Ep. 1: Welcome Class 2-A, to Rockjaw Bootcamp

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- Bounty hunter Hq

It was early morning, the sun was just coming out as fright slowly opened his eyes, he yawned as he got up, he walked over to his closet and opened it as he grabbed some clothes and slipped them on.

He then slipped on his mask as he walked out, revealing him to be in black jeans and a black ahirt that read "Fuck hero's", he walked over to the coffee machine and turned it on as he yawned. Fright here's thumping and realized it's Rockjaw. Rockjaw comes out of the bathroom and stretches he grabs his jacket and heads down stairs. He then sees fright and his shirt.

Rockjaw: fright, it's to early for your hero hate, and not before coffee

Fright: It's a shirt dude.

He then poured himself some coffee.....as he grabbed some liquor and poured a little in.

Rock: I swear your gonna kill yourself with your drinking.

Fright: We're all gonna die someday.

He then walked over to the couch and turned on the TV as rockjaw began to pour his coffee, the news suddenly came on.

Reporter: Yesterday was a shocking one, a large villain went rampaging through the local mall, causing extremely heavy damage to the building, he was ingaged by local ua students-

Shots of class 2-A attacking the villain.

Reporter: - but it wasn't until hero's arrived on the scene that they were able to bring rhe monster down.

Fright growled as he sipped his coffee.

Fright: Hero this, hero that, good lord, talk about something new for fuck sakes.

Rock: Fright calm down.

Fright: WHY, we worked our asses off yesterday and their taking all our credit.

Rock: We're Bounty hunters, we're an unknown in the world, we don't get credit.

Fright: Would be nice.

Rock then opened the fridge....to find it empty.

Rock: Dammit, we're out of food.

Fright sighed as he got up and walked over, grabbing his jacket.

Fright: I'll go and grab us some breakfast, you want anything.

Rock: Give me anything that has bacon in it.....AND CHANGE YOUR SHIRT.

Fright just walked down the stairs while flipping him the bird.

Rockjaw: ugh

Rockjaw shakes his head and sits down on the couch. He flips through the channels finding something interesting.


He looks to see his phone was ringing. The caller name was, "The Boss". Startled Rockjaw leaped for the phone. He gets up and answers it.

Rockjaw: Hey boss


Present Mic: hey guys, present mic here, let me give you the heads up on this boss. The boss is the head of the bounty hunter aka tracker hero organization, it's his job to reward his bounty hunters and assign bounties. He's really big stuff, the opposite of hawks if you catch my drift.


Boss: Rockjaw, you know my receptionist was just telling me something funny

Rockjaw: [nervous laughter] oh yeah

Boss: yes, that one of my best hunters, leveled a newly remade mall, and got into a fight with heroes

Rockjaw: oh yeah she needs new glasses or something

Boss: she doesn't wear glasses

Rockjaw: O_O

Boss: and I thought it was funny-

Rockjaw knew what was happening and holds the phone back


Rockjaw: yeah it was us boss

Boss: [growls] Rockjaw, ever hawks told me about his plans to bring hunters into the light, I was hoping you could lead an example

Rockjaw: we are, we are, we just got started on being teachers at UA

Boss: well that's good, but don't you mean you got started

Rockjaw: uhhhhhh

Boss: Rockjaw, I know fright is against it, it's fright.

Rockjaw: I got it covered boss

Boss: if you did, I wouldn't be talking to you while fright was gone

Rockjaw: how you know that

Boss: I keep tabs on all my hunters. And it's fright

Rockjaw: alright touché

Boss: but enough about the drama. You're doing good work Rockjaw, both of you. Keep it up and some new jobs will have your names on them, and these will get you extra rewards

Rockjaw: thanks boss

Boss: I should warn ya, some of these villains are real S class dangerous

Rockjaw: got it

Boss: now make sure you reach those kids.

Rockjaw: will do boss

Boss: and look after fright, you two aren't that different, but only one of you faced your demons

The boss hangs up as Rockjaw sighs

Rockjaw: well, not all of them



The phone rings as it's aizawa.

Rockjaw: phew, [answers] hey aizawa

Aizawa: morning rockjaw, we need to talk

Rockjaw and aizawa proceeds to talk


The scene then switched to ua, into the classroom of class 2-A where they were talking about the incident.

Denki: That was wild, did you see that frightmare guy, his powers were insane.

Kirishima: I more liked that rockjaw guy, HE WAS SO FREAKIN MANLY.

Bakugo: [sneers] we didn't need them, we had the entire thing handled.

Everyone looked to him with a look of unconvinced, you could even tell toru was looking at him like that.

Iida: Bakugo, what you did yesterday was needless reckless and incredibly stupid, you could have gotten yourself killed.

Tokoyami:  It's true, your body still isn't healed enough to handle your quirk yet, you work yourself too hard and you'll damage it more them it already is.

Bakugo just glared as he crossed his arms and looked away.

Momo: Well personally, I thought those two bounty hunters were completely reckless, they destroyed most of the mall that was just rebuilt.

Tsu: Yeah, plus did you hear frightmare, he spoke as if hero's were as bad as villains, ribbit.

Denki: Yeah, what'd hero's ever do to him.

Toru: Well, during the war, a lot of hero's just gave up and quit, it threw a lot of bad press to the hero's and were still working to regain public support.

Shoji: I don't think that's it, from the way he talked, it sounded.....almost personal

Uraraka: Izuku, what do you think......izuku.

She looked over to see izuku writing in his book, she walked over and looked it over to see izuku was writing down entirely for frightmare and rockjaw, theorizing their quirks and how they used them, including weaknesses.

Midoriya: [mutters] frightmare quirk is trigger whenever he says fear then the object, those causing him to gain that power. And rockjaw quirk seems to give him powers a dinosaur, more carnivore species which expands his legs and tail being made for stomping and fast tricking. But what else could he have, he could have enhanced digging, swimming perhaps climbing.

Uraraka: Deku, your doing it again

Midoriya: huh, oh sorry Uraraka, you were saying

Uraraka: I was wondering what you thought of frightmare and Rockjaw.

Midoriya: oh well I'm very interested in learning what they do, this is the first time I ever heard of the tracker heroes

Denki: yeah, like a whole new book for a hero nerd such as yourself to read

Midoriya: I know right, these tracker heroes are unique and I want to know more of them

Shinso: first of-

They see shinso leaving by the window.

Shinso: -they called themselves bounty hunters, and they are more underground like aizawa

Iiyda: I'd agree, my brother told me a lot about Rockjaw, he remarked on how Rockjaw fought fierce villains, but he never once talked about his quirk or changed, he always seen him in what we saw

Kirishima: he's so mysterious, and manly

Mintea: more like scary, and did you see his partner


Toru: yeah let's hope we don't run into them again

Suddenly the side door to the class slides open as aizawa walks in, everyone runs to their desks and sits down as aizawa walks up to his.

