The Foggy World.

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"WHAAAAAM!!" Izuku hurled a Full Cowling powered punch straight into Kraab's face, causing the injured mercenary to skid back on the street, sparks spitting out from the points of his crab-like legs. 

"YOU LITTLE!" Kraab hurled open his pincer, firing energy blast after energy blast at Izuku. "YOU CAN'T WIN! You're the only one left!! You couldn't even keep up with me without your friends! What hope do you have without em!?"

Izuku gritted his teeth, dashing and leaping at high speeds to avoid the deadly plasma bolts. He twirled into the air and aimed his fist as he charged unbelievable power into this arm.

"100 PERCENT TEXAS SMAAAASH!" Izuku hurled out his fist, unleashing all of One for All's power.

"KAAABOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!" The street erupted in a huge crater as Izuku's arm turned limp and broken. 

Kraab's red eyes shone with shock as he skidded out of the way just barely.. "H-holy shit.. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! J.. Just what.. kind of kid ARE YOU!?"

Izuku panted, landing on his feet, his arm limp at his side.

"It seems that huge power comes at a cost though." said Kraab. "Very unique! I gotta admit, it's rather incredible. HAHAHA! I love it! Guess if you're using YOUR last resort, it's only natural to use mine as a form of respect as warriors!"


"Yeah, kid I admit I'm pissed you all pushed me this far, but I'm also kind of grateful ya know!? You were some DEEPLY entertaining opponents, and that's saying quite a bunch considering you're a bunch o' humans! YEAH!!! HAHAHA!  I'll show you.. THE  BEST ME THERE IS!!"


The metal on Kraab's body began to expand as multiple robotic parts erupted around his body, disassembling and reassembling at rapid speed.. 

Izuku backed away as a large shadow now loomed over him

Kraab's robot body had grown massive, his torso now covered in multiple different kinds of weaponry, from missile launchers to plasma launchers. His legs had grown too, now possessing powerful stabilizers and thick metal spikes.  

His shoulder armor was silver now, and  bulky to the point that they dwarfed his unchanged head, and his left hand possessed a plasma gun, while his right giant pincer was huge and now big enough to chomp an entire bus in half. 

"Hyper-Combat Mode engaged! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kraab laughed. "LETS DO THIS!! DEKU BOY!!!"

Kraab hurled his massive pincer down at such speed, all Izuku could do in his shock as stare the rapidly approaching death straight in the face..

"Do not fear.. we shall help.."

Suddenly, fog whirled into the scene.. and in an instant, a barrier made of what appeared to be solid clouds deflected Kraab's powerful blow. 

"The hell!?" Kraab stammered. 

In that moment, a strange fog began to fill the entire street..  everything was shrouded in mist.

"What the heck is with this planet's weather now?" growled Kraab, his head turning to and fro to look at the foggy environment.  EH!? YOU!!"

Kraab looked to see Izuku on his right, firing his weapons all at once, sending explosions raining through the area.. 

But the Izuku that he had seen had dissipated into fog.. and right after that, more Izuku's started appearing mysteriously all over the place..

"Th.. THE SHIT IS HAPPENING HERE!?" Kraab yelled. 

"Wh-what?" Izuku murmured as more foggy illusions were shown floating around Kraab. "Is somebody interfering?"

"RAAAAAAHHHH!!" Kraab let out a huge roar, and an energy blast exploded from his body, ripping the mysterious mist apart. "I don't know whose messing with me, but this is between me and the kid you shitheads!!!!"

Kraab made to aim his blaster pincer at the real Izuku, but before he could fire, suddenly a few crystal shards slammed into the end, sticking themselves in the surface of Kraab's armor. 

"Y-YOU!" Kraab's eyes blazed with fury as Tetrax emerged from the mist, standing next to Izuku. "y.. YOU'RE CHOOSING NOW TO BETRAY ME!? I get it now.. you want the reward all for yourself! Ya little twit!"

"Actually.. I'm here to pronounce you under arrest." said Tetrax. "But don't worry about fighting me.. I'm not going to do that. Think of me as an observer for now. You're up kids."

