Class 1A Final Member

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- Examination room

The scene reveals the scoreboard of the UA entrance exam. Then we several voices talking about the scores.

???: check out the results from the exam

??? 2: wow the first place has both hero points and rescuer points, possibly our highest score yet.  Not to mention our second place had no rescue points.

??? 3: both took down those for villains like aces. While most  of the other examiners were running from the big obstacles. They stayed focused on letting the targets get in close and then counterattacking. These two are tough

??? 2: and on the opposite end the 7th place student had no villain points.

???3: he's not UA hopeful to take that giant robot. It's been awhile since I saw someone blow it away with one attack 

???1: but at what cost, did you see how badly he injured himself. If you ask me it's like his body isn't use to his quirk. And then let's not forget the number one score.

???2: yes, him being the son of a villain, and ex villain no less 

???3: it doesn't matter, his actions shows he has a heart of a hero

???5: though we'll still need to have a word with this young man

Then the scene shows a hero leaning on the wall, his face looks as if he hasn't slept in days.

???: hm

With that the camera fads to black.

- Kaido Residence

The scene transit to genma bed as he's seen sleeping. Then the doors open and we sees its gramps. Gramps smirks as he throws a ball at genma head, genma catches it and throws it back.

genma: really gramps, you gonna have to do a lot better then that after the training you put me through

Gramps: I guess so, Your first day at UA is today. You've also been in tired to the principal office

Genma: what

Genma shot up but falls to the ground. Genma groans as we saw something slither across the ground. 

Gramp: I thought you said your pet was at the agency 

Genma: hey it's not my fault he's slippery 

Genma whistles as emerging from the clothes is a purple snake.

Genma: hey fang how you doing 

Fang wags his tail showing he's happy, genma chuckles and pats his head.

Gramp: aren't you gonna be late 

Genma: he's right

Genma runs out the room.

Gemma: I forgot my clothes!

Timeskip brought to you by MHA 

- UA Highscool

The scene transit to at the entrance of UA. We see genma park his bike and walk to the steps.

Genma: I'm finally here

Genma walks inside. We see him walk down the hall. He then finds his way to the principal office. He walks inside to see.


Genma: all might!!

All might: good afternoon young man, you must be genma 

Genma: yeah, wow I'm in the presence of The number 1 hero 

All might: and I'm in the present of the boy who's made quite a reputation. It's an honor to have you attend UA. But that's beside the point as there's another person here to talk to you

Genma looks past all night and sees, a mouse.

Genma: [mind] it's a good thing I didn't bring fang

Nezu: greetings genma I am your principal 

Genma: hi, am I'm in trouble

Nezu: oh my goodness no, I want to discuss about how you feel. I could only imagine what you went through all those years. I'm truly sorry

Genma: it's fine principal nezu, I know what my dad did and he's serving his time. He's a good man at heart only pushed to be a villain cause of his quirk. My mom saw it to after all. And now it's my turn to make my own park. And that's why I'm here

All might: truly words to live by. But now I must be off, teaching to do and lives to save. Good luck young genma

With that all might ran out. But genma scent went off, it's as if he senses something was wrong with all might. Genma shrugs and faces nezu.

Nezu: well in any case just know that the school staff is here to help you just like the rest of the students, and help you with your quirk. Your grandfather told us about your quirk

Genma: I figured as much

Nezu: fear not, you're not the first whose quirk is uncontrollable. Which is why he has taken the liberty of helping you 

Genma was confused till the door open. He turns and sees the person. It was the erasure hero.

Aizawa:  so your my new student, Mr. Wild man

Genma: [glees] it's you, the erasure hero eraserhead, I'm a big fan. Wait I'm your new student, that's awesome 

Aizawa: hmm, [scans him] you don't look like much kid

Genma: Huh

Aizawa: you sure you're the son of the behemoth. Well anyway it seems nezu filled you in. But there is one thing I need to mention 

Genma: hm

Aizawa: you're late to class, you need to make it up. If not your expelled 

Genma:....... Whaaaaaaa 

Nezu:[mind] oh aizawa, you must like this one

Later we see genma follows aizawa down the hall.

