Chapter 1: Another Day on the Job

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So let's begin this story as we follow Nagisa during his daily patrol of the city in search of any criminals causing trouble for the public! Just another day in the life of a Super Hero.

In one of the bustling cities of Japan, on top of a building sitting on the edge of the roof was a man in what appeared to be a Victorian era artist's clothing with a white mask that only had eye holes on it. The man also had noticeably long brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail as he looked down at the city below. The man had a sketchbook in hand as he accurately and meticulously drew a picture of a flock of doves on the page. "Another slow day, I usually wouldn't complain about getting to relax on the job, but things have been boring as of late." The man thought himself before putting the finishing touches on his piece.
The masked man then carefully tore the page out of his sketchbook before tossing it off the roof. Suddenly the page burst into a flock of doves that flew over the city and off into the sky. This masked man was none other then the Professional Hero, Craftwork, a hero with a quirk to bring anything he draws to life. Craftwork sighed before lazily getting up and walking across the roof. "I suppose crime has been taking a break for the past couple of weeks. Well I suppose that is for the best, better the city be safe then in danger." Craftwork said before letting out a small yawn and looking off into the distance with a bored expression under his mask.
Craftwork heard a loud bang as alarms and screams were heard from the distance, Craftwork turned to see smoke coming from where one of the larger banks in the city was located. "It appears I spoke to soon." Craftwork said as he quickly sketched a picture of a large armored bird before tossing it off the roof. The page burst into the large bird as it flew near the roof waiting for Craftwork to hop on its back.

Craftwork gracefully jumped on the creature's back before it flew off towards where the smoke was coming from. "I suppose my break time is over, let's make this quick, better to not let panic spread to far throughout the city." Craftwork said as he started to plan out his course of action to handle this attack as efficiently as possible.
When Craftwork arrived he saw three robbers one with a Quirk that let him shoot chains that varied in size from his fingertips. Another robber had a Quirk that turned him into a hulking brute as he picked up cars and threw them towards something. The final robber and who appeared to be the leader of the group seemed to have a Quirk that let him create tornadoes from his palms. Craftwork also noticed a woman with long blonde hair that stood as tall if not taller then a lot of the nearby buildings. This was the new Hero, Mt. Lady.

"Hey scrawny I was here first! You leave this to me!" Mt. Lady said as she turned to look at Craftwork. "By all means, ladies first, I don't mind watching." Craftwork said as he laid down on the back of his bird and let out another yawn. Mt. Lady turned to face the robbers before reaching to grab the leader. The lead robber shot two tornadoes from his hands which blew Mt. Lady back as she dug her heels in. The brute robber then football charged Mt. Lady as he rammed into her legs, as she fell onto her back as the ground shook as a result from the impact.
Finally the last robber shot large chains from his fingers the restrained the giant hero, preventing her from moving at all. "Oh my, that was rather quick. Alright rookie, let me show you how a Professional Hero gets the job done." Craftwork said in a bored tone as he stood up and pulled out his sketchbook once again. "Oh please like you could stop us!" The lead robber said as he shot tornadoes at the bird as it was destroyed and Craftwork began to fall. Craftwork seemed unfazed as he drew another picture before ripping it out and crumbling it in his hand.
The picture he crumbled turned into an umbrella that he opened as he gently floated to the ground. "Now then gentlemen, let's not make to much of a fuss. You can come quietly, or I can take you by force." Craftwork said as he was already drawing another picture. "Why don't you just get the hell out of our way!" The lead robber said as he shot two tornadoes at Craftwork. Craftwork tossed another page in front of him as it burst into a giant shield that had what appeared to be a turbine on the front of it. The shield absorbed the tornadoes through the turbine before firing back a larger tornado that knocked the three robbers off their feet from the force.
"Now, now gentlemen you should know not to test someone. We can still just take you in without a fight." Craftwork said as he was drawing another picture. "I'm gonna snap you in two Ya scrawny little prick!" The brute robber said as he charged at Craftwork. Craftwork tossed another page as it burst into what appeared to be a small dinosaur wielding a mallet of some kind.

