Fearscape: Part 16 (Bakugo)

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My legs were burning as I was running across campus as fast as I could. Hell, faster than my body wanted to allow. But I couldn't wait.

I could hear my friends behind me telling me to slow down or wait up. But I didn't listen. I couldn't.

I could feel tears pouring down my face, and my eyes stung a bit from them. The air whipping around my face and body.

I couldn't wait.

I bust through the dorm buildings doors and finally allowed my lungs to start taking in air. I looked around the commons room searching through all the heads and faces trying to find the one I wanted. And I finally saw Bakugo sitting on a couch watching TV with Todoroki.

"Katsuki!" I cried and his head whipped around in my direction. He saw me, and stood up as I stumbled towards him.

My body was ready to drop from the running. It was tired and sore. But I couldn't listen to it now.

"What happened?" He asked me, and caught me before I could fall to the ground. He was wearing one of my hoodies, so my touch couldn't get to him. "Why are you crying? Did someone do something? What jackass do I have to kill?"

I gripped the sweatshirt and put my face in his chest.

"Y/n!" I heard behind me, but I didn't have to turn and look to see Mina, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari running into the building. They had finally caught up to me.

"What did you guys do?" Bakugo yelled at them and I wanted to stop him, but I couldn't catch my breath enough to speak.

"We didn't do anything!" Kaminari said. "It's all y/n!"

"What the hell happened?" Bakugo screamed at them, and I finally swallowed some air.

"Katsuki." I said again, quietly this time, and he looked down at me.

"What happened?" He asked me, a bit calmer.

I could only laugh.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" He asked me, and I could tell it only made him more mad.

"Guess what." I told him.

"I'm not in the mood for games." He told me.

"Guess what!" I said again and shook him a little.

"What?" He sighed and I grabbed his face. He flinched, but and I could tell I scared him a bit. But he held still.

I laughed some more and closed my eyes as I was still trying to breath. But when I opened them, I jumped. And I was no longer laughing.

Bakugo stood in front of me crying. Tears pouring down his face. I gasped and pulled my hands away from his face.

"I'm sorry!" I said and started to panic. "Did I rush into it? Was I not ready? Did I scare you?" It felt like I got stabbed in my chest and it was twisting and turning.

But I got interrupted by Bakugo reaching for me. I thought he was going to hit me. I flinched and closed my eyes. Ready to accept my punishment.

But that's not what I was met with.

I opened my eyes to see Bakugo's face right in front of mine, so close we could kiss.

We were, kissing. His lips were on mine, and his fingers were digging into my hair.

The tears kept falling down his face.

I pulled away from him for a moment. I wanted to say something. What? I have no idea, but something.

But he didn't let me get that far. He held my face tighter and attacked my mouth again, this time more aggressively.

It was like he had been starving. His tongue was everywhere in my mouth, and I couldn't stop him. But I didn't exactly want to stop him.

I kissed him back, and tried to keep up with him. But it was impossible.

Finally he pulled away from me, but he didn't let me go.

He pulled on my sweatshirt and practically ripped it off of me.

I couldn't stay standing anymore and collapsed on the ground. Bakugo followed me and sat on his knees as he took his sweatshirt off too and hugged me.

I hugged him back and ran my bare hands up under his shirt. Giving both of us the skin on skin contact that we both craved.

He buried his face in my neck and held me as close to him as humanly possible. Running his hands under my shirt as well and digging his nails into my back a bit.

He sobbed into my neck and I rocked us back and forth. I was finally able to catch my breath, and I held him close to me as I ran my hand through his hair.

"When did you . . . . ?" He started to ask me, but he couldn't finish his sentence.

"I've been training for the past two months." I told him.

"Everyday we've been practicing. And now, y/n can control it." Kirishima said and I started crying again.

"I can finally touch you." I whispered to him and he squeezed me a little more.

We sat there for what felt like forever. And honestly I was okay if that's how it was. Being held like this, was so much different from before.

No more fear.

