Freak: Part 7 (Tokoyami)

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Me and the spider played the game of chase for what felt like forever, but I could only imagine it was a couple of minutes. That was until finally it hooked the back of my uniform and threw me to the side where I slammed back first into a pillar.

"Y/n!" I heard yelled from the stands, and turned my head around to see the spider was about to get on top of me. But the sudden loud noise, grabbed the attention of the spider and it turned away from me.

It looked in the direction of the scream and I did too to see Tokoyami leaning over the edge of the stadium, scared. The spider took off towards him, and I started getting up.

But when I looked up the spider was climbing the wall of the arena. The force field hadn't stopped it. I turned my head again back to where I had been thrown, to see that the pillar I had slammed into was one of the force field posts. And it affected the entire field's connection.

I looked back towards the spider and all the pro hero's in the stands were rushing towards my class, where the spider was also heading.

And I had no choice.

I started running towards the direction of the spider and undid my gym jacket. I threw it to the ground as I used my extra arms to lift my tank top up and threw it to the side, in order to allow me to use all of my arms, I was going to have to keep fighting shirtless

I shot my webbing out of four of my arms and they attached to the top of two large pillars still standing and I pulled back on my webbing as much as I could. The spider reached the top of the stands and was about to attack my class.

I let go on holding my webbing, and I sling shot forward through the air. I screamed as I slammed my feet into the back of its head and forced it's face into the railing before it could attack my class.

I reached forward and grabbed onto the it's fangs and pulled back on them pulling it to look up at the sky.

"This is my fight!" I screamed and the pro hero's that had made it to my class froze, as did all of my classmates.

I used four of my arms to shoot webbing and pull back on four of it's front legs and it pulled back even farther away from my class. And I used my last two arms to grab onto it's fur on it's back to hold myself steady.

"Fall god damn it!" I yelled and pulled even harder on its fangs. Finally it lost grip on the wall and we went falling towards the ground.

We hit the ground and dust got kicked up everywhere. But the spider got up and started thrashing around, like a crazy bull trying to get me off of it's back. It lifted a front leg up and behind its head smacking me off it's back and I hit the ground rolling onto my stomach.

I slightly lifted myself off the ground with all of my arms, but stayed down watching what it's next move was. But it did nothing but stare at me.

I stood up slowly and started side stepping, and the spider followed my movement staying directly out in front of me. And finally, I had a plan for this giant ass arachnid piece of shit.

I ran for one of the pillars, and as I figured, it chased after me. I shot out my webbing and shot myself forward and swung around the pillar. I shot multiple webs out and at it's legs, before I swung myself around and wrapped my silk around it's legs like one of those swing rides you see at fairs. After a couple times around, I landed on my feet before using all of my arms to pull the web tight, tripping the spider before it could attack me again.

It fell to the ground, and started struggling to get out. It was able to pull one leg out of my silk's grasp, and that meant it'd be able to do it with the others as well.

I ran forward started completely wrapping it, eyes to ass, in my webbing to the point it almost couldn't move. I landed on my feet, and felt like collapsing to the ground. Producing this much silk was taking a toll, and making me tired.

But I couldn't stop now.

I walked over to the giant cocoon and grabbed it with every hand I had and dragged it over to where the cage was waiting. Once I had it in the center of the cage I stepped to the side.

"Close it!" I yelled out to Midnight, but she was standing there struggling with the remote.

"Due to technical reasons the cage seems to not be working." Midnight announced, and I could only guess the issue had something to do with me breaking one of the force field pillars.

I sighed and climbed on top of the cocooned spider and crossed my arms, and shot some more webbing out and attached it to the cage doors pulling them up. As I pulled I was also lifted into the air and connected the webbing together. I did the same to the other sides of the cage. Once I had the cage secured, I went to stand up on my simple web that was holding the cage together.

The spider finally ripped the cocoon apart, stood up in the cage, and went to attack me. I pulled two of my arms back before throwing them forwards towards the giant pain in my ass, and punched it in two of it's eyes.

It backed down, and screeched at me. But it wasn't expecting me to make a much louder screech back. It shook at my scream, and coward in the corner of the cage, not daring to try and attack me any more.

I jumped down off the cage and walked towards the tunnel to get out of the arena. On the way I picked my gym jacket back up, and slipped it over my shoulders, and the entire stadium was in complete silence.

I didn't bother zipping my jacket up. There was no sense in hiding my arms any more.

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