There was only ninety-nine." His eyes went big, and he stared at me. He blinked a couple of times, and I could see he was trying to think.

"Okay." He said quietly. "Okay." He said again and picked me up off the floor and into his arms.

I held onto his shirt, as he ran with me tightly to his chest. I closed my eyes, and I listened to his heart beat.

"What the hell happened?" I heard someone ask, and I opened my eyes to see that we were in the kitchen. He set me down on the floor and started searching through the cupboards. I watched as he found some salt, and a glass. He poured a bunch of the salt into the glass and filled it with water.

"Okay come here." Denki said and picked me off the floor. He pushed his body against the back of mine, and pinned me to the counter. "Drink this." He told me, and started pouring it into my mouth.

I swallowed, and my stomach instantly started feeling queasy. Denki set the glass down, and pulled my hair away from my face, before I started puking into the sink. I looked down at the sink, and I could see the countless red and blue pills.

Well, not countless. I did count them.

"Denki!" Someone yelled at him. But Denki ignored them as he picked up the glass.

"Drink more." Denki told me.

"No." I managed to gag out, as I pushed his arm away. That was before his other hand wrapped around my face, and forced my mouth open. I swallowed more of the water, only for me to start puking again.

"Good girl, you're okay." He told me, and held my hair back again.

"What the hell are you doing?" Someone yelled, and this time I could hear that it was Bakugo.

"Bakugo, I need to borrow your car." Denki said, before swooping me up into his arms. I heard the keys jingle around before Denki was running with me again. I felt a bit more awake, but at the same time I was so tired.

"Denki." I said, as he placed me in the passenger seat of Bakugo's car. He ignored me as he buckled my seat belt, and closed the door, before he was suddenly in the drivers seat. "Denki." I said again.

"Shh." He told me, and grabbed my hand. "You're going to be okay, I promise you you're going to be just fine." I closed my eyes, and I squeezed his hand.

"Denki, I'm sorry." I told him.

"Shut up, you don't have anything to apologize to me for." He told me, and I felt myself laughing.

"Of course I do." I told him. "I can't think at the moment though. But for everything, I'm sorry."

"Y/n, shut up." He told me, and squeezed my hand tighter. "And don't you dare fucking leave me."

I did what he said, and started feeling really sleepy.

"Denki, I'm tired." I told him.

"Keep your eyes open." He told me. "We're almost there, just hold on a little bit longer."

"Denki." I sighed, and I felt my head dip.

"No, open your eyes." I heard him say. "Y/n, wake up." He said, but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. But I squeezed his hand to let him know I was still with him. And I didn't want to let go.

I felt the car stop, and his hand left me. I felt a pair of arms, pull me out of the car before I heard Denki's heart beat again.

I heard him calling out, but I couldn't figure out the words he was saying.

And then I felt a bunch of cold hands on me, before I felt a cold surface on my back. I think I was put on a gurney. But I didn't want to let go of Denki's hand. But I no longer had the physical strength to hold on any more.

And I let go.

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