Chapter 63

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I sighed as the bell rang, and we all packed up our stuff into our bags. Today being much less draining than yesterday definitely helped me get through the day, not to mention that I got breakfast in the shower this morning.

But that didn't stop me from skipping over to Denki.

"Hey bubs." I cooed as I stopped next to his seat. He was trying to organize his homework, which by the looks of it seemed to be a lot more than I had. "You okay?"

"Yeah." He sighed and just ended up shoving his homework into one big folder, that already had a lot of papers in it. "Just got a lot of homework."

"You want help tonight with that?" I asked as he took my hand standing up.

"No, to be honest I already have a study group with Ojiro and Tokoyami." He said as we headed out the door. "I forgot about it until lunch. I don't think I'll have a whole lot of time to give you tonight, not before dinner anyway."

"But Denki!" I couldn't help but whine a little.

"Calm down you little horndog." Eijiro slightly whispered as he wrapped his arm around my neck, his whispers were practically in my ear, and the growl he had behind his playful words. Could make anyone's stomach growl.

"Does this mean you're open tonight?" Mina asked squeezing herself in between me and Denki, replacing his hand with hers.

"Wow." Denki said and I looked behind me to see we were leaving him behind.

"It does not necessarily mean that I'm free." I said as we stepped outside. "It's still Denki's designated day. It's up to him if he wants to share on his day."

"Thank you, my little sparkplug." Denki said as he caught up with us. "However I don't mind sharing on my days. I just ask that I get priority when I want attention."

"Absolutely." I told him.

"I'd want to give permission before you give attention to someone else." Mina said after she thought about it.

"Yeah same." Ei said hugged me from the side. "But I'm also into giving public affection, like when you cuddle Mina, but only intimate time with me. Unless someone wanted to join."

"None of you will stand a chance on my days." Katsuki said as he walked up to us.

"You sure about that? You've already tried sharing before?" Mina asked him with her attitude ready to fight. Pointing out when we got caught in the classroom. I swear I'm never going to live that down.

"Why you little-!" Katsuki started yelling and his hands started sparking up.

"She has a point!" I interrupted him before he went too far. He caught his tongue and gave me a look telling me he hated when I did that. But he wouldn't argue with me either.

"Whatever." He sighed and started walking towards the dorms. We all kind of laughed as we followed Katsuki.

"So do you know who you're going to get with tonight?" Mina asked and I didn't even look at her, knowing what desires she had growing in that little brain of hers.

"Actually, I might introduce someone new to the group." I said as I thought.

"Already?" Denki asked. "Who?"

"I think I'll leave that a little surprise." I said seeing Midoriya walking with Uraraka on the path out in front of us. "I'll let you guys know how it went later!" I told them and started jogging to catch up to the cute couple. 

While jogging passed Katsuki I swung my hand to smack his ass, knowing it'd piss him off that I was touching him in public.

"Screw you!" He yelled at me, after he took moment to get over the shock and the embarrassment. I think I even heard him stutter a little bit.

"Hey Midoriya." I called out to him as he was walking along side Uraraka, holding hands.

"Oh-oh, h-h-h-hey y/n." He responded after turning his head to see me catching up to them. I could see almost immediately that he started sweating and was obviously panicked.

"Ochako dear, could I borrow your sweet boyfriend for a minute?" I asked, ignoring his panicked state, and leaning around him to check with her first.

"Sure thing." She said, and it seemed that she was also confused too his panic. "Just don't keep him too long. We planned a movie night for the two of us after dinner." She teased.

"I'll have him back to you in no time. Just have to ask him a quick question. And I might borrow him again before dinner. But after that, he is all yours." I told her and hooked his arm in mine, before pulling Midoriya away and towards the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. It was away from the main path back to the dorms, where no one will hear us.

"S-s-s-so, what do you w-want to ask?" Midoriya asked me as he sat down on the fountain edge. I could see his cheeks were bright red from being tossed from one girl to another.

"Would you mind helping me hang a mirror in my room?" I asked him. The sudden question that he apparently wasn't expecting.

"Oh, yeah I could help you. Where were you looking to put it?" He asked suddenly calm.

"On the ceiling." I told him and he nodded, before furrowing his eyebrows a little as he realized the location.

"Oh!" He covered his face a little.

"No need to be embarrassed, but I actually need help with something else after the mirror gets put up." I told him. "You could think of it as that favor you owe me for helping you confess to Uraraka." I shrugged. "How are you two by the way?"

"We're really good." He said with a little nod. "What is the other thing you need help with?"

"Oh, I just need help providing some persuasion to a possible new body." I said and couldn't help but laugh a little. "Is tonight, ok?"

"Well, Ochako and I planned on our movie at seven." He told me.

"It's only a few panels that will stick to the ceiling. It should only take ten minutes." I told him. "But the trapping part might get a bit complicated."

"I'm not sure trapping a classmate is ideal." He commented. "They are a classmate, right?"

"Yeah." I chuckled.

"Alright." Midoriya said. "But if they aren't comfortable doing anything I'm done."

"Absolutely. " I said excited. "I promise it will take no time at all. And everything will be okay."

We ended up walking into the dorms where Midoriya was able to catch up to Uraraka, who was talking with Iida. He walked up them right as I entered the kitchen to grab me a snack that'll last me until later.

I opened the cabinet to see a packet of Hanta's wafer cookies. Perfect.

I tried reaching for it, but since Hanta was already tall, and a stoner he likes to hide his good snacks on the very top shelf. I sighed and threw my knee up onto the counter, not wanting to waste any energy I have right now on making myself taller.

"Here y/n, let me get that for you." I heard from behind me. I stopped reaching and turned to see Iida standing just beside me to reach around me, Midoriya and Uraraka nowhere in sight. He grabbed the cookies no problem and handed them to me. And when he looked down at me, he realized the position he had put himself in. 

He was standing so close and in a position that had we not had any clothes on, could have been fucking. My leg up on the counter and open for him to thrust into me while I held onto the counter and shelving for support. Or better yet, leave my skirt on, and let him play peak a boo with going on between our legs.

And it wasn't even my idea, it was Iida's.

His desire broke away fast as his face heated up and he put some distance between us. 

"Y/n I deeply apologize!" He practically yelled. "I only saw that you needed help with reaching the top shelf. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable!" 

"I mean I wouldn't use the word 'uncomfortable'." I told him with a shrug and took my leg off the counter.

"That was still deeply inappropriate, especially with the nature of your quirk." He told me and bowed; his face brighter than a stop sign. "I did not mean to put you in that position while you are in other relationships. Please let me know if there's something I can do to make it up to you."


I couldn't help but smile.

"Actually, would you mind helping me put a mirror up before dinner?"

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