(+16) Chapter 12 (Kaminari)

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After I was done fixing my make-up, I brushed out my hair a bit from Denki yanking on it.

After I was done, I headed towards class. Feeling refreshed and satisfied from getting fresh cum over the past few days. I didn't realize how much buying old semen was affecting me and my energy levels. 

Not that I would have been able to know that anyway.

But I felt wide awake, and happy this morning. I looked at the time and realized that I didn't have much time left before class started.

I rushed out of the dorms and managed to get to the classroom as the bell rang.

"Cutting it a bit close, huh y/n?" Sero asked me and I could see that he was still a little high from us smoking last night. He had smoked a lot more than I did last night.

"Yeah, I was doing some things this morning." I told him, as Mr. Aizawa started the class.

"Hey, y/n do you think I could talk to you about something?" Kirishima asked as he turned around. Mr. Aizawa started roll call, so we were fine for a minute or two.

"Sure what's up?" I asked him and rested my chin in my hand.

"Well, I was just curious if you would be interested in-?" He started to ask, but the sudden loud 'bang' of the door flying open cut him off. We all turned our attention to the door and saw Denki panting and a little sweaty.

He had his jacket completely unbuttoned and his hair was a bit messy, cause he forgot to brush it. And you didn't even have to look that close to see the numerous hickeys that I left all over his neck.

I smiled and covered my mouth and caught myself from busting out laughing.

"Please take your seat." Mr. Aizawa said as he rolled his eyes, and I laughed into my hand a bit.

"I'm guessing he's things." Sero said, and we both laughed quietly to ourselves.

"What did you want to ask me Kirishima?" I asked him after I managed to stop laughing, and when he turned around to face me again he just gave me a little sad look.

"Oh, it's nothing." He said and turned around. "Don't worry about it." I went to grab his shoulder, but Sero stopped me.

"I told you." He mouthed to me, and I looked forward at Kirishima. Sero did tell me that he liked me, but I didn't think it was that serious. Just a little crush. I looked over at Denki, and he was trying to fix his jacket and had a blush spread out over his cheeks.

He glanced back at me and smiled. I smiled back, and when he looked away and started pulling his work out for the day, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. There was something about seeing Kirishima upset, that made me upset.

Which was weird because I've never felt like this before.

I looked at my work and decided to leave it for the time being. Let it figure it out itself.

Even though I didn't really like the idea of that.


I was walking down the hall on my way to the lunchroom when I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and pull me out of the hallway. I fought the grip a little bit, but since I had my textbooks in my arms, I didn't exactly feel like dropping them. Especially when I knew who's touch this was.

"Hey Baby." Denki said in my ear, as he gently closed the janitor's closet behind him. I hummed into his hand, and I set my textbooks down on a shelf. "Are you hungry?" He asked in my ear, as his hands slowly crept around my hip and up under my skirt, as his other hand started undoing my blazer.

"Starving." I told him, and he started sucking on my neck.

"Hey, why don't you have any hickeys?" He asked me, and he pulled my shirt open more. Spinning me around, and pushing me against the wall he started kissing my upper chest, slowly making his way down farther. "I was sure I gave you hickey's this morning. Did you cover them up?"

"No, it's my quirk." I told him as his hands traveled up my thighs, and closer to my panties. "My body doesn't keep any unattractive markings on it, it's constantly looking to have someone else. Hickey's, bruising, cuts even. As soon as I'm done giving pleasure my quirk will get rid of them, in order to attract someone new. Unless it's a kink thing to see the markings, then they'll last a little longer."

"I would have liked to see the class's reaction to seeing me mark you." Denki said, with a cute little pout, as he was kissing my stomach.

"Maybe you should try a little harder then." I suggested to him, and he just got a smug look on his face.

He undid my skirt and let it fall to the floor, but when he got to my panties, he took his time watching them slide down my legs.

Looking at his eyes, I could see the lust flowing in them. Just him looking at me with those eyes was enough to make, even me, squirm a little. It was almost like he was a zombie, moving forward without really any plan. 

"Ah, ah, ah." I said, and poked his forehead, to make him stop. He pushed a little against me, not wanting me to stop him, and he ended up looking up at me.

"But I want to try." He whined. "You make me feel good all the time, isn't it supposed to be both ways?" 

"Most cases yes." I told him. "However there are also some cases, where the giver gets pleasure from giving. Not receiving."

"But I want to give to." He whined again and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"How about, later?" I asked, and crouched down, while I kept leaning against the wall. I got to his level and ran my hands down his chest. "Because you will need practice, nobody is good at it the first time. And we don't have the time to be able to teach you."

"But you will let me, right?" He asked as I undid his pants. This was really bugging him, and he was really wanting to eat me out right now. And boy, was that face hard to say no to.

"I promise, I will teach you how to eat pussy like a god damn champion." I promised him, and he smiled before slamming his lips to mine. At least this time he didn't electrocute me.

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