Aizawa: Morning, now, I assume some of you may have questions concerning the tracker hero's you encountered during the-


Suddenly gets a text, he opens it.

" Bounty hunters one eyed aizawa"

Aizawa: ........anyway, the bounty hunters you encountered during the mall attack, well I'm not going to.

Everyone: What???

Aizawa then writes the words "bounty hunting lessons" on the chalkboard.

Aizawa: Because all of you are going to get first hand experience.

Everyone: WWWHHHHAAATTTT??????

Aizawa: With hawks now in charge of the hero public safety commission, he's decided it's time to bring bounty hunters into the light, and since they'll be becoming a part of everyday life, the school board and I have decided to sign you and class B up to work with a bounty hunting group, they will train you, teach you and school you in the ways how they operate, teaching you how to either work with them or work as one in later years.

Suddenly Iidas hand shot up.

Iida: Sir, is it wise for us to be working with bounty hunters, no offense but they seem-

Jiro: unstable.

Momo: Reckless.

Shoto: Crazy.

Koda: Destructive.

Tsu: Self centered, at least for that one guy.

Toru: terrifying, also for that one guy.

Iida: All of the above.

Aizawa: Like it or not, their becoming a part of normal society and your going to have to deal with them later in your hero careers, plus not all bounty hunters are like them.

The class still looked at aizawa unsurely.

Aizawa: It's either this or the rest of the year I'll put you under vlads teachings.

Everyone:......WHEN DO WE BEGIN

Aizawa: heh, knew you'd see it my way. Follow me and we'll begin. And don't forget to bring your hero gear... you'll need it

Aziawa turn to smirk at them before leaving

Everyone: that is very unreassuring

The students get up and follow Aziawa

-Bounty Hunter hq

Fright: mmmmmm, oh yeah, now this is what papa needed.

Fright was munching on a breakfast wrap while Rock had gotten a cheddar and bacon grilled sandwich.

Rock: Omg I fucking love this.

Fright: [licks finger] so, when does this hero course bullshit start.

Rocks No idea actually, aizawa said he'd tell me.

Fright: -_- yeah I don't trust that man, he gives off a "has a love of other people's pain" kinda vibe.

Rock: Hey, he's a great guy.

Fright: Yet to be seen.

He then grabs his second wrap as Rock sighs.

Rock: I'm gonna be downstairs.

He then grabs his other sandwich and headed down, Fright then turned on the TV.

Fright: Tine for some fairy tail.

Rock: [downstairs] STOP SIMPING OVER LEVY.


Rockjaw: fright don't even think about touching my sandwich, unlike levy taste in men, before gajeel, this is good shit

Annoyed fright gets up and says something he'll regrets


Fright smirk till he realized what he said


fright: O_O oh fu-


A hand burst out of the floor and grabs fright, dragging him down as he screams.

"Outside/2 minutes later"

The students arrive at the bounty hunter hq.

Mina: wow, this place

Denki: looks like villains live here

Mineta: oh great now how am I gonna get popular

Kirishima: I'll admit, not the kind of base I'd picture them being I

Aizawa: enough, now while you here be on your best behavior, or else


They see a an object flying out the top window and soar across the street.

???:: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Students: O_O

Aizawa: case in point

Aizawa then knocks on the door. The students felt the ground shake when suddenly they are face to face with Rockjaw who opens the door.

Rockjaw: [growls] erasure head

Aizawa: Rockjaw the fang fury

Both of them glare as they shake hands

Rockjaw: good to see you again, this is the class

He sees it's the same students from the mall

Rockjaw: well this is awkward

Mina: [whispers] yeah no kidding

Aizawa: this is my class, and your new students

Rockjaw: oh your their teacher, ok raise your hand if he tries expelling you on the first day

All the class raise their hand, causing Rockjaw to laugh.

Aizawa: moving on, where is your partner frightmare

Rockjaw: oh-

Cut to fright crashed into a truck

Citizen: my car

Back to Rockjaw

Rockjaw: he'll be back

Aizawa: alright then, class 2-A, good luck

Iiyda: wait sir, your not staying

Momo: your leaving us with only them

Aizawa: I trust Rockjaw, and he has never let me down. Best to get on his good side

He waves goodbye as they look at Rockjaw.

Rockjaw: follow me students, and welcome to Rockjaw bootcamp

He walks inside leaving the students nervous. They slowly walk in with him, inside they follow him up the stairs to the second floor, as their walking, Denki's foot hits something, he looks down to see a beer bottle.

Rock: Trust me, you should see frights office.

Jiro: Yeah, that's not concerning at all.

He walks them into a large room where he had set up some desks, enough for 40 people.

Rock: I heard the exact number of students we were getting and set this up, sit wherever.

They all took a seat as rock walked up to a podium he had set up in front of a blackboard.

Rock: Right, where to begin, we-

" BAM"


A foot kicks down the door as fright storms in.


He then looks over to see the students staring at him.

Fright: ........-_- Rock, why are these hero brats here?

Rockjaw: well remember that hero course training aizawa and all might wanted us to do.

Fright: yeah

Rockjaw: well it's happening, now

Fright: FUCK

Kirishima: wait he's training us too

Denki: great it's Mr. I hate heroes

Jiro: oh it's him

Tokoyami: so he'll be training us too

Iiyda: it's a pleasure to meet you frightmare sir

Bakugo: hm

Sero: hey

Midoriya: the tracker hero-

He's grabbed by the shirt and lifted by fright.

Fright: it's bounty hunters kid, I'd suggest you remember that, otherwise theirs a pop quiz with your name on it

Rockjaw: fright

Fright drops midoriya as he sits by the wall away from the students.

Rock: So, welcome to bounty hunting 101, I'm rockjaw, the fanged fury, and that's frightmare, the king of fear, or so he calls himself.


Suddenly midoriyas hand shot up.

Midoriya: I was wondering, what are your quirks and how do they work.

Denki: Yeah, I'd like to know that as well.

Iida: It would be good to get to knowing who we're gonnabe working with.

Slowly everyone agreed as Rock turned to fright.

Fright-......."sssiiggghhhsss" my quirk is called true fear, there's 2 parts to it, 1, I can activate any fear at any time, giving me the power of whatever fear I'm using, fear of steel-.

He proceed to turn his hand into steel.

Fright-: -fear of rocks-

His hand then turned into rocks.

Fright: -if there's a fear of it, it's a power of mine, also I'm not limited to having to saying "fear of" just for it to activate, it's more for effect.

Izuku: What is the extent of it, is there a limit.

Fright: Nope, as long as it exists as a fear, it's a power.

Jiro: But what about that thing you used on that villain.

Rock: That's the second part of his quirk, it's what makes him so deadly, he's able to admit a wave that makes the target experience their worst nightmare, it can be either as a beam he emits by staring into a person's eyes or an aerial of affect that affects anyone in the area, but it drains a lot of stamina to do that one.