Aizawa: your class has a quirk assessment test. So you'll be taking a complete different test all together.  You think you good enough because you got the highest score, well let's show your other classmates. You'll be battling a selected few of my choosing

Genma: wait battling, but they are my classmates

Aizawa: the world is a harsh place, you should know that Mr villain kid. You never know when you'll be fighting one of your own

Genma growls as he followed aizawa. Then the scene transit to another location, there we see The one and only class 1A, in their training clothes, who've just heard they have a late classmate.

Uraraka: you guys here, we have another student 

Kaminari: I wonder kinda quirk he has 

Momo: it must be something incredible to get the number one spot

Iiyda: never the less it doesn't excuse him for being late to class

Kirishima: I bet he has a manly spirit 

Mineta: maybe it's a girl

Bakugo: hah, I know who it is

They all look and see bakugo leaning on the wall. 

Bakugo: I saw a motorcycle outside, and it belongs to one person. My close friend and the only one who deserves to be in this school. 

Ayoma: what a dramatic reveal

Kaminari: well if he's anything like you then we'll have more problems 

Bakugo: shut up, you should watch your mouth around genma

Midoriya: wait genma 

Then they see aizawa walk to them. Then they see genma. 

Kirishima: woah that's genma

Momo: he certainly seems like a friend of bakugo

Aizawa: everyone, this is genma Kaido, your newest addition

Genma: hey guys, glad to meet yah

Genma smiles but then sees bakugo.

Genma: bakugo

Bakugo: genma

They smirk and bump fist

All: they really are friends

Genma then looks and sees midoriya, who has a broken finger.

Genma: hey deku 

Midoriya: oh high genma 

Genma pulls midoriya in a hug and smiles, then he puts him down and rubs his head.

All: he's nothing like bakugo!

Genma: it's good to see you made deku

Midoriya: oh why thanks genma, you seemed to be doing great, so what quirk do you have

Genma: well something unique 

Aizawa: enough talking. The reason why you all still here is so you can battle genma

Momo: you gonna have us battle one of us

Kaminari: yeah isn't that a little extreme

Aizawa: did you forget what I told you

Everyone freezes

Aizawa: good, now a few of you will battle him in a ring. You can use yours quirks and you gotta push him out if he loses once he's out, but if you go easy I will expel you

Genma: guess we don't have no choice 

Aizawa: first off is kaminari versus genma

Kaminari: me 

Both of them enter the circle. Kaminari panics as genma walks to him, he slowly cracks his shoulders and begins hopping.

Kaminari: ok I got this, he seems like a pretty nice guy, I think I can get him with my electricity, this will be 

Aizawa: begin


Genma appears drawing a vicious gut punch, kaminari cough and falls down.

Aizawa: hm, he's fast

All: he completely obliterated him

Genma: sorry about dude, but I gotta show teacher that I deserve to be here

Genma carries kaminari across the ring and drops him out.

Genma: he'll be fine

Aizawa: next 

And so begins the matches. The frost scene shows genma looking around as something hits him. Genma grows and grabs toru, invisible girl, head and drags her out the feild. Next is ojiro, he comes in strong dealing a barrage of tail attacks. But genma grabs his tail and slams ojiro down. He pins him down with his foot and held his tail down, ojiro had no choice but to tape out.  The next match includes momo but like kaminari she was stopped in seconds. Then it was Aoyama, he knock unconscious. Lastly it's was shoji, the tallest member of the class.

Genma: no hard feelings bud

Shoji: I feel the same

Aizawa: I thought you had more 

Genma: looks at aizawa 

Aizawa: the teaches and staff were warned of your quirk being dangerous, but so fall you're in control, maybe it was an act just to boost your chances of getting in.

Genma: that's not what it is

Aizawa: then show us, otherwise there's no point 

Genma: fine

Genma then grunts, his begins to grows, so much his shirt rips begins to rip.  He grows a wolf jaw and purple fur. The class begin to freak out as he was as tall as shoji. Bakugo smirks as midoriya as excited. Genma then roars, the force sends shoji back, the class could barely stand, then mineta is unconscious.