"That's the best you got? A tiny little lizard with a toy hammer?" The brute laughed as he looked at the small creature. Suddenly the dinosaur's hammer tripled in size before it repeatedly hit the brute robber on the head as he was hammered into the ground like a nail into a piece of wood.
"You were saying my large muscular friend?" Craftwork said as chains wrapped around his dinosaur before crushing it as it exploded into shreds of paper. "I'm gonna choke you to death ya artistic loser!" The robber said as he shot his chains at Craftwork. Craftwork quickly crumbled another piece of paper in his hand as it turned into a cartoony looking revolver as he took aim. Craftwork fired all six bullets as they had eyes and mouths full of sharp teeth. Five of the bullets ate all the chains before splitting into ten smaller bullets that bit down onto each of the robber's fingers.
"Ow! Get em off, get em off!" The robber cried as he tried to shake the little bullets off his fingers. The last bullet flew towards him as he screwed his eyes shut, but to his surprise it flew over him and hovered above his head. "The hell?" The robber said before the bullet turned into an anvil that dropped onto his head, knocking him out. "Now then, do you wish to surrender?" Craftwork asked as he looked towards the lead robber as he was drawing yet another picture. "Your dead you cartoon loving freak!" The lead robber shouted as he fired two tornadoes at Craftwork once again this time double the power of the first two from the earlier attack.
Craftwork crumbled his latest picture as it turned into what appeared to be a thermos of all things. "You idiot! That won't save you!" The leader robber said as he let out a victorious cackle. Craftwork opened the thermos as the tornadoes where sucked in like a vacuum before Craftwork closed it up. "I believe this belongs to you." Craftwork said as he tossed the thermos at the lead robber, who caught it. The robber noticed a digital display that had five seconds left. The timer hit zero as it exploded, knocking the final robber out. Craftwork then walked up to the still trapped Mt. Lady rather slowly.
"Wait, I know you! Your the Pro Hero, Craftwork! Your known for your creative ways of defeating villains with your Quirk!" Mt. Lady said in shock and awe at the sight of the Creative Hero. "Yes, now let's get you out of these chains." Craftwork said as he tossed another page into the air as it burst into a giant pair of bolt cutters. The bolt cutters removed the chains as Mt. Lady shrunk back to normal height before standing up. The crowd of bystanders cheered for Craftwork as he took a bow before drawing a magic carpet and flying away after the police arrested the robbers and took them away.

Later at an apartment
Craftwork entered his apartment that was actually the suite of the complex as he let out a yawn before removing his mask to reveal a man with green eyes. "Nagisa, is that you?" Nagisa turned to see his wife of 3 years, Ryuko Ishikawa, better known as the Dragon Hero, Ryukyu standing there in her hero outfit as she must have gotten home not much longer then he did.

"Good evening my beautiful dragon, how was your day?" Nagisa asked his wife using his nickname for her. Ryuko blushed slightly, but let out a tired sigh. "Busy, a small group of villains tried to hold an entire office hostage. Took hours for us to subdue them without anyone getting hurt." Ryuko said as she let out a small groan before collapsing onto the couch. Nagisa let the smallest of smile creep onto his face as he looked at his wife.
"Well then, let me cook us some dinner while you relax for the night." Nagisa said as he put his sketchbook and artist pencils and pens on his bookshelf that was filled with nothing but empty sketchbooks and cups full of pens and pencils. "No let me help you, you were working all day to." Ryuko started but was stopped by Nagisa placing a finger on her lips as he gently pushed her back onto the couch. "You and I both know that my Quirk doesn't require me to expand much physical effort. Besides I had plenty of downtime on my patrol today." Nagisa said gently as he ran a hand through Ryuko's hair before giving her a quick peck on the lips.
Ryuko loved her husband for multiple reasons, he seemed so serious all the time, but through his Quirk you could see his childish side, with his fondness of cartoon characters. He also may act lazy most of the time, but he always insisted on letting her rest while he took care of the house work when they got home. "Fine, I know better then to argue this point with you, my wonderful artist." Ryuko said as she gently got comfortable on the couch. Nagisa smiled before heading to the kitchen and set to work making dinner for himself and his tired wife.
After eating dinner the couple had changed into their sleepwear for the night before settling on the couch and watching a movie before bed. "You know I think you should sign up to mentor an intern, I think you could teach those students a lot." Ryuko said as she snuggled into the crook of her husband's neck. "Your joking right? Like any of those kids would want to follow around my lazy ass all day on my patrols." Nagisa said with a dry laugh at his wife's suggestion. "You know I hate it when you don't get the credit you deserve! Your a wonderful person and a great hero, any student would be lucky to learn from you!" Ryuko said as she shot her husband a playful glare that he noticed.
"That's rather funny coming from the girl who refuses to take any form of praise on her work no matter how spectacular she does." Nagisa said as Ryuko blushed in embarrassment. "You know that I feel I'm undeserving of such kind words! There is always something I could do better." Ryuko said as she looked down. "Well that's to bad, because I intend to tell you how wonderful you are everyday." Nagisa said as he kissed her on the cheek. "Nagisa! Stop!" Ryuko said as she let out a giggle. The married couple finished their movie before heading off to bed for the night so they would be ready for another long day of work.

So that was Nagisa's abilities in battle! I hope you enjoyed getting to watch him fight criminals. Please tell me what you thought in the comments. Of course we also got to see what his relationship was like with Ryukyu. Although Nagisa seems uninterested in taking on an intern from U.A., his wife seems to think differently. What will the Creative Hero face next in his line of work? Who else will he meet on the job? What other threats are lurking about? Find out in the next chapter of My Hero Academia: Creative Hero!

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