A Long Awaited Trip and a Sudden Nightmare.

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"Hmmm.. I.. I wasn't expecting this much, to be honest I wasn't expecting any... wow Mina really came through in a crazy way."

Ben sweated slightly as he looked at emails on his laptop, many of them from Top Hero Agencies. 

He and Kyoka were in the UA's new Dorms, sitting at the rows of tables in front of the kitchen just next to the living room area

"As if Endeavor wasn't enough." said Kyoka, leaning her head over Ben's shoulder to look at the emails. "Now you've got the 5th ranked top hero Mirko vying for you, and the 9th Ryukyu, the Dragoon Hero.."

"Doesn't she mostly employ girls though?" Ben muttered.

"You only say that cause she employed Nejire Hado, Tsu-chan and Ochaco-chan." said Kyoka. "True she attracts plenty of female employees, but there are males there too."

"I don't know though, I'm not sure what I could learn from her in how to control the Omnitrix better." Ben said. "Sure Endeavor could maybe teach me how to use Heatblast, maybe even Ultimate Heatblast, but I need to learn how to use ALL of these aliens better.  If Morphousand still had an agency.. or maybe if Tetrax-sensei was still in the hero business-."

"Not that easy buddy! Gotta take what you can get!" Kirishima called out from where he was sitting on one of the couches in front of the plasma tv in the living room area. "It's not about Specific Quirk management with these guys, you're already learning that a bunch here in school where they focus the lessons on each student depending on their quirk.  Of course they can give you general pointers on how to manage a tough part of your quirk based on their training to manage their own powers, but they also offer experience on crisis management and resolving different situations from minor to major, that's what I started learning on my first day at Fat Gum's agency yesterday."

"Where are you thinking of heading?" Ben asked Izuku, who was sitting across from him eating lunch.

"Gran Torino thinks that it might be good for me to go visit Night Eye's agency." said Izuku. "He's one of the few who knows about.. er.. that.. Being an old side kick of All Might."

"yeah, that." said Ben, as Kyoka blinked in slight confusion, but didn't press. 

"You should come too." said Izuku. 

"I'm not so sure, he's one of the ones who didn't offer." Ben muttered. "And most of those who didn't offer are.. well.. you know.. Harangue Supporters."

"You don't know that." said Kyoka. "Night Eye didn't voice any stance in the matter whatsoever. I hear Night Eye can be a real hard ass, he probably just doesn't care much for the politics of the situation and is ignoring it."

"Heeeellloooo everyone!! Attention please!" Mina Ashido stepped in, hands on her hips wearing her cutest civilian clothes as she brought in a large box. "Fellow Alien Lovers unite!"

"Everyone?" Ben muttered. "There's only 4 of us here."

"Yeah, Rachel's off in her room reading one of her spooky books, and everyone else is getting stuff for the big trip tomorrow." said Kirishima. "Maaaan I'm excited. I wonder what Tetrax's ship is like.."

"Well this relates TO that particular matter and I've already been to see the others about it, including Roth-chan! Right Roth-chan!?"

Rachel Roth stood in the doorway of the bottom floor hall, her face dead expressionless as usual as she held up a book to her face. "mmmhmm.. yeah.. just stay out of my room next time.."

"Teehee, I barged in and she evicted me with dark visions of horrible black nightmares! Her quirk's so funny!" said Mina.

"I'm still wondering what exactly is the nature of her quirk." Kirishima muttered, sweating slightly. 

Rachel peaked over her book just a smidge then returned to reading. "You don't want to think too hard about it."

"Wh-what's that supposed to mean!?" exclaimed Kirishima worriedly. 

"It doesn't seem to feel real.." said Ben. "Going to space.. though, I am a bit worried leaving Mr. and Mrs. Jiro behind, that's the third time this week they moved their safe house.. what the heck's up? Are the protestors really that dangerous? They don't seem to be doing that well to UA.."

Ben stepped over to the window and watched as outside the gated UA walls many people yelling, held up signs that said things like "ET GO HOME" and "UA IS HOUSING THE NEXT XENOMORPH PANDEMIC" and other crazy stuff.

"Jeez, how am I supposed to start an alien invasion? Turn into Echo Echo and just keep multiplying?" Ben muttered. "Sign a deal with Mr. Smoothy and fill the world with chain brand advertising?"

"Least Mr Smoothy supports you!" said Mina with a cheery wink as