A family tradition (Hanta Sero x reader)

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This one-shot is based on a yearly tradition that I always have with my family. Enjoy!


"Okay so Mineta is instantly out of the question." You exclaim as you cross his name out on the whiteboard. The girls nodding their heads as you all sat in the common room.

"Don't even know why you wrote his name on the board anyway." Jirou mumbled, listening to her music on low volume as the girls commandingly agree.

"Yeah, but I just wrote every boys name because I'm stressed!" You give a small sigh. "The event is literately tomorrow!"

You see, your family always had a tradition of having large family gatherings. It was a big event. And pretty important too. Every year your family would rent a building and have the event there. All family was invited if bounded by blood or marriage. Homemade food, nice lights and music. Just family catching up on each others lives.

But it was always important factor that was needed where you couldn't go to any of them, or well, you didn't really want too.

You had to bring a guy of your choosing who isn't related by blood. Basically as your date. And the reason you never went is because you never had a date with you. But this year, your mother demanded you find someone and come to the event.

So here you are, sitting in the common room with the girls. Having to try and decide your date by the end of tonight and get going tomorrow. Yeah, your mom didn't warn you maybe a week before hand.

"How about Midoriya?" Uraraka suggested. "He's sweet, and I'm sure he'll be nice around your family." The others silently agreeing.

"I would love too, but..." You give a small sigh, running your hand over your forehead. Having nervous sweat on your body. "He's just too shy, and nervous. I mean. He'll probably pass out when I ask him. And he'll be a stuttering mess! My family will kill him with embarrassment!"

"Then what about Bakugo?" Asui asked. "Ribbit."

"Bakugo? No, he's...Bakugo." You gulp. "He'll probably reject me. And even if he accepted my request, he'll get in a fight with my brothers. They're assholes."

The girls nod their head. Yeah, defiantly not Bakugo.

"Oh I know!" Mina smiled. "Kirishima! He'll treat you right! Plus he's friendly!"

"Oh my gosh yeah! Kirishima...wait." You deadpanned. Nope, you can't. You remember he had said that he was busy tomorrow with his buddy Tetsutetsu. They were going to the gym together and they had been planning for a few days now, so you didn't want to ruin his plans.

The girls give a small sigh. Brainstorming with you.

Not Aoyama. He'll be too smug about it and probably try and focus the attention on him. I mean, yeah he's beautiful, but you don't need second hand embarrassment from his comments to himself.

Iida was a good pick. But he was always so strict and a bit too tense. He'll probably want everything to be perfect and crumble if things went wrong. Your family was a mess. He'll be defeated the second you arrive.

Ojiro was a nice pick. But he was going out on a date with Hagakure tomorrow. And even when she offered to move it to another day, you just couldn't help but feel guilty if you did that. So he was out.

Kaminari? Yeah no, he'll probably be smug about the idea of him being your date and since you guys are close, he'll probably tease and mess with you the whole time. I mean, you like messing with each other. But tomorrow was important.

Kouda was too pure and nervous around you. And he'll probably pass out since he isn't very fond of large crowds. Once again. Your family is loud, rowdy, and has no chill pill.

Satou! Another nice guy. But things are honestly super awkward around each other. You try and make conversation. But it always ends up with you cutting each other off when trying to engage in small talk.

Shouji was honestly your first pick. And you even asked him beforehand, but he just straight up told you no. Not because he hated you or didn't like you, no. He didn't really like large crowds either. And since you had a lot of little siblings, he was scared he might give them nightmares.

Tokoyami was also the second name to be crossed off, your family weirdly has a lot of feather allergy's. Luckily you didn't get them but still. You didn't need your parents or family sneezing and getting red puffy eyes as you introduced him.

Todoroki was too cold. He was blunt, and honestly you were scared that your brothers might try and beat the shit out of him since they don't take too kindly to blunt people like him. Plus, he also politely told you no as well.

Finally. One last name was left on the whiteboard. Sero. A close friend of yours since you, Kaminari and him hang out a lot. And you actually were really close to him. It was that friendship where you could just knock on each others dorm rooms and stroll in.

"Perfect! I'll ask Sero. Hopefully he'll say yes." You smile. The girls nodding along with you.

"Say yes to what?" Kaminari asked. The boys trailing into the common room and looked at the whiteboard. Seeing their names crossed off with short sentences next to each one on why they weren't the correct type to impress your family.

"To take to (y/n)'s family's event." Momo said. Standing up and stretching as the others packed up their things since they knew it was the boys turn to use the area.

"Hey, Sero." You walk over to him, and tapped his shoulder. "I was wondering if you could maybe come to my family's event tomorrow as my date? Sorry if it's such sort notice. I just thought you'd be perfect for it."

Sero gives you a wide smile. A little pink dusting on his face as you asked him. "Sure! I won't mind!" He rubbed his neck a little. "So, what are you going to wear? So I can match..."

You brought out your phone and showed him a picture of your dress. It was medium length. Going down to your thighs and past your knees. And it was a nice, soft color of yellow.

Sero rubbed his chin in thought. He didn't really have any formal wear that would match. So he guesses he's going to have to head out and buy something. Maybe he could bring Kamnari for his input.

"It'll look great on you. I'll text you my clothes soon enough." Sero slipped on some shoes as he went to the dorms doors. "Kaminari let's go!" He called out. Denki rushing over and asking what they were doing as they both walk out.


About an hour went by, Sero and Kaminari haven't got back to the dorms yet. But you didn't really mind. You were sitting at your desk and listening to music while you read some stupid articles on your laptop.

Your phone buzzed, and it was from Sero.

One attachment. 'How does this look?' Accompanying the image.

As you opened it. Your cheeks burned a little. It was Sero wearing a nice suit vest. The tie and cuffs white as the vest itself was yellow. It matching your dress perfectly.

'It looks great! It matches my dress so nicely! Thanks again for doing this, Sero. You didn't have too.'

'I couldn't just let you go alone, plus. I'm really happy you asked me. Even if I wasn't your first choice.'

You stare at the text he send in slight thought. How didn't you ask him first? Or even think of him first? You guys were so close and you recently have been growing a tiny crush on him. You guess your heart just wanted to save itself from the embarssment.

But you actually felt really exited now. Your family was going to see your best friend. And how close you two were.


"Wow," Sero breaths slightly. "You look...amazing." He rubbed his neck. His face heating up. His face turned red as you walk toward him. You two were just about to leave since your parents were picking you guys outside.

"T-Thanks. The girls helped me with my hair and makeup..." You brush some hair behind your ear.

"Well, they did a great job." He smiled at you. Offering his arm as you wrapped your arms around him. Beginning to leave the dorms

"You look really nice too, Sero. I'm honestly really glad you said yes." Your head leans on his shoulder as you two walked.

"I am too." Sero whispers. Glancing down at you. A smile never leaving his lips.

Maybe he can join in this family tradition. Next year he could come as your boyfriend.

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