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"Hey Kylie?" I turned my head towards my twin sister's before huffing when she didn't look at me. She's not the most talkative when she doesn't want to be, and for the most part I'm used to it, but it doesn't change the fact that I prefer to be looked at when someone's talking to me.

"Yeah?" I asked and I noticed that she glanced at me, but only for a second before she looked up at the ceiling of our shared bedroom.

"Why're we going to Highview? Like there are tons of other hero schools we can go to you know." I almost rolled my eyes at her question, she always finds a reason to ask things like that.

"Obviously it's the best hero school around."

"Oh." I got off my bed and walked over before standing in front of her. I could tell my answer didn't satisfy her and her furrowed eyebrows and thinking face proved me right.

"That's not a good enough answer for you?" I knew I asked a bit too aggressively when I saw her wince, but then she shook her head.

"No it's just... is it really necessary to go to the best school? There are tons of others and they help shape great heroes too? We don't have to be the best heroes either to help people." I grit my teeth together at her small rant before I couldn't hold back my scoff.

"Well maybe you don't want to go there but I do. I wanna be the absolute best hero I can be. I'm gonna be better than the best. I'm gonna do everything, save people, protect them, beat up villains, stop crimes, everything!" While I was talking I made sure to keep looking at Kiara, wanting her to understand how I feel, especially since she told me multiple times she wants to stay with me. How can she if she doesn't put everything she has into being the best hero too. By her expression it was hard to read her, especially since I felt like she was just staring at me, and although a part of me was annoyed since a minute went by without her saying anything, I also know that when she gets quiet she trying to get her thoughts and words together to say them as clearly as she can.

"Okay. You want to be the best and you want to be able to do everything?" She asked slowly, still staring at me.

"Yes, exactly."

"Alright. And maybe going to Highview is for the best. Maybe they can help you get your quirk in order." She added the comment slyly before turning around and changing her focus to something else. This time my eyes widened before I looked down at myself and noticed my hands were slightly glowing as if I was about to use my quirk.

It happens a lot more than I would like, especially when I get passionate or excited, and that also explains why Kiara kept staring at me, probably trying to make sure I didn't burn anything by accident again.

"You could've said something sooner!" I yelled at her before grabbing one of the cooling towels we keep in our room for when this happens. We keep at least two of them in each room of the house. All I got in response was a quiet hum from my twin before she stopped paying me any mind.


After talking to Kylie I always find myself thinking over what we said. I get that she wants the best, but the next question I always have is, do I want that too? I can't help but look at the ceiling as if it'll either give me answers or at least calm my nerves. It never actually helps.

I sigh before getting up and going to leave the room. I took a quick glance at Kylie who had a cooling towel on her head and I realized she was staring at me so I looked back in front of me before going. I walked around the house looking for my older brother, he gave the best advice and always seemed to understand what we need no matter if it's a hug or a scolding. I wanted that right now.

First I had checked his room only to find him missing. I then checked the upstairs office, which is where he worked sometimes. When I noticed he wasn't there I went downstairs to see if maybe he was watching tv or making lunch.

As I started down the steps I tried to listen to hear any sign that he was actually down there. I didn't hear anything until there was a slight thud sound of a pot hitting a table and I knew that's where he was. I didn't want to run so I kept walking and went straight to the kitchen, but when I walked inside I was slightly disappointed to notice my oldest sister instead of my big brother.

"Oh Kiara! Are you okay, you look a little down?" She asked and I internally sighed, there was no way Grace was gonna let me leave now that she noticed me.

"Yeah, I'm just looking for Chaud. Do you know where he is?" I asked though my volume dropped a bit as I noticed the look she was giving me.

"Why're you looking for Chaud? Do you have a problem? I could help you know." She stopped making whatever she was previously cooking and walked over to sit at the table centered in the middle of the kitchen and although I did prefer talking to my big brother, Grace did give really good advice too, especially when she's serious.

"Okay." I sat down too and Grace stared at me to let me talk and I took that as an opportunity to pick how to start.

"What made you want to go to Highview?" I asked immediately. It was going to be her fourth and final year of highschool and since she already got her hero license last year, she would legally be a pro right after school ended. I watched as she tilted her head in thought before looking up at the ceiling, which always makes me remember that I'm not the only one who does that.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I think it was because of Kylie." As soon as she said that I was confused.