"Do you want to go to my room?" I asked Bakugo in his ear and he nodded. I smiled and helped pick him up off the floor and grabbed my sweatshirts too.

I waved to our friends and we walked upstairs all the way to my room, Bakugo refusing to let go of my hand. I was closing the door when Bakugo grabbed me and threw me onto my bed. I couldn't help but laugh and he took his shirt off, before laying on top of me.

He laid his head on my chest and snaked his hands up my shirt and around my waist.

I already knew what he wanted.

Running my nails and fingers up and down his back. Taking a few minutes to run my fingers through his hair every now and again.

He sighed, and I could hear how relaxed he was. I smiled and reached over to my night stand, where the book I had been reading to him off and on laid.

Over the months that we've been together like this, I've read to him the same book, off and on. And we were about to finish it, with only one chapter left.

I started reading to him and massaged his scalp. Taking a few moment every few minutes to check on his facial features to make sure I wasn't scaring him.

Every part of me never wanted this to stop. Hoping that this wasn't some type of stupid nightmare, teasing me with something I couldn't have.

But his breath, his skin. It felt too real to be a dream.

I finished the story, and set it down. The ending was a nice one. Just the way that I like them.

"Are you still awake?" I whispered to Bakugo, and he nodded lightly. I smiled and rested my cheek against his forehead. "Do you want to pick the next book?" He shook his head in response.

"I want you to read whatever you want." He told me. "I just want to hear your voice." I smiled and couldn't help but laugh a little.

We layed in silence for a while, and I could feel myself starting to fall asleep. My tired body finally getting to rest in complete peace.

"Hey dumbass." Bakugo grumbled into my chest. I was surprised to hear him still awake.

"Hmm?" I hummed and didn't bother opening my eyes.

"Be mine." He said and that made me open my eyes. I couldn't tell if he was asking or demanding. Knowing Bakugo, I might not have a choice.

"Are you asking?" I asked him, and he lifted his head to look up at me.

"Did it sound like a question?" He asked me.

"Well with that sleepy voice of yours, and you were muffled-." I started and he suddenly interrupted me by kissing me.

It wasn't as hungry as it was earlier. It was slow and more passionate. His hand slipped behind my neck and held me where I couldn't run away.

Not like I wanted to anyway.

With or without his bodyweight on me.

He pulled away and I opened my tired eyes again. He had a dazed look on his face too.

"Be mine." He whispered to me. This time it sounded more like a beg. "I've waited a long time for the opportunity to kiss you." He kissed my lips again, quicker this time. "And now that I have you, I don't want to let you go."

"Of course." I told him and he smiled before burrying his face in my neck. I felt him press kisses onto my neck and it tickled.

I started laughing and I was so happy. I don't think I've ever been this happy before.

Maybe back before my quirk manifested itself, I was this happy. But it was so long ago with so many bad memories and fears, whether they were mine or not. They got in the way.

But something that I haven't shared with anyone yet, was that now when I look into someone's eyes . . . I'm starting to see dreams too.

Dreams of being hero's. Growing up and having families. Getting to travel the world.

Being with someone special.

Because dreams and nightmares go hand in hand together, but without something to wake you up from the bad dream, you'll never escape the nightmare.

I looked down at Bakugo, he had finally fallen asleep.

He had woken me up from my nightmare. A bad dream that's lasted most of my life. And he was showing me what it's like to dream.

I hugged his neck and kept running my hand up and down his back. Drawing small shapes

I know he'd deny it if I asked, but he had the dream of graduating with all of us at his side. A dream of being with me, marrying and have kids with me. Loving me to the fullest extent.

Maybe this could be my little secret.

People never want to share their nightmares and fears, with the fear itself if they put it out in the universe they'll come true.

But dreams? A person can't ever get enough of sharing their love and passion. Like one day achieving their goals, getting their dream job, traveling somewhere special, being with the love of their life.

Dreaming doesn't seem like a bad idea. I think I'll do it for the rest of my life.

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