All For Vilgax

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Heads up Notice from the Author on differences between Rise of Ben 10 Hideout Raid Arch and MHA Hideout Raid Arch. 

Writing this chapter was more than a little agonizing. Deciding what to keep and what not to keep from the Hideout raid arch. Because until Vilgax's appearance, it was mostly supposed to play out the same way, and having to rewrite an entire episode word for word feels.. just.. ugggghhhh.. so I've made a few liberties, so you might find this chapter sort of skims the earlier hideout raid scenes.  Also because its Vilgax and not All For One, there are a few scenarios from the canon iteration that didn't happen, such as Deku's Bakugou rescue plan. Though lets be honest, with XLR8, that plan would've been completely unnecessary, so it made no sense to write another one of those.

"Huh.. guess they really know me better than I thought."

Katsuki grinned from within the Bar in which the League of Villains were situated.. he was standing next to a dismantled chair and untied ropes, staring down the rest of the League who was eying him at ready with interest. 

It had only been moments since they untied him as a gesture of good will.

Tomura Shigarki's main argument?

"Join us and you'll be able to win all you want, without any distractions.." 

Of course, they thought because of his anger and temper, that he'd be an easy guy to turn to their side. What a bunch of shit.

The one called Rojo merely sat quietly by and sipped some tea as the rest of the villains eyed Katsuki quietly, with Tomura at their head.

"OHOHO! I like this one." said Zombozo, licking his lips. "Quite a bit of spunk! You wouldn't happen to know a guy named Accelerator would you?"

"Mmmm, he's a bit hot, but not as hot as the one I pledged my heart to." said Toga, licking her lips.

"Uh... H-Himiko-san." said Twice. "It wouldn't happen to be the one who gave you that black eye would it?"

Toga smiled happily, her cheeks turning pink as she turned to look at Twice, one of her eyes swollen black and purple as the result of a crystal fist having rammed into it moments after Chromastone had landed back in that forest.  "YEP! Teehee! He's my new crush!!"

"Yeeeah, just checking." said Twice. 

"Heh, you guys can't afford to hurt me can you!? Not if you want to succeed in the plan!!" said Katsuki with a grin.

"Hmmm.. in that case.." Tomura muttered. "I'll need a little help from Master.. Master, if you would.. lend me a hand with this.."

Tomura turned to look at the monitor. "Master..?"

There was no answer.

Tomura's eyes widened. "Oi.. where are-..


The walls to the bar were torn to shreds as multiple wooden branches extended out from the well known Kamui Woods and wrapped around all the villains, and All Might crashed into the bar from above, grinning. 

"WH-WHAAAAT!?" Tomura roared.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" All Might laughed as he stood up and put his fists on his hips in a typical heroic pose and more heroes appeared..

The Elderly Gran Torino, who despite his age, moved with more speed than most. The powerful Edgeshot who emerged from a point thinner than a pencil point on the other side of the bar.

And almost like a special surprise-.."

"SHEEEN SHEEEN SHEEEN SHEEEN!" Multiple crystals erupted around Kamui Woods's branches, securing the trapped villains, including Kurogiri, who was secured before he had a chance to even start his teleport ability. 

"It's been a while since I've done the Hero Business on Earth, but I think I nailed that just right." Tetrax said, grinning as his dome helmet retracted to show his crystal face.

"Well well, what do you know! Diamond Hard Hero Tetrax.. is actually the spitting image of that Diamondhead transformation!" said Endeavor with a growl, the Number 2 Hero stepping forward, flames erupting from various parts of his costume.  "Care to explain yourself!?"

Tetrax eyed Endeavor silently. 

"Eh? Still gonna be silent like that!? When you were the one who was supposed to inherit the Number 2 Hero spot before he mysteriously retired!?" said Endeavor. "And now it turns out you were really an alien the whole-!?"

"THE NOMUS!" Tomura's roar interrupted the tense conversation. "I'm trying to summon the Nomus.. oi.. what's taking so long Kurogiri!!?"

"I-I'm sorry Shigaraki-sama.. but.." Kurogiri let out a gasp. "The Nomus aren't responding!"

"Oh that!?" said All Might. "HAHAHAHA! You ought to think a little more Shigaraki-san. You see we already determined the location of your factory days ago, and right now we're taking care of it as we speak.. I don't think you'll have much to fall back on anymore! "

"H-how in the world did you.. ALL MIGHT!?" roared Shigaraki, scratching himself furiously. "How.. H-HOW!?"

