(+16) Chapter 2 (Kirishima & Sero)

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There was a knock on my door and slipped a crop top over my head. I finished adjusting it, as I opened the door and saw Kaminari.

"Hey there y/n!" He said with a wide smile. "You ready to go?" He asked me, after trying to discreetly check me out.

"Sure am." I said and grabbed my purse. It was quiet as we walked downstairs to the commons room, where everyone was waiting so we could leave as a group.

"Y/n, these are my friends." Kaminari said as he leads me towards a smaller group. "This is Kirishima, Sero, and I heard that you met Ashido earlier."

"I did indeed." I said as I winked at her while shaking the other two boys' hands. And I noticed an ash blonde haired boy standing just behind them on his phone. He was hella cute. "Who's that?" I asked the group.

"Oh, that's Bakugo." Kaminari said and Bakugo turned to look at us, at the sound of his name.

"What do you want?" He asked, and I walked up to him.

"To meet you. I'm y/n." I told him and held my hand out to him. He sighed and took my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said, and it was obvious that he was being sarcastic. A cocky asshole, I can work with that.

"Oh no." I told him and stepped closer to him, putting my lips right up next to his ear. "The pleasure is all mine." I whispered and blew a bit of air on his ear. I watched him shiver a bit, but it wasn't enough that anyone else would notice.

Pulling away from him, I could see that he had a bit of a pink tint on his cheeks. But again, not enough that anyone else but me would notice.

"Alright, that's everyone!" Someone said, and I turned to see Tenya Iida. I had met him earlier today. He's the stuck up kind of guy, serious, and never usually one to have too much fun. I'd have to sit and think for him.

We all headed out of the dorms and off-campus. I mostly talked with Sero and Kirishima on the way there, but I made sure to spare a few glances at Bakugo. Every time I did he was already staring at me. I gave him a couple of smiles here and there. His face becoming rosy pink every time.

We finally sat in a restaurant and ordered. And now, I was feeling a bit quiet. Everyone was having busy conversations with each other, and I took the chance to look and see the people around me. I could feel the desire coming from just about all the boys. However, it didn't look like there were many girls with my kind of desire.

Except for one.

"So y/n what brought you to UA?" Ashido asked me, and I gladly smiled and gave my attention to her.

"Well things weren't going too well at my old school, so I took a chance and enrolled at UA." I told her. "I've always thought it'd be neat to be a hero."

"So what is your quirk ?" Kaminari asked as our food got placed in front of us.

"Yeah, Aizawa never did let you tell us what your quirk was." Sero said.

"Well, my quirk is a transformation quirk." I told them. "Although, I can't transform fully into animals and stuff like that, I can take on certain characteristics of them."

"Can you change into someone else?" Ashido asked.

"Mhm." I hummed and nodded. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Kirishima started eating his food next to me. And I decided that now was a great time. "Although it does take up quite a bit of energy to make different transformations. The larger and more detailed the changes, the more energy it takes."

Kirishima choked and started coughing as I laid my hand down on his thigh.

"Kiri are you alright?" Sero asked as he handed him a drink and Kirishima could only nod as he struggled to breathe.

I squeezed his inner thigh as I started eating. He gripped my wrist under the table and tried making me let go. But I didn't.

He managed to catch his breath and gave me a look. I smiled at him and continued eating and carrying on a conversation with Kaminari and Ashido.

Sero was still trying to help Kirishima from across the table, and I decided that he'd be next. I slipped my shoe off one of my feet and reached my foot out under the table. I lightly tapped his shoe, as I found it and he didn't seem to notice.

That was until I started rubbing my foot on his ankle.

He jumped a little bit and started stuttering. Bakugo across the table from Kirishima and sat next to Sero had been, for the most part, pretty quiet. Not saying anything to anyone. Glancing at some of the others every once in a while.

While I started snaking my foot up Sero's leg, he started getting a bit embarrassed and stuttering even more. Which caught Bakugo's attention of Kirishima and Sero both acting strangely. He looked up to look at the both of them, but he couldn't see my hand or foot under the table.

Bakugo glanced over at me, and I gave him a wink before he turned away from me. I slid my hand higher up on Kirishima's thigh, and he gripped my wrist again. But this time he didn't try to move my hand.

Sliding my hand closer to his crotch I could tell that he was hard. I smiled and suddenly squeezed. Kirishima almost shot his water out his nose and choked a bit, again.

"So what movie are we watching later?" I asked the group and acted like there weren't two boys trying to die right next to me.

"Oh, it's supposed to be a romance or something." Ashido said after taking a second to stare at Kirishima and Sero. "I read online that it was pretty interesting. It's called '365 days'."

Oh, I know of that movie. And as crappy as it is, it's got some . . . . . Interesting, aspects to it.

"Have you ever seen it?" Ashido asked me.

"Only bits and pieces of it." I told her, and I couldn't help but smile. "I never got the chance of seeing the whole thing."

"Did your mom not let you watch it?" She asked me, guessing from her question I could already tell she knew exactly, what it was about.

"No, it wasn't that." I told her, and I felt Sero grab my ankle as I wiggled my toes against his hard crotch. His face was red, and he was trying not to start panting. "My mom's actually pretty okay with that kind of stuff, what I know of the story never really interested me."

"Other than some parts?" Ashido asked me, and I could see the little devil smile.

"Yes, those parts . . . ." I said and took a second to really grind down on Sero and Kirishima's cocks. "Are extremely entertaining."

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