Izuku watched with amazement as Ben and Kyoka emerged and stood in front of Izuku.

"You okay buddy?" Ben asked, flexing his arm. 

"I.. I can't tell if you're really here or if this is another illusion." said Izuku.

"You mean this fog thing? Yeah that's kind of weirding us out too." said Ben.

"It spontaneously showed up around us too." said Kyoka. "Is anybody-?"

"No, I think Kevin and Tsu got hit the hardest but they seem to be alive." said Izuku. 

"Right." said Ben. "Then lets do this. Izuku.. when I say go, just throw out the biggest punch you can!" 

"You have a plan?" said Izuku. "I could sure use Humungousaur right now."

"I'm not using Humungousaur, not this time." said Ben. "just be ready."

"You jackasses.. YOU FUCKING JACKASSES!" Kraab roared. "First the fog people, now you idiots! THIS IS A ONE ON ONE FINAL FIGHT BETWEEN ME AND THE DEKU KID!! DON'T GET IN MY WAY!!"

Kraab fired his multiple weapons down at the group.

Tetrax narrowed his eyes, his hands inching upwards as if preparing to make a crystal shield, but Ben shook his head. "Don't.. Tetrax, we got this! Ready Izuku! And remember, just enough to blow the weapons away, don't kill yourself!"

"R-RIGHT!!" Izuku hurled forward his hand and flicked a single finger "DETROIT SMASH.. 100 PERCENT!!!"

A shockwave erupted across the street, blasting the plasma bolts and missile explosions aside as Ben dashed forward, Kyoka bringing up the rear.

"HERE WE GO!!" Ben was shrouded in green light, and from the light emerged-.

"GREY MATTER!?" Izuku exclaimed, his jaw dropping. 

"Hmm!?" Tetrax stared, also surprised by Ben's choice in aliens. 

Grey Matter landed in Kyoka's hands. "Alright Kyoka-chan! Put that arm to use!!"

"Ugh, I hope my aim's good!" Kyoka threw Grey Matter with all her might. 

The little frog-like alien landed on Kraab's neck brace, sticking there with his finger pads like a gecko before scurrying through a crevice and into the robotic body.

"G-GET OUT OF ME!! H-HEY!!! AAAAAHHH!" Kraab screamed as sparks erupted all over his body. 

"Hmmm should be a nerve cluster somewhere.. " Grey Matter muttered as he crawled between various wires and machines. "Oh there you are.."

Grey Matter pulled out a few wires. 

Kraab's head spun for a moment before steam hissed out of his body. "Oh.. I hate this planet.."

Kraab fell onto the street with an earth shaking "THUUD!!"

Grey Matter leaped onto the cyborg alien's chest, grinning, hands on his hips. "And that's how we make the bacon folks! Applause, Applause!"

"H-he did it.. he's six inches tall and he actually did it!" Izuku wheezed. 

"Not bad." said Tetrax. "For a human."

Grey Matter just grinned and leaped onto Kyoka's shoulder. "Oh well you know, I aim to please." 

Tetrax seemed to consider Ben for a moment. "Well, it seems my reinforcements failed to arrive at all if anything. That's a disturbing thought, but for now, you're all injured. I've got medical supplies, at the very least lets take a moment to recuperate."

After 30 minutes, Tetrax applied a few odd metal spray bottles and other strange devices to those needing recovery and before the group knew it, everyone was conscious, licking their wounds and keeping a wide berth around the unconscious alien mercenaries. 

"That's amazing." Izuku murmured as he stared as his healed arm, flexing it a little. "You could put Recovery Girl out of a job."

"Most doctors and recovery Quirks utilize the human body's natural ability to heal. Recovery Girl Speeds it up, while doctors just try to put your body into a state where it can recover gradually." said Tetrax. "However, many societies in the Universe have figured out the secret to actual substances that actually heal you themselves without utilizing a body's function. That is what I use. Doing alright Max?"

"Yeah." Max Tennyson grinned as he rubbed his shoulder. "Good as new. You've become quite the Plumber Tetrax."

There was a momentary pause..