"Don't underestimate the Intelligence Networks of Heroes Shigaraki, especially when one of our own has been to your headquarters himself." said All Might, nodding at Tetrax. "Hiring Alien Mercenaries? My, I believe we all have a few questions about that."

"Such as what your connections are to Vilgax, and how you convinced him to even listen to you." growled Tetrax. 

"Wh-wha!?" said Tomura, blinking with confusion.

"Vil-who?" Muttered Rojo as she struggled against her bonds. 

"I don't think he's talking about strong bug spray.." said Twice. 

"What kind of bug spray brand is Pill Smax?" asked Toga.

There was a pause as Tetrax's eyes widened and he looked at All Might. "Are they serious!?"

"All Might." the Number three hero, notable by his large amount of denim-jean-themed clothing and stylish blonde hair, Best Jeanist, stepped forward. "Mount Lady and Death Arms have called in. Everything's been taken care of. Nomus are eradicated, and the Pussy Cats found Rag Doll.. but something doesn't make sense.."

"What!?" said All Might. "What's wrong?"

"From the intel that Tetrax provided and you gathered, this lord of the Underworld, All For One." said Best Jeanist.  "He probably enlisted the help of the shadowy figure known as Vilgax, right?"

"He's the one who contacted me, Kraab and SixSix to work for All For One." said Tetrax. "From what we could gather, he had interest in the Omnitrix so he enlisted All For ONe's help.. "

"Just, what do you know about this Vilgax fellow?" asked Best Jeanist.

"Well not much to be honest." said Tetrax. "I've only met him once, and even then, I never got a good view of him. He's a warlord from Chimera Sui Genari..  a planet far on the edge of the galaxy.  But he's managed to remain relatively obscure...  Organizing henchment from the shadows is just his style."

"Is it?" said Best Jeanist. "Well we know All For One's style from our intel right?"

Katsuki, who had stood by silently, grinning, now slowly stood up, his smile disappearing quick. "All for who?"

"Ragdoll's quirk, yes, I'm not sure how we'll be able to recover-." All Might began.

"She still has it." said Best Jeanist. "In fact.. Ragdoll never saw anyone named All For One. Rather.. she says she saw something akin to a-."

"SHEEEEEN!!"  a small hole appeared in Best Jeanist's chest as he coughed out blood, falling over, and suddenly.. silvery liquid formed over every villain present.. and Bakugou.

"YOUNG BAKUGOU!!" roared All Might, running over to Katuski, who with a bewildered face, along with the villains, was suddenly teleported away, disappearing from All Might's grasp.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" All Might roared, the earth shaking with the hero's power.


Ben's eyes blearily opened.. he moaned as a familiar girl's voice yelled out to him.


Again, the girl smacked Ben's face as he shook himself and let out a moan. "H-hey! S-stop!!"

Ben's vision cleared as he saw the pale skinned girl's face, looking desperate and fearful, a stark contrast from her usual bored and uncaring expression.

"R-Rachel?" Ben stammered. "Wh-what are you wearing?"

Rachel was wearing a dark black hooded cloak, along with what appeared to be a legless unitard.. she looked like she was some sort of sorceress. 

Rachels eyes filled with tears as behind her, the rest of the Bakugou Rescue Squad stood, looking winded.

"I-I thought you said you'd catch up with us later.." Ben moaned.

"By that she probably meant she'd be hiding in your shadow." Kevin moaned as he helped Ben up with a hand. "While Mount Lady was getting rid of those Nomus."

"What happened?" Ben muttered. "I think I need a refresher. We were just watching Mount Lady and Death Arms go through the lab and destroy everything, and I think the Pussy Cats were there too.. and they found Ragdoll or.. "

"Something huge came out, wiped Mount Lady in one go.. it was so fast." said Tenya. "Roth-san just came out of your shadow and shielded us with some black raven-shaped energy. And then.. and then.."

"And then.. what?" Ben asked

"Well, see for yourself." said Kirishima, sweating profusely.

Ben's eyes went wide as he looked upon the destroyed building's surface. 

The entire League of Villains were standing there, looking thoroughly confused, with the infamous Tomura Shigaraki himself, standing right next to what appeared to be Katsuki Bakugou, who seemed equally confused. 

And in the center of the demolished room..

"Ufufufufu, well well, Tomura my boy, it seems I had to pull you out of a pretty dreadful situation there."  A tall domineering man wearing a tuxedo stood before Tomura. His head covered by a black mask fitted with tons of nozzles and ventilation mechanisms, as if he were Darth Vader or Bane. 