"Kylie told you to go to Highview four years ago?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. Kylie wasn't even thinking about highschool four years ago. I mean, Kylie is a very driven individual and she loves being the best, and obviously I knew that so I also knew that she would want nothing less than the best. I knew that if Kylie was serious about being a hero, she would choose to go to Highview, and that also meant you would end up going too. So obviously, the only option for me would be to go to Highview and be the best there, so by the time I'm a 4th year, both of my cute little sisters would come to my school and look up to me!" I blinked a few times as I let everything she said process.

"So you chose your highschool because you knew we would end up going there?"

"Yep." I sighed because I really should've expected something like that from her, I don't know why I didn't realize it would have to do with us one way or another. But that wasn't the only thing that caught my attention.

"You knew I would go because Kylie was going?"

"Well, yeah, you both stick together and I didn't think you would want to go to a separate school from her anyway." When she looked back at me I watched as her eyes widened slightly before she shook her head, I probably gave away how conflicting that was for me on my face. She visibly gulped before she sighed and seemed to calm herself.

"Kiara, you've always been with Kylie, you guys seem to be attached like a train. Now think about Kylie as the front and you're one of the crates begging it. The crates definitely do their own job, carry their cargo, that is true, but it's still being pulled by the front cart, the one that has its own tracks in front of it. But the front cart doesn't mind because it sees pulling the crate behind it as one of its jobs along with following the tracks. Kylie has her own agenda, she wants to be the best and will do everything possible to reach her dream, and when it comes to you, you aren't really sure, you've never really been set with what you wanted to do. If I recall correctly you didn't even realize you wanted to be a hero until after Kylie mentioned it." I nodded though I didn't feel great about what all this meant.

"You follow her and she doesn't mind because she thinks that it's just how things are. She knows you're behind her and as a future hero it probably makes her feel better knowing that she won't have to worry about you if you're right beside her. Does that make sense?"

"Unfortunately." I place my head on the table to stop myself from groaning. "I'm not even my own person."

"Well that's not true." I quickly lifted my head and turned around to see my big brother carrying a few bags, probably from the grocery store.

"What do you mean?" Grace asked him and he sat the bags down gently before coming over and taking one of the empty seats. I almost instinctively moved my chair a bit closer to his. He always makes me feel better when I need it.

"Well, Kiara, you said you aren't your own person, which isn't true." I stare up at him, just waiting for him to continue.

"If we continue the train analogy, yes Kylie may be leading where you go, but that doesn't change the fact that both of your reasons are different. You didn't choose to become a hero solely because of Kylie right?" I nodded slowly and he continued, "Exactly, and it's perfectly fine wanting to go to the same school as your sister, if I recall correctly, that's the exact reason you are going there Grace." We both looked to her and watched as she slightly flushed before she nodded.

"It's not like you only show interest in being a hero when Kylie is around either. You guys train together and it's not, 'I'll follow your lead,' no, you both fight and work yourselves. And you also talk about being a hero all the time to Lila, and you get so animated. That's not Kylie wanting to be a hero, that's all you Kiara." He was smiling at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thanks Chaud." Before I could say anything else Grace cleared her through to bring our attention back to her before she smiled too.

"Okay, that's true, but to be fair, I didn't say she wasn't her own person, she said that. I was going to offer my encouraging words to prove her wrong before you stole my thunder." Her eyes narrowed at Chaud and it was a little sad how he looked away and rubbed his neck.

"Sorry." He mumbled but he only got a huff in response.

"Anyway, yes, you are your own person and while you might sometimes follow Kylie I wanted to tell you something else. You're going to high school now, and that's a great opportunity to prove to yourself that you can be your own person. Even though we know it, and Kylie does too, you don't exactly see it and that's fine. So why not try to give yourself some distance. Both of you can separate a bit, make your own friends see how it goes. And once you're both sure and confident in your own abilities, then you guys can reunite with completely new mindsets." I grinned and nodded.

"You're right, and it's not like it'll be a big deal. People grow and come into themselves in high school all the time, right?" Chaud nodded at my question and I felt a lot better about everything.

"Thank you." I got up and gave each of them a hug, not paying any mind to the way Grace started to giggle afterwards before I went back upstairs to my room.

When I came inside I noticed Kylie was laying on her bed doing something on her phone.

"You feel better now?" Was the first thing she asked while looking up at me as I closed the door and walked over to my bed.

"Yeah. I do. How would you feel about giving each other some space when we get to school?" As soon as I asked that she quickly sat up and gave me a concerned look.

"Are you sure?" Her voice wavered but I nodded.

"I am."

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