Chapter 1: Birth of an iron heart

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In a car with Izuku in japan

Izuku was wearing a nice white suit with black dress pants, a white button-down shirt, a black tie and vest. He was also drinking a bottle of apple juice. In the car with him were some other police men/women. Izuku right now was being escorted by the police due to the fact he is such a high and valued target. Izuku also just got back from a weapons demonstration for some new support items he developed and made about 450,000 dollars by selling his tech. Izuku was just looking around and saw that the police officer were just staring at him awkwardly. Izuku just rolled his eyes and decided to break the silence.

Izuku: Oh, c'mon say something I feel like I'm being brought to jail for my death sentence. Seriously I feel like you're looking at me like you're ready to arrest me.

Than a female officer had a sarcastic tone responding to Izuku.

Officer 1: If you try anything we will.

The other officers than laughed and chuckled.

Izuku: HEY YEAH that's it c'mon laugh no need to play the quiet game. Seriously you all can talk.

The officer to Izukus right than raised his hand.

Izuku: Dude your kidding with the hand, right? I'm old enough to be in school man if anything I should be doing that.

All of the officers than laughed again at Izukus funny comment. Than the officer that raised his hand asked his question.

Officer 2: Is it true you started Midoryian Industries by yourself.

Izuku: What kind of question is that. My name is literally on the company.

All of the officers than once again laughed a bit harder as Izuku was killing it with the smart-ass comments.

Izuku: *Laugh* Well to answer your question yes and no. I did start my company from scratch but if it hadn't been for my investors more importantly Obadiah Stane and the Yaoyorozu's I would not have got the jump start I needed.

Officer 3: Hey is it cool if I take a picture with you.

Izuku: Yes, that is very cool if you do.

The 3rd officer than handed the 2nd officer a camera. Right when he was about to take the picture though-


A giant explosion happened blowing up the cop car in front of their own. Then after that multiple other explosions happened to. Soon the street turned into a war zone with elements from quirks being shot around along with other energy beams and then even actual guns were being shot. Immediately the cops in the 1st cop and 2nd cop tried to take action and return fire only for one to get shot with a boulder and the other to get shot in the head with a bullet.

Officer 3: SON OF A BITCH.

The 3rd officer than rushed Izuku out of the car protecting him like he is the president. The officer lead Izuku behind a slab of concrete that blew up using it as cover.

Officer 3: STAY HERE.


Before he could finish though the officer was hit with a laser and completely turned to stone in front of his eyes. Izuku freaked out and started to try and run away. When he was running though he saw a villain from the distance aiming a gun at him. Izuku instantly recognized the gun though. It was a Midoryian Industries latest batch of grenade launchers. The villain than fired the grenade launcher at Izuku. Izuku tried to dive for cover but couldn't. The blast sent Izuku flying into a wall and falling to the ground. Izuku picked himself up back against the wall. He looked down and all he could see was his nice clean white button-down shirt now stained with blood coming from his own body. He clenched his chest in pain and then slowly everything went dark.


Izuku had a bag over his head and couldn't see anything. He tried moving but his hands were tied together while he was in a chair. He tried to listen but couldn't due to the ringing in his ears. He then started getting picked up though and was being herded like a sheep. The mask was then ripped off of his head and soon a cloth was put on his mouth and nose. Izuku tried not to breath it in but he did and soon fell sleepy and eventually passed out.

??? Again

Awhile has passed and Izuku wakes up in an unfamiliar place again. He felt something weird in his nose. He touched his nose and saw it was a tube of oxygen. He then started to pull out the tube of oxygen out of his nose. He then looked to his right and saw a man sitting in a chair reading a newspaper about Izuku going missing for a month. He looked around and noticed that he was in what looked like a big and dark bunker with very few lights. The kind that are used to take cover from nukes and it was big enough for a large group of people to fit comfortably in. He tried moving but felt a tug on his chest.

???: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Izuku was confused and moved back. He then saw 2 red and black wires leading to a car battery. He started leading the wire back and it lead to his chest which was wrapped heavily in bandages.

Izuku: W-what the hell?

He then started to rip the bandages off of his chest unwrapping whatever was attached to his chest that needed a car battery. When he finally ripped it all off he had wide eyes. There was a large circular and dark device lodged inside his chest.