Fright: Yup [floats in the air for a minute, then flies back down] truly no downsides-

Rock then lifted up a pen....and dropped it.


He leaped up and grabbed onto the light fixtures above him.


Rock: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, THATS THE DOWNSIDE OF HIS QUIRK, whatever fear power he last used before turning off his quirk, he becomes deathly afraid of that fear, so since he used fear of gravity-

He then dropped the pen again.


Midoriya: oh and rockjaw what's your quirk

Rockjaw: hmph, you really wanna know

Fright: [still in the air] just get on with it.

Rockjaw: [drops pen]

Fright: Ahhhhhhh

Rockjaw: hehehe, my quirk is know as Saurian, it allows me to use the powers of prehistoric dinosaurs. Such as my legs are similar to a tyrannosaur Rex. Any carnivore dinosaur that existed I have that power.

Kirishima: so it's a transformation quirk

Rockjaw: yes, but I can't stay human for very long.

Momo: what

Rockjaw: yep, with tough skin and prehistoric power, it comes at a cost of being able to change back to my original self.

Uraraka: so your stuck in that form

Rockjaw: most of the time, but I got use to it. But moving on, I trained my quirk to be stronger, faster, hence why I am a a bounty hunter, one of the best

Rockjaw then sees the looks on some students, their second guessing.

Rockjaw: oh, it seems a demonstration is in order, alright, everyone outside

Rockjaw walks to the door as fright chuckles

Denki: um, why

Rockjaw: because, how else your gonna see how strong I am, unless you fight me

Fright: so out on your suits kids, cause your fighting Rockjaw

Rockjaw: all of you.

-Behind the base

Everyones woah.

Behind the base was a giant training course with all sorts of obstacles, and also Behind the place was a giant hot tub the size of a hot spring, the entire back area was gated off from the rest of the buildings to give them some space, rockjaw took them to a spot that was like a giant basketball field. Fright set up a chair, grabbed some chips and dip and sat down as he cracked open a cold one that he poured into a drink hat.

Shoji: Why does that make me worried about this.

Rock: Listen up, I've heard from aizawa that some of you have complaints about us, I'll be honest that's understandable after what happened yesterday, but we have experience that you kids don't.

Denki: Ha, no offense, but we just helped save all of Japan, maybe even the world.

Rock: And you think that's a reason to slack off, you think all for one is the only villain capable of such evil deeds, all it takes is patience and a smart mind, we go up against the toughest of the tough everyday, people that make villains like overhaul, geten, dabi, spinner, and more look like chumps.

The class gulped at that.

Rock: But I'm nothing if not fair, so I'll make you a deal, beat me.

Everyone: What???

Rock: you heard me, you all get to attack me as a group, if even one of you takes me down, I'll talk to aizawa and that's the end of it, no more bounty classes and you'll never have to see our asses again.

Fright suddenly got up.


Rock: But if I knock every single one of you out to where you can no longer fight.....then you take this class, deal with me and fright being your teachers, no complaints, no nothing, so-

He walked into the middle of the field and put his hands behind his back.

Rock: -we have a deal?

Everyone looks at each other and nods

Everyone: DEAL

With that the battle begins. Iiyda zooms past the others and charge.

Rockjaw: front ward charge, surely your known better

Iiyda charges at Rockjaw and jumps over him. Rockjaw watches this and is shock, seeing denki on Iiyda back as he lands on Rockjaw.

Denki: hope your ready, Indiscriminate Shock-

Rockjaw sees energy surging around denki before he's electrocuted

Denki: 1.3 Million Volts


Denki: you might as well throw in the-

His faces grabbed, by Rockjaw. He pulls denki off him as he holds him in the air, he begins squeezing his head.

Denki: Gahhh

Rockjaw: kid if that what you thought as your first attack, you have a lot to learn about hunters


Iiyda rushes at Rockjaw. He sees this and stomps the ground, causing rock spikes to jut out.

Iiyda: oh no

Iiyda tries moving but hits some of the rocks. He fall down hard as the others are speechless

Momo: he knew Iiyda would use his speed incase denki was restrained.

Kirishima: and made it to where he'd use Iiyda engines against him, so manly

Mina: Kirishima

Kirishima: I'm sorry it is

Iiyda gets up as he sees a shadow over him. He looks and is stomped by Rockjaw.

Rockjaw: Tenga Iiyda, I know your brother, he did the same thing when we'd sparred, and fell for that move two. Don't try and turn to, plow straight through, those legs are more then just speed kid.

He then grabs him and faces denki.

Rockjaw: kid you need to work on you powers, causes I know villians that dish out a billion volts of electricity then that

Denki: [mind] a billion

Rockjaw: fright!

He spins and throws the two

Iiyda: [mind] plow through, I don't understand

They soar and in a made web thanks to fright. The web had writing that spelled, "web of shame". Fright sipped his drink and smirk whilst wearing rockjaw shades

Fright: Two down, which ones will fall next

Rockjaw: alright who's next; huh

Suddenly birds fly in and begin pecking at Rockjaw.

Rockjaw: oh I see, a diversion

Sato: yeah, SUGAR RUSH

Rockjaw turns only to be bombarded by a wave of punches. But he holds his ground not moving from the impact of the fists.

Rockjaw: oh I see you try and I guess by the name you strength comes from sugar, but there's always a sugar crash.

Rockjaw raises his claw

Rockjaw: and villains won't wait for you to regain your strength!!!!

He brings it down until a tongue grabs it and holds it back. He looks to see tsu appearing out of nowhere.

Rockjaw: awww a frog user, and you master camouflage, impressive

Ojiro: hold him down

Rockjaw looks when he's tailed smack by Ojiro. He and Sato continue to attack Rockjaw.

Fright: heh, those kids are getting cocky

Rockjaw: alright enough fun.

Ojiro swings his tail as Rockjaw bites it with immense force

Ojiro: ahhhhhhh

Sato: Ojiro!!!

Rockjaw swings Ojiro into Sato knock them down. He used his trapped arm to pull tsu in and deliver a shattering head but. Tsu falls to the ground unconscious.

Rockjaw: you need to improve your skills.

He throws them onto the web of shame. He then smirks as he grabs and inside toru

Rockjaw: and just because you invisible doesn't mean your stealthy

Toru: ahhhhhh

She's thrown into the web as well.

Fright: Good lord, this is the future of hero's, I'm shocked any of you stood for more then 5 seconds against all for one

Momo: we need to come up with a different strategy.

Kirishima: and I'll buy you time

Kirishima then runs at Rockjaw. His skin becomes harden.


Fright: [spits drink] and I thought I took on an gnarly appearance

Rockjaw: oh we got a juggernaut here

Kirishima: I ain't going down with out knocking you down Rockjaw

Rockjaw: oh, then why not

Rockjaw roars and charges at Kirishima.


he and Kirishima collided. But lock in the other's grasp and neither backed down.