"What... THE FUCCCCCKK!?" roared Bakugou, his voice somewhere in the background. 

"Let me guess.." Kyoka muttered. "You two handled drain pipes back in the day that had a tendency to see Alien War Machine problems?"

"What? Did he not tell you?" asked Tetrax. "Magister Tennyson was once my superior officer in the Plumbers. I took over his rank and ran deep cover as a mercenary for the Plumbers for years after his retirement."

"They don't know Tetrax." said Max. "I haven't told anyone of my past, well anyone who wasn't related to those events."

"Grandpa?" Ben asked. "Just.. h-how do you and Mr. Tetrax know each other?"

"Back when I was a hero, known as Max-imum Overload, I was approached by a certain agency." said Max. "A group of Intergalactic Police, dedicated to promoting peace throughout the galaxy.  They employed various races, including humans.  The agency has many names in different alien languages, but on Earth, we are called the Plumbers to avert suspicion. We've been around for centuries on Earth."

"You were a Space Cop?!" said Ben excitedly. "That's so cool on so many levels!.. and now I have the Omnitrix.. I mean, wow!"

"Yeah, quite the amazing circumstance when you consider all that's going on right now." said Kevin. 

"Your grandfather's a legend among legends in the Plumbers." said Tetrax. "I looked up to him for many years. Still do. Though you seem to have slowed a bit.. I'm stunned the likes of Kraab caught you by surprise."

"Hahahaha.. old age will do that to you.. sorry, I bet you were hoping that I would help delay those two for you." said Max. 

"I actually thought you were faking when you were knocked out over there. My apologies for underestimating human aging." said Tetrax. "I mean I'm in my 60s and I still feel like I'm in my prime. But I still don't doubt you'd be able to beat SixSix with one hand behind your back. Your Quirk was amazing to watch back in the day."

"What WAS your quirk Grandpa?" Ben asked. 

"OHOHOHOHO!" Izuku bounced a little excitedly. "IT was SUPER incredible Tennyson-san! Like He could-."

"That's for another time." said Max. "For now I'm more focused on keep us safe, and maybe getting my Rust Bucket back into running shape."

"Ahh, that, sorry." said Tetrax. "I can have it repaired in a jiffy.. got a few tools back on my ship. That is if we can even get to it in this fog.."

Tetrax looked around, hands on his hips. "This mist.. seems familiar somehow.."

Tenya put a hand to his brow quickly. "E-EHEM! T-Tetrax senpai! Are you er.. familiar with this strange fog!?"

Tetrax blinked at Tenya. "Hmm.. earnest one aren't you? Senpai of all things. Yes I am. Though by  all regards this shouldn't be something you see on Earth.  This reminds me when Nezu and I were back on Terraexcava.. similar circumstance happened with-."

"Yeah, Cerriranae.." said Max. "Who knew there'd be a colony somewhere around here.."

"Wait did he just say Nezu!? P-Principal Nezu!?" squealed Ochaco. 

"At this point, I'm starting to think there's plenty we don't know." said Rachel quietly. 

At that moment.. the mist seemed to swirl around the group for a moment, before it swept itself aside like waves of water parting in the red sea, creating a pathway into the forest.

"I think our hosts want to meet their guests face to face." said Tetrax. 

"Looks like it." said Max.  "Don't make any violent moves everyone, no matter how scary it gets. These aren't the sort of people we should try to hurt."

The students of Class 1-A nodded quietly as the situation had become so odd, that many were speechless. 

Quietly, the group walked along the foggy path, pushing through the leaves and trees. 

The walk only took 10 minutes, but it felt like hours. Each time a shadow darted through the trees or a bird fluttered nearby..  the group would huddle, on edge.. 

"I feel like this is a horror movie." Ben muttered.

"Tsk, just be on guard." Katsuki grumbled. 

The fog eventually turned so thick, that everyone could barely see the person in front of them..  the whole world was a foggy gray, and even the ground at their feet was shrouded in shimmering grey clouds of vapor. 

Tetrax held up a hand, and everyone stopped.

