Sacrifice: Part 3 (Hawks)

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"A trophy?" I repeated and it took me a second, before I got scared. "Where?" I demanded.

"My boys were supposed to lead him somewhere down town." The guy said, and I got off of him and turned to Miruko.

"Go I'll meet you there!" She told me, but I was already in the air heading for down town.

I flapped my wings as hard as I could trying to reach downtown before it was too late. When I got there I started looking everywhere, hoping that he wasn't somewhere inside a building. I heard a scream and looked in the direction of it to see a group of people yelling at me trying to get my attention.

"Eight blocks that way!" They screamed at me pointing off to the side and I looked down the street and I saw people running away from a group of people in the middle of the street. And they had Hawks on his knees.

I took off in their direction and I watched as they held him down as he tried to fly away but another person had a hold of his wings holding them spread out.

They were going to take his wings.

I continued to fly as I watched someone lift a giant machete and I could feel myself panic. As I watched him swing down, it felt like everything was in slow motion. I shot myself forward and reached my arms out and grabbed onto Hawks and shot past all of them before crashing into the ground about fifty feet away and rolling another probably twenty.

When we stopped rolling, I looked at my arms and saw that I had grabbed him. I sat up and checked his back to see I had grabbed him in time.

"Hawks! Are you okay?" I asked shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw me.

"Hey kid." He said and sat up. "Nice save."

"Are you okay?" I asked him and started to panic.

"I'm fine." He said and checked himself.

"Then why is there so much blood?" I asked and looked down at the ground and watched as blood was completely surrounding us as we sat there and it was soaking into my clothes. I heard a loud laugh and turned around to see that the men that had captured Hawks were laughing as they escaped. "We have to go after them." I said and stood up.

"Y/n." Hawks said and I turned back around to him, and he looked horrified. I staggered a bit, suddenly not feeling good. I went to grab my head, but when I looked down it was almost as if I was leaning forward towards my hand instead of my hand going to my head.


I opened my eyes and looked around the room. It looked like I was in a hospital room. Every time I moved, my whole body hurt like hell. I looked over to the side and saw that Hawks was sitting slouched in the chair next to my bed, fast asleep. I tried reaching for him, but it hurt too much.

"Hawks." I said, not wanting to entirely scare him. His head snapped up and he looked at me for a second before his eyes got big.

"Kid, you're awake." He said excitedly and sat up in the chair. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it really tight.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Did I get shot or something?" 

"Or something." He said and brought my hand to his lips.

"What happened?" I asked and he looked at me like he was going to cry. "Hawks, what is it?" 

"Look kid, umm." He said and started getting upset, trying to figure out how to put whatever he wanted to say. "What do you remember?"

"I remember I grabbed you from those guys." I said. "They wanted to cut off your wings."

"Yeah." Hawks breathed.

"Hawks, what's going on you're starting to scare me." I told him. He sat there and stared at me and squeezed my hand even tighter.

"When you dove in to save me." He said. "They . . . . ."

"Hawks spit it out." I said.

"They cut off your wings."

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