Kirishima: I'm not giving up

Rockjaw: heh, I like you Kirishima, you got guts

Kirishima: thanks

Rockjaw: but now I'm about to show you my fighting spirit

Rockjaw grabs and slams Kirishima into the ground. He groans as he's then thrown into the air. He falls as Rockjaw jumps and tail smacks him back down. He hits then ground followed by Rockjaw crashing ontop of him


A shockwave pushes the students back. Through the smoke we see Rockjaw carry Kirishima to the web of shame

Rockjaw: get some rest kid

Rockjaw walks off and faces the students

Fright:  Hey whoever next, last a minute, I'll give you 30 bucks, that's how confident I am

Rockjaw: hah I'll make it 60

Dark Shadow: 60 bucks here I come

Rockjaw looks up and sees dark shadow lunging at him. He human and dodges. Then he struck by shoji arms.

Rockjaw: aww long range attack, nice

Rockjaw dodges their attacks but is hit by some.

Momo: alright, you ready

Uraraka: yeah

Mina: let's do this

Mina slides at the Rockjaw. How held Tokoyami, who he captured.

Rockjaw: impressive kid, [throws him] huh

Mina: eat this ex-professor

Rockjaw dodged the shoots of acids.

Rockjaw: what kind of hero would do that, unless

Momo: it's an diversion

She said as she fires an object from a cannon. It comes at Rockjaw.

Rockjaw: you think a cannonball is gonna stop me... wait a minute

The object was Uraraka as she fires grappling hooks onto Rockjaw

Uraraka: [touches fingers] and float

Suddenly Rockjaw begins floating. Uraraka looks up and falls down

Uraraka: that was intense

Momo: but we did it

Shoji: now we win

Shinso:....I don't think so

Fright looks up and smirks

Fright: Wait for it

Rockjaw: oh they really need training

Rockjaw spins in the air and waits. He opens his eyes and lets loose a roar.


Rockjaw roar propels him back to the area, crashing into the ground.

Uraraka: ahhh what the

Mina: he's crazy

Midoriya: he propelled himself with his roar, just like all might with his punches.

Bakugo: hmm

Uraraka gets up when a tail swings and smacks her face.

Momo: Uraraka you ok

Mina: ah like that's gonna knock out my girl

Uraraka suddenly falls down. Mina looks and sees she's unconscious

Mina: what!!!

Momo: taken out by a tail

Rumble: but at the right area, the lower jaw, it can leave a person knocked out

Mina looks and sees Rockjaw walking out his crater. Before she's react she's knocked out with a fast punch.

Jiro: one punch

Rockjaw then throws Uraraka and Mina into the web.

Rockjaw: now, once she wakes up tell her that just because she can make people float, doesn't mean the fight is over. Villains can always get out of traps. Oh and the 60 bucks still up for grabs, anyone, anyone

Fright: Oooo, so close but no cigar.

Rockjaw then turns and face shoji.

Rockjaw: alright, enough waiting. I'm doing the hunting.

Rockjaw lunges at shoji. Shoji launches his fist but Rockjaw swings his fist out powering him. Shoji falls when he's stepped on by Rockjaw.

Rockjaw: we have a lot in common shoji, hopefully you'll learn something after this

Rockjaw grabs him and throws him at the web.

Jiro: heh Rockjaw

Rockjaw looks and sees jiro.

Jiro: eat this

Jiro she unleashes her sonic blast with only one jack.

Rockjaw: Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... Nice move kid, but the heart can only do so much, check out what lungs can do

Rockjaw takes in a deep breath and unleashes a mega roar. The roar sends breaks the ground and swallows jiro blast. She flies and hits the wall, she falls down as Rockjaw stopped.

Rockjaw: jiro don't let the fact you have one jack slow you down. You should've realize your big blast ain't the biggest, me and present mic are examples of that. How about try turning your heartbeat into fast long distance punches. Keep your enemies from concentrating and more off balance.

???: [fright] go easy on her rocky

Rockjaw: come on fright, how can they-

He flinches, cause he fell for the trap. Behind him was Shinso, who used his gear to trick Rockjaw.

Momo: impressive Shinso

Koda: yeah

Shinso: no problem, now Rockjaw, fall-

He's grabbed and lifted by Rockjaw. He looks at Shinso and smirks.

Rockjaw: you remind me of aizawa kid, he probably training you too, you almost got me kid. But I knew from your scent, and if tried I had a plan.

Zoom out to see he tore into his side which was bleeding.

Rockjaw: for you kid, I'd say work on turning your one on one mind trick, into a wide range attack.

He karate chops Shinso and throws him into the web

Kirishima: he tore into his side to fight the mind control, so manly

Denki: Kirishima, really

Kirishima: he's awesome, I'm not apologizing for that

Fright: I'll give credit to the rocker girl, going for a frontal assualt with an injury like that, that takes guts.

Rockjaw: I'd agree, now to deal with the princess of a thousand creations.

Momo is cautious as Rockjaw charges

Rockjaw: you know princess, you should think big when creating. Keep your enemy off balance

Rockjaw roars as he lunges at her. She creates a shield for defense when suddenly a figure leap before her.


A giant blast of ice covers the field. And inside the ice we see rockjaw frozen. The figure steps forth and was todoroki.

Todoroki: I didn't want to hold back, especially from someone my father respected

Fright: Oh, this is getting interesting.

Suddenly the ice begins cracking, this shocks todoroki. It explodes and Rockjaw roars in rage. Todoroki was about to attack until Rockjaw strikes.

Rockjaw tackles him into the ground. He punches him into the ground

He kicks him up with immense force

And slams him into the wall

Rockjaw: impressive kid, but if your gonna be better then your father, you should try and else ignore his moves and make them better. Don't stop with one attack, hit your opponents with relentless barrages, until they're badly breathing.

He throws todoroki across the place and it not be web hard. Rockjaw roars before calming down.

Rockjaw: my bad, ice and me don't mix well. Now how about we take things, underground 

He jumps into the air and tunnels underground.

Fright: Ha, oh ya'll in trouble now, you think he's deadly above ground, try when you can't see him coming.

The students look around for him.


A tail strikes and send Momo flying into the air. She lands on the web.

Fright: that's one

Koda looks around till he's kicked it of he's air and sent into the web.

Fright: that's two

Mineta tries running when he's punched by a fist

Fright: a three

Sero tries going up and thinks he's safe. Only for Rockjaw to burst out like a land shark and smack him into he net.

Fright: and that's four

Rockjaw lands as he faces the last two students, Bakugo and Midoriya

Rockjaw: till there was only two left. So, show me what you got

Fright: Good luck, I saw one yesterday, barely launched a blast before his arm broke, no idea for the last guys quirk though, though he does look familiar somehow.

