Fearscape: Part 7 (Bakugo)

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I took a deep breath in, and it was a bit hard as it felt like there was something on my chest. And when I looked down, I saw Bakugo was laying on me.

I felt myself panic a little bit, as I've never woken up with Bakugo like this before. I looked at my phone and it was relatively late in the morning.

However I don't think Bakugo's had as bad as a night as he did before staying with me last night. I looked at my hands, and thought about how willing I was to touch him.

To scare him.

Bakugo started stirring, and I rubbed on his back lightly. Lulling him to go back to sleep.

I've never wished this hard before, that I could make skin on skin contact. To be cable to comfort him properly. Run my hand through his hair, properly.

I sighed and started playing on my phone.

"What are you doing dumbass?" Bakugo grumbled and I looked down to see him awake.

"Morning sleepy head." I said.

"What time is it?" He asked and sat up.

"Almost noon." I told him.

"Ah shit." He said and jumped off my bed.

"What?" I asked him.

"I've got training with Kiri." He said and ran out of my room, leaving my door wide open.

"Bye." I said sarcastically, and waved at my door. I got up and went to close it.

"Hey y/n!" Someone said before I closed the door, and I opened it up again.

"Oh, hey Mina." I said.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch with me." She said, and I was a little surprised. "Or rather me and the boys."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said smiling.

"Okay." I said. "Let me just change."

I let her in, and changed into some better clothes. With my signature sweatshirt.

"Are you sure you want to wear a jacket?" Mina asked as I grabbed my phone and wallet. "It's pretty hot out."

"Yeah I'll be fine." I told her.

We then headed out and talked the whole way to get food. Or rather Mina rambled about a bunch of different things, and I listened.

"Hey guys!" Mina called out as we entered a training area where I could hear explosions.

"Hey Mina!" Sero said.

"Hey y/n!" Kaminari greeted me and helped me with the bags.

We sat down in the grass, and watched as Bakugo was attacking Kirishima.

"Guys come eat!" Mina told them.

"Not hungry!" Bakugo yelled back and kept making loud explosions. I felt aggravated, since I knew he hadn't eaten.

"Bakugo Katsuki!" I yelled. Bakugo froze mid attack stance and slowly turned at the sound of my voice, a small amount of fear on his face. I held his food up and he slowly walked over to me.

He sat down next to me, grumpy, but didn't say anything as the rest of his friends tried not to laugh out loud at him.

We all ate and talked. Well they talked, I was too nervous to really say anything. The boys went to go back to training and I cleaned up the trash.

I started walking to throw it away, when I felt myself sway suddenly. I stopped walking, and took a deep breath. Before I was suddenly looking straight up at the sky.

I heard muffled yelling, and it wasn't until Bakugo was directly above me that I realized I fell over.

"Are you okay?" Sero asked me, and it felt like my head was spinning.

"I'm fine." I muttered, and it was all I could get out, trying to move my head made it worse.

I felt something on my forehead and opened my eyes to see Bakugo touching me. I swung his hand away from me, and tried getting away from him.

"Don't touch me." I managed to get out.

"You're burning up." Bakugo said and started tugging on my sweatshirt. I held it close to me and pushed him away.

"I told you it was hot out." Mina said as she sat next to me.

"Stop." I told Bakugo, and managed to sit up.

"You stop, idiot!" He argued with me. He kept trying to take my sweatshirt off, and I didn't stop trying to stop him. "Why won't you take it off?"

"Because I have to protect." I said.

"Protect?" Kirishima asked. "Protect who?"

"Everyone." I said. "I don't want anyone touching me."

"Well you're going to get a heat stroke if you don't take it off." Bakugo said, and he sounded pissed. Before I could say anything else, I felt my jacket ripped off of me.

The feeling of the breeze on my skin felt so nice, and I laid down in the grass.

"Give it back." I told him. He rolled up my jacket and carefully picked me off the grass slightly to lay my head on my jacket.

"You need to stop wearing those hoodies so much." He told me before he sat down with his legs crossed. Mina used some of the spare napkins from our lunch to fan me a bit.

"Just lay here for a while okay?" Mina said as she started getting up. "I'm going to go grab some waters. I'll be right back."

I did as she said and rolled onto my side. I curled up a bit, and closed my eyes.

"Hey dumbass." I heard and lifted my head up. I still felt a little woozy and laid back down. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Mhm." I hummed, and snuggled down into my sweatshirt.

"You don't look alright." He said. I felt something cold on my face, and opened my eyes to see that Bakugo was holding his water bottle to my forehead. Mina had gotten back, and was giving everyone water.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm not the one that collapsed." He said.

"But you touched me." I said, and sat up. "And I really scared you last night."

"I'm fine." He told me, and I gave him a look. "I am."

"Okay." I sighed. 

I spent a few more minutes taking small sips of the water, and was finally feeling better all together. Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari headed back to the dorms early, since it was unexpectedly hot out today.

Mina and Bakugo carefully helped me up off the grass and we started walking towards the dorms. 

"Hey Mina, can I talk to Bakugo?" I asked her, and she smiled.

"Yeah. I'll see you guys later." She said and waved before she ran ahead of us to catch up with the boys.

"What do you want?" Bakugo asked as I walked over to a bench that was outside of the dorms. I patted the bench next to me, he made sure to roll his eyes before he sat down.

"Last night I realized something." I told him. "I realized, how much I have become . . . . I guess a comfort item for you."

"What the fuck-?" He interrupted me, and I put my hand up to interrupt him right back. 

"Let me finish." I told him. "I don't know why, but you sleep better with me than anyone else apparently. That or maybe its a cuddle thing. Maybe you should try cuddling with your bros."

"If you're just going to make fun of me, I'm just going to leave." He said and stood up. I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back to the bench.

"I want you to have this." I said and held out my sweatshirt to him. "Unless you want a different one, then you can pick I guess."

"Why are you giving me this?" He asked me and took it.

"The more important thing that I realized last night, is that I'm not always going to be there." I said. "For whatever reason, there's going to be a day that will be the last time I comfort you. As much as I look forward to the day that you're able to properly move past your fears, I'm sure there will be at least a few times that I won't be around."

"What does that mean?" He asked me, sounding offended. Just by his tone I could tell that he only heard me say something along the lines of 'I can't wait until this is over'.

"Would you stop acting like asshole for five seconds?" I asked him and stood up. I was surprised I didn't collapse again. "Fine whatever, I was trying to be nice and give you something that could help you but if you're going to be like that then forget it." I said and ripped my sweatshirt out of his hands.

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