Shift: Part 9 (Shinsou)

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Shinsou went and opened the door.

"Hawks? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Y/n's not in her room." Hawks said. "We have to go find her before . . . . ." Hawks said from the doorway and Shinsou moved out of the way so he could see me. "Oh, there she is." He laughed. I got off the bed and walked towards the door.

"Before what?" I asked him.

"Oh, nothing." He said and tried laughing. And suddenly he tweaked his head to the side a little bit. His smell was different, from all the times I had talked to him before. There was a familiar scent to it, but I couldn't place it.

"Before what?" I asked again louder. "What'd you think I was going to do?"

"Hawks?" Shinsou asked.

"Yeah?" Hawks asked back and his eyes went dull.

"Answer her question." He told Hawks, and I realized he was using his quirk.

"I thought she was going hurt someone or maybe she went back to her father." He said and it felt like my heart sank. Shinsou looked at me, and with the look in his eyes I could tell he knew he messed up. I ran past both of them, ramming into Hawks on the way towards the stairs. "Kid wait! Let me explain." He said and I heard both of them chasing after me. "Get back here!" He yelled aggressively.

"Screw you!" I yelled as I left the stairs. And there in the hallway, was my entire class. They all stared as I ran passed them towards my room.

"Y/n, please wait." Shinsou called out to me, but I didn't say anything. I didn't want him to stop me. I got to my room and slammed the door in their faces. I locked the door and fell to the ground crying.

"Kid open the door!" Hawks yelled, and banged on the door. I crawled over into a corner in my room and curled up into a ball. "Either open the door, or I'm going to kick it down!" He yelled, and I started thinking about the first time I tried locking Father out of my room. He was so angry and he hurt me so much after that.

The door got busted open, and I screamed into my hand. Hawks came into the room and saw me in the corner.

"Please don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me!" I yelled as he came at me. He grabbed me off the floor and squeezed my arm so hard I thought he might snap it in his hand.

"Hawks!" Shinsou yelled as he, and a couple of others came into the room.

"What?" He yelled back and his eyes went dull again.

"Let her go." Shinsou said, and Hawks dropped me to the floor and I ran to Shinsou and he pulled me behind him. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

"I don't know." Hawks said. "I was flying over here to just to check up on y/n, but when I got here something changed." And I realized, why he had a sudden change in personality.

"Did you get shot?" I asked him, and he looked at me with his dulled yellow eyes.

"Yes." He said.

"What does that mean?" Shinsou asked me, quietly without taking his eyes off of Hawks.

"Will he hurt me?" I asked as I took a step towards Hawks.

"Not while I have him." Shinsou told me and I walked up to Hawks. Hawks looked down at me.

"Where did you get shot?" I asked him.

"In the leg." He said. I crouched down and felt up his pant leg, until I felt a bump. I grabbed it and pulled it out.

"What is that?" Denki asked. I stood up and put it to my nose. I sniffed it and the scent was definitely familiar and I could remember.

"Its a serum dart." I said. "Father uses them all the time with us when we wouldn't listen or obey. There's different serums that he uses that can knock us out, or make us extremely aggressive."

"So this isn't the real him?" Kiri asked.

"No." I said and stood in front of Hawks. "I'm sorry." I told him.

"It's okay kid." He said, and I punched him. And he fell to the ground unconscious.

"We should get him to the nurses office." I said, and closed my eyes and tried not to cry. "The serum should wear off by morning."

"Hey." Shinsou said, and placed his hands on my shoulders and I jumped so hard that it scared me. I got up on my bed and hid myself under my blankets and covered my mouth trying not to cry out in every kind of pain.

"We'll take care of him." I heard Todiroki say. And my bed dipped a little towards the edge. A hand touched my arm, right where Hawks had grabbed me and I flinched.

"Y/n, please come out of there." Shinsou said quietly. I sniffed and continued to cry, after hearing my door shut. The blanket started sliding down and I covered my face. He touched my arm lightly and pushed the sleeve of my shirt up so he could look at where Hawks grabbed me. I looked myself and there was already a hand print bruise forming on my upper arm.

"I'm scared." 

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