"You.. humans.. Petrosapien.. why have you come?" A monstrous demonic voice issued from the fog. "Why do you disturb our territory?"

"We mean no harm, we just happened to be in this area when mercenaries attacked." said Max. "You provided assistance to us I believe. We thank you."

"It was assistance primarily based in protecting our home. However that doesn't mean we have made up our minds about you lot." Growled the monstrous voice. 

Large, hulking shadows emerged from the fog, and as they came into view, Ben felt his entire body shudder in fear. 

They were grotesque to look at. Hulking giant monsters with flabby rotting skin, multiple eyes and mouths, and twisted fingernails growing from random places, they were the most mutated abominations you could imagine. 

"Give us a reason not to destroy you as witnesses to our home?" asked one of the massive creatures.

"We didn't know you lived here." said Tetrax calmly. "As we already  said, it's a misunderstanding, we won't bother you again."

"That's what they all say. Many have come here before you, many humans, many other races." said one of the monsters. "They always come back. With torches, with fire. To burn our homes, to assault our children, to kill our mothers."

"Who are you?" Asked Izuku.

"We are the Cerriranae." said the lead monster. "We are strong, we are beasts of the worst kind, but we also only wish to be left alone! If you seek to destroy us, we will destroy you first!!"

"Yes!" growled the other monsters in unison, closing in on the group. "We will rip you apart, we will.. NO WITNESSES!"

"NO WITNESSES!" The lead monster echoed, preparing it's massive disgusting arms. 

"WAIT!"  Ben stepped forward. 

The monsters halted, as if uncertain. 

"The boy, he approaches!" growled one monster.

"Why, but why!? He is much smaller than us! He is weak! He should be terrified, terrified!"

"I don't think I'm the one whose terrified." Ben said. "You guys are scared of us! That's why you're so gun ho about eliminating us right? You're afraid we'll kill you all because.. because you're different. And maybe that fear is well founded. I mean from the way you were all speaking, you probably had plenty of people come back to get rid of you because of the way you all look."

The monsters paused, exchanging glances. 

"Ben, what're you doing?" asked Kyoka. 

"Using my head." Ben whispered back before resuming. "Okay, I know that you all think that we're no different. That in the end our promises will be empty too, but I don't care about whether you're aliens, monsters, or normal people. Everyone's somebody, and as a hero I'll protect you all the same! "

"We look disgusting! We look horrifying! You are lying!" roared the lead monster. "No being would protect what they fear!!"

"I am afraid." Ben said. "Your appearances are unnatural to my species. But that's no reason for me to fear you as a people. I can't let that determine my judgement when it comes to being a hero. A prejudiced Hero would be the worst. Determining whose worthy of saving? Is that really something a hero should think about? No.. it's that they need saving and therefore we save them! That's why!"

The monsters narrowed their many eyes.. staring at Ben.

"I.. sense no falsness.. how is that possible?" Whispered one being.

"I search and search and yet he remains fortified.." growled another. "How can a human like this exist?"

"H-HIS WRIST! LOOK AT HIS WRIST!" One of the Cerrinae exclaimed. "Th-the Omnitrix! th.. the rumors are true! The Omnitrix was entrusted to a human child.. Azmuth actually.. "

The aliens muttered amongst themselves for a moment.

"Umm.. Mister Tetrax-senpai?" Tenya said. 

"Hold.." Tetrax held up a hand. "Let's see where this goes.."

"Human.." said a Cerriranae. "Do you hold your statements as truth? Do you promise to protect all as a so called hero? Even.. even those you would find weak and pathetic? Or beautiful? Or even those you could otherwise take advantage of?"

"I want to be a hero, and I'll protect everyone! And that includes you!" Ben said fiercely. "And.. there's nobody here who feels any different! This is Class 1A of UA! We're training to become the sort of people who never turns down somebody reaching out in need! And I'd like to think that humans aren't exclusive!

"You say that to us.. even viewing these disgusting forms.." whispered one monster. "Human.. your.. words.. they resonate with us. Very well.. then we shall allow you to see what you truly wish to protect."

The fog swirled away, the monsters turned into vapor, sweeping into nothingness, and the true world was revealed before the group.

They stood in the center of what appeared to be a small village in a swamp. Huts constructed of straw and wood, small and built for beings around a head shorter than any of the 1A students made up most of the settlement. 

And the inhabitants..?

Short frog-like people with stubby legs and large arms were crowded around the group of heroes. Their plump bodies, wide frog-like mouths, and protruding yellow amphibious eyes gave them almost the same appearance as a sort of frog plushy mascot. 

They had salamander-like fin tails, and their cheeks were sacks filled with what appeared to be a swirling fog-like substance. 

There were many of them. Some wore cotton shirts, others wore makeshift dressed woven out of straw. There were even small children, huddled around their parents. Their eyes darting to and fro, as if ready to flee at a moment's notice. 

Their head, probably the real leader, was notable by his being in the forefront of the crowd, wearing aged robes, leaning on a tree branch carved cane, little fin tentacles growing on his chin and face like a beard. 

"Ribbit?" Asui tilted her head to look at a particular small Cerrinae child in the crowd. 

The alien child also tilted her head and responded with a "Ribbit?" of her own. 

"I don't believe it." said Max. "In all my years I never thought I'd meet a Cerriranae population willing to show us their true forms."

"We might actually be the first in the Universe to witness this.. we should feel privileged." said Tetrax. 

"Th-THEY'RE SOO CUTE!" Ochaco squealed. "Ts-Tsu-chan! They're like a bunch of little Tsu-chans!"

"Ribbit." Tsu merely smiled at the little Cerriranae child who was now playing with her hair using her little webbed hands. 

The elderly Cerriranae approached Ben. "So now that you see us.. do you still feel the same? Or would you now take advantage of us, as you can truly  see we are weak?"

Ben merely shrugged. "Big dudes, little dudes, I don't care about that. If you need help I'll give it." 

"Even if it means keeping us a secret from your Hero society? Going against your government's wishes?" asked the elder. 

"You can trust me." Ben said, holding out a hand. 

The elder smiled a little, and took Ben's hand. "Perhaps Humans are capable of growing after all.."

As the elder held Ben's hand, the Omnitrix on the very same wrist blinked, turning yellow and spinning. 

"Alien DNA acquired.. Cerriranae recognized. New Alien Form acquired."

"Consider our addition to the Omnitrix our thanks, Azmuth's boy." said the elder. 

Ben popped the ring on the Omnitrix and stared at the new alien form's hologram for a moment.

"Thanks!" Ben said with a grin. "I'll use it with you guys in mind! No doubt!"

As the rest of the class began interacting with the little frog people, Max came over to stand next to Tetrax.  "So, are the rumors about you retiring true?"

"Yes, I've decided to hand over the Dark Menu Task Force to my lieutenant." said Tetrax. 

"Hmm, have you ever thought about settling into a new kind of profession, one that might help Ben prepare for what we both know is coming?" asked Max. "You and I both know this is only the beginning. Earth is going to have to start coming to terms with the fact that Ben's the beginning of it integrating into a larger alien society. Especially if we want to deal with the Dark Menu situation."

"Max I don't know, you saw how they reacted to Ben's powers. They fear us." said Tetrax. "That along with the All For One situation and the League of Villains on top of it, in the end that'll only stir up chaos."

"Vilgax is coming, he might even already be here." said Max. "You, me, and Nezu all know that All For One having the means to contact alien mercenaries for Shigaraki is a little more than suspicious. If he's working with Vilgax.. if the rumors get out, then we'll be facing more alien traffic, and that means more Dark Menu activity.. the humans need to be aware, their heroes able to defend them from what's out there and not just here."

Tetrax looked at Max. "But come on... Nezu's suggestion.. me as a.. Teacher? For Humans? That seems a little outlandish."

Max shrugged. "You and I have seen crazier."

Tetrax sighed. "Alright then, I suppose you have a point there. But just one thing.."


"If Aizawa gives me another Potted Plant for my birthday, I'm punching him in the face."

Max snorted. "Just try not to kill him, not all of us have diamond hard skin."

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