Rules & Forms

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1. Only one OC please
2. Please dont start Roleplaying in till I say your in
3. Play more than just your OC because its just easier like that
4. Don't make it all about your oc
5. No suicidal ocs abuse unless it's the scenario
7. Third person only please no I or me
8. Please be descriptive
9. Play my crush I'll play yours or I won't reply

Hero/Villain name:
Quirk Flaws:
Password: Tag 3 people who would like this book! :)

~My form~
Name: Nakisha
Hero/villain name: Terra, the earth hero
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/her

Quirk: She is found commonly using her Earth manipulation.

Quirk description: Nature Manipulation, She can build walls made out of rock or any type of Natural resource. She can also grow vines out of ground and manipulate any natural resource.

Quirk flaws: when she uses her Quirk for a long period of time, she will get dehydrated and dizzy and won't be able to function untill she rests for a bit and gets some water. Making rock and making vines grow take more out of her when they are not usually grown like in cities. To grow vines or take rock from the ground she has to be touching the grown or else she can do it.

Student/Hero/Villain: She is a student trying to become a hero like the rest of the class.

Personally: She is a bubbly girl but when provoked she can be sarcastic and snarky. She is a people pleaser but she can be deathly competitive.
Height: 5'1

Likes: Eating, Hanging out with friends, outdoors, her phone, messing with people.

Dislikes: the dark, being alone, losing, villains.
Hero outfit:

((when she's older ^^^))

Her looks:

Crush: Eijiro or Shoto

Other: She is the Youngest of three, She has two older brothers who are currently under her fathers agency. Her oldest brother Hansong his Quirk is water manipulation, and her other older brother Jiwon has air manipulation. She is korean but has been in Japan for majority of her life. Nakisha is originally from shiketsu high, but she had to move because of her fathers company so now she goes to UA under an recommendation letter from Shiketsu. Her favorite pro hero is Mirko the bunny hero.

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