Izuku: What did you do to me?

The man that was sitting there earlier than put the newspaper down and got up from his seat. He then grabbed a water bottle and gave it to Izuku.

???: I saved your life is what I did.

He then offered the water bottle to Izuku and Izuku cautiously took it.

???: Relax kid. If I wanted to poison your drink I wouldn't have saved your life.

Izuku was still cautious but he drank the water bottle completely. The man from earlier than sat next to a fire with a frying pan and what looked like beans in it. Izuku grabbed the car battery and walked over to the other man. He then sat down right next to him.

Izuku: What did you do to me?

???: I saved your life. I tried to remove all the shrapnel I could but there was too much and as you can tell *gestures all of the room* I didn't have that much resources. So, I used an electromagnet to keep the shrapnel from going into your heart. The car battery is to power it.

Izuku: Yeah, I kind of figured out the battery part thanks.

???: Hey, don't get sassy with me "oh great Izuku Midoryia".

It was a few moments of silence with the man that saved Izuku cooking beans and Izuku just looking around confused and a bit anxious and scared. He didn't know where he was what happened to him or why he was here. The man then broke the silence.

???: You know for a guy who woke up in an unfamiliar place with a piece of metal lodged in your chest you don't seem to be asking that many questions.

Izuku: I don't even know what to ask. Sorry it's just a lot to take in right now

???: How about we play 20 questions than.

Izuku just nodded.

???: Alright what was home like.

Izuku: Uh never really had one. I was born in Japan, but things happened and eventually I moved to America and I'm usually always moving...... Where am I?

???: I don't even know but if I had to guess Japan and that's only because they are speaking Japanese.... Now uh what's your quirk.

Izuku: *Sigh* don't have one.

???: Huh? You don't say.

Izuku: What?

Tony: No its nothing just never really see that many quirk less people.

Izuku: Yeah well who needs a quirk when your rich and have everything.

Tony: Don't need to tell me twice im also quirk less.

Izuku was completely surprised by this. He just looked at him like "really" and tony just had a facial expression that said, "yeah really".

Izuku: Why am I here?

???: Well you're the great Izuku Midoryia. The merchant of death and peace. Someone like you could make some very valuable weapons or even support gear for powerful quirks...... Now why did you choose inventing and engineering as a career. I mean most kids your age are all heroes and stuff right.

Izuku: I used to be. Guess that part of me died out when I found out I was quirk less. Besides I'm great at inventing and make really cool stuff so I just thought why not do it as a job...... What's your name?

The man then put a hand out waiting for a handshake.

???: Tony Stark.

Izuku than held his hand out and gave him a handshake. Right when he did though a loud banging on a metal door could be heard. Immediately Tony got up and started gesturing for Izuku to do the same.

Tony: Stand up now.

Izuku: What why?

Tony: Just do as I do.

Izuku listened and did as he did. They both then stood up and put their hands on their head. Then once they did the door opened up and people who looked like villains came walking in. Some had guns while others had mutated body's like rock hands or a shark head. One of them stood out though. It was a guy with really pale skin and multiple severed hands attached all around his body.

???: Ahh the great Izuku Midoryia.

Izuku: What do you want.

???: Straight to the point huh?

Tony: Dude just drop the evil creepy villain vibe. Seriously it's getting old.

The man in charge got mad and punched Tony in the gut. Izuku tried to help him but the guys with guns pointed them at Izuku telling him to not move a muscle. Izuku complied and kept his hands up. He looked at the guns though and recognized them. There his guns that he made.

Izuku: Those are my guns how did you get them.

???: You can get anything at the right price. Ohhh and trust me when I say your guns are worth any price.

Izuku: Why am I here.

???: I want you to make support gear. It's for a little army I'm building. You see you are the number 1 dealer in support gear for heroes and even weapon development. So, I know that whatever you make for my villains will certainly be good.

There were a few moments of silence until Izuku gave him an answer.

Izuku: I refuse.

The man in charge than snapped his fingers. Than the man with a shark head blasted water at Izukus face. He then started to control the water and made a bubble on Izukus head drowning him. Some of the water even splashed onto the magnet giving a few shocks to his body hurting it like hell. The man in charge than snapped his finger again and the water dropped to the ground and Izuku gasped and breathed for air.

