Chasing after you (Tetsutetsu x clueless reader)

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Almost all your life you had been a little clueless, or that you lacked a little common sense. You'll admit, sometimes you aren't very bright when people are pointing massive signals at you. You can't remember why you did though. You got it from your father's side and he never really told you about it.

You would often remain clueless at simple things. Like if you walk into a room, and suddenly forget why you were even in there in the first place. Other things could be why you even do something you didn't mean too, like accidently being too blunt for your own good and hurting people's feelings.

You didn't mean too, you just state what you think at that moment.

And that's probably why Tetsutetsu fell for you hard. Although you were a little dazed about a few things. You were a really kind person, and it showed at how hard you work to be a hero. You weren't selfish, well, maybe a little. But it didn't falter your work.

And so, when Tetsutetsu sent you massive signals about trying to confess. You shot them down. Not because you didn't like him. It's just you didn't know he meant it that way. And it would leave him a little hurt. But he wouldn't stop there.

He remembered the time he clearly asked you on a date, and you when you arrived, you thought you were just hanging out as friends. Not even thinking about why he had bought you flowers and bought you a bracelet.

It honestly kind of sunk him down once you kept telling him how he was such a good friend to you and how you loved hanging out with him.

Yeah, he liked that you enjoyed your time together but he hated the fact that you didn't see all the flags he was waving in your face. He didn't think you were stupid. He actually found it really cute when you were clueless. But sometimes, he got frustrated.

Tetsutetsu faced planted into the dorms couch with a long groan. Having failed another attempt to get you to realize that he loved you. Hearing Monoma snicker at him made him shoot his head up and glare. "Not a word."

"It's clear that she doesn't like you back," Monoma scoffed. Putting down his phone. "So why don't you just give up already? You're wasting your time on her." He casually flipped his hair like he was the best.

"No!" Tetsu stood up with his fist clenched. "I know she loves me! She just hasn't realized that I like her back! Your just jealous I'm out trying!"

"Me? Jealous? Never." Monoma rolled his eyes. But he faltered a bit as Tetsu brought up some valid points with class 1-a.

Both of them wince as their heads fall forward. Looking over to see that Kendo made her fists small again. Shaking her head at the two of them. "You both need to shut up. Your going to cause the whole dorm to wake up! It's eight thirty two, aren't you two supposed to be heading to bed or preparing?"

That's right, it was night and curfew was in an hour. So they all had to be inside their dorms asleep. And you had already went to bed.

Monoma scoffed. Giving Tetsu a glare from his side before heading to the boys room to brush his teeth. Causing Tetsu to groan in annoyance as he followed after him. Needing to brush his teeth too. Both of them glaring aimlessly as they brush their teeth in silence.

But a loud crack of thunder cut both of them in surprise, making Tetsu slightly choke on the foam in his mouth. And glaring at Monoma once he started laughing.

Another crack of thunder cut him off. A worried expression making it's way to his face. He knew how terrified you were of storms. It was the first thing he had learned about you. But he knew that if he asked you about it. You would try and hide it.

Tetsu walked to his room and hesitated a little to go to the girls side. He knew he wasn't allowed over there but he hated the thought of you being scared, alone, without him. But he shook this off and headed to his room. Getting dressed in some sweatpants and a muscle shirt.

But has he laid down, he pulled out his phone and pulled you up. Beginning to text you. He had to make sure you were okay.


Hey, It's Tetsu, are you okay? I know you're scared of storms.


I'm okay, don't worry for me. I'm a little scared but I can manage.

Tetsu flurried his eyebrows. Knowing damn well that was a lie coming from you. But he knew he couldn't pressure you about it. It wasn't nice of him. Even if he wanted too.


Well, if you ever need some comfort I'm always here! I don't want you to be scared. So I'll be your wall of steel!

He watched you read his message, seeing those three bubbles pop up. Telling you that you were responding. But they disappeared once a flash of lightening filled his room. This made him growl.

His grip tightened on his phone case as he throws the blankets off him. He couldn't take this. He had to see you.

He opened his dorm and slowly tipped toed toward the girls side. Jumping at every little creak that the floorboards made. It was forbidden for guys to be on the girls side and vice versa. So he felt like he was on a dangerous mission.

"What are you doing?" A voice made Tetsu jump and harden his body to iron. Snapping his head toward the voice. Finding a tired looking Kendo with some bunny slippers on. She looked like she was getting a glass of water. It already in her hand. "You're not supposed to be over here..."

"I-I...well." Tetsu rubbed his neck. Giving a defeated sigh. "I know (y/n) is scared of storms and I can't bare the thought of leaving her alone. She must be terrified..."

"Here." Kendo handed him the water. "She'll need this. She's crying so it'll help her not get dehydrated."

Tetsu took the water and slowly made his way to your room. Giving a small knock and opening it after a few seconds. "Hey...It's Tetsutetsu. I'm here with some water..." He looked around your room. Getting a little confused why he couldn't find you.

But the soft sound of crying from the standing dresser made him look over. Walking over, stepping out the clothes you had thrown out to make room for yourself.

He opened it to find you, huddled in the corner with your legs to your face. You sobbed a little louder as thunder filled your ears.

Tetsu hated seeing you like this. So he climbed into the dresser and closed it behind him. It was a little tight. But he could manage. He waited until you had calmed down a little before handing over the glass.

You silently took it from him and drank it down. Your throat and eyes a bit sore from all your crying. You drank most of it down in a single gulp, setting it next to you as you looked at him.

It was dark inside the dresser. But you both could still see the faint outline of each other, That and your legs were touching from how cramped it was.

Both of you said nothing to each other for awhile. Until a loud crack of thunder, this one much bigger than the others before, caught you both off-guard.

You rush to his side hide your face in his chest. Beginning to cry again. Faint words making their way from your lips.


And that's all he needed to hear. Wrapping his arms around you and tangling his legs with yours as he pulled you closer. One hand laying in your hair and the other resting on your side to keep you close.

He kept you close, his chin resting on your head as his hand began to rub circles in your back to comfort you. He didn't want to say anything to make you anymore upset. So he just kept you close.

He closed his eyes and pushed his lips to your forehead, leaving a gentle kiss. "I love you, (y/n). So much. I'll be your steel walls to protect you..."

Your grip tightened on him. "T-Thank you...You're such a good friend."

Now, that would often make him a little upset. But this time. It made him smile. You didn't consider him any less than that. He was happy that he was just here in your arms and protecting you.  Yes, you were still clueless about his feelings. But right now. That didn't matter. He wanted to keep you safe and that's what he'll do.

He'll still be chasing after you. Until you confess your love to him.

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