Aizawa:[mind] so that's his true form

Genma: let's do this 

Shoji nods and charges and throws several punches. Genma blocks them are as the push him to the edge of the ring. Then suddenly he grabs shoji neck and slams him down. Then he throws shoji at the ring. 

Genma: who's next


Present Mic: "Kaido Genma!!!" Quirk: Timberwolf! This boy turns into a freaked werewolf he has enhanced strenght, speed, and tracking. He will find you no matter what and has the strength to back it up.  A Quirk that's Bite and Bark.


Midoriya: amazing so that's his quirk. I wonder if he has to do inexpensive training to use a small percentage of that quirk in which explains his sharp nails and mane. Also would the transformation into such a large figure be painful and will he need to have a suit to deal with his transformation. Also does he need to eat a lot to sustain that form. Also [mutters]

Genma: deku I can still hear, and I thought you got over that muttering thing! 

Bakugo: hah, so you gotten stronger Huh fenrir

Genma then spots bakugo.

Genma: yeah, you wanna test it

Bakugo: hah, your acting so confident, I'm gonna fucking beat you

Bakugo hands spark as genma flexes his claws.

All: they are definitely friends

Genma and bakugo leapt at each other. But suddenly genma body changes back to normal, causing the two to crash into each other and fall. They get up and face aizawa.

Aizawa: stand down you to

Genma: right your quirk, erasure

Aizawa: the test is over 

Genma: so do I pass

Aizawa: well normally I grade each fight and rage your ability, but I won't cause you're not being expelled.

Genma: Huh

Aizawa: that's a little deception so I could see who you really were

Genma:......... I fucking knew it no one can be so cold hearted on the first impression 

Aizawa: alright we're done for the day

They all begin to walk off. 

Aizawa: oh and genma

Genma: hm

Aizawa: I did this because I wanted to make sure your exam was your true self and you weren't showboating, you have what it takes to be a hero.

Genma: wha really

Aizawa: but only when you've mastered control over that quirk, nezu and all might filled me in already. Know that I'll be more tough on you then anyone. [smiles] I'll make it my goal to turn you into a real hero. There will be no uncontrollable quirks in this school, do you understand 

Genma:.......[smiles] sir yes sir 

Genma walks off.

Genma: wow, aizawa really does care for us, guess that's why he's one of my favorite heroes. Mysterious and cool. But he's right, imma have to get stronger. Cause this is just of many test I'll have to endure.

With that genma walk homes.  

-Next Day (episode 6)

We transit to the school where we see class 1A endure grammar class and have lunch, genma got to chat with bakugo and made friends with kirishima and shoji. Also tokoyami. And now we pan to the hero course.

All Might: I AM HERE 

Everyone see all might appear in one of his many suits. 

All Might: Coming through the door like a hero!

Everyone became illuminated by his presence.

Kaminari: I can't believe it's really all might

Kirishima: so he is a teacher, this year is gonna be totally awesome 

Tsu: look, is he wearing his silver age costume

Genma: of course he makes a dramatic entrance 

All might slowly marches to his teaching booth.

Ojiro: I'm getting goosebumps it's so retro

All Might: Welcome to Welcome to the most important class at UA High. Think of it as "Hero‐ing 101." Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches!

All Might flashes today's lesson card, it flashed the words Battled. This thrilled genma and bakugo, and spooked deku

Bakugo:[scary smile] fight trainig 

Genma:[thrilles smile] super battling

Midoriya: real combat

All Might: But one of the keys of being a hero is......

All might points behind him, appearing out the wall are several case. Each of the cases had numbers and those numbers represented the students placement.

All might: looking good! These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration
forms and the requests you sent in before school started.

All the students cheered even midoriya.

Midoriya: costumes

All Might: Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!

Students: Yes sir

Timeskip brought to you by hero changing. 

-Ground Beta 

We transit to all might as he face the gates. Within the gate we see several figures approaching, they were class 1A.

All might: They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof! Take this to heart.From now on you are all...

Appearing in the light is the gang and there hero suits.

All Might: .. heroes in training!

We see genma right by bakugo as they smirk. Genma costume was a bancho style super hero with the spandex included. 

