Chapter 4: Patrol Gone Wrong!

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Last time Dustin helped stop a fire and diffuse a misunderstanding involving a stranded Pyronite. However it seems like things will only continue to get more complicated as more and more aliens continue to appear on earth.

Outside the city of Musutafu
After the incident involving the female Pyronite, she was seen in a secret facility outside the city, making sure no prying eyes can disturb her.

Over in the secret facility was the female Pyronite from the fire looking at the facility with Nezu.

Nezu: I hope you like temporary residency, madam.

Nuri: It's Nuri that is what people call me on my planet. Anyway, again, thank you for housing my ship here. It may take a while to fix it, but I am happy I got the chance to see this planet and so far it may be less advanced but it sure has its marvels.

Nezu chuckled and nodded until he hears a notification on his phone and then frowned

Nezu: Oh dear it seems I am being called away. Nuri, please take your time to enjoy our planet and call me if there is anything I can do to help repair your ship.

Nuri: Will do Mr. Nezu, and again thank you so much for your help.

Nezu smiled and quickly left the building and headed off to attend to important matters.

20 minutes later
After leaving the secret facility Nezu was seen at his office on a video call with the president of the Hero Public Safety Commission.

This older woman was the Madam President and right now she was seen frowning.

Madam President: Nezu, I have tolerated your actions for a while but you openly agreeing to help Aliens before notifying me is unacceptable! Not only that you allowed one of them to stay on our planet!

Nezu: I fail to see the issue Madam President, they approached us peacefully and wish to establish coexistence.

Madam President: But it is you who gave them our help without anything in return! Do you have any idea how we could use alien technology to help our pro heroes on the field? You saw what that alien did at the sports festival and yet you didn't think of asking for said technology! Not only that the old legend of Ben 10,000 resurfaced. I haven't heard that name since I was in my early thirties. Do you have any comments on that?!

Nezu looks at the Madam president and takes a sip from his tea and looks at the older woman.

Nezu: Madam President, did you see a piece of technology on Big Chill or Water Hazard? All of their abilities were completely natural. The only technology they have is the translator they made for us. However, do you know about universal law?

Madam President: No I do not and why should that matter? Their technology crashed landed here. We have the right to that said technology if we are allowing aliens to live here!

Nezu frowns at the Madam President as she has no idea that taking said actions would lead to consequences.

Nezu: It is considered a severe crime to give a species with a lower technology level technology that is even a single level above their planet's technology level. Would you want to start a galactic conflict over some technology?

The Madam President becomes silent as she pales that if she went to take the technology she would be responsible for causing the greatest blunder on the planet but also may face incarceration or space incarceration. The Madam President grits her teeth hearing this.

Madam President: I may not be able to get the technology for my heroes but I can still reprimand you for your insubordination!

When the Madam President said that Nezu chuckled before glaring at her.

Nezu: Are you aware what you're doing Madam President? Need I remind you that some of our finest heroes struggled against the extraterrestrial monster. Yet Big Chill was able to handle it with ease. This team wishes to make peace and help defend our planet, yet you want to send them away. Tell me, what is your brilliant plan for when a hostile alien threat comes knocking on our door?

Madam President: We have heroes from around the world that can surely-

The Madam President did not get to finish as Nezu slams his paws on the table looking furious.

Nezu: They have no idea what they're dealing with! Need I remind you that we struggle with problematic villains. What chance do we stand against species we know nothing about? With technology and abilities that have already proven ineffective?! I know you do not believe that a hero existed before the age of Quirks Madam President, but take it from a man who was saved by that hero. We don't stand a chance against this threat without those aliens' help.

The Madam President became silent as she looked at the Chimera man. The older woman was shocked that Ben 10,000 was real and Nezu was proof of his existence but also the fact that he was totally right no hero on the planet could handle the forces from the stars.