???: I have everything you need to make any support gear I need. I want you to start making a list of materials. You have 3 hours to come back with an answer and it better be one I like.

All of the villains than left the room and locked the metal door again. Izuku then went to try and help Tony who was still wincing in pain from the punch to the gut.

Izuku: You ok?

Tony: Yeah, I'm fine.

Izuku: Who are those guys.

Tony: Group of villains for all I know. They have kept me here for I don't even know how long.

Izuku: W-hy did they take you?

Tony: Well like you I'm also an engineer and smart and rich and in other words a high valued target.

Tony than got up and sat back down on a chair and Izuku sat next to him.

Tony: So are you going to do it.

Izuku: What choice do I have.

Tony than got up and knelt in front of Izuku and put a hand on his shoulder.

Tony: Kid there's always another choice and always another way. You have to find it in your own way though because I've seen what you can do. I've seen what you've built what you have done and all at such a young age. If anybody can make it out of this, it's you.

Izuku just looked down in deep thought. It was a lot to think about. He wants to live and go on with his life, but should it be at the cost of other people or by helping a group dedicated to only harming others. When Izuku was in thought though he started to feel really weak and feel off the chair. Tony noticed and went to his aid and helped him up.

Izuku: What happened?

Tony: *sigh* I was only able to slow down the shrapnel from entering your heart. It's still there.

Izuku: So...... So, I'm dying.

Tony: Y-yeah.

Izuku: ............ How long do I have?

Tony: *Sigh* Um depending on the life span of that car battery...... A week.

Izukus eyes went wide. He had a week left to live. Though that finally gave him the final push for his answer.

Izuku: I need some paper and pen please.

Izuku than started making a giant list of materials he needed to make the support gear he needed. Or so it seemed.

5 hours later

Soon the once empty bunker room was filled with men and equipment. Izuku was telling all of them what to do and what he wanted telling him where to put everything. Soon the bunker was filled with equipment and even some weapons and other scraps and pieces of metals and all sorts of tools. Eventually he got everything set up and it was just Izuku and Tony again.

Tony: Alright so what exactly is the plan.

Izuku grabbed a stack of papers with notes everywhere on them and put it on a well-lit desk.

Izuku: This is our plan.

Tony: What is it?

Izuku than started to flatten the papers out and soon all the notes and drawing formed into a blueprint of a giant armor. 

Izuku: It's our ticket out of here.

Tony: This looks big.

Izuku: Yes, it is which means I need something bigger to power it up.

Tony: To power this it looks like you would need 1113 kilowatts or about as much as a small jet plane, or 3 Formula 1 cars.

Izuku: Which is what the first thing we are building will do.

(Stop watching at 2:14)

Izuku finally finished building the thing he was working on. He was then turning the dial up slowly and as he did the lights around the room dimmed down and the thing he was working on glowed brighter and brighter.

Tony: Is that a miniaturized arc reactor.

Izuku: Yes, it is. I got a big one powering a factory at my home town.

Tony: Yeah, I know I tried (and sadly failed) to but to miniaturize it seemed impossible. How much power is it generating.

Izuku: If my math is right which it always is. 3 gigajoules per second.

Tony: That's enough to run your heart for 50 lifetimes.

Izuku: Or...... Something big for 30 minutes.

(Just imagine the building montage)

4 days later

Today was the day. Izuku and Tony finally had everything ready along with a plan. Their plan was to get Izuku hooked up to the armor and then use the armor to fight their way out and to freedom. Izuku was now putting on extra clothes like a wielding jacket and wielding gloves to protect him from the armor. Than one by one Tony helped attach the parts of the armor to him. With Izuku telling him how to do it.

Tony: Uh ok what now.

Izuku: Get to the computer and start downloading the algorithm for the suit.

Tony: Okay.

Tony than did that and started the download and soon a loading bar appeared and was very slowly getting filled in.

Tony: Okay its downloading.

Izuku: Ok good now finish buttoning me up.

Tony than did that and started to keep on hooking Izuku up. When he was though there was knocking on the big metal door.


Tony: Oh, uh um just working you know.

Villain: OPEN UP.

Tony: Sorry can't do that now you know complicated science engineering and stuff.

Villain: THAT'S IT I'm coming in.

