Class Representative

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Hello everyone, it's time for a new chapter, last chapter class 1-A participated in hero training with All Might, ending with a victory for (Y/n) and Ururaka.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's the next day, and everyone was in there seats. Yesterday day went well during the combat training after my match. Haruna and Midoriya won their match at the expense of Midoriya absolutely recking his arms. Some quirks have a major drawback sometimes. Mr. Aizawa was at the podium infront of the class as class had just started. He looked at a few pieces of paper before looking at us.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys. I saw the video feeds for each of your teams resaults" Mr. Aizawa says before looking at Bakugou "Bakugou, your talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss okay"

"Yeah, whatever" Bakugou grumbled.

"And Midoriya, I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder, and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk, that line is already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while your training here but your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. So show a little urgency huh" Mr. Aizawa states.

"Right!" Midoriya replies confidently.

"Let's get down to business, your first task will decide your future. You all need to pick a class representative" Mr. Aizawa says.

After Mr. Aizawa says that, half the class starts going wild on how they should be class president. I just sat at my desk, ignoring the ruckus and not giving thought to being class president since that isn't my kind of thing.

"Silence everyone please!" Iida shouts, silencing everyone and getting their attention "The class representatives duty is to lead others, that's not something just anyone can do, you must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to chose our leader"

"Is this really the best idea?" Kaminari questions.

"We've only known each other a few days, how do we know who we can trust" Asui states.

"Besides, everyone will just vote for them selves" Kirishima says.

"Most people wil, but that means whoever does receive the most votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job" Iida explains then turns to Mr. Aizawa who was zipping himself into his yellow sleeping bag "It's the best way right sir?"

"Do what you want, just decide before my nap is over" Mr. Aizawa says before falling to the floor to sleep.

"Thank you for your trust" Iida says.

We started the voting on small pieces of paper, each of us writing down the name of who we voted for before putting them in a basket. After all the papers were rangled up, Iida counted the votes since he came up with the idea for the voting system. After all the votes were totaled up,I some how had the most votes with 3 votes, and in 2nd was Yaoyorozu with 2 votes. How I got 3 votes?, I really don't know because I didn't vote for myself. I then looked at Haruna and she looked back at me.

"Of course she voted for me..."

"Okay you idiots!,who voted for him?!" Bakugou shouts as he looked at the chalk board with the tallied votes.

"What?, did you honestly think anyone was going to vote for you" Sero tells Bakugou.

"What did you just say?!" Bakugou shouts at Sero.

"Dude, I was just stating a fact" He replied.

I sighed before standing up and going to the front of the class with Yaoyorozu "How did this happen..." I sighed.

"Alright the class rep is (L/n) and our deputy is Yaoyorozu" Mr. Aizawa says, still in his sleeping bag.

I turned to Yaoyorozu with my hand out "I guess this means we'll be working together a lot from now on" I say with a smile but unenthusiastic about it all.

Yaoyorozu's cheeks became pink before she shook my hand "oh-Yes, I'm looking forward to it"

{Time Skip}

It's lunch time now, and I'm eating my lunch with, Haruna, Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida. I ate my curry and rice in piece with Haruna sitting as class to me as she possible could while eating ramen.

"Do you have to be so close Haruna?" I ask her.

"You help me relax, you know that" She states before laying her head on my shoulder and I sigh.

"I know Haruna" I say and pat her head.

"Aww, your so caring (Y/n). Your going to be a great class rep!" Ururaka says  "My vote was definitely worth it"

"So you voted for me?, I don't see the qualities for me being class rep" I replied.

"You'll be great" Iida says before looking at me "Your   quick thinking and know how will make you a worthy leader, not to mention the strength you demonstrate, those are the reasons I voted for you at least"Iida says before continuing to eat.

"I'm a fighter, not a leader. I'll be more useful that way. I thought you would be more suited to be class rep Iida, you know the rules and is a person of order" I explained.

"Didn't you want to be rep really badly?, I mean you do look the part, cause of the glasses" Uraraka says.

"Wanting the job and being suited to it are quite different things. Observing the Iida families hero agency has taught me that much" Iida says.

"Agency?" Uraraka and Midoriya question at the same time.

"Hold on, what does your family do?" Midoriya asks.

"I've been wondering something about you" Uraraka says "Admit it Iida, your filthy rich"

Iida looks shocked before looking away "I was afraid people would treat me differently if they knew about my family" Iida says and Uraraka and Midoriya stared at him waiting for further details. Iida then sighed before explaining "You see, the Iida's have been pro heroes for generations, it runs in our blood"

"So, your brother must be Ingenium" I stated.

"H-how did you know?" Iida replies.

"If your quirk didn't give it away, your looks certainly did" I say.

Iida smiles "As the second oldest Iida son, I strive to be just like him. However, I think it might be too soon for me to be in a real leadership role. For example, during the training yesterday, you knew almost exactly where the bomb would be, and you got in with recommendation at that"

"I only got in with recommendation because of my parents..." I sighed "And I feel bad because of it"

"There must be a good reason the school accepted the request of recommendation" Midoriya says "You must be strong and have a lot of talent for to be accepted in that way"

Then, a loud ringing alarm goes off, alerting everyone in the cafeteria "Warning, level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate the building in a orderly fashion" A voice says over the intercom.