Madam President: Then what do you suggest? We have no way of being able to defend ourselves. Also, how will be able to mobilize-

Before the Madam President could finish the call was suddenly interrupted and someone else became part of the call. The video caller only had the Galvan symbol being shown and nothing else.

Madam President: Who are you and why have you hijacked this call?!

Nezu: I suggest you behave yourself in front of the Magister, Madam President. He holds the highest authority on the planet.

Magister: Hello Madam President, as Nezu said I am the Magister, that is the third highest rank within the Plumber Organization. I am currently the highest ranking officer stationed here on earth.

Madam President: Why should I be taking someone seriously who works with toilets?

Nezu then pinches the bridge of his nose as she had no idea who she was talking to.

Nezu: Madam President the Plumbers is a secret organization that has been around since the days of President Washington!

Magister: Long before your heroes began protecting this planet we took care of all supernatural and extraterrestrial threats that crossed the earth's borders. We are called Plumbers because we "Plug the Leaks" as it were to ensure normal life can continue for all of you.      

Nezu: And they are still active to this day. Even though not much alien activity has been showing for the last 80 years they are still active members on the planet and now with Aliens coming back to Earth, it's only a matter of time before things get out of hand. Now I suggest you take this seriously Madam President or so help me you are finding yourself out of a job!

Magister: We are monitoring the solar system currently, the higher ups at Plumber HQ are still baffled how the spaceship got so close to earth. Considering our HQ is located on Mars it would have had to fly by it at some point, yet our radar picked nothing up.

When Magister said that the Madam President was shocked.

Madam President: Hold just one minute there is a headquarters on Mars? Why wasn't I informed of this said organization? I work with the direct branch of government.

Nezu: Simple, it was kept a secret for a reason. Now Magister any idea what we should do on the current matter?

Magister: We are currently planning to have more splinter cell agents be stationed here in Japan, they will blend in as normal civilians, but will jump into action the moment an extraterrestrial threat is detected. As for our team of peaceful visitors, they have a Kineceleran within their ranks. I have given him a map of the city, he should be able to do a thorough sweep within two hours.

Nezu nodded while Madam President looked outraged.

Madam President: You are allowing other aliens to wander into my country! This is outrageous!

Magister: For your information Madam President, Kinecelerans can accelerate to speeds of five hundred miles per hour, this acceleration is so fast they become invisible to humans. I doubt he would disrupt the daily lives of the citizens.

The Madam President looked shocked as not even the top pro hero Ingenium could match that speed.

Nezu: That's good to know but I have great news for you Magister but the Madam President does not need to know about this information.

Madam President: Hold it right there Nezu what-

Madam President was kicked off the call making it just Nezu and the Magister.

Magister: What exactly did you need to speak with me about Nezu?

Nezu: It involves the Neo Omnitrix. Ben has given it to his grandson Dustin. You know the child you allowed to stay with your wife because Ben asked if he could stay with you?

Magister: Nezu, you are aware the Kineceleran I was referring to was Dustin correct? You think Ben would make a massive decision like selecting a candidate for the Neo Omnitrix and not notify every branch of the Plumbers?

Nezu only chuckles and drinks his tea.

Nezu: Forgive me my friend but it has been so long. So how is everything?

Magister: Still working that dead end tech support job, honestly as screwed up as it is to say, I'm actually thrilled we're being invaded. Seriously HQ hasn't sent me on a mission to another planet in ages. Aside from that it's monitoring Dustin, practically every Plumber branch is being updated on his actions so far through video surveillance.

Nezu: Indeed and feel quite Nostalgic. Besides the update should I worry about anything else?

Magister: My wife, I think her and her team are growing suspicious of me. I have been bending over backwards trying to gather all information on the different alien races to send to Dustin, distribute surveillance footage of his actions, and make sure to monitor for Extraterrestrial activity. Shino nearly caught me with a file on the Pyronite we've sheltered the other day.

Nezu: Her name is Nuri but also this sounds very problematic. Are you sure you can continue operating while Mandalay is on your case?