Rockjaw: oh, that's because it's the legendary quirk, one for all, all might quirk

Fright: [spits] say what

Rockjaw: so come on, show me what you got

Midoriya: how you know

Rockjaw: I knew all might, kid

Midoriya: I see.... alright let's do this kacchan

Bakugo: prepare to face me Rockjaw

Bakugo flies at Rockjaw, Midoriya uses his powers but groans.

Rockjaw: bring it on Dynamight

Bakugo roars as he let loose barrages of explosion around Rockjaw. Rockjaw blocks them and was impressed.

Rockjaw: not bad kid, but you forgot my tail

Rockjaw tail swings towards Bakugo. He tries moving but his arm is in pain.

Midoriya: SMASH

Rockjaw is punched in the chest by midoriya as he slides back.

Fright: woah

Midoriya: yes, I did it

Rockjaw then grabs his fist and looks at him

Rockjaw: not bad kid, but take it easy

Midoriya uses his powers and throws another punch, Rockjaw grabs it as there was no strength.

Rockjaw: you're running on fumes.

Midoriya was speechless as Rockjaw throws him it not the web.

Bakugo: hey

Rockjaw then faces Bakugo

Rockjaw: so, you wanna finish this huh

Bakugo: yeah

Bakugo flies up and does his special move.

Rockajw: alright then, Fang Style



Rockjaw leaps and spins as fast as Bakugo.

Bakugo: IMPACT

Rockjaw: SAVATE

He puts his last spin into a kick as the moves collide creating a mass explosion. Fright hits the fence and groans from the blast wave. Something crashes down as he gets up and sees a figure. It was rockjaw as his clothes were burnt. He then sees Bakugo standing before him.

Rockjaw: not bad kid

Bakugo: you're not so bad, I see why you're a hunter. So, got anything for me

Rockjaw: I'd say let your arm heal, and focuse on speed attacks. Work around it you know

Bakugo: heh, I'll keep that in mind

Bakugo eyes go blank, his body gives out as he falls, then Rockjaw lifts him up. He then sets him down by Bakugo.

Rockjaw: well it looks like you'll be training with us after all

Fright got up and stretched as he looked at all the students in the web.

Fright:.......[sigh] none of you could do me this favor, huh.....I guess, welcome to your new class for 2 years.

Rockjaw: yep... now where's my 30 bucks fright

Fright: WHAT, YOU AINT GETTING NO MONEY, THAT WAS FOR THE PERSON WHO BEAT YOU, and since no one beat you, I keep my money.

Rockjaw: well how about this, you give me the money, or you can spend the next hour getting these kids off the web

Fright-........fuck it.

Rock grinned as fright angerily slapped the money into his hand.

Fright- I swear sometimes I don't which one of us is worse.

Minutes later rockjaw is facing the battered students.

Rockjaw: now, I hope you remembered what I said

Sero: yeah we heard

Denki: you in charge

Rockjaw: no, not that, about the tips I said about where you can improve.

Bakugo: yeah we heard

Rockjaw: good, now let's start training you

Rockjaw smirks as the training begins for each of the students.

Training Montage

Momo, Karminari, and jiro are using their quirks in different ways

Rockjaw: your ability are great but now you need to master different ways of using them.

Kirishima, Ojiro, shoji, Tokoyami, and Sato are training on steel punching bags, on impact shocks them.

Rockjaw: these will test your endurance and strength to keep going. Don't give up cause of a few stings

Rockjaw then sees Mina, Uraraka and Sero strengthen their quirks.

Rockjaw: your quirks can get better then you'd realize

He then looks at mineta.

Rockjaw: even if you don't realize, or have the confidence, or strength

Mineta was speechless as Rockjaw walks by

Toru and tsu were mastering stealth

Rockjaw: keep it up girls, tsu once your done you'll move into combat

Tsu: ribbit

Rockjaw walks off. Shinso and todoroki were trying to perfect their skills and powers

Rockjaw: good, keep going, that's goes double for you mini aizawa

Shinso: [finches/mind] mini aizawa

Rockjaw then faces Bakugo who's training on new techniques

Bakugo: what

Rockjaw: your stance can be better

Bakugo: oh yeah, watch me

Bakugo flies up and continues practicing. Rockjaw then glances at Midoriya who's on his book. Rockjaw grabs his book with his tail.

Rockjaw: huh, coming up with new moves from my techniques eh

Midoriya: well I noticed you're fighting techniques and figure I could use them.

Rockjaw: heh, not bad

He hands him the book and walk off. As they did all this, fright was sitting in a nearby tree, eating a sandwich.

Denki: you think he's gonna help.

Jiro: I doubt it, he's seems pretty lazy.

Momo then stopped creating stuff for a minute and turned to him.

Momo: Are your actually going to be a teacher or are you just going to watch.

Fright: Look, I didn't sign up for this, I'm saving my energy for the missions, that's when I'll show you why bounty hunters are so much better then hero's.

Denki: dude, what is your beef with hero's.

Fright: Nonua.

Denki: nonya?.

Fright: nonya business.

He then munched on his sandwich as the three went back to training.

Fright: [mind] lord I hate this, the sooner we get these kids out of here the better.

?: damn.

He then looks over to see to shoto thrusting his hand our as ice shards came out, but they were too thin and crumbled when they hit their mark.

Fright: [mind] Gah, he's doing it all wrong.

He watched shoto try and fail for a few more minutes before he sighed, shoving the last of his sandwich into his mouth, swallowing and hooping down as he walked over.

Fright: No no no, your doing it all wrong.

Shoto stopped and looked at him as frights hands turned into ice.

Fright: Watch.

He then thrusted forward as large spikes flew out and impaled the target.

Fright: It's about the movement of the wrist, and your thinking you need to add less ice then you do, not too much and not little, perfectly in-between.

Shoto: okay.

He then thrusted his hand again as more thicker spikes came out, but they were too dull and shattered.

Fright: Hmm, better, but you gotta work on forming them as they come out, keep practicing.

Fright then notices tsu battling the punching bag. Her attack is countered as she's knocked back with a shock. Fright rolls his eyes and walks to tsu.

Fright: hey froggy

Tsu: huh

Fright: how about you try this, Fear of Frogs

Fright activated his ability, he gains some frog features. He readies and releases his tongue as it strikes like a barrage attack on the punching bag. It knocks the bag down as fright smirks, he changes back and face tsu.

Tsu: ribbit

Fright: try coiling your tongue, and it'll fire off like a tornado. Hitting your enemies from all sides. Got it

Tsu: mhm

Fright then notice Momo and groans

Fright: Momo your doing it wrong

He walks over to help her as the camrea moves to Rockjaw.

Rockjaw: if this is him not teaching I hate to see when he's actually teaching

Timeskip brought to you by chibi fright creating stuff with chibi momo

Fright and jiro were facing each other on the field, a determined look on her face.