What the villain didn't know though is that there was a propane tank bomb hooked right up to the door. Right when he opened a giant explosion happened blowing up the entire door.

Izuku: Ok there coming soon hurry up.

Tony: I'm going as fast as I can.

Izuku was almost completely hooked up and all they needed was for the downloading for the algorithm to finish. It was only half way done though. Tony saw the screen and knew what he had to do.

Tony: We need more time.

Tony than grabbed a gun that the dead guard had.

Tony: I'm going to buy us some more time.

Izuku: No wait stick to the plan!

Tony though was already running out of the room firing off gun shots trying to scare and distract the other villains. Izuku though was still trapped in the giant motionless armor he built just waiting for it to turn on. Than once the loading bar on the screen was finally done and at 100% the suit turned on and loud hydraulics and machinery could be heard moving.

A little later

There were 3 villains armed with assault rifles slowly and carefully approaching the bunker where they kept their prisoner. It was dark when they walked in and couldn't see anything. Only one of the guards went in and looked around while the other 2 stood guard. Than the guard turned around and saw a bright light shining in his face. He was then punched in the face sending him flying across the room. Soon the other villains started opening random fire trying to shoot anything that would have caused their ally to fly across the room like nothing. They stopped firing and saw no signs of any movement.

Villain: Do you think we got him.

Just as he said that a giant armored hand punched him into a wall and the other guard tried shooting him but to no avail. Than the metaled figure punched him as well into the wall knocking him out. Than there stood Izuku in the armor that he has worked on and used as their getaway out of there. 

Izuku than started to walk through the dark halls trying to find his way out. As he did more and more guards and villains tried using their quirks on him or shooting him but to no avail as everything just bounced off him. Izuku than continued to walk towards them letting the bullets bounce off of him. One of the bullets even richetite off of him and hit a guard in the head. Than one tried to punch Izuku but Izuku lifted his arm and blocked the attack and punched him hard enough to send him in the wall with a bit of a crater forming. Than another guard walked up to him. The guards head was shaped weird and kind of like a hammer. The guard than head butted Izuku in his helmet. It made Izuku stumble back a bit, but he just shook it off. Than the hammer head guy just suddenly was walking funny and dizzy. He than passed out from hitting iron with his head at full force.

Izuku: Eh performance issues can be tough.

Izuku joked. Izuku than started to keep on going finding his way out continuing to just either be unaffected by everyone's attack or out right knocking them out with an attack. Izuku than made a right turn and he saw something unsettling him.

Izuku: TONY

Tony was on the ground with blood spilling out of his stomach and heart. He was very pale and looked like he could die any moment.

Tony: Watch out.

Izuku than looked to his right and saw a girl with her elbows folding up like a cyborg and then there was 2 holes revealing a rocket launcher that shot missiles.

Izuku: AHHH Elbow missiles.

The lady fired and shot a mini missile at Izuku but Izuku dodged in time. Izuku than opened up a latch on his arm and it revealed a mini missile as well. Izuku than pulled a string and the missile than launched off his arm and then shot at the wall next to the lady and the splash damage sent her flying and knocked out.

Izuku: *sigh of relief* *Gasp* Tony.

Izuku than started making his way to Tony. He started to try and pick him up to carry him bridal style.

Tony: Stop.

Izuku: No c'mon we got to go.

Tony: Just put me down.

Izuku: No, we got to plan let's stick to it.

Tony: This is the plan. It was always the plan.

Izuku was shocked by this. He then took a knee and placed tony down carefully on a wall letting him sit down.

Izuku: What are you talking about. Plan is we find a way out bust out and then go home. C'mon you said you had a company to run and things back at America.

Tony: *Pant* My company is gone......... I was at the top of the world. I was the richest smartest and sometimes most powerful guy in the room or any room. I had everything I ever wanted but because I was just being a greedy rich play boy I lost it all. I don't have any family or anyone waiting for me.

Izuku than lifted up his mask to reveal his face and his eyes were tearing up a bit and his face had black smudge marks all over it.

Izuku: Than you got me to come home to. I can't leave you here. We can still get out of here.

Tony: Actually, we (or I) can't. There might be enough power for that arc reactor to power it up for a while, but that suit is breaking down by the minute. I knew I was always going to slow you down. Me buying you time was always the plan.