Nezu hears a sigh on his side of the video call.

Magister: I have to Nezu, I have just as much loyalty to her as the Plumbers. You know what I was like before I met her, a workaholic with no friends. I still don't know if bumping into her on that mountain crash scare was a blessing or a curse. My personal issues aside, if I had to guess, Dustin should be exiting U.A any minute now. If all goes well he should be able to sweep the entire city in two hours time.

Nezu: Excellent, now I have to attend to my duties as Principal. Have a great day my friend.

Nezu then ends the call before sighing and looks over to his desk looking at a picture of Ben and himself shaking hands near the not so completed U.A.

Nezu: Ben, things just got a whole lot crazier, and I don't know if Earth is ready for what is to come.

U.A Support Department
At the support department, Mei was seen smiling as she watched the news. The invention she helped work on with Grey Matter was featured on the news.

Mei: I cannot believe it! The device I helped create made it on the news. I can now get my name out there!

As Mei said that she hears the door open and turns around to see her boyfriend Dustin.

Mei: Dusty! Did you see the news?

Dustin: About another one of those aliens showing up and how some fire alien crashed into that building? Yeah they've been playing it on rerun all day.

Mei smiled and then turned on the screen which she uses on her computer to zoom in on the device that Nezu was holding.

Mei: See that fine baby?

Dustin: Yeah the translator they used to understand that female alien, what about it?

Mei couldn't contain herself and told her boyfriend.

Mei: That Dusty is something I helped make with one of the aliens.

Dustin: I would say I'm surprised, if this wasn't you we were talking about Gadget Queen.

Mei then sees Dustin's reaction as he wasn't as excited.

Mei: Dustin, is something wrong?

Dustin: No, everything is fine. I actually just stopped by to let you and Power Loader know I have to run some errands today so I won't be around to help out.

When Mei heard that she looked at Dustin a bit with worry.

Mei's thoughts: Did I do something wrong?

Mei then quickly walks over to Dustin and hugs his arm with her chest.

Mei: Dustin my father to my babies is there anything wrong? Do you need anything from me?

Mei looking at her boyfriend trying to be cutesy towards him.

Dustin: No? Look as much as I'd love to hangout and help you like usual, these errands are really important. It's a matter of....peace of mind.

Mei: Oh...okay well stay safe then Dusty.

Dustin: You know I always do! See you later Gadget Queen!

Dustin then leaves, making Mei be the only person in the room. She looks at the door and feels sad and sits on a chair.

Mei: Did I do something wrong? Am I being a bad girlfriend?

Mei said looking worried as Dustin was not being all excited with her as usual. As she starts thinking about it Mei recalls her beloved boyfriend was withdrawing from her.

Mei: I need to fix this or Dustin will leave me...

Mei then starts thinking and goes to her computer and searches for ways to help with relationships.

Night Time in Hosu
Over in Hosu it was night time and people were seen minding their own business. While in the city Dustin was checking the area out.

Dustin: Okay, I should change into XLR8 like Mr. Takeo said and begin sweeping the city, just gotta find a safe place to transform.

Dustin spots an alleyway that he runs into and begins spinning the watch face of the Neo Omnitrix until he lands on the hologram of a lean alien with posture similar to a raptor's. Dustin pressed the button as the watch face popped up before he slapped it down. Dustin's body became lean and his skin turned a blue color. His feet turned into claws similar to a bird's that clutched onto what appeared to be orbs. His head became pointed and almost resembled a helmet.

????: XLR8!!!

XLR8 looked himself over before nodding as this should do nicely.

XLR8: Now then the pro heroes should be out with their temporary internships, if I run fast enough I should be able to avoid their attention and sweep the city for any alien activity. All and all this should be a breeze!