"Dad.." Kevin growled, his eyes alight with a combination of fear and fury. "That's him.. I know that damn gas mask anywhere.."

Rachel's eyes narrowed as her cloak slid closed and she wiped a tear from her eyes. "Stay hidden. Whoever he is, he's far beyond what any of us are capable of right now."

"B-but Ka-Kacchan's right there." Izuku stammered, looking right at where Bakugou was. 

Ben gulped. "The condition of rescuing him was that none of us get involved in a battle, but.. at this rate.. "

"M-Master.." Tomura's voice broke the silence as Ben froze, unable to continue speaking for fear of being heard. "Wh-why? Why didn't you answer when I called for your help?"

There was a pause as the 'Master' Villain looked down at Tomura.  "There is much that needs explaining my boy. I believe you are the one me and Albedo have sought after. Yes, before All Might had always been your target, but the truth is he is nothing compared to the real person you must destroy."

"What are you talking about!?" Growled Tomura. "What is going on!? Wasn't capturing Bakugou to break UA part of our-?"

"I've changed my  outlook Shigaraki-kun." said All For One with a chuckle. "Our real enemy's name, the real one who stands in the way of Chaos, the true foe you must surpass is none other than-."


From the sky, All Might exploded forth, looking furious and desperate as he exploded into the middle of the battlefield with tremendous speed. 

All For One chuckled as he turned to look at All Migh, dust whirling out in the wake of his landing.  "Ahh, of course, given your speed, its definitely you who would make it here first. Not bad, Symbol of Peace."

"Tsk.. All Might.." growled Tomura. 

"Shigaraki-Kun, I hope you forgive me for what I did to your father figure in the end, but you will understand that he could never see your potential as I did." said All For One. "You and your League must survive for the good of this Universe, a Universe that is created in the right image."

"What are you-?" Tomura reached out for his master. 

"Forceful Quirk Activation." All For One aimed a hand at the barely conscious Kurogiri, and tendrils, black in color, hurled themselves out of his fingers and drilled into the villain, forcing him upright like a puppet as suddenly tons of portals erupted in thin air, causing the league members to immediately vanish.  "Apologies Shigaraki-kun, this quirk I hold apparently can only teleport others to my immediate location, Kurogiri is a more exceptional case. 

"M-MASTER!! YOUR BODY!! WAIT! You can't possibly take-!" Tomura roared as he began to disappear, his sentence left unfinished as he vanished from view. 

All Might stared at Katsuki, who remained standing there, stunned.  "You.. you didn't take Young Bakugou-?"

"Of course not. To be honest, you could say that capturing and keeping Bakugou was more the plan of the 'previous me' so to speak." said All For One with a laugh. "And while Shigaraki was well founded in his worry over my previous self's health, well, the current me is more than capable of seeing this through, All Might."

All Might glared furiously at All For One. "Do you intend to come after Young Bakugou at all!?"

"By all means, he's free to leave." said All For One with a laugh. "overall at this point he was just mere bait.. Isn't that right? Ben Tennyson?"

There was a freezing chill in the air... 

All Might stared, frozen in place. "B-Ben.. Tenny-.."

"You think I don't have a means to keep a track on the Omnitrix at all times? Don't be so naive, All Might. Surely, even you would suspect the previous me of being so thorough.. " said All For One. "Observe.."

All For One snapped his fingers, and immediately Ben felt a chill around his body.

"SH-SHIT!!" Izuku ran at Ben, holding out his fingers. "BEN GRAB ON!!"

Ben could only turn quickly to stare at Izuku's approaching hand as he disappeared in a burst of silvery liquid, and reappeared 50 meters away, right in front of All For One himself.. towering above him. 

Ben slowly turned to look up at All For One, quivering, his entire body numb, his legs locked in place. 

This wasn't Overlord. This wasn't Komodo Dragon..

This guy..

This guy was a thousand times worse.

Ben stared up at the Lord of the criminal Underworld as he put a hand on his shoulder. 

And while the man's hand appeared made of normal skin and flesh, there was something odd feeling about it, as if it were made of something harder.. as if there was an even bigger hand made of ferocious claws, gripping half his body,  being large enough to encompass twelve dinner plates.

"Greetings my boy, this meeting has been a long time coming." said All For One. "Has my Kevin been treating you well?"

"TENNYSON BOY!!" roared All Might.

"Damn.. DAAAMN!" Katuski gritted his teeth, his eyes throbbing as he clenched his fists. "All this time, I was bait for HIM!? O-Oi!!  LET HIM GO!!"

