On the way to Kiri's party

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[No quirk AU]
Kirishima: 18 (Just turned 18)
Bakugou: 18
Kaminari: 18
Mina: 18
Jirou: 18
Sero: 17

Pairings: None, there is only pure and 'pure' bromances and friendships. (I guess you could see some Kiribaku, MinaJirou and KamiSero if you squint hard enough.)

Warning: Swearing

The bakusquad entered the van after they compiled their stuff.

Bakugou sat in the driver's seat, Kaminari was seated in the passanger's seat and other 3, Jirou, Mina and Sero, were seated at the seats behind them.

They were on the way to Kirishima's birthday party in the other side of the country, i mean the bday party for until 1 week but Kirishima wanted them to be early so they could go sight seeing.

"How did we even get this van again?" Jirou asked them staring curiously at the unfamilliar van as they drive out of another town and into another town after waking up from her nap.

"Oh, we sto-" Sero tried to say but was cut of by Kaminari.


"Didn't you say you borrowed this from Sero's family?" Bakugou raised his eye brow as he looked at the three waiting for an answer who all in return look like their ready to kill themselves.

"We sto-" Sero was once cut off again but this time it was Mina who cut him off.

"Sero, Please shut up! We're going to go to jail!! Do you want to go to jail?!"

"Why does everyone keep on cutting me off?! T-T" Sero sulked as Bakugou sighed in expiration at the 3 people behind him.

"You fucking idiots, did you guys atleast bring all your fucking stuff?" Bakugou asked as he looked back infront.

"All here!"
"All good!"

"Thank god." Bakugou sighed in relief as he didn't want to go back again cause of those fucking morons.

But he lowkey totally would.

"Are we there yet?" Kaminari asked Bakugou.

"No we aren't there yet pikachu."

"Now are we there yet?"

"You just asked that 1 fucking minute ago!"

"Aww you keep count! I knew you cared for me!"


"Who the fuck is Pinky?" Bakugou sighed at Mina, who just realized she forgot something in the middle of their trip.

"It's Pinkie not Pinky."

"Who the fuck are you trying to fool racoon eyes? You are litterally saying the thing i said but you're saying what i said is wrong."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Katsuki, they have a different spelling. I'm so dissapointed."

"How the fuck am i supposed to know? We're talking verbally!"

"What's verbal-" Mina turned to Kaminari.

"In person." He answered before he realized what his best friend said. "Wait....WHAT?!?! YOU FORGOT PINKIE?!?!"

"TURN BACK! TURN BACK! TURN BACK!" Mina and Kaminari started shouting.


"Excuse me?! Pinkie is not JUST a stuffed animal!"

"I would have turned around if we were 1/4 the way or hell even half the way but we are almost there! There is no fucking way i'm turning back now!"

"Guys I'm trying to sleep..." Jirou whined half asleep.


"It's too late to turn back now! Now let me sleep." Jirou said to her, half awake before going back to sleep.

"Im depressed." Mina said

"You aren't."

"I am."

"Anyone wants some fucking candy?" Bakugou asks knowing Mina really isn't depressed.

"Me! Me! Me!"

"See." He says to himself as he passes the candy to Mina and Kaminari.

Sero and Jirou is now asleep while the other two continue chattering and bugging Bakugou.
"Where are we going anyways?" Kaminari asked him.

"We're going to the beach Shitty hair is having his bday at, which is across where we all fucking live."

"Why there thoughh? I'm sick of being stuck in a van for almost 24 hours." Mina complained.

"He claims it's the best resort in this country so if it isn't you all know who killed him before his bday."

"Huh??? I thought we were going to the foggy mountains." Sero asked just processing the information as he just woke up.

"Wait, that means..." Mina, Kaminari and Bakugou said at him in disbelief.

"Oh God, your clothes are fucking thick, aren't they?"

"Yes THICC!!👌👌👌👌"

"I fucking knew it, i packed a bag for you."

"Wait... you pack a bag for all of us didn't you? So thats why you had 5 bags with you while ago!"

"So you doooo reallyy careee~"

"W-what the fuck are you talking about?! I just didn't want you guys complaining about everything."

"Whatever you say Kacchan~"
"Why did the van have to run out of gas again?" Sero asked as he, Bakugou, Mina and Kaminari began pushing the van toward the gas station which was FIFTY KILOMETERS away.

"Maybe if SOMEONE didn't fucking forget our gas suply we wouldn't be in this fucking situation!"

"I said i was sorry okay!"

"Less talking! more pushing!"
*20 km away from the gas station and 120 km away from their destination*

"What the fuck is going on?" Jirou said as she woke up finding the car was moving even if she was the only person inside.

"H-help! P-p-please!" She went out to see the others all sweating ridiculously amounts of sweat and everyone who was not Bakugou looked like they were gonna give up on life.

I guess Bakugou's daily going to the gym paid off.
*At the destination*

"Aren't you guys too young to sign in?" The resceptionist asked them.

'Why cant everyone fucking see i am eighteen?!' Bakugou asked himself, more tempermental as usual as they pushed a van for 4 hours before getting to the damn gas station.

"Most of us are eigtheen sir." Bakugou said, trying to be polite but everyone knew he was about to burst anytime soon.

"Dont worry! They are with me!" They all looked behind them to see the upcoming birthday boy, Kirishima Eijirou.

"About fucking time, shitty hair."

"O-oh okay, have a great stay then!" The resceptionist said to them.

"Happy bday Kiri."

"Happy birthday Kiribro."

"Happy bday Shitty hair."

"Happy bday."

"Happy birthday Kirishima."

"Thanks guys!!"

"But why were you guys are so late! I thought you guys were gonna arrive at 3:30 pm! It's 10:58 pm now! What happened?" Kirishima asked them who in return just looked at him as they slowly marched to their cabin.

"Why do they look so tired?" Kirishima asked Jirou, who looked the most sane as they looked the silent, readly to pass out anytime Kaminari, the ready to explode Bakugou, the slumpy Mina and the dead inside Sero who went inside their shared cabin.

"Long story." Jirou said looking pretty exhausted herself as she along with Kirishima went inside to find Kaminari passed out on the floor and Mina, Sero and Bakugou sleeping on the 3 queen beds.

Jirou passed out beside Mina as she said goodnight to Kirishima who sighed as he carried Kaminari and put him beside Sero. "Good night Kamibro, Serobro, Mina and Jirou." Knowing they probably cant hear him.

He then layed down beside Bakugou as he whispered goodnight to him.

"Good night Bakubro."

"Good night.. Eijirou." Bakugou said mostly asleep.

Lets say all of them slept peacefully that night.

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