Fearscape: Part 4 (Bakugo)

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I walked towards Bakugo's room, and luckily I didn't run into anyone on the way there. I walked up to his door, and could tell that the door had gotten fixed. I knocked, and this time there was an answer.

Bakugo opened the door and stepped to the side. I stepped into his room without saying anything. He closed the door and sat down on his bed with his legs crossed.

"Sit." He told me and pointed to in front of him on the bed. I sat across from him and crossed my legs as well. I didn't say anything, and just played with my hands. After a couple of minutes I couldn't take it and looked up at him.

He was staring at me, like he was waiting for me to say something.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"I want to know about your quirk." He told me. I flinched a little bit.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Why does that matter?" He asked me.

"Because nobody's ever cared." I told him. "And you're the last person I would think would care."

"I didn't say I cared." He told me. "But I am curious."

"What do you want to know exactly?" I asked him.

"Everything." He told me.

"Well . . . ." I started and had to think. Nobody's ever asked, so I didn't exactly have a speech ready. "I have the the ability to give people hallucinations with my saliva. It acts as a type of hallucinogen. I can control how much they see and if they see at all. I can also see them and that's how I control them."

"Are you serious?" Bakugo asked me.

"Yes." I told him. "I've never told anyone that who wasn't a teacher."

"Keep going." He told me.

"And well as everyone already knows when someone makes skin contact with me, they're filled with fear." I continued. "The longer the hold the more powerful and stronger the fear becomes. Depending on the person's state of mind, they could just get really scared, have a panic attack, or even see visions and possibly have it all at once."

"So I have a weak state of mind?" Bakugo asked.

"Am I allowed to speak freely?" I asked him. I didn't feel like getting yelled at.

"Sure." He said and shrugged.

"Not at all." I told him. "Maybe fragile at the moment, due to emotions not being properly executed. But not weak at all."

"Are you saying I don't know how to show my emotions?" He asked me, and I could tell he was getting angry.

"Obviously." I said. "The only emotion you really every show, is anger or pride. Both make you look like an asshole." He took a deep breath in and rolled his eyes. I could tell he was trying not to get mad at me. He was trying to get help, and I could tell the last thing he wanted was to run me away because he has a tantrum.

"How do I fix it?" He asked me.

"I have no idea." I told him and he scoffed. "I'm not a therapist, I don't really know that kind of stuff."

"Then what do you know?" He asked me.

"I know how to read people's fears." I told him.

"How do you do that?" Bakugo asked me, and I was surprised this conversation was still going.

"When I look into someone's eyes, I can see they're fears." I said. "After so long, you learn what different actions and things mean. They're not always so literal."

"Read my fears." He demanded me.

"I don't-." I started to say.

"Do it." He interrupted me. I sighed and for the first time today I looked him in the eye.

"You have a fear of not being there for the people you care about." I started. "The vision you saw yesterday of Midoriya falling was one of your best examples of it."

"I don't care about that damn nerd." He told me.

"Yes you do." I said, and continued before he could say anything. "Your fear comes in when he was falling. You're scared that someone will get hurt, or even die by your hand on accident. That you'll be the reason someone gets hurt, and that there was nothing you could do to stop it. No matter how hard you tried, you'd still fail. I guess you could say it's a fear of failing."

He didn't say anything, but I could see he was clenching his jaw.

"You have another fear of that sludge villain." I said and that got his attention. "This is more specific of him, as you're scared of being suffocated like that again or even reminded. Not being able to breath or move. Not being in control of what's happening around you, terrifies you."

He swallowed hard, and I could see that he was breathing a little harder.

"You have another great fear of being alone." I said after a moment, giving him time to settle down. "You've always had people around you, people that have boosted your ego from a young age because of your quirk. You're scared that people will always ever see you for your quirk, and not for you. And that you'll be alone any other way."

"How do I get over it?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I told him. He scoffed again and looked away from me. "I don't. Nobody's ever cared to ask, so I don't have an answer that could help you. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He told me and looked anywhere but me.

"The best answer I can offer, is to rely on your fiends more often." I told him. "Try to speak to them rather than yell or bark orders at them. Try speaking to them more often the way you would wish to be spoken too. Care about them the way you wish to be cared about. You and your friends have similar fears when it comes to being alone."

He looked at me, and I could tell he was searching for the bullshit in my words. But there was none. I was telling him the truth.

"You can leave now." He told me as he fell back on his bed, and rolled over onto his side.

"Bakugo?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked, but didn't look at me.

"Do you want me to stay again?" I asked him. He turned over a bit and looked at me. "If you say go, I'll go. But you seemed to have an easier night last night after I stayed. If you don't want me, then maybe I could-."

"Lay down." He told me, and rolled back over away from me.

I took a moment to arrange my sweatshirt to be able to lay next to him without touching him, and laid down next to him on my side facing away from him.

After a couple of minutes I could feel myself getting a little tired despite how early it was.

"Y/n?" Bakugo asked. I flinched a little, I wasn't expecting him to say my name.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"I need to ask you something." He said.

"Okay." I said and laid still.

"Will you judge me?" He asked me.

"I've already judged you." I told him. "When we first had classes together, I looked into everyone's eyes to know their fears. I judge everyone on their past experience and fears. To be honest, I think that's the best way to do it."

"So . . . ?" Bakugo started to ask, but didn't finish his thought.

"So any judging that I will do from this point, will not be harsh." I told him. "I don't even judge villains that hard. Most of them are just the people that have had it worse than most people."

"Are you saying I haven't had it that bad?" Bakugo asked me, and I felt him turn around and stare at me.

"Not at all." I told him. "Everyone handles things differently. For villains they couldn't handle it well or they had so much that lead them to be the way they are now. They haven't had people around to rebound off of. You've had people around you your whole life. But look at Toga, for example."

"That vampire freak?" He asked.

"Exactly that." I told him. "Toga was bullied for having a blood consuming quirk. Everything that happened from that point spiraled her into being who she is today. You were saved by your hero, she never stood a chance."

"I never thought of it that way." Bakugo said after a moment.

"Nobody ever does." I said. "Bakugo you can be as real with me as you like. I won't push or shove you into speaking with me, but I promise you that if you take assistance in me I will not judge you or speak of it to anyone."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He questioned me.

"It means I'm here for you if you want me to be." I told him. "Just say the word." 

He didn't say anything and laid back down. I scrolled through my phone for a it playing a dumb puzzle game. 

"What is the word?" Bakugo asked.

"Huh?" I questioned him. 

"You said say the word." He said and I rolled over a little and saw that he was still facing the wall. "What's the word?"

I couldn't help but smile. Even though he was basically using me, this was the closest I've ever been with someone since . . . . ever. 

And even if he was using me, I think it would still be alright. To be wanted. To be needed. To be useful.

"Teddy Bear." I told him after thinking for a minute. I thought it would be funny to hear him say it. That and Bakugo himself reminded me of a Teddy Bear. 

"Then Teddy Bear." He said. I smiled and rolled over onto my other side, and hugged him close to me. Making sure that I wouldn't touch him. 

More than half of me expected him to pull away from me. To push me away from him. But the smaller half of me was glad that he said it. Glad that he was trying to get figure this all out, a better way than his toxic idiotic way.

"Dumbass." He sighed and we both fell asleep.

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