Fright: Come on, gimme you best shot.


She then released a Soundwave at him as activated fear of sound and created his own Soundwave, the two waves clashed for a few minutes before frights overpowered hers and knocked her back.

Momo: That was a good try jiro.

The students cheered as jiro rubbed her head, she looked up to see fright holding out his hand, she grabbed it and helped her up.

Jiro: You know, your a pretty good teacher when you actually try.

Fright: Y-yeah, whatever, I'm just doing this because.....you techniques were sloppy and it was horrible to watch.

Jiro: Suuurree.

She chuckled as she walked off with the others for another round of training. Rockjaw walks by and chuckles.

Rockjaw: what happen to you not wanting to train these kids

Fright: well that's because you were already teaching them the techniques a hunter needs. I'm bus making sure they perfect our skills

Rockjaw: heh mhm, their growing on you, aren't they

Fright: what them, second rate hero kids. Don't even try that Rockjaw. These kids are just good that's all

Rockjaw: uh huh

Fright: shut up

Rockjaw watches as fright walks off

Rockjaw: you know tsu appreciated your help, saying she'd like to learn more from you

Fright: [turns] really

Rockjaw: [smirks]

Fright: [realization/blush] fuck you

Rockjaw laughs as fright walks off.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi fright walking away pissed

Fright: Welcome to our pad.

The students marveled at the upstairs living room, rock decided it was break time so they came in to rest while rock checked the call logs to see if they had gotten any jobs, fright walked over to the couch and flopped down.

Fright: Make yourself at hoke or whatever, I'm just gonna game.

He turned on his ps5 and started scrolling through the game options.

Fright: Destory all humans 2, no, fallout, nah.

Denki suddenly gasped and leaned over the couch.


Fright: Um, yeah.

Denki: I LOVE THAT GAME, I am unbeatable at it.

Bakugo: It's unfortunately True, and he's always so smug about it.

Fright thought for a minute.....before grinning as he grabbed the extra controller and gave it to denki.

Fright-.......let's play.

" 3 minutes later".

Bakugo: HOLY SHIT.


Denku was getting his ass handed to him against fright who was staring at the screen expressionlessly as his hands moved faster then Iida could run.



Fright: Dude, I am unbeatable with mileena, oh and this-

Screen: finish him.

Fright: -get on my level.

He then activated the fatality without even looking as Denki stared in pure shock.

Fright: You might as well give me your lunch money cause "drops controller" I just pantsed you in the school yard.


Bakugo: ahahahaha

Jiro: wow

Kirishima: so awesome

Tsu: denki, has been defeated

Rockjaw: hah, save your energy kids

They look and see Rockjaw

Rockjaw: cause we got a mission

Fright: Oh, what's the job, please tell me I get to shoot someone, please please please, I got new pistols I'm dying to take for a spin.

Rockjaw: some villains are holding out in a warehouse. And yes we've been given permission to use lethal force


Uraraka: Wait, I thought hero's weren't allowed to kill villains, just arrest them?

Rockjaw: we hunters are allowed to kill, but only for big prey's, all for one big.

Momo: have you killed before

Fright: yep

Rockjaw: yes

Kirishima: damn

Rockjaw: and your not seeing this one, boss wants them in

Fright: damn it, boss always ruining my fun

Rockjaw: alright let's go

" Garage"

Rock is starting up the truck while fright walks past it.

Fright: Jiro, denki, izuku, uraraka, not enough room in the truck so your riding with me.

Denki: in what.

Fright grinned as he clicked his car keys, more lights turned on in the garage.....to reveal an orange and black sports car.

Denki: awesome

Midoriya: amazing

Jiro: wow

Uraraka: amazing

Rockjaw: yep

Kirishima: hey walks that in the back

Kirishima sees a tarp covered object and tries to grab it, but Rockjaw stops him.

Rockjaw: that's for another day, now let's go.


Rockjaw tail crushes Mineta into the ground.

Rockjaw: because they're both badass idiot, now let's go

Timeskip brought to you by chibi uraraka sleeping on the way with her head rest on chibi izukus shoulder

Rock: There it is.

They were parked a couple buildings away from the warehouse, fright was using his mask to zoom in and scan the front.

Fright: Nothing, they must all be inside.

He walked over to the back off his car and popped open the truck while Rock grabbed his shades from the garbage truck.

Fright: Hey rocky, does the boss want everyone alive or just that one guy.

Rock: Just the one guy.

Fright: Good.

He then pulled out a large shotgun.

Everyone: 0-0 holy.

Fright: THIS-IS MY BOOMSTICK, Explosive slugs, underbarrel laser, easy grip handles.

Denki: [slaps hands together as sparks fly] Oh yeah, I'm pumped.

Fright: oh, none of you are going in.

Everyone: WAIT, WHAT?

Fright: We work alone, and we've never fought with you guys before, you'd just get in our way, you're just here to observe.

Shoji: What?

Tokoyami: This is unfair.


Rockjaw: no fright is right

Bakugo: oh fuck that

Rockjaw pins Bakugo down.

Rockjaw: you're not ready dynamight, remember what we taught you.

Bakugo growls and looks away.

Rockjaw: fright let's go

Fright: YES

Rockjaw lunged out the trucks and head into the warehouse.

Kirishima: man it stinks being benched, but that a was manly exit

Sero: yeah

Mina: all that training for this

Bakugo looks outside when noticed an object on his shoulder.

Bakugo: The hell-

Suddenly the side of the truck pops out as a security system assembles itself, a screen turned on showing frights face.

Fright: okay, it's work.

Rock: Okay, let's do this.

The camera then cuts to rock and fright, fright uses his heat powers to cut a hole in the roof as rock grabs it, they leap in as fright sticks the camera to a pillar as it gets a good shot of the floor level, showing a bunch of villains below, they were packaging up guns of all kinds, along with grenades, flashbangs, they even had some rocket launchers.

Fright: [whispers] must be about 7 guys.

Rock: [sniffs] 9, 2 in an office over there.

Suddenly a villain wearing a cloth mask around his mouth with white painted on teeth appeared.

Top villain: listen up, just got a tip that a bounty was placed on my head, that means we're gonna get tracker hero's-

Fright: [whispers] bounty hunters.

Top villain: -up in out grill soon, I want the last of these weapons loaded up before they find us, the boss wants this shipment and we do not wanna make him wait.

All the villains seemed to shutter at the thought.

Fright: [whispers] boss, there's someone bigger.

Rock: [whispers] seems so.

Rockjaw and fright get closer.

Rockjaw: alright, on my signal

Fright nods and forms spider arms and scales the ceiling with Rockjaw.

Top villain: all is soon ready.

Rockjaw: Ready for this ass whopping

Just then rockjaw and fright land in the center, his impact sends some of the men back.

