Sacrifice: Part 8 (Hawks)

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I opened my eyes, and I was breathing really hard. I looked and I was on top of Hawks, who was still wrapped up in the net. But we were still alive. I sat up, my back stiff the whole way. I turned my head and gasped at what I saw.

Big beautiful blue wings.

"What?" I questioned and fluffed them after I stood up. I spread them out and stretched them. It felt as if they had been bound down and were finally free.

"Y/n!" I heard and looked at the ground to see Hawks had finally woken up. "Your wings." I laughed and tore what was left of my hoodie off and threw it to the ground. I pulled my mask up over the bottom half of my face, and pulled the hood over my head. I had decided, the night before I left that I would wear my hero's uniform at least once before I left the city.

I winked at Hawks before I lunched myself off the ground and flew straight up the side of the building, faster than I ever had before. And in this moment, I couldn't help but realize that Hawks had been right when we first met.

Every idea everyone else around me had, was what had been holding me back. The expectations my parents held me against. The power everyone believed I had, was true, but until now I didn't have access to it. Everyone was telling me who I was, and what I was going to be. And I this whole time I let them have their way.

I had been caged.

And my wings couldn't grow while I was in my little bird cage. But now that I was taking control, they had room to flourish.

I flew over the top of the building and used my feathers to strike down on all the men on the roof top. A few hid behind the little cover there was, while the rest fell to the ground with feathers sticking out of their skin.

"My beautiful-!" My Father called, but I didn't let him finish his sentence as I grabbed the metal baton that came with my hero's uniform and flung it to the side to extend it and swung it and smashed it against the side of my Father's face knocking him to the ground.

"Boss!" One of the men said and I turned to see a few men coming out of cover and getting ready to fight. I smiled and watched as a red blur shot behind them before Hawks slammed down onto one of their shoulders sending them face first into the ground.

"I'm not late to the party am I?" He asked with a smirk.

"Right on time." I said and flew at a different guy. And together we fought in sync. Handing guys off to each other, and one by one, defeating all of them. I knocked the last guy out, and when I turned around Hawks was right on top of me.

His hands wrapped around face sliding my mask away from my mouth, and he leaned into me. I closed my eyes and let his lips meet mine. His hands felt like they were holding onto me for dear life, and god I didn't want to let go. I could feel my wings fluttering at his touch, and I smiled into the kiss.

We pulled away from each other, and I opened my eyes again. He stood over me and his golden eyes were all over me. My heart was racing and it seemed like everything was moving in slow motion.

I heard a loud noise, and I grabbed Hawks jacket and threw him behind me. I reached over my shoulder and grabbed a feather before slicing downwards and deflecting a bullet off my feather.

"How'd you just do that?" Hawks asked from behind me, and it felt like everything suddenly went back to moving normally. I released a breath I didn't know that I had been holding.

"I'm built for speed." I said, and looked over my shoulder at him. I heard another gunshot and deflected another bullet. I looked to my Father who was kneeling on the ground with a gun in his hand.

"Why can't you just die?" He asked, but he wasn't looking at me but Hawks.

"Well I can't believe you don't see it yet." I told him and walked closer to him, as he tried taking more shot at Hawks. "But as long as I'm alive, I'm going to make that a lot harder than you think." By the time I reached him, he had ran out of bullets.

"Make another gun, and that'll be the end of you." Hawks said and held one of his long feathers to his throat. My Father sighed and dropped the gun in his hand, and put his hands in the air.


The police were shoving the men into the police cars, and a bunch of them were coming over to us to shake our hands. Mostly me, since most of the officers had been on duty when I had gotten my wings taken away, and were there to see the mess I had been in.

"Y/n?" I heard a bunch of people behind me, and turned just in time to get tackled to the ground. It was the entire class 1-A.

"What are you guys doing here?" I choked out since I had been pinned and saw Miruko and Mr. Aizawa as well.

"We heard that 'the birds' were in trouble and we came to help." Miruko told us. "But you guys seemed to already have it covered." Everyone got off of me, but Kiri was still hugging onto me and had started crying.

"You're not still leaving are you?" He cried into my shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere." I told them, and it took Bakugo pulling on Kiri to get him off of me. Kiego helped me off the ground.

"Well then, let us see." Mr. Aizawa said, and he had a small smile on his face. I stretched my wings out, and everyone started touching them. I almost choked and grabbed onto Kiego as everyone touched them.

"Careful their even more sensitive than normal right now!" I yelled at them and pulled them back in, violently.

"We should get going." Mr. Aizawa said. "Curfew is soon." Everyone started heading back in the direction of UA, and I went to follow until a hand grabbed onto one of my wings. I squealed and let it pull me back, where I spun into Keigo's arms.

"You're not going back to UA." He told me, and shot us off the ground.

"Then were are we going?" I asked him, and he let me go so I could fly along side him.

"You're going to stay with me from now on." He said.

"And do I get any say in this?" I asked him.

"Absolutely not." He told me before crashing into me and wrapping everything around me as he kissed me. "Let me be your man forever, my beautiful baby bird." He whispered to me.

"Do I get a choice in that either?" I asked him.

"Not really." He told me and I laughed at him, before kissing him again.

"Either way." I told him. "I'm not going anywhere."

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