Chapter 49

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POV: Kirishima

"I can't believe I'm last in order." Bakugo complained as we stood in line to get dinner. He hadn't stopped complaining about it since we were kicked out of y/n's room.

"Come on, Bakubro." I sighed. I was honestly getting tired of it. "They pulled names out of a hat. It was fair and square. It's not like it'll be the last time you do it with y/n."

"I bet it will be if he doesn't get his attitude in check." Kaminari whispered to me from behind. Thankfully, Bakugo didn't hear it.

Both me and Kaminari tried not to laugh out loud.

"Are we laughing at Katsuki?" Y/n asked in a whisper, scaring the crap out of me and Kaminari.

"Yeah." We both laughed. Bakugo seemed to have noticed we were laughing, most likely at him, but since y/n was here now he said nothing as he walked away.

"And what? You didn't fill up?" Kaminari questioned as he qestured to Todoroki, who was talking with Midoriya.

"Not quite." Y/n shrugged. "Shoto's first time was a little much, so we want to take things a little slower."

"What happened with his first time?" I asked as it was my turn to make my plate.

"Nothing." Y/n responded with their eyes wide. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"That bad?" I asked.

"Or that good?" Kaminari asked, lifting his eyebrows up and down, hinting at y/n.

He continued to try and get y/n to break and tell him, as we headed towards a table. I hung back a bit as I saw that Sero was sitting by himself. I looked back at y/n, who was sitting down with Kaminari and Bakugo.

I walked towards Sero, and he looked up from his phone to look at me. His eyes were completely glazed over, and bloodshot.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked him. I took a deep breath to try and get ready for the conversation that I was about to have. And I realized why no one wanted to be sitting with him at the moment.

He reaked of weed. It was almost nauseating. I've taken my fair share of hits with Sero, and he doesn't usually mess around with whatever weed. Sero is usually the guy that has the good stuff, but this . . . It just smelled rank.

"Sure, I don't care." Sero said and went back to his phone.

"Dude, how much have you smoked today?" I asked him as I sat down.

"I don't know. Who cares?" He asked.

"Well, for starters, I care." I told him. "And we're getting a little worried."

"Who?" Sero questioned. "You and y/n? Oh, and let's not forget about Todoroki. Or Mina. Or-."

"Yes." I cut him off before he got too far down the rabbit hole. "Everyone is worried. The whole class. Even Mr. Aizawa is getting worried. I'm surprised he hasn't put you in detention yet."

"Oh, and is y/n sleeping with Mr. Aizawa, too?" He asked, and I could feel myself getting pissed off.

"Dude, would you knock it off?" I asked him. "What is going on with you? I understand that you're jealous or whatever, but that doesn't mean you can be a dick about it. Bakugo isn't even being allowed to get away with it anymore."

"So what if I'm jealous?" Sero asked me and practically slammed his phone down onto the table. "It's not going to affect what you guys got going on."

I took a breath while I tried to think about it for a moment. I didn't want to make him angry enough that he would lose interest in y/n at all.

That's definitely not what y/n wants.

"Have you thought about joining us?" I asked him, and he flinched.

"What?" Sero asked me.

"If you're jealous, why not make a move?" I re-worded. "Ask y/n out." I offered, wanting to make sure that he knew I wasn't suggesting to just, take y/n up to their room right this second.

"I doubt y/n would be interested." He told me and started picking at his food. His attitude was different than ten seconds ago.

"Why wouldn't they?" I asked him. "Didn't they make any moves towards you before?"

"Well, yeah." He said, and his face turned red.

"Then obviously their interested." I shrugged. "Why not shoot your shot? I mean, you know y/n can see desires, right?"

"I . . . . no." Sero said, and his face was bright red at this point.

"Well, they can." I said and dug into my plate. "And what I can tell, they seem interested. What's the worst thing that can happen? You get some closure?"

"I didn't think about it that way." Sero sighed.

"Are you able to think at all with all that THC swimming around in your brain?" I questioned. Sero gave me an annoyed look. But I just gave him the 'Am I, right?' look.

"No, not really. I've pretty much failed the last week." Sero admitted.

"Damn dude." I commented.

"Yeah." He agreed.

"Hey." I said and put my hand on his shoulder. "How about you sober up tonight. Take a shower and ask y/n out tomorrow?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "I'm already coming down."

"You want some help getting caught up on school work tonight?" I asked him. "We can talk with Yoayorozu and set up a study night?"

"Yeah." He agreed. "Thanks, dude." He held his fist up to me, and I fist bumped him.

"Anything for one of my bros." I told him.

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