XLR8 said that in a matter of seconds, a visor dropped down over his face and he launched out of the alleyway at blinding speeds, kicking up winds that surprised any passerby. XLR8 ran through the streets effortlessly weaving around cars, buses, and civilians in the crosswalk. The alien scanned the area around him as he ran, keeping an eye out for anything that was a cause for concern. As XLR8 keeps running he finds that no alien interference has come up and so far just sees a bunch of Pro Heroes and hero interns doing their job.

XLR8: All seems normal, I should continue on my way so as not to disturb anything.

XLR8 continues to check the area but as he keeps running an explosion is seen.

XLR8: That is never a good sign.....

XLR8 dashes towards the explosion only to find three strange creatures with their brains exposed.

XLR8: It's more of those creatures from the USJ incident! The Pro Heroes should be on scene in a matter of minutes. I shouldn't reveal myself, the last thing I need is to draw further attention while on patrol.

When XLR8 said that a bunch of heroes showed up. One of the heroes he recognized was Manual.

Manual: What in the world are those things?

Ox Hero: I don't know, but we need to take them down!

The Ox Hero charged at the black Nomu while the other heroes attacked the winged and four-eye Nomu. While that happened, XLR8 noticed some of the civilians had not evacuated yet.

XLR8: Well, I suppose it's not drawing attention if I'm never seen.

XLR8 dashes forward and spots a construction site that he swiftly runs into before gathering up a bunch of traffic cones that he then lays down in a line, leading to a safe pathway out of this part of the city. The citizens see the path and quickly evacuate to safety. XLR8 sighs with relief as the civilians were okay though things started to turn for the worse as the pro heroes were getting pushed back.

Manual: They are too strong!

Manual said as the others tried to push the Nomu back. Suddenly the four-eye Nomu tries to attack a pair of civilians that have not escaped but before it could get closer a short older man kicks the Nomu away.

This old man was Gran Torino, an old pro hero and teacher of U.A.

Gran Torino: Quickly leave the area.

The couple nodded and started running while Gran Torino turned back to the four eyed Nomu. It looked angry and screamed ready to attack only to be set on fire causing it to scream in pain. Gran Torino turned around to see Endeavor, the number 2 pro hero.

Endeavor: Old man, I suggest you let the new generation handle this.

Gran Torino: I still have twenty years left in me young man, you just worry about keeping up!

Endeavor only huffs and continues to fight the Nomus. While that happened XLR8 looked from afar and saw that Manual and other pro heroes were having trouble. The Ox hero from before had just been beaten by the black Nomu. Manual and others try to hold it back while also trying to put out the fires nearby.

XLR8: This is bad, Endeavor and Gran Torino are occupied with the other two Nomus, but the third one is approaching to assist. Perhaps a change in alien is required!

XLR8 then hid behind the walls enclosing the construction site as he reverted back to Dustin in a green light. Dustin immediately began scrolling through the Neo Omnitrix until he landed on a hologram of an alien with a large upper physique, a body made entirely of metal, and razor sharp claws. Dustin pressed the button on the Omnitrix, causing the face plate to pop up.

Dustin: While I don't consider myself one, I suppose it's hero time!

Dustin slapped the watch face down as he was engulfed in green light. His skeleton grew larger and his arm muscles bulged to huge proportions. Metal plates started to cover his body as pistons extended out of his elbows, a helmet like metal head formed over his head. Standing there was a large alien with a metal body, razor sharp claws, and pistons coming out of his elbows.

????: Armodrillo!!!

Armodrillo looked himself over before nodding as his fingers fused together into drills.

Armodrillo: Looks like I'm going down to take them down!

Armodrillo drilled into the ground as he tunneled underneath it. While Armodrillo drills away Manual and the others were seen tired and hurt.

Manual: There is no stopping this thing!

Suddenly the Black Nomu picks up a truck and chucks it at a pro hero.

Manual: Fly no!