All For One chuckled. "Oh Katsuki Bakugou, I should thank you as well, you did help shape this young man into a fine warrior, though I must also thank UA as a whole."

All For One turned to look at All Might. "Let me guess what you are thinking now of course. Currently your thoughts are, 'I can't afford to go all out, if I do, then I risk hurting Ben Tennyson. However at the same time, I can't afford to do nothing.' "

All For One shrugged and laughed. "But you need not worry so much All Might. Remember, the previous me would've used all those tricks to his advantage and merely sent Ben Tennyson on his way to young Shigaraki-kun. However..  I've 'changed' so to speak. The current me believes in fair boons gained in battle."

"Previous you? Current you!?" All Might growled. "Don't tell me.. All For One.. you've already found a new body!? And one that wasn't Shigaraki!?"

"Oh so you already found out about my previous self's plan?  Impressive All Might, as I'd expect from Earth's mightiest Hero." All For One said, clapping his hands together.  "Well I don't intend on handing you the answer right away. You will have to beat it out of me first."

All For One held out a hand over the terrified Ben, and immediately a sphere of transparent red energy enveloped him. 

"H-HEY!" Ben yelled as suddenly energy binds appeared over his wrists and legs, and the bubble holding him suspended, flew out over the battlefield. 

"To the victory go the spoils." said All For One. "Single combat between you and me. Should you win, I will hand over Tennyson and the Omnitrix without any resistance. And you can freely arrest me too. Lose, and I take your life."

All Might gritted his teeth furiously, his muscles bulging under his suit as helicopters soared overhead, their thunderous propeller beats whirling in the background. 

"HAHAHA! The New Media is here as well. Good, good, I wish for the whole world to witness this." said All For One, popping his knuckles. "The death.. of The Symbol of Peace."

All For One held up his fists. "Come.. All MIGHT!!"

All Might popped his neck as behind him the sounds of other heroes approaching met his ears.. 

Gran Torino zoomed into view in a sudden blur, glancing at the Number One Hero solemnly. "Toshinori.. is that?"

"Yeah." said All Might. 

"There's something wrong." muttered Gran Torino. "Is it just me, or is he taking a fist-fight stance? That never was his style."

"Well, I'll leave that mystery for until I defeat him again." said All Might.  

All Might looked up at Ben. 

All might grinned and clenched his fists. "Worry not.. Young Tennyson Boy! I'll have you out of there soon enough.. I AM HERE!!!"

"A-All Might!" Ben stammered as the Number One Hero turned into an immense blur.

Gran Torino grabbed Bakugou and launched the both of them out of the way as wind surged from All Might breaking the sound barrier in his charge. 


All Might's fists were a so fast, it was as if a thousand high pressured wind blasts were being fired forth at once, each one packed with the power to destroy entire city blocks, hammering against All For One with relentless frenzy. 

All For One held up his arms, blocking the thunderous blows, laughing. "IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE!? GREATEST HERO!?" 

"OKLAHOMA.. SMAAAAAAAAAASSSSHHHH!" All Might disappeared in a blur of speed, reappearing behind All For One and hurling a seismic powered momentum enhanced punch from the air. 

All For One turned around and blocked the punch with a palm, and the entire area shook with immense power. 

At the edge of the battlefield, Izuku and the others were forced to duck as Rachel hurled out a dark energy shield to protect the group.

"D-DAMN IT ALL!! CAN'T WE DO SOMETHING!?" roared Kevin. 

"No! Any attempt to help will only slow All Might down!" Izuku exclaimed. 

Rachel's expression turned to bewilderment at these words, she looked down at her hands and shut her eyes furiously. "F.. Fuck.. Father, stop doing this.. let me. " 

"R-Roth-chan?" Kirishima stammered. 

Rachel's expression suddenly turned demonic as they split into four red flaming eyes.  "Stand.. back.."

Rachel hurled out her hands. "AZARATH.. METRION.. ZINTHOS!!!"

All Might's form suddenly shimmered as black raven-like auras formed over his fists, turning into powerful black flames.. 

"Wh-what's this!?" All Might growled. 

"Ehancements?" Muttered Gran Torino. "They're coming from that girl from young Midoriya's class!?  Why they're here aside, just what is that girl's quirk!?"

Rachel let out a scream as her demonic eyes returned to normal. "Save him... SAVE HIM ALL MIGHT!!!"

With that, Rachel fell unconscious in Kirishima's arms. 

"R-Rachel!" Katsuki stammered. 