People start running out from their seats and towards the nearest exit which was a hall with a set of double doors.

"What's a level 3 security breach?" Iida asks a guy who was sitting next to him.

"It means that some one has managed to of gotten pass the schools barrier. This hasn't happened in my three years here. We should get going!" The guy explained before running out of his seat.

Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka got out of their seats with haste as they joined the mob of people trying to get out of the cafeteria. Me and Haruna however were slower at getting out of our seats because I'm sure if villains were the ones who breached the school we would be under attack and I hear no such thing going on. Everyone was pushing each other around, trying to get to the exit.

"(Y/n) can you do something about all of this?" Midoriya asked me.

"If I tried something, someone might get hurt or something might get destroyed. I would like neither to happen" I tell him.

Iida gets pushed up against the wall of glass that faced the front of the school and as the mob of people became more panicked, Uraraka got caught in a wave of people moving forwards.

"(Y/n)!, can you get me to Uraraka?!" He asks me as he is pushed up against the windows.

"Yeah, why?" I question.

"I think I know how to stop the panic of people" He tells me.

"I'll be right there" I tell him. I make way through the crowd over to Iida and undid one of my bracelets "Iida, I'm going to lift you into the air then you jump towards Uraraka, got it?"

"Yeah, got it" He replied.

I lift him off the ground and he stood up on my hands like a cheerleader would before jumping towards Uraraka.

"Uraraka, make me float!" He tells Uraraka.

Uraraka heard him and when Iida passed Uraraka she touched his foot, making him stay in the air before flying straight into the wall right above the exit door. I cringed a bit as I watched him slam into the wall, in the position of the guy on the exit sign.

"Ouch, that looked like it hurt. I think I helped him a bit to much with that jump"

"Listen up everyone!, everything is okay!" Iida shouts as held onto a pipe above the door. Everyone stops pushing and shoving to look at Iida as his body was shaking "It's just the media outside!, there is absolutely nothing to worry about! Everything's fine! We are U.A. Students, we need to remain calm and prove that we are the best of the best!"

We all hear sirens from police cars and everyone looked out the windows at the media. I then locked my bracelet on my wrist. Then a voice comes over the intercom.

"Students, please return back to your class and have a good rest of your day" The light sounding voice said.

Then I looked and saw that Iida was still standing above the door shaking "We should help him" I say and Haruna nods.

We make our way through the crowd of people as they head back to class. When me and Haruna got to the emergency exit door, Iida looks down to us as his legs were shaking and hung on to the pipe.

"Little help please?" He says.

Haruna then makes a solid phantasmagoric ladder appear below Iida for him to get down. Iida gets down using Haruna's ladder and then she makes it disappear.

"Your quirk really is useful" Iida says to Haruna and she shrugs.

"It has its times" She replied simply.

"Let's get back to class before Mr.Aizawa yells at us" I say.

{Time Skip}

Everyone was back in class. Me and Yaoyorozu stood in front of the class to choose the class officers. Since I didn't want to be class rep anyway, I started off with something different.

"I know that me and Yaoyorozu are up here to chose class officers but I have something to say first" I say to everyone and Yaoyorozu looked at me with some shock "I gave this some thought, and from what I saw earlier, I definitely think that Tenya Iida should be our class representative. Not saying I wouldn't give the effort as class rep but I'm a fighter, and Tenya Iida is a guy of order and law. So I think he should lead the class from now on"

I can see visible shock on Iida's face before Kirishima speaks up "You know what, if (L/n) vouch's for him then I'm good. Plus he was a big help, he totally took charge right"

Mr. Aizawa rises up while in his sleeping bag from the ground "This is a waist of time, I don't care who the rep is just hurry up" He says.

"Of course he's being a grouch"

Iida then stands up "If (L/n) is nominating me for this job, then humbly accept and I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities" Iida says confidently.

I look over at Yaoyorozu who was frowning while looking down "Aw, I got one more votes then him..." She says quietly.

"You know, if you keep frowning you'll get wrinkles faster, and I'm sure that wouldn't look good on a pretty face like yours" I tell Yaoyorozu and her face instantly goes red "Don't worry Yaoyorozu, you'll be a great deputy. Plus, less paper work for you right?"

I then chuckled a bit and Yaoyorozu's face got a bit darker while I can see Harun glaring at me from behind the collar of her coat. I then walked back to my desk and looked behind me to Haruna.

"Haruna, you should really stop hiding behind the coat. You really are cute" I said and pocked her cheek a bit.

Haruna's cheeks became pink and she turned her face away from me as I chuckled "Maybe tomorrow....Maybe"

"Let the good times roll"

Hello everyone, this is the end of the chapter. Sorry for accidently publishing early. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Until next time bye.

P.S.: Is the USJ attack the same day as this chapter or the next day?

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