Chapter 2

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"I can't believe we really passed Kiara on the way here!" Milo laughed as they both were catching their breath from all the running they did.

"I can, she doesn't run unless she has a reason. And since she's not gonna be late, there was no reason for her to run."

"Good point."

Both of them were panting as they stood in front of the gate. The school was huge, taller than almost all the buildings in the city and it was separated into two different buildings, they were next to each other and they took up an entire block.

"Well... are you ready to go in?"

"Don't patronize me." Kylie laughed at the dumbfounded look Milo stood with while she walked through the gate. There were a few scanners at the door and two guards watching to make sure no one was sneaking in, luckily, Kylie had pulled out her student I.D. and put it in her pocket before she left the house. She quickly scanned herself in and walked past and stood to the side to wait for Milo without getting in anyone's way.

While she expected him to be right behind her she had to wait a few minutes before he walked through the door looking sheepish.

"I forgot to pull out my I.D. beforehand." And as soon as he said that she rolled her eyes.

"Of course you did, I almost forgot that you were an idiot." He didn't even bother looking offended at the comment and instead just laughed it off.

"Well, let's head to class!"

When they both walked into the classroom they realized it was about halfway full, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing since there were still about ten minutes before class actually started. Kylie couldn't help but note a few specific people that were around.

For example, there were two people in the far corner, the male had horns and he looked like he was ranting to the girl next to him, but she had headphones in and it looked like she was ignoring him. There was also a boy near the front with stars on his face that looked pretty bored, and another boy in the back in the opposite corner who seemed to be staring straight ahead. She would've kept looking at the others who were there if she didn't suddenly lock eyes with a girl who was grinning at her with some sharp looking teeth.

Kylie didn't hesitate to grab Milo's hand and pull him over, she looked to be the most interesting person so far.

"Hey! I'm Kylie, and this is Milo." She introduced both of them as soon as they were in front of her and Milo just nodded before he sat down at the desk directly next to Kylie, who sat in the desk right in front of the sharp teeth girl.

"Well, I'm Brook, nice to meet you two." Kylie couldn't help but notice now that she was closer that this girl also had differently shaped pupils which made her look even cooler.

"I hope you don't mind if we take these seats?"

"No problem, you have to sit somewhere." Right after Brook said that the door opened again and a new unfamiliar girl with pink hair in two ponytails walked in, but right behind her was Kiara. Kylie was going to call her over when she noticed that Kiara seemed to be following this other girl. She decided to watch as the girl sat in the front row corner and Kiara took the seat next to her.

"Well I guess she made a friend." Milo spoke and Kylie nodded though she still stared for a few seconds before turning back to Brook whose eyes were wide. She kept glancing between them both and Kylie couldn't help but laugh.

"Calm down! We're twins!" She didn't realize how loud she said it though because suddenly everyone stopped talking and looked at her and then looked at Kiara. Although she couldn't see her face Kylie knew she was probably trying not to blush at the sudden attention.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell like that." The other students seemed fine with the apology and quickly went back to whatever they were doing but Brook couldn't help but laugh.

"You must be great when it comes to stealth missions." At that comment Milo started to laugh too and Kylie narrowed her eyes but after a few seconds she smiled, well, at least Brook seemed to be friendly enough to make jokes. That was a good place to start at at least.



"So that's your twin?" The pink haired girl asked while slightly looking around the room she was going to be in constantly for an entire year.

"Yeah." While she was examining the room, the other girl seemed to be examining her.

"She's pretty loud isn't she." When she asked that she looked back at her and noticed how she was looking at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" As soon as she asked Kiara's eyes snapped back to hers and she quickly shook her head.

"Sorry I was just... your bag looks pretty full, and you look so nicely dressed up. You do know there's no uniform right?" She asked and Alaina scoffed.

"Just because there's no uniform doesn't mean I can't dress nice. And I packed everything I might need for any problem I might face. Besides, my parents helped pack it for me."

Kiara wanted to ask a bit more, but she could tell that the other girl was feeling a bit defensive so she dropped it.

"Well then, you must be a very well prepared person. That's a great aspect to have in a hero." She lightly complimented, hoping it would help her calm down and look less tense.

Though it didn't seem as effective when Alaina's face flushed lightly and she looked at Kiara in surprise. "Oh, thank you." After a pause, she quickly added, "That was a compliment, right?"

The white haired girl blinked in surprise before she realized that Alaina's question was serious. "Yes, it was."

"Oh, then thank you again."

"You don't talk with people a lot do you?" As soon as Kiara asked it seemed like Alaina just stopped talking, and she wasn't sure if she shouldn't have asked or not.

"Alaina?" She called her name hoping she would respond but it seemed as though she was getting ignored now.

"Oh, okay." She mumbled to herself before getting up and going to the desk next to her twin who was currently in a deep conversation with both Milo and another girl about how she definitely beat Milo in their race here. Kiara couldn't help but smile at them before facing forward and closing her eyes. If she had to assume she would guess that class would start in about five more minutes or so and there were only a few seats still available so she assumed everyone would make it in time. She just listened to the noises in the classroom and waited until she heard the bell.

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