"RACHEL!!" Ben roared from inside the red bubble, struggling furiously

"How unusual!" said All For One. "A denizen of the dimension of Azarath! A daughter of Trigon here! HAHAHAHA! And here I thought the universe from where that hailed was destroyed by Darkseid. Just what do you hope to do with that feeble spell?"

"DEFEAT YOU.. ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!" All Might turned into a tremendous flaming meteor of blackness, letting forth a raging inferno of sizzling punches. 

All For One also became a blur as shockwaves and black flames were all that could be seen of the immense high speed battle that was now shredding apart the very area. 

All Might's black flaming fist collided with All For One's fist in the last collision, the black flames raging against the Symbol Of Evil's own fist, which strangely enough, didn't seem to be burned at all.

"D-Don't tell me, you're even stronger than you were when we first fought! You really did find a new body!!" All Might roared. 

"TOSHINORO! RETREAT!! You can't hope to land a direct hit head on!" roared Gran Torino. 

"KAAAAAABOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!" All For One's fist exploded into All Might's gut.. and the Symbol of Peace let out a howl of pain as blood gushed out of his mouth and he was sent smashing into the ground.

Dust clouded the area for a moment, and the black flames that were Rachel's final desperate attempt to give All Might a winning edge, dissipated. 

And standing in the dust was.. 

"No.." Ben stammered, tears welling up in his eyes. "No no no no.."

"All Might, don't tell me, your time limit.." Izuku sobbed, tears welling up in his eyes as well.

There he stood, in full view of the world, his muscled form gone, skinny, weakened, his smile gone, his hair a mopped mess.. his arms scarred and bruised, his super suit sagged and too big for his true diminutive form. 

"HAHAHA! I see, the Flames of One for All have finally waned." said All For One.  "What will you do now? Your power is gone..  your allies have failed. The Omnitrix is mine. And you are nothing.."

All Might's eyes turned upward to face All For One.  And as he did, a flaming blast exploded from above. 

"Hmmmmmm?"  All For One hurled a finger upwards and blocked the tremendous flaming punch that was sent at him by Number 2 Hero Endeavor.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? ALL MIGHT!? SHOWING YOURSELF IN SUCH A PITIFUL STATE!" roared Endeavor as more heroes arrived on the scene and began attacking. "This isn't the person I strove to defeat!! EHHHHH!! 

"Hmph.. pitful candle flames." All For One murmured, slamming Endeavor aside with a mere flick of his wrist. 

"All Might..." Ben growled. "D-DON'T LOSE!! ALL MIGHT!!!"

"DON'T LOSE ALL MIGHT!!" Katsuki Bakugou echoed. "DON'T.. LOOOSE!!!"

The rest of the Bakugou rescue squad, disregarding their attempts to stay out of the fight also screamed and cheered.. 

"ALL MIGHT!! YOU CAN DO IT!!" Izuku roared.. 

"P..Please keep fighting.. Please don't lose.." a voice whispered.

All Might turned to look at a woman behind him, one of the casualties of the fight so far, a woman gasping under a pile of rubble. "P-please.."

"As long as their breath in me.. the SYMBOL OF PEACE.. WON'T DIE!!" All Might roared as he raised his fists, and suddenly, his arm turned muscular, steam hissing into it..

"Hmmm?" All For One said. "So there are still a few flames left.. the few embers, being kept from wisping away by his fervent attempts to hold back the winds of erosion. Like one putting their body over a slowly smoldering fire, for just one last attempt at warmth. Extraordinary.."

All For One laughed. "Truly All Might, it is a pity you passed your power to the boy. Your will, is one I would've gladly accepted into my service. You have earned the undying respect of Vil-."

"SHUUUT UP!" All Might hurled a powerful last ditch punch at All For One, who blocked the hit with a fist. 

"It's pointless to resist-" All For One began. " Wait.. WHAT!?"

All Might's fist had shrunk the moment it made contact with All For One's palm, as his other arm instantly grew to magnificent muscular size.. 

"A Feint!?" said All For One. "Perfect! PERFECT! Such skill!! You've truly trained your body to death as I have!! The Previous me definitely underestimated you!! It is no wonder the first Nomu lost!!"

All Might closed his eyes as power charged into his approaching right fist, flames of rainbow light slashing through his mind..  burning with brightness, with the power of the preceding heroes who all held its embers before.

The shadow of a woman in a cape appeared in the back of All Might's mind. 

"This Toshinori, is the power of those who held this close to their chest, the ability to change hearts and bring peace.." the woman's voice whispered  as All Might  let out a ferocious roar, and charged his final smash.. the Smash to end all Smashes. 

Goodbye.. All For One..