The pro hero sees the truck and sees fear in his eyes as he was going to be crushed but before that could happen the ground started to crack before Armodrillo burst out of it and landed in front of Fly. Armodrillo's fingers retracted into his palm before he swung his piston fist at the truck. When it connected, the piston in his arm shot inwards, sending a shockwave through his arm. This not only sent the truck flying back at the Nomu twice as fast, it and the creature it hit were sent crashing through a building as well. The Nomu and Pro Heroes turned their attention towards Armodrillo.

The Fly: Who are you?

Armodrillo: Armodrillo, the muscle of my exploration team. My partner XLR8 is the one who set up the cones that guided the citizens to safety. We're here to help in any way we can.

The Pro heroes were shocked until Manual saw the symbol on Armodrillo's chest.

Manual: He is telling the truth. Tell Water Hazard I said thank you from before.

Armodrillo: I will, now I would suggest you all hold onto something.

The Nomu burst from the building as it charged towards Armodrillo as the alien retracted his fingers into both his hands before pressing them against the ground. The pistons began rapidly shooting inwards and outwards as the entire area began to shake with the force of an earthquake. The Nomu was not only knocked off its feet, but the Nomu that Endeavor was fighting as well. The pro heroes held onto what they could, but still struggled to remain standing.

Manual: He's keeping that thing down!

Endeavor: Time to put them down!

Endeavor summons a giant ball of fire and throws it at both Nomus. Both screamed in pain but as they burned the four eyed Nomu increased its size and then opened its mouth to reveal its tongue. It then turned into webs that tried to snag Armodrillo. Armodrillo's hands morphed into drills as he swiftly tunneled underground. Armodrillo then bursts out of the ground behind the Nomu before grabbing it by both its arms, digging his claws in to lock his grip. The Nomu thrashes around in an attempt to break free, but Armodrillo's jackhammers start pumping again as vibrations are sent through his arms and into the Nomu's arms. The Nomu's arms started to shake, preventing it from thrashing around.

Armodrillo: I have him incapacitated! If you plan on ending this fight, I suggest you do it now!

Endeavor didn't need to be told twice and used one of his strongest moves.

Endeavor: Hell Minefield!

Endeavor ignites his fist and slams it into the ground, causing the surface to crack. Endeavor then lights his fire into the cracks, sending a wave of intense flames toward the Nomu. Endeavor then creates an intense eruption of flames underground, resulting in a violent explosion above ground that covers the Nomu's whole body burning it.

The Four-Eyed Nomu was seen turned to ash with no remains left behind. Armodrillo's body smoked, but he remained standing, mostly unharmed.

Armodrillo: Good, that only leaves the flying one correct?

Endeavor: Yes, but that pest was seen flying off somewhere.

Suddenly, everyone turned their attention toward a scream and they all saw the winged Nomu holding onto a boy with green hair.

This young teen was Izuku Midoriya, a student at U.A Academy also his hero name is Deku. Deku was seen being carried away by the winged Nomu. Before Armodrillo could do anything to save Deku a man that looked like a ninja was seen coming from above and stabbed Nomu with a knife in the head killing it.

This person was Stain, the Hero Killer wanted all over Hosu. Anyway, Deku was seen falling which Armadrillo quickly catches.
Armodrillo: Seems you went for quite the ride.

Deku: You are one of the aliens that crashed landed on Earth correct?

Armodrillo nodded which Deku smiled but soon that changed as Stain was seeing standing on top of the dead Nomu with every hero surrounding him,

Endeavor: End of the line Hero Killer it's time for you to face justice.

When the other heroes were about to get closer they all felt a chill as Stains released an intense deadly aura.

Stain: It seems that today was not what I expected. Beings from another planet coming to Earth. They show way more heroism than anybody here. What a disappointment they give their lives to a species that they don't even know yet us humans couldn't do that. This truly shows that even people not from Earth can show heroics. So I say If I don't fix it... if someone isn't... stained with blood...! If heroes aren't restored...!! Then I will fix it!!! Come! Just try me... you fakes! The only one allowed to kill me is... All Might, a true hero!!

