Chapter 56 (Sero)

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Sero held me tight as we danced, using his body to guard me from being shoved around by everyone else in the club. At this point, he'd taken a few blows to the ribs on accident. Everyone was just too excited from the beat on the dance floor to the drinks in their system.

"Are you getting hungry?" He asked me.

"I think I'll be okay." I told him and showed him what the inside of my purse currently looked like.

"That looks like Kaminari's snack drawer." He laughed and took my hand to lead me towards a table, making sure that I was directly behind him so I didn't get lost.

"I think most of the stuff in here is from his drawer." I laughed and we managed to sneak a booth before it got grabbed. "And Katsuki's power bar drawer." I said as I started pulling out so many power and protein bars.

We started rumaging around through my purse looking for the good snacks to enjoy while we sat and rested our feet.

"So umm." Hanta attempted to start a conversation. His face was red, and he couldn't make eye contact.

"You can ask me anything, and I will answer you honestly." I told him and he seemed surprised. "You don't have to attempt small talk either if you're struggling. This is a big thing that you're getting mixed in with, I want to make sure that you feel comfortable through out this whole thing."

"Okay, umm." He said and started thinking for a minute. "How many guys have you been with?"

I couldn't hold back the laguhter that erupted from within me.

"Sorry that was rude huh?" He asked and his face lit up brighter than it was five seconds ago.

"To anyone else than me, yes." I told him. "But it's also fair. I actually can't give you an answer." I told him and I could feel my face warm up a bit out of embaracement. "Due to the nature of my quirk, a body count is the least of my worries."

"Yeah, I guess that was kind of a doumb question." Hanta said and I could see him mentally slapping himself. I took his hand in mine and he looked at me.

"I'd rather you ask dumb questions than worry about the little things." I told him.

"Okay." He said and nodded. "So um. How did you find out about your quirk?"

"My mother has the same quirk." I told him. "I'd rather not get into my family history, though if that's alright."

I could feel my shoulders tensing up, and my chest wanting to shrink on itself just thinking about my mother. The way she used to talk to me when I was only a child. The things she'd shove me to the side for.

"Not close with your family?" Hanta questioned, bringing my attention back to him.

"No, not really." I told him. "What about you?"

"We're close." He answered with a shrug and nod.

"Close enough to know your after school habits?" I asked him and pinched my fingers together before moving them back and forth in front of my mouth to hint at his love for weed.

"Okay, maybe not that close." He laughed. "What kinds of things are you into when it comes to a partner?" I could tell he was asking for clarification, probably hoping he would fit somewhere in my wacky standards.

"To be honest, I don't really have anything specific I look for in a partner." I told him. "Obviously, I avoid people like Mineta. However when push comes to shove, if I'm hungry and there's no other options, good chance it might still happen. As a last resort type of thing. Not a 'no one else is home' situation."

"An emergency situation?" Hanta clarified for me.

"Exactly." I told him. "If I'm picky about my partners to the point that I only have a certain type, I'd probably go hungry. Or end up only liking guys that would just take full advantage of the situation."

I couldn't help but pause myself. Thinking back to my last town. My past life. Never being given a chance for something better.

"So you're like Demi-sexual?" Hanta asked and it took me a second to realize he had probably looked up different sexualitys to have this type of conversation with me at some point.

"Kind of." I said and thought about it. "Being Demi puts more of a restriction that you can't feel sexual desire for someone without an emotional connection. However I have no preference to gender or necessarily personality, I still have standards, so personality can still play a role."

"Bakugo fits within your standards?" Hanta laughed.

"Okay, so maybe it falls more under intention." I corrected myself. "Katsuki may act out of turn a lot, but he doesn't have any ill intention. He might be rough when he's horny, but that doesn't mean he wants to harm me."

I looked up at Hanta and realized I had kind of brought up sex with other guys, while I was on a date.

"Sorry." I mumbled, and Hanta took my hand.

"It's okay." He told me with a little smile. "It's a little weird to hear you talk about it right now, but I think I'd like to stay in that rotation you talked about this morning. I'd like to give this a couple of tries before making the decision to leave. If that's alright with you?"

"That sounds very resonable." I told him. "And I will try my best to keep the rest of the group out of our conversations. It's just kind of like a habit."

"It's alright." Hanta laughed. "It's kind of weirdly nice hearing about them in different ways."

"Well, maybe I'll have to tell you their secrets some time." I teased and we continued to eat the various snacks off the table.

"Hey! You can't have food from outside in here!" Someone yelled over the music and we looked up to see a man in a nicer suit standing above us. My guess he was a manager. "How old are you kids? How'd you get in here?"

"Uhh." Hanta attempted to come up with something on the spot and we exchanged glances before we threw the snacks, as best as we could, back into my purse and shot out of the booth passed the manager.

"Hey get back here!" The manager yelled at us, but we bolted for the front door.

We shot past dozens of people who looked like they'd been waiting for hours to be able to get into the club and took off down the street. Hanta held my hand and as we ran, before leading me down another alley just incase anyone followed us. When we popped out the other side, we stopped to take a breath.

I looked around and realized we were only a few blocks from UA at this point.

"You okay?" Hanta asked me and I took a moment to finally enjoy the cool air that surrounded us.

"Yeah." I told him and the quiet night was interrupted by the sounds of my stomach growling.

"Come on." Hanta laughed as he took ahold of my hand again and lead me towards the convenience store across the road. "We're close to curfew anyway."

We headed into the store and I immediately went for the water bottles. Hanta grabbed a cold sandwich and some chips, while I grabbed a twin popsicle.

We quickly paid and sat at a table next to the door. We split everything we got, and I couldn't help but feel like a little kid. Getting to sit with a friend and have normal conversations. About our classes, our friends, our favorite bands. I couldn't remember the last time I had something like this.

I don't think I've ever had anything like this. And I don't want to lose this.

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