Goodbye... One For All... 


The fist collided with All For One's head, as a blistering shockwave of pure power erupted all over the city, causing all of Tokyo to shake slightly from the force of the sheer cataclysm brought down upon the Symbol of Evil. 

The  earth ruptured, and a tremendous crater exploded out from where All For One had been before. 

All Might for a moment, his skinny form frozen, stood there in the light of the cameras from the media.. 

People stared in silent awe and shock, staring at the screens of TVs and giant monitors everywhere, tears in their eyes.. the Symbol of Peace seemingly silent. 

All Might held up a hand and made a fist as for a moment, he returned to muscular form with a "Booof!!"

A collective cheer went up from those watching all over Japan as All Might briefly assumed his muscular form before finally reducing back to his scrawny mode. 

All Might pointed at a news camera that had been brave enough to venture forth to the battle's conclusion. 

"It is up to you now.." All Might whispered. 

With those words, Izuku Midoriya cried.. and wiping the tears from his eyes as he sobbed, Katsuki Bakugou watching him silently from afar-...

"WAIT!" A voice yelled..

(imagine that this voice causes the music to suddenly abruptly end..)

The voice was Rachel's.

Rachel stared up at the sky, barely conscious, gasping for breath, her strength nearly drained. "Why.. why is.. Ben still trapped up there!?"

All Might's eyes went wide as he stared up at the red orb that still held Ben in it's clutches.. Ben was screaming something, something that seemed muffled due to the red sphere dampening all sound inside..

"Wh-what is he yelling?!" yelled Endeavor. "Shit, out with it boy!!"

Endeavor hurled a flame to the shell and slashed it apart, shattering the energy that had been holding Ben's limbs as Gran Torino zoomed high into the sky and caught him. 

"Young Tennyson Boy." All Might rasped as Ben finally looked at him from Torino's back. "What's wrong!?"

"LOOOK OUT!!" Ben screamed. "HE'S COMING!!!"

 All Might looked over at the dusty pit to find that something had been thrown out of the depths of the impact of his last and greatest attack..

A strange looking mask.. 

All Might's eyes widened in horrified recognition of the mask. "Tetrax used that when he disguised himself as hu.. no.. Previous him.. "

"Ragdoll never mentioned anyone named All For One.." Best Jeanist's voice echoed inside All Might's head

"You.. YOU!!" All Might growled as a large shape moved out of the black abyss.. it's huge armored legs creating massive clanging noises as the creature stomped out into view at last.

Glowing burning red eyes pierced out of the dust as the being towered over All Might, far more massive and intimidating than the true All For One ever could hope to be. The TRUE Symbol of Evil. No, the Symbol of power..

Viewers all over Japan stared with utmost terror and disbelief as Vilgax towered over All Might and the other Heroes, his massive muscles rippling with barely contained power.. red flames hissing from his eyes.. the tentacles  on his face slithering slightly like worms. 

"I am here." said Vilgax, grinning. "Did I use that right? I believe Tetrax already told you my name."

"V.. Vilgax!" All Might said. 

"A pity, the time I finally revealed my true form.. and your power has already run out against all odds.." Vilgax said, his demonic ancient voice coldly reverberating over the cold stones that littered the battle zone as he used two claws to pick up the diminutive holographic mask he had been using to disguise himself as All For One. "Though I must admit.."

Vilgax pointed at the slight cut just below one of his eyes, where some greenish blood was dripping. "That was the first time in a long time I ever felt anything.. commendable."

"A.. All that for a drop of blood?" All Might said. 

"To be honest, I needn't have attacked at all." said Vilgax. "But I wanted to see what Earth's Mightiest Hero had to offer, and you didn't disappoint. I hope your planet remembers you Toshinori. You are certainly not somebody I will forget, for even amongst the pitiful warriors beyond this backwater planet, you were something truly special... however, this has gone on long enough.." 

Vilgax pointed at Ben and Gran Torino. "The Omnitrix and its wielder.. comes with me."

At that moment, Izuku stepped out. His face was filled with terror, and yet also determination as he stepped, trembling between Gran Torino, Ben, and the tremendous Alien Conqueror. 

Vilgax's red eyes widened with slight surprise. "The Heir?"

"Y-you won't have it." Izuku said in a weak voice. "I.. I won't let you have him..."

"M-Midoriya-!" All Might stammered.

Slowly, the rest of the Bakugou rescue team walked out..  

Rachel leaning on Tenya for support, all of them terrified to the point that even Kirishima, the gutsiest among them, was trembling at the knees. 

