Class 1-A

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This is the full class and also the seating chart.

Left to right reads:

Leon | Brandon | Zachary | Talia
Derek | Brook | Mia | Finn
Milo | Kylie | Kiara | Alaina
Gabrielle | Lily | Percy | Jamie
Jones | Desiree | Crystal | Simon

(This is their seating chart.)

I won't be posting templates of my OC's just like I won't be posting templates of yours. I'll give you their name and their quirk, you'll find out the rest through the story. It's in alphabetical order too.

Name: Quirk type: Quirk (description)

Alaina: Emitter type: Analyze (If given the necessary time she can analyze anyone or anything and find its weaknesses or differences.)

Brandon: Emitter type: Dirt Dolls (He can control any type of dirt (and mud) and change its shape to a doll of any size and control it.)

Brook: Transformation type: Water Adaptation (Out of water she looks pretty normal but once she is under water her body adapts to her new surroundings.)

Crystal: Mutant type: Tiger (Basically can do whatever a tiger can)

Derek: Emitter type: Laser eyes (He can fire a laser beam from his eyes.)

Desiree: Emitter type: Hypnotic Gaze(She can temporarily control someone's actions after she takes off her glasses and makes eye contact.)

Finn: Transformation type: Hair Protection (His hair grows to cover his entire body in a circle and the hair is super thick that physical attacks don't do anything. Also the hair grows back super quickly.)

Gabrielle: Transformation type: Camouflage (She's able to change her appearance to those of her surroundings.)

Jamie: Emitter type: Draw (She can draw on anything and take it out/make it come out of the drawing.)

Jones: Emitter type: Contact Teleportation (He can teleport things he touches anywhere that he can see.)

Kiara: Emitter type: Tactile Telekinesis (Any object she touches she can will it to do almost anything.)

Kylie: Emitter type: Pyrokinesis (She can expel and command her fire to do as she says.)

Leon: Emitter type: Contact Manipulation (anything he touches he can alter it's form.)

Lily: Emmiter type: Blood Deduction (She's able to tell by they blood she tastes exactly who it belongs to (if she's previously had that persons blood) and she's also able to temporarily use that persons quirk.)

Mia: Emitter type: Gum Bomb (She can transform gum that she's chews into bombs/explosions.)

Milo: Mutant type: Venom (His fangs are venomous.)

Percy: Transformation type: See Through (He can see through anything that he locks his eyes onto, his pupils change their shape to smaller and more focused.)

Simon: Emitter type: Large Lungs (He's able to hold his breath for very long amounts of times which is from his large lung capacity.)

Talia: Emitter type: Breath Bullets (She can blow onto any of her fingers and it'll become a small ball of air that she can aim and shoot, she's also able to blow out quick puffs of air and those can be bullets too.)

Zachary: Transformation type: Ram Head (His head transforms into a Ram's head.)

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