Chapter 45

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All I could do was stand beside my bare bed, holding onto my laundry basket. I had set it down on the mattress, but my mind was too murky with other thoughts to move.

The sound of knocking on my door interrupted my thoughts, and they managed to disappear in a second.

Looking up at the door, it was now open with Eijiro standing just inside my room.

"Oh hey." I said and pretended like I wasn't lost in my head.

"Hey, everything alright?" He asked and shut the door behind him.

"Yeah, I'm all good." I told him I was lying, but I was also hoping he didn't know that. I started messing with my laundry to try and act normal, along with giving myself a reason to not look at him.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked. "Cause you have the same upset look on your face when we were fighting before we became a thing." He took my sheets from my hands and set my laundry basket aside. I sighed as he handed me one side of my sheets and started helping make my bed.

"I guess I just don't feel good." I told him. It was the truth. I had no reason to feel this way, but life is funny like that.

"About what?" He asked, and I guess I took too long to answer. "About who?"

I let out another breath and finished tucking the last corner of my sheets. I tried not to say anything, more because I didn't know what to say or even start to explain how I was feeling.

I stood up and Ei was already next to me. He sat me at my desk chair before digging into my laundry basket.

"I feel bad about Sero." I told him honestly.

"What do you have to feel bad about?" Ei asked as he started putting the next sheet on my bed for me, giving me the chance to focus on what was bothering me.

"Because I know he feels left out." I said. "And not the 'I don't get to bang her too', but more the fact that I've shown interest and then some to all of his friends. But I've left him out completely. He's seen me get with Denki, and was fine with it. I was dating around or whatever, and he just lost the first chance. But then, when I came out more clear about my quirk and said I was banging his best friends, his attitude has changed. He's more withdrawn. And not to help any, he just watched me and Mina come out of the sweaty basement."

"Yeah, I've noticed that he seems quieter." Ei said as he finished tucking my comforter in at the foot end of my bed. "He's been getting higher than normal, too. Yesterday, he was stoned off his ass in class. Im surprised Aizawa didn't catch him."

"I saw that." I commented. "He's trying to numb himself."

"Well, why don't you just ask him out?" Ei asked, then sat on my bed as he tucked my pillows into their cases. "I mean, I doubt he'd say no."

"It's complicated." I told him.

"Kaminari told me how you told him to not invite Sero when me and Bakugo joined." He told me, and I looked up at him. "Why didn't you want to invite him? Did you not like him at the time? I saw that thing you did with blowing smoke into his mouth the first time we hung out. I thought you two would've gotten together before anyone else." He laughed at himself.

"No, I like him. I like him a lot, actually." I told and squirmed a little in my seat. "I told Denki not to invite him cause I didn't want to pressure him."

"Cause you didn't pressure me or Bakugo?" He laughed at me.

"That's different." I told him. "You guys are confident in yourselves and would have said no if you weren't into the idea. Katsuki needed a little more push cause he's Katsuki. But you both desired something along the same line of what we have now, just some extra bodies involved."

"So what?" Ei asked, trying to piece it together himself. "Sero's ace?"

"No, he desires sex." I told him. "He just desires that more old-fashioned type of relationship. With romance and dates. Going out for a while to know that that person is the one to get intimate with for the first time."

"Oh." He sighed and realized the barrier that stood in the way. "Have you tried talking to him? If he's interested, why not ask him to join the group?"

"Cause I don't know if he'd want that." I explained and got up to go sit next to Eijiro. "I can see that he has desires about joining, but also seems unsure. I don't want to pressure him, let alone put him on the spot."

"Yeah, I see that." Ei told me. "Hey, why don't I talk to him?"

"Really?" I asked, shocked that he'd offer.

"Yeah." He shrugged. "It might be a little awkward, but I could ask if he'd be interested. And then tell him he should approach you the way he wants to. Obviously, it wouldn't hurt to ask."

"I'd really appreciate that." I told him. "If anything, I want him to know that I'm open to the idea of being with him. Even if it is the way that he wants to do things. It all doesn't have to be so direct."

"I'll keep that in mind." Ei said as he grabbed my chin and gave me a firm kiss. I could feel myself melt a little as he pulled away. Any worry that I had in my head was gone or at least subsided for now. "I'll talk to him about it some time in the next few days. That way he doesn't think it was your idea. Just bro to bro."

"Thanks Ei, that means a lot to me." I told him. "And thanks for making my bed."

"No problem. You seemed a bit distracted." He said and scooted a little closer to me. "Speaking of distractions." He offered.

"Maybe later, Mina filled me up pretty good." I told him, and he bit his lip. Imagining what went on in the basement.

"That's hot." He told me.

"Oh really?" I asked him and turned my head to the side. "You think your best girl-friend is hot?"

"I mean, she is attractive." He said and shrugged in agreeance.

"Mmm." I hummed and smiled. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Alright, I'll see you later." Ei said before heading towards the door with bright red cheeks.

After he left the room I took a deep breath in and let all the stress leave my body. Things might feel messed up at the moment, but after my talk with Ei, I knew everything would turn out alright.

I looked at my laundry basket on the floor. At this point it was half empty since Eijiro did my bed for me.

"Maybe later." I mumbled and fell back onto my freshly washed sheets that were still warm. I snuggled into the sheets and relaxed even more, and even started to drift to sleep. Warm sheets and a full stomach? Perfect match for a nap.

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