Even Katsuki who was sweating bullets joined them.

"G-Guys get away.. he.. he'll kill you!" Ben stammered. 

"Yeah? I think the alternative is you dying.. either we all go out or none of us!" Kirishima growled, tears welling up in his eyes. "I-it was an honor serving gentlemen!"

"S-stop talking or I'm going to hurl!" Momo stammered, looking ready to pass out from fear.

"Shoto." growled Endeavor. "Even you are-.."

Vilgax let out a laugh. "Glorious. The fierceness in your eyes. When my regime is established you too shall have a place among my forces. You have made good friends Ben Tennyson. I once had comrades who were quite similar. Loyal, willing to put their lives on the line for me.. I lost all of it. I know the pain you now bear, the fear of losing them."

Vilgax clenched his claws. "No matter, sweeping you young ones aside without killing you, will be mere child's play."

"H-he makes Darkseid look like a puppy.." Rachel whispered as Vilgax began to slowly approach.


45 Pro Heroes attacked at once..

Even Mount Lady rose up from the earth to join the battle. 

Vilgax flexed his arms. "Very well.. amuse me.."

Multiple quirks exploded into Vilgax, creating a massive dust storm as Mount Lady used her arms to shield the 1 A students, Gran Torino and weak All Might from the shockwave.

Vilgax emerged from the combined attack, his body sizzling, but completely unharmed.

"Pitiful.." Vilgax growled as his eyes suddenly glowed with bright red light. 

"GET DOWN!!!" Mount Lady screamed, ducking over her charges as Vilgax's eyes exploded with fierce red eye beams that zigzagged all over the battlefield, tracking their targets, instantly taking out 35 of the Pro heroes in a single blast.

Endeavor stared with shock as multiple heroes, including Edgeshot and a few other big names fell to the ground, their bodies burning, their breaths ragged. 

Endeavor glared back at Vilgax, his body's flames burning with fury.  "You think that'll terrify me!? I WILL SHOW YOU HELL!! VILLAIN!!"

"Villain? Me? No.. I am consequence." said Vilgax. "I am not regulated to the paltry sums of Black and White, Good and Evil. I am he who knocks when the door of destiny's time is up. Do not relegate me to some pitiful role of your own choosing.. pitiful candle hero."

"I am no candle! I AM AN INFERNO!!" roared Endeavor as flames exploded from his body. "PROMINENCE.. SPEAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!" 

Endeavor's flames superheated as he drove an all consuming flaming punch straight into Vilgax's chest, his back firing off heat like rockets to supercharge his attack

Rocks melted into magma around the area of the attack.. 

But when the flames cleared, Vilgax was standing resolutely where he had been before, having not even moved an inch.

"I-Impossi-" Endeavor managed to say, right before Vilgax flicked his chin with a single finger, sending the flame hero exploding through multiple buildings behind him. 

"RAAAAAHHHH!" Death Arms and Kamui Woods attacked Vilgax from behind. 

Vilgax caught Death Arms by one of his fists and used his body as a club to smash Kamui woods through the ground, taking him out in a single instant. 

Vilgax smirked cruelly as he then tore Death Arms's own namesake from his body, blood splurting from the stumps on his shoulders as the hero screamed out in pain. 

"Return to sender.." said Vilgax as he used one of Death Arms's arms to smash the hero into the earth, brutally knocking him out, blood seeping out in a pool around the man's body. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" screamed Mount Lady, tears gushing from her eyes as she furiously brought a giant fist down at Vilgax in vengeance for her two comrades. 

"Size? That is all you bring to the table woman?" Vilgax brought up a pinky claw and stopped the fist in an instant, a shockwave blasting out from the tip. " Boring.. at least All Might had spirit. That is what earned my respect. All you have is frenzied rage and desires for revenge.. you don't deserve to be the hero he was.. "

"H-how dare you talk to me like-!" Mount Lady began to say, but Vilgax grabbed her massive wrist in his claws, and using one arm, whipped the giant woman into the air, whipping her around like a lasso.

Faster and faster he spun her, like a kid flinging around his oversized teddy bear he won from the festival game.. until Mount Lady's body was a blur, a massive surging cyclone exploding outwards, nearly blowing away everyone else present. 

Vilgax then flung Mount Lady into the sky, the cyclone dissipating, the dizzy gargantuan hero falling down, the moon against her back.. 

As her massive head fell towards the ground near Vilgax, the alien warlord held out a hand, and flicked the woman's massive forehead ever so casually. 

"KAAABOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!"  Mount Lady was sent flying further and further until finally she splashed down into the ocean near the coast.. 