All Might: This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now. Shall we get started, you buncha newbies?

Then we see mirrors running in, with the most ridiculous suit.

Genma: I get it midoriya but that suit is so obvious 

All might: Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training.

Iiyda: Sir!

Midoriya: [mind] Oh. So That's Iida under there. He looks so cool!

Iiyda: This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean that we'll be
conducting urban battles again?

All might: Not quite. I'm going to move you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights
you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run‐ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors.

Genma: he's right

All might: Think about it. Backroom deals, home invasions, secret
underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two‐on‐two indoor battles.

Tsu: Isn't this a little advanced?

All might: The best training is what you get on the battlefield! But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now.

Momo: Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?

Bakugo: How much can we hurt the other team?

Uraraka: Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?

Iiyda: Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?

Aoyoma: Isn't this cape très chic?

Genma: [mind] how much power will I need to use

ALL MIGHT [growls] I wasn't finished talking!

All might then pulls forth a script

Midoriya: [mind] a script

Genma: [mind] a script, is he that bad at teaching

All might: Listen up. The situation is this. The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes.

Midoriya:[mind] Sounds like a classic action movie setup.

All might: Time's limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots! [pulls out draw box]

Iiyda: Isn't there a better way?

Midoriya: Think about it! Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here.

Iiyda: Yes, I see. Life is a random series of events. [bows] Excuse my rudeness.

All might: no sweat. let's draw!

So everyone picked and the teams were set:

Team A- Uraraka and Midoriya

Team B- shoji and Todoroki

Team C- Mineta and Momo (sorry momo)

Team D- bakugo and Iiyda

Team E- Ashido and aoyoma

Team F- Koda and Sato

Team G- Kaminari and Jirou

Team H- Tokoyami and Tsu

Team I- Ojiro and Toru

Team J- Sero and Kirishima

Team K- Genma

Uraraka: Wow, what are the

chances? We're a team!

Midoriya: [mind] Oh my gosh! I have to make a good impression on her.

Genma: wait how come I'm alone

All Might: I declare that the first teams to fight will be...these guys! Team A will be the heroes, Team D will be the villains. Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!

Midoriya catches bakugo glaring at him. He groans before getting serious, he Balls! up his fist and looks at bakugo, angering him more. Genma saw this as well.

Genma: [mind] they still haven't work it out, this is gonna get ugly

With that Genma followed the others.

-Monitoring Room

The scene transit to the room as genma watched the camera.

Kirishima: this is gonna be one hell of a match

Genma: this is gonna be a death match

They all look at genma

Kaminari: that's a little tense

Genma: I know the two of them, we all want the same dream, which means this is a fated battle between both of them. And soon they'll fight me. And it'll be more them than all of us.

All Might: truly you know them well genma

Genma turns around and sees all might.

Genma: yeah, childhood friends, I use to get them out of trouble

All might: like a big brother, you care a lot for them

Genma: thanks all might. And also, why do I not have a partner

All might: don't worry. I have a reason

Genma watches as all might walk off. He checks his gleipnir cuffs. ( it was the month of April) and the clock was counting down.

Genma: keep it together

All might: All right! Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D, your time starts now! Pay attention, kids. Think about what you would do. [mind] Young Midoriya! In this class, you're just another student. I'll grade you as I would anyone else. Without playing favorites.

The battle starts. They watched team a maneuver through the halls after sneaking in. Then suddenly bakugo comes rushing in with a sneak attack. They dodge but he managed to burn deku mask in half. Bakugo goes into the attack but midoriya grabs his right attack and flips him over. Deku then tells bakugo he's no longer the person he knew, with that the real battle starts.

Boom that's it for the chapter. This chapter takes place mid way through episode 5 and episode 6. The class 1A seem to grown to like genma already. And what does all might has in store for genma. Next chapter: 

Genma: that battle with bakugo and midoriya was amazing. Now it's time for my turn

All might: exactly Genma, which is why I AM Here

Genma: wait all might, why are you in the building, don't tell me

All Might: I hope your ready genma

Genma: I am ready, I just hope time doesn't run out.  Next Time: Fenrir Vs. All Might. Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!!

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