Freak: Part 2 (Tokoyami)

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I meddled with my hands as I flipped through my closet. Finally, I decided on a dark blue baggier sweater and a pair of jeans. I only wore baggier clothes, even my school uniforms and such were baggy on me, in order to hide my extra arms.

As another part to match my quirk I had a total of eight arms just like a spider did. But growing up, much like with my eyes and mouth, I was made fun of a lot. Being called 'four eyes' wasn't a very clever name, but I was still extremely self-conscious about my body.

Other girls were worried about their stomach or breast sizes, while I was stuck worrying about what people would think of my extra limbs and eyes. However, they weren't near as terrifying to me, as my own mouth was.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I quickly wrapped my extra arms around my body and pulled my sweater over my head. Before grabbing my cloth mask, wrapping it around my face, and answering the door.

"Hello, y/n." Tokoyami said. "Will you be joining us for dinner?"

"Yes, I will." I said and walked out with him.

"I am surprised to see you with your hair up." He told me, and I started reaching up to take it down. "No, no, please. I didn't mean it like that." He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my hair.

"I thought maybe, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try." I said and hugged myself with all of my arms.

"Well, you look lovely." He told me, and I felt my face heat up a bit and couldn't help but smile. We walked downstairs and Tokoyami lead me towards a very tall boy with gray hair. "Shoji, this is y/n. The one I told you about earlier."

"Hello." He said. He had multiple arms said and was wearing a mask over the bottom half of his face. We shook hands, and I couldn't stop staring at his arms. He had extra arms, just like me. "Tokoyami told me about why you wear a mask."

"I hope that was alright." Tokoyami said.

"Oh yeah, that's fine." I said. And we all walked out and towards town, while I frequently stole looks at Shoji's arms. The whole way there, me and Shoji talked about why we both wear masks. I however didn't give all the details.

We got closer to a restaurant and Shoji held the door open while we stepped inside. I followed the boys over to a bigger table where I recognized a few of the faces from class.

"Oh good, you guys are finally here." A girl with green hair said. "And you brought the new student! I'm Tsuyu."

"I'm Uraraka." A girl with brown hair and pink cheeks said.

"And I'm Midoriya, but you can call me Deku." A boy with green hair said. I shook all of their hands and sat down next to Tsuyu and Shoji. I immediately felt something on my lap and looked down to see Dark Shadow snuggling down from under the table.

"Dark Shadow what are you doing?" Tokoyami asked and I laughed.

"Looks like you have an admirer." Shoji said, and Dark shadow only snuggled down in my lap more.

"Why is that?" I asked Tokoyami who sat across from me.

"I honestly have no idea, Dark Shadow won't tell me either." Tokoyami said, and his shadow only growled at Tokoyami. I laughed and cuddled with the shadow as we gave our orders to the waiter, and started talking. All the while, I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen.

"Y/n, is that you?" Someone said behind me, and I turned to see a girl that I, unfortunately, knew from my old school. I flinched and felt my heart start racing. This was that bad feeling.

"Uh, hi." I said and gripped onto my seat.

"Why haven't you come around school lately?" She asked and stood behind me as I lowered my head and turned around, facing the table. All I could do was hope that she didn't say too much.

"I transferred to UA." I told her.

"You, transferred to UA?" She asked, and I could hear that she was angry. "How did a freak like you get into UA?"

"I don't think you should talk to our classmate like that." Deku said.

"Please Deku." I whispered and held Dark Shadow down in my lap.

"Oh don't worry, I'm sure it's fine. Y/n can take it." She said and I felt her get closer to me. "Right spider freak?" She asked right in my ear, and I felt something sharp against my cheek. I flinched and felt my mask starting to fall.

And before I knew what was happening, I was surrounded by darkness and I felt the table jump and Dark Shadow was no longer in my lap.

"I think it's time you leave." Tokoyami said, and I lifted my hand to feel my face. I could feel blood on my cheek, and my mask wasn't on my face anymore. She cut it off my face.

I looked up and Shoji had wrapped his arms around me, pulling me away from the girl and covering my face. I heard the girl's footsteps walking away, and I placed my hand on the table.

"Can I have a napkin or something?" I asked. I felt someone put a couple of napkins in my hand and placed them on my cheek.

"Are you okay y/n?" Uraraka asked.

"Your mask is broken." Tsuyu said, and I sighed.

"I'm fine, just give me a second." I answered and placed the napkins down. I quickly shot my webs out of my wrist and used them to make a mask stuck to my face, along with bandaging up my cut. "You can lower your arms Shoji."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you." I said, and he lowered his arms.

"Are you alright?" Uraraka asked as a few servers were also checking up on what happened.

"Yes, I promise I'm fine." I said, but I didn't look up from my lap. "But if it's alright, I think I'll take my food to go."

They didn't say anything, as one of the servers went to put my food in a to-go box. I reached into my wallet and took out some cash to pay for my meal and left it on the table.

"Thank you for letting me sit with you all." I said before walking away from the table with my food in a box.

I walked away before any of them could say anything to me. And as I stepped outside I let my hair down and let it cover my face. I quickly walked back to UA and rushed to my room. Shutting the door behind me.

I crawled up the wall and made a hammock in the corner to curl up in and hugged all of my arms to my chest.

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