Fright: alright villains, take a ticket so I know which ass to kick first

Top villain: well if it isn't the infamous Rockjaw and his sidekick fright

Fright: sidekick! Oh I'm definitely killing you

Rockjaw: we want him alive

Fright: dammit

Rockjaw: alright, villain, we'll let you guys leave alive as long tell us who your boss is

Top villain: do you really wanna know Rockjaw, after all your more of a "dog for the ring" kind of guy

Fright: huh?



Rockjaw leaps at the top villain


Two larger villains come out of nowhere and tackle Rockjaw down.

Fright: Rockjaw

He kicks them off as they notice more villains coming out of nowhere.

Fright: how the hell

Rockjaw: I couldn't smell them

Top villain: that is don't the new support tech, odorless and completely invisible, and the best part, it's made possible thanks to your heroic counterparts

Rockjaw: someone giving support gear for heroes to villains

Fright: oh great

Top villain: I believe this is the part where the ass kicking begins

Rockjaw and fright are surrounded as the villains swarm them

Fright: Okay, if I'm going down swinging-

He then thrusts out his arms as chainsaws pop out.


Rock: Damn, that's hard-core.

Fright: Yeah, but if I'm honest.....I always wanted to go agaisnt a villain that drowned me in chocolate.

Rock:..........Why the fuck would you want that.

Fright: Cause at least I die sweetly.

Rock: Omg I can't believe this is actually happening.


Suddenly everyone freezes, they look over to see the loading bay doors had a huge dent in them.

Top villain: The fuck was that.

?- Dammit, let me-


Suddenly the door falls off its hinges and out of the smoke-


Kirishima was in his unbreakable form, behind him stood the other students.




Rock slapped the back of his head.

Rock: But thank God you didn't listen.

Top villain: KILL THEM ALL.

The villains rushed them as the students charged, fright took this advance to attack as he slammed his chainsaw into a villains gut.


He then guns it as he slices the villain in half.

Rocks FRIGHT!!!

Fright: WHAT, you said we only needed the top dog "revs chainsaws" LETS SHOW THESE KIDS WHY BEING A BOUNTY HUNTER IS SO FUCKING FUN.

He then laughs like a manic as he goes denji mode on the villains, slicing them up left and right.

Kirisbima: woah

Mineta: I think I'm gonna be sick

Jiro: kinda glad he didn't join in rockjaw challenge

Bakugo: heh, I like this guy

Rockjaw: this is why I don't let you use chainsaw fear.... Ah fuck it, LETS SMASH. [ROARS]

He roars bites a villain rips him apart. The heroes attack the villains

Rockjaw grabs a villain and throws him into Kirishima, who clotheslines the villain.

Rockjaw nods as a villain lands on his backs he swings him around as denki lands on him and shocked them. Rockjaw see more coming and looks at denki.

Denki: huh

Rockjaw kicks him into move villains shocking them.

Rockjaw: heh, not sorry

Rockjaw jumps and bodyslames several villains. He lifts some into the air as he throws them into Uraraka, she grapples them and throws them into villains on the ground.

The catwalk above them breaks apart and collapses onto of them. Mina stood be the pile smirking. She didn't see the villains rising behind her, until Rockjaw punched one. He gives her a look as she chuckles.

Explosions go off as Bakugo takes out more villains. One goes for his weakness and but he dodged, he runs into Rockjaw back as they face each other. They smirk and roar attacking the villains causing major damage.

Rockjaw and Bakugo send some to dark shadow, with its increased size, grabs them and pins them down as Sero traps them.

Rockjaw: hah, now that's how it's down, fright you need any help


He's seen cutting a villain as his blood splatters all over fright.

Rock: 0-0 I'll take that as a no.

Suddenly villain leaps out at fright from behind him, only for a soundblast to hit him and slam him into the wall.

Fright: THANKS.

Jiro: No prob.....you got....uh-

She gestured to the blood and organs around him.

Fright: That's for later.

Suddenly a wave of them charged them, fright looked to momo.


Momo: Right.

She then created two jars and tossed them into the air as fright slashed them, covering his blades in the stuff as he landed and sparked the ground, setting his blades on fire as he sliced through the villains.


He then launched a flaming chainsaw chain over to a villain and tossed him into the air.

Fright: DEKU.

Deku then leaped up.


He then kicked the villain down into the ground.


Uraraka jumped between villains, touching them.

Uraraka: AND FLOAT.

Suddenly they floated into the air as fright leaped up.


The students looked up in horror as red liquid rained down.

Denki: oh yeah, that's not right.

Soon all that was left was the top villain, he looked around at his dead henchmen and the hero's and bounty hunters looking at him, he then turned to see one remaining henchman.



Suddenly the guy fell down as he was cut in half by fright.


Kirishima: [mind] horrificly manly

Mina:[mind] I think I'm gonna be sick

Sero: [mind] wow we got one crazy teacher

Midoriya: [mind] ok this is one thing I won't copy from him

Rockjaw: [mind] dammit fright, I might need to but rules on him again. [speaking] now where were we

They face the top villain as he was alone

Top villain: you guys are monsters, fucking animals

Rockjaw: funny, considering the kind of guys you're working for.


The top villain looked at them, he began to pant heavily as he swallowed.

Top villain: You all may have won against all for one.......but you just let out something even he was scared of.

He then bites down hard and swallows something as the class stares in horror.

Fright: What'd you just do, WHATD YOU JUST DO.

Suddenly foam began to burst out of the guys mouth.

Top villain:.........all hero's........will die.

With that, he collapsed to the floor, his mouth covered in foam. Fright ran up and checked his pulse, punching the ground.

Fright: he's dead, son of a bitch ate a suicide molar.

Denki: What are those.

Momo: Fake teeth spies used back in the day, if they were captured they cracked them and swallowed them, filling their mouths with foam to where they suffocate, it was to keep intell out of enemy hands.

Fright: Who the fuck was this guy working for.....and what kind of organization is that hard-core that their members are willing.....or scared into getting them.

Rockjaw: I'll tell you what, people who are more driven, and more dangerous than all for one and those before him.

Iiyda: my word

Jiro: damn

Denki: ugh great another evil bad guy in the shadows

Tokoyami: it would seem evil is like a hydra, cut one head, two more takes it place

Kirishima: in this case, twice as dangerous

Rockjaw: I'll inform this to the boss. Let him know that the war isn't over. This secret war is just proof

Rockjaw grabs the top villain body to be used as evidence. He then faces the class 2-A

Rockjaw: alright this is some big shit, bigger than all for one. You kids sacrificed more than anyone could ask for. You don't have to-

Uraraka: we're ready for what happens next

Iiyda: sirs, you trained us so we can fight challenges like this. You've done your part the least we can do is do ours

Kirishima: no way I'm sitting this out

Shinzo: we're in

Bakugo: those bad guys are gonna regret trying this shit

Midoriya: we're ready

Rockjaw looks at the kids and smiles.