Izuku: B-But... We could have made it. Both of us. WE BOTH COULD HAVE MADE IT.

Tony than lifted his hand up with whatever strength he had left and pointed at Izukus chest.

Tony: Izuku. You're like me...... Don't be. I want you to be better. So please. Don't waste your life like I did. Do something that matters. Do something that deserves everything you can give.

Izuku couldn't help but cry with one or 2 tears falling to the ground.

Izuku: *sniff* Thank you for saving me.

Tony: *chuckle* Don't mention it kid. Just try to remember me when you're doing whatever it is you find worth your life. Because I know that there is something out there worthy of your gifts.

Tony's hand than slowly dropped to the floor lifelessly. Soon Tony's whole body lost any tension it had and moved lifelessly. Izuku just put 2 fingers on his eye lids and closed them and then stood up. He than closed the lid on his helmet and started to walk out of his "hell".

Outside the villain's base

There stood a giant group of villains all spread out with guns and quirks aimed and ready to fire at the door that was the exit. All around the villains were crates and boxes full of ammunitions guns support items and weapons all mostly from Midoryian Industries. Every villain had tension running through them and are sweating bullets. They are about to face something that single handedly took out all their allies like it was nothing. After moments upon moments of silence suddenly everyone started to hear loud thumping noises like something big was coming.




Everyone tightened the grip on there weapons and some were even shaking in fear.




The door than launched off of its hinges and landed on a villain knocking him out. Than everyone saw a floating white circle coming from the door they were aiming at.




Than there stood Izuku in giant grey iron suit of armor walking out of the darkness and out of the door and just standing.

Random villain: FIRE EVERYTHING

The villians than unleashed everything they had on Izuku. They fired bullets rocks fire water lasers and all sorts of quirks with long range uses. Izuku though was just taking all of the shots and not being affected by them at all. After a few moments everyone stopped shooting from being either tired from using their quirks or to running out of ammo. Than Izuku had 2 small flames appear in front of his hands.

Izuku: My turn.

Izukus arms than shot out large flames extending 20 meters burning everything in its path. Izuku than started to continue walking while using his flame throwers at the villians. The villians were either set on fire or ran away to not get burned. Izuku continued walking buring everything in his path to the ground. Soon he started to burn all of his weapons that the villians had destroying everything. When he was though a villain appeared out of no where from the flames. The villain punched Izuku and Izuku went flying back into a giant wooden crate. Izuku looked to see what attacked him and saw it was a villain made up of scales from lizard instead of skin.

Villian: Can't burn me bitch.

Izuku than got up from the wooden crate. The villain than charged at Izuku. Izuku though just took a step back and side ways and dodged his attack. Izukus right hand than started to sparkle with electricity and then placed it on the villians back.


The villain than passed out from being electrocuted.

Izuku: Guess your not shock proof.

Suddenly though a bullet hit Izukus leg from behind and it hit one of his hydraulics which control his movement and it made him take a knee. A villain saw this and told everyone to focus on the joints and exposed machine parts. Soon Izuku was being sprayed with bullets all hitting and damaging his armor. Izuku in response created more fire with his flame throwers and made a circle of fire around him making him disappear.

Villian: Where did he go.

Villian 2: Who cares LET'S GET OUT OF HERE.

All the villians that were shooting at him were now running away from the war zone happening. Izuku saw this as his chance to escape. Izuku flipped another latch on his arm and flipped a red switch and then punched a red button. Right when he did Izukus leg began to catch fire and soon he was blasting off like a rocket into the sky. Izuku was than flying high in the skys finally escaping that hell hole he was trapped in. When he was in midair though the rocket thrusters gave out. Izuku than started to fall back down to earth with the pieces of his armor also falling off.


Izuku than crashed into a very sandy beach luckily. Izuku was buried in the sand surrounded in what use to be his armor and also with blood running form his head due to getting shot at beaten and falling to death. Izuku looked around him exhausted and put his arms up looking at them and then letting them drop to the sand.

Izuku: *sigh* Not bad. 

(Its a lot like this scene)

Hey it me again sorry its been awhile ive just been bust. Anyways If you have a thought or comment please leave it and if you Liked it then vote or say you want more of this and as always I hoped you enjoyed......... OK BYE

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