Stain said that Armadrillo looks at Stain and felt sad as even though he was a killer he could tell he had a heroic heart once.

Armodrillo: Even the misguided have good intentions. I trust I can leave everything to the professionals?

Manual: What but he still active we need to-

Armodrillo raises his right arm and points at Stain, who everyone turned to see he had passed out standing.

Armodrillo: It appears he has already fainted from exhaustion. I simply wish to leave before any of your news crews arrive on scene.

With that said Armodrillo leaves but is stopped by Deku.

Deku: Wait, why are you leaving? You helped!

Armodrillo: It is not my place to take credit, young man. For us aliens, we came to this planet to forge peace and to repay an impossible debt to a human that helped the universe so long ago.

Deku: Ben 10,000 correct? I still can't find anything about him? Was he really Earth's greatest and even universe's greatest hero?

Armodrillo: He was, he was not a symbol of peace or this ideal image of a hero. Rather he was a young boy, thrust into a position of remarkable proportions. There were times when he used the Omnitrix selfishly, but he would never hesitate to do the right thing. It's funny really, he accomplished his greatest achievements when he was around your age.

Endeavor: You mean to tell me that mere child became the greatest hero in the universe?

Armodrillo: A mere child that held the most powerful device in the known universe, with it he could conquer worlds if he so pleased. Yet despite being unqualified and at times selfish, when the universe needed him most, he never failed us. There was even more than one occasion he was willing to part with the Omnitrix if it meant saving the day or those he held dear.

Everyone all listens to Armodrillo hearing the story of Ben 10,000.

Deku: He was willing to part ways with what made him a hero?

Armodrillo: A mere watch wasn't worth more than his cousin's life. When sentient versions of his aliens that were stronger than their brethren were trapped in the watch, he didn't hesitate to sacrifice his own life to free them. When the universe fell apart, he did not hesitate to use one of his stronger aliens to recreate it despite angering a council of that very species for breaking universal law. Ben 10,000 was a man of sacrifice.

Everyone all became silent for a moment before Deku said something.

Deku: You said he wasn't a symbol yet you just prove he was. He was a symbol of sacrifice, strength, peace, and truth. He was many things in a way he was the symbol of heroism.

Armodrillo: While many consider him those things, it does not change the fact that at his very core, he was Benjamin Tennyson. A boy that wanted to enjoy his life like anyone else, but when the universe needed a hero he was ready to fill that role. He even stepped aside so all of you could be the new heroes of this planet.

Everyone once again was shocked to hear that a great hero like him would allow the new generation of heroes to protect Earth. While everyone was silent Armodrillo then noticed a news crew who had a camera on him and it didn't take long for him to realize that his story of Ben 10,000 was live.

Armodrillo: Blast me and my manners! Apologies, I must go now. All of you did fine work today. XLR8 and I were happy to give a little extra support.

Armodrillo then swiftly tunneled underground and dug away so the pro heroes could be the center of attention. Once gone the news crew all started to hound the heroes.

Deku: Ben 10,000 just how heroic were you back before quirks?

On Earth's orbit we see the Dominator's ship and inside it was seen placing coordinates to Japan.

Dominator's ship: Dominator offline. Accessing Plan Omega. Dropping the pod in twenty minutes.

The Dominator's ship then aims at the pod and then shoots it down to Japan.

Dominator's ship: Plan Omega is a go. Cleansing will now commence.

So Dustin began his patrol of the city while Nezu and the Magister conversed with the President of Defense in regards to aliens and the Plumbers. Through the use of XLR8 and Armodrillo, Dustin was able to assist the heroes with the Nomus. However that strange spaceship has dropped a mysterious pod onto the earth. As always leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments! What did that strange pod contain? What is Plan Omega? What other aliens will threaten earth's safety? How will hero society deal with the continued interference of extraterrestrials? Find out in the next chapter of My Hero Academia: Alien Revolution!

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