Shift: Part 7 (Shinsou)

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The bell rang and I was barely able to pack up my stuff before Mina dragged me back to my dorm. After about ten minutes she finally decided on an outfit for me and I changed into it while she went and got ready herself.

I walked out of my room to see Momo walking towards me.

"I knew you'd look great in that." She told me. "Mina's already downstairs. Are you ready to meet everyone?" 

"Umm." I said and started feeling really nervous.

"It's okay." She told me. "You can hold my hand if you ever feel scared or overwhelmed." She offered me her hand and I took it. She then led me down the stairs to the commons area and towards a group of people that I recognized from class. "Everyone this is y/n." They all turned to me. "You've already met Todiroki."

"I'm Denki." A blonde boy said.

"Bakugo." Another pale blonde boy said, for some reason he looked angry.

"And I'm Kirishima, but you can just call me Kiri." A boy with spiky red hair and sharp teeth said. I flinched when he spoke to me, and he looked a little nervous. I walked up to him and put my hands on his face. "Ugh." I opened his mouth and looked at his sharp teeth.

"Sorry, she's not really used to casual conversations." Momo said laughing, and put her hands on my shoulders. I opened my mouth and changed my teeth into my wolf teeth. 

"Whoa!" Kiri said and put his hands on my face like I had just did to him and he got excited as he looked at my teeth. "That's so cool!" And he started laughing, and I couldn't help myself but smile and laugh too.

"Aw." Mina cooed. "I think that's the first time she's smiled today."

"Well are we ready to go?" Momo asked and I took her hand again, and together we walked and talked a while before arriving to a large building. Once we were inside I looked all around me and spun in a circle as I looked at everything.

"What do you think y/n?" Denki asked.

"This place is huge." I said.

"Yeah, so make sure you stick close okay?" Momo told me and I nodded to her. And with that I let them pull me around to a bunch of different stores and shops. 

"Oh this looks really cute y/n try this on." Momo said as she hands me a dress.

"Oh, I-." I started to try and object, but she already pulled me into a small room and helped me into the dress. 

"You look so pretty." She told me before pulling me out of the small room to show everyone. 

"Wow." Kiri said as Momo put me in front of a long mirror so I could see myself. I stared at my reflection and at how great I felt in this dress.

"Do you want me to get it for you?" Momo asked me, after seeing my reaction. I stared for a couple more seconds before shaking my head no. "Are you sure? I don't have a problem getting it for you." I nodded my head before going back into the small room to change back into my clothes. "Are you okay?" Momo asked me as she followed me into the room.

"Yes." I told her.

"Sweetie, why don't you want me to get you the dress?" She asked me as she held my hands.

"I don't need a dress." I told her. "There's no reason to have something thin nice anyway."

"You can always save it for a special occasion." She told me, and I shook my head.

"I won't be doing anything special." I said. "I don't think I'd do very well at a place like that."

"Okay." She told me, and put her hand on my cheek. "But, if a special occasion that you do want to go to comes up, you come to me okay?" 

"Okay." I said and smiled. She helped me out of the dress and we walked back out to everyone.

"Can we get some food I'm starving!" Mina said and pouted a bit. We then walked over to a food court. 

"Okay y/n, what would you like to try?" Kiri asked putting his arm around my shoulders pulling me away from Momo. "My treat."

"Ugh." I sighed and looked around. "I don't know." I said. 

"Do you want to try my favorite?" He asked me. I nodded and he dragged me over to a small restaurant and ordered for me. After he got a tray with two plates on it he picked something off one of plates and held it out to me. "Here." He said as he handed me a stick with meat on it. I took a small bite out of it and could help but smile at how good it was.

"What is this?" I asked him as we walked over to everyone else who was already sitting down. 

"Its a kebab." He told me and placed one of the plates in front of me after I sat down. 

"It's funny to watch your reactions." Todiroki told me. "It's like a kid on Christmas."

"What's Christmas." I asked, and everyone looked at me.

"You don't know what Christmas is?" Bakugo asked. "Are you dumb, or just plain stupid?" I flinched at his question and sunk in my chair and kept eating quietly.

"Bakugo!" Momo snapped, before turning her body towards me and I couldn't see Bakugo any more. "Don't listen to him okay? He's like this all the time."

"Not exactly a great first impression." Kiri said from across from me. 

"Especially for you." Momo said and she rubbed my arm. "Don't pay attention to him, okay?" I nodded but didn't sit up. 

"Y/n? Have you ever had ice cream before?" Denki asked and I sat up. "I'll take that as a yes." He laughed.

"Father would only let me have ice cream on my birthday." I said.

"And when's your birthday?" Mina asked.

"I don't know." I said. Denki got up and walked around to me and held his hand out to me.

"Come on I'll get you some." He told me. "Birthday or not." I took his hand and he pulled me over towards a display case that was cold to the touch.

"I didn't know there were these many flavors." I told Denki. 

"Which one do you want want to try?" He asked. I pointed to one and he ordered it.

"Hey girly, I'll give you an extra scoop if you can answer this problem." The man behind the counter said as he scooped some ice cream into a small bowl. "Whats 842 x 32 x 51 x 3 - 77,777?"

"Oh, uh she doesn't-." Denki started to say, but I cut him off.

"4,044,655." I said and both Denki and the people behind the counter flinched. "What? Is that wrong?" 

"No, that's right." The ice cream guy said. "I just wasn't expecting an answer that fast." He laughed and added an extra scoop to my ice cream.

"How'd you do that?" Denki asked me, after we started walking back to the group.

"Father would let me read some of his books, from time to time." I told him. "One of them was a math textbook. And I understand a multiplication chart up to two hundred. Which is why it took me a second to come up with the answer."

"Wow, I might need to borrow you to help me with my math homework some time." Denki said, and we sat down.

"And you'd be doing that why?" Todiroki asked.

"Ask her a hard math problem." Denki said and pointed at me. 

"Ooh oh." Mina said and jumped in her seat. "85 x 5 - 5^8."

"-390,200." I told her and she quickly did the math on her phone and looked at me.

"Wow your like a human calculator!" She said.

"Is that what they did to you in that lab?" Bakugo asked, and I flinched. "They turned you into different types of freak?"

"Bakugo." Momo snapped at him again. And they all started getting into an argument. There was so much yelling and when I looked around there were people all around us staring at us. But it felt like it was all on me. I jumped up and ran away.

"Y/n! Wait!" I heard someone call out for me, but I didn't stop running. I ran outside and took off making random corners until it was quiet. I stopped and took a breath, before continuing to walk. I wanted to get what Bakugo said out of my head, but really it was all I could think about.

'He's right. I'm not special like them. They were born with the powers they have, meanwhile I was created.'

I passed by an alley, and got grabbed by the back of my hair. I tried screaming out, but someone shoved a cloth into my mouth before I could. I tried to pull free from them but I only ended up getting pinned to the ground and before the guy strapped something to my face.

After they were done they threw me farther into the alley, and kicked me in the stomach before leaving and running down the street. I pulled myself up and pulled the rag out of my mouth and crawled over behind a dumpster, and started crying.

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