Rockjaw: Good, otherwise I'd have to beat you until you changed your mind

Denki: he's kidding right

Denki looks at fright who shakes his head no.

Rockjaw: now let's go, we got training to do

Everyone: yes sir

Mina: but can we take a shower cause man we need it

Uraraka: it's taking all my will not to barf

Jiro: yeah

Rockjaw laughs as they walk out the warehouse. At the trucks they load up as Rockjaw and fright talk.

Rockjaw: so, how you feel about them now

Fright: they, still a bunch of hero brats

Rockjaw raising his shades to look at him.

Fright: but, I don't mind having them around

Rockjaw: heh, they got past that heart of yours. Maybe there's hope for you to get a girlfriend

Fright: yeah.... Hey

Rockjaw laughs as he enters the truck. Both of them drive off.

Timeskip Brought to you by Chibi class 2-A talking about what happened in the warehouse

- Bounty Hunter HQ

Back at the base the class were relaxing after the excitement. Most of them watch as Shinso beats Denki on mortal kombat.

Kirishima: dude how did you beat him

Shinso: it was easy

He gets up and walks off.

Sero: me next, prepare to get schooled denki. Denki?

They look to see denki was kind controled. They quickly snap him out.

Denki: huh.... Hey Shinzo not cool

Shinso:.... Heh


They all look to see fright and Rockjaw

Rockjaw: just got back from the boss, he said good job.

Iiyda: sir, what about

Fright: relax the body is being examined as we speak, we'll find out what this new group is. Now onto important matters

Rockjaw: from this forth me and fright will be teaching 10 of you personal, to help master your skills quickly, this also means you'll accompany us on missions

Kirishima: sweet

Fright: When all this first started, I was pissed, but now.....I can see potential in all of you.

Rock: really?

Fright: yeah, as future bounty hunters.

Rock: -_- of course.

Fright: so, after seeing your skills, personalities and otherwise.....for my team......jiro, denki, izuku, uraraka, momo, toru, Iida, ojiro, tsu and shinso.

Midoriya: huh, I'd thought I'd be picked with Rockjaw

Uraraka: no way

Jiro: I saw this actually

Denki: can I be lucked by Rockjaw

Momo: I'll do my best

Iida: as will eye

Ojiro: shouldn't I be with Rockjaw

Tsu: make sense, he can teach me how to use my quirk

Shinso: alright then

Fright: And for rockjaw.....kirishima, mina, bakugo, shoji, Koda, Sato, tokoyami, todoroki, sero and......MINETA.

Krishima: awesome

Mina: guess this could be worse

Bakugo: heh, alright

Shoji: I can learn a lot from you

Tokoyami: with Rockjaw as my teacher, I can grow closer to dark shadow

Sato: alright

Koda: hi

Todoroki: now I'll learn more about him

Mineta; why me

Rockjaw: I'm not proud of this either, it was a Rock-Paper-scissor game and I lost

Mina: you choose rock

Fright: no he didn't

Rockjaw: you want to show you what I picked Mina

Mina: no I'm good

Fright then looks to sero.

Fright: where have I seen you before.

Sero: huh.



Sero falls to the ground in shame.

Mina: shit I forgot about that

Denki: dudes still wounded from that moment

Todoroki: sorry

Tokoyami: some things more worse then the darkness.

Sero: the shame, the shame

Fright: oh....it's not......that....bad.

Rock: The 2 billion views would beg to differ

Sero slowly gets up and walks.

Kirishima: you see, this guy is fine

Sero opens the window. He then looks at everyone with tears in his eyes and a smile.

Sero: goodbye... everyone.... Plus ultra

Everyone: plus ultraaaaaaaa- OH WAIT A MINUTE SERO NO

denki and kirishima grab onto him holding him back



Momo: Quick shinso use your powers

Shinso: I don't think it'll work

Iiyda: Uraraka use your quirk

Uraraka: on it


Nearly all the students try bringing Sero inside as fright and Rockjaw watch.

" 5 minutes later"

Sero is tied up on the couch as everyone stares at him.

Bakugo: you done with your fit.

Sero: [crying] TWO BILLION VIEWS.

Fright: And 1.5 billion comments.

Sero tried to get up again as the others held him down, just then Rock walked in as he gave everyone a root beer.

Fright: really.

Rock: Take it or leave it.

Fright shrugged.

Rock: Here's to our first of many classes, PLUS ULTRA.

Everyone: PLUS ULTRA.

Rock then looked to fright, for a minute he swore he heard him whisper the phrase.

Fright: [sips drink] now, before you all go home......WHO FEELS LIKE FAIRY TAIL.

Rock: No, we're watching one piece.






They then begin to fight as the other students laugh their asses off, uraraka looks over to deku.

Uraraka: so, what do you think this class holds in store for us.

Deku:.....no idea-

He then watched the two bounty hunters fight as the others cheered them on, a smile growing on his face.

Deku: -but I know it'll be exciting.

The camera panned out of the window to show a wide shot of the bounty hunter hq before turning to black.


The camera frizzes as it transit to an arena. In the center was a large demon like being, six armed figure. Suddenly a figure walks to him.

Demon: hold it, I'm in a middle of a work out. Release them

Several cages open and out leap several nomus. The demon roars and rushes at the nomus.

One strike from his fist destroys one's head.

One slashes the demon only to be grabbed and ripped apart

The demon breathes fire burning the nomu to a crisp

The last one was bigger then the demon as he lifts him up, slams him down and began beating it till it was nothing, blood splatters everywhere except on the henchman. The demon walks to the henchman.

Demon: you got 2 minutes, what happened

Henchman: bounty hunters came in and stopped the shipment

Demon: those idiots, couldn't handle some bounty hunters

Henchman: they had help from UA students

Demon: that still doesn't answer my question

Henchman: then let me mention that one of them was one all for one wanted to get his hands on

He shows a picture of rockjaw on his tablet. This shocked the demon.

Henchman: it's him, from the underground arenas. He goes by Rockjaw now

Demon: well well, Rockjaw is it. The one that got away. All for one most had him but All might saved him.

Henchman: what shall we do master

Demon: we're let think they're stopping us. But my project "New warriors" will happen. And once it's complete. We're capture rockjaw and learn why all for one wanted him. Something is uses him made that villain track him downs and made that hunter want to hide from everyone for all these years and wants I have it. A new age of power or fear will be upon us

Then another set of cages open and more nomus come out.

Demon: and oh, won't this be fun.

His fist ignite as he blast the nomus not giving them a chance.


He laughs as the scene camera shuts down.

Boom that's it for the chapter. Rockjaw and fright got to know of class 2-A, and with their pick of students now set, the adventures are gonna wild. Next chapter, trouble with support gear leads to Rockjaw meeting a hero with similar traits in, Time to Rock the Night.

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