Every hero except Gran Torino and All Might were now completely down, unable to move, or dying from near fatal wounds.. 

"Oh.. Oh my God.." was all Izuku could manage to say, as he stared up in horror. "Oh shit..  oh.. shit.. oh.. shit.."

"Th-this power.. no being in the universe should have.. this much.." Gran Torino stammered. "He could conquer the entire planet bare handed.."

'Even in my prime, I don't think I ever would've held a candle to this being's power..' All Might thought as his mind and heart raced.  'Damnit, I need to think of something, anything!'

All Might began to step towards the 1A group, the earth shaking with every step. "Now for the prize.. come boy, you and I have much to discuss. You might hate it now, but who knows, perhaps I might even become like family to you.."

Ben's eyes burned with tears as he clenched his fists and stood up. "I..have a mother.. she had the kindness to take me in and call me her own even when she already had a daughter.. I have brothers.. one's always hurting himself, the other's murderous, and the last one's got a maniac for a dad.. but they're amazing.. I have two fathers, one's got some fanaticism for song writing and the other one.. you might claim to respect him.. but.. he's 10 million times whatever the hell you are!!"

All Might's eyes went wide as he realized who Ben was talking about. "Young Tennyson Boy.."

"Very well.. " said Vilgax. "Then perhaps I should dispose of them.. "

As Vilgax spoke, the sky shimmered, and there were cries of shock all over the world as strange metallic star ships shaped like daggers, each one the size of an entire city, appeared.. soaring through the sky..  fleets of them blocking out the light of the stars and moon. 

"An invasion force." said Gran Torino. "He intends to invade this planet!?"

"This fight here, was merely an Entrance.. a display to show the people of this world my might.. a perfectly choreographed show." said Vilgax. "With All Might as my fodder. I could have always invaded this world without this display, but Intergalactic law demands some manners. In accordance with the Milky Way Treaty, by besting your greatest hero in single combat, I claim the Earth as my own, and my first act as ruler.. "

Vilgax grabbed All Might by the waist. 

Vilgax pinned All Might to the ground with a single claw as he drew his sword, preparing to behead him. 

"I shall execute the so called 'Family' of Ben Tennyson as criminals of the state." said Vilgax.  "For every 30 seconds that you defy me and refuse to serve, I shall execute one of these you call a brother, a sister, a lover.. a parent.. starting with this so called father figure.."

"Don't do it.." All Might growled, looking at Ben with burning determination. "Look away.."

"ALL MIGHT!" Ben and Izuku both screamed.

"SHIT.. SHIT SHIIIT SHIIIIIT!!" Katsuki couldn't take it anymore and flew at Vilgax, hurling an explosion at his face, that did absolutely nothing. 

"Don't be stupid Bakugou!" roared Gran Torino, grabbing Bakugou by the waist and barely holding the boy back. 

"30 seconds.." Vilgax growled..

Time passed as everyone stared in silent horror, Ben's lips trembled as his very spine went cold. 

"20 seconds.." Vilgax continued. 

All Might smiled at Ben. "It's alright.. just look away.. Midoriya boy.. Tennyson boy.. just look away.."

"5... 4..." Vilgax growled. "3... 2.."

Vilgax's sword began to swing downwards.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!"  A massive crystal flew through the air and deflected the blade in a burst of sparks.. 

 Vilgax's red eyes widened slightly before he chuckled. "So.. we meet again.. traitor of Petropia.."

Vilgax stood to look at Tetrax, who was standing a distance away.. 

But Tetrax was different now.. his suit had changed. There were glowing blue circuits shimmering brightly over his arm gauntlets.. and a strange blue sphere glowing at his chest, and wing-like structures protruding from his back.. 

And standing on his shoulder was-..


Azmuth merely glared sourly at Vilgax as Tetrax's new Alien Power Armor hummed loudly with power.  "This suit is still a prototype you know.. "

"Yeah." said Tetrax. 

"Which means our chances aren't good." Azmuth continued. 

"I don't think I rightly care, do you?" Asked Tetrax. 

"No, as you were." said Azmuth as he hopped off the alien's shoulders and went over to Class 1A to join the observers.

"Vilgax.. as the last survivor of a planet you killed, and as one who has served time as a Hero of this planet, and the Magister ranked Plumber of this sector.." Tetrax growled. "I challenge you under the Milky Way Treaty to trial by combat, for the freedom of Earth!!"

Vilgax smirked. "Very well.. this should at least prove for a few minutes of amusement.. my former employee.."

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