The brightest star in a constellation (Shihai Kuroiro x reader)

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"Where you going Kuroiro?" A voice snapped the white haired man out of his thoughts, turning over to see his group of friends. It was late at night, around midnight to be exact, and he only had one destination in mind.

"Oh, you know." He shrugged his shoulders at the group. His eyes narrowing as they look past them at the highest tower in the city. "My safe space..."

Awase rose a brow, glancing behind him to see the brightly lit tower in the night sky. His gaze softening a little as he turned back to his friend. "Alright, well." He walked over, placing a gentle pat on his shoulder. "Be careful."

"Always do." Kuroiro whispers back, waving a goodbye to his friends as he headed toward the large tower, his mind ignoring everything around him as he stepped ever closer toward his destination.

The cars whizzing by and the people who walk past him were only a blur. His hands stuffed in his pockets as he felt a small crumbled piece of paper inside the jacket pocket. Pulling it out as he glanced down. A small chuckle leaving his body.

It was one of his old dates with you. It was the day of your birthday, he had planned the whole day for you. But the moment you gotten home he had handed you a letter. One that made you burst into tears after reading it.

Your acceptance letter to the Japanese space program.

That was a year ago, and just thinking back to that day makes his body fill with so many emotions. Let's just say that day he cried with you.

He shoved the picture back into his pocket as he walked up to the gates around the tower. Pressing his hand onto the metal as he used his quirk to slip past easily. Quickly climbing to the top of the tower with the use of it.

He slowly emerged from the shadows, gripping onto the railing as he stared up at the star filled sky, the wind blowing his hair as he tried to focus on finding it. The space station. If he looked closely, he was for sure he would find it.

Ah, there it is.

A wide smile ripples onto his face as he leaned his back against the building. "There you are, it's like your moving further away every night. But that's just me isn't it?" He closed his eyes, humming one of your favorite songs to him.

He stayed there for what seemed like minutes on end, but as he checked his phone. He gave a low sigh. It read 3:37 AM.

He took one last glance up at the space station, lifting his hand into the air as if she would take his hand. Hovering it above the station with a small sigh. Turning his wrist around before waving a final goodbye.

Using his quirk to slowly slip back outside the gates. He checked his phone one last time before glancing up at the sky again. A smile appearing on his face once more.

He turned on his heel, walking back to their once shared apartment. Even though she wasn't here with him. He can tell others that she was the brightest star in his constellation.

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