Fearscape: Part 2 (Bakugo)

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I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. It was late at night, I'm sure everyone was asleep at this point.

Everyone except me. I couldn't get those images of Bakugo's face out of my head.

The look of fear when he looked at me. The amount of hatred he had towards me, for something he wanted to do.

The look he wore when he stepped out of that closet.

I felt so guilty.

Despite it all being his idea, his plan. I still felt guilty that I did that to him.

I sighed and got out of bed. Slipping a pair of socks on before my sweatshirt. I opened my dorm room door and stepped out. I quietly walked down the hallway and made my way in the direction of Bakugo's room.

I walked up to his door, and I couldn't help but stall knocking on his door. He always goes to bed early, so I was probably going to get yelled at by him if I woke him up. But I felt like I needed to do this.

I lifted my fist to knock on the door. But my knuckles didn't get to make contact with the door when screams filled the hallway. I jumped and stared at Bakugo's door. He was screaming in his room.

Kirishima and Shoji both rushed out of their rooms. They had both been scared awake.

"More nightmares." Kirishima said and Shoji and him both sighed.

"What?" I asked them and started trying to get into Bakugo's room.

"It's no use." Shoji told me. "We've tried getting into his room before. Eventually he'll wake himself up."

"Is this a regular thing for you guys?" I asked and started knocking on the door.

"He's had nightmares almost every night since he got back." Kirishima said and I looked at him. They knew he was scared. I looked at Bakugo's door and took in a breath.

I stepped back before slamming my body into his door.

"That's not going to work." Shoji said. "Aizawa doesn't want us breaking the door."

"Than he can deal with me." I told them and slammed even harder into the door.

"The door won't budge for you, I was barely able to break the door down the first time." Kirishima said and leaned against the wall. I took a deep breath and really put all my weight behind this next hit. And this time it gave.

I rushed into the room and ran up to the side of Bakugo's bed.

"Bakugo." I said and grabbed his shoulder. But without thinking I made skin on skin contact, and his screams got worse and he thrashed around in his bed, trying to fight off the nightmare. I jumped and looked down at my hands.

I took a deep breath and slipped my sleeves down over my hands. I jumped on top of Bakugo, and used my body to pin him to the bed.

"Bakugo, wake up!" I said loudly and shook his shoulders. After a couple of shakes his eyes flew open wide and he was holding his breath in as his hands went to my sides gripping on me hard. "Shhh." I breathed quietly. "You're okay." I told him.

His eyes went to the side and I followed his gaze and saw Kirishima and Shoji were standing behind me in his room.

"Bakugo look at me." I told him and waved my hand behind me telling the boys to get out. "Focus on me. Focus on my voice." I heard the door click shut, and Bakugo looked back up at me.

Tears were spilling out of his eyes, and I used my sleeves to wipe them and the sweat away.

"Bakugo you're safe." I told him. I never broke eye contact with him. His mind was still running through the nightmare. "You're at the school dorms. You're in your room. And you're safe."

He took a deep breath and looked at my hands. He looked back at me, and I continued to say the sweetest words I could think of, and slowly his breathing came down.

"Do you want to sit up?" I asked him. He nodded and I sat back up a bit and pulled him with me.

He didn't say anything as he put his face in my chest, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He was trying to ground himself.

I rubbed on his back and he continued to come down from this panic attack.

"Do you want me to talk?" I asked him quietly. Without saying anything he nodded into my chest. "You know being scared doesn't make you weak."

"Bullshit." He choked out.

"I'm serious." I told him. "Being scared is natural. Every emotion we feel, whether there's a reason for it or not, it is natural. But being able to handle them is where it gets tricky. It's okay to be scared, and it's okay to be tricky."

We sat in silence for a little bit before Bakugo pulled away from me, and I sat back on his legs. His face looked a bit numb.

"Bakugo?" I asked him. He looked up at me, and by looking in his eyes I could tell he wasn't really here. "Do you want me to stay?" He didn't say anything, or signal to me at all. He looked down, and it looked like he was trying to think. Eventually he nodded and I got off the top of him and laid him down in the bed.

I went to get off the bed, but his hand grabbed my hip. I sighed and rolled him onto his side facing the wall. I laid down behind him and pulled my hood up over my head. I pulled the strings to shrink the size of the opening before carefully wrapping my arms around him.

I hand to minimize the chance of touching him in our sleep.

"I've got you." I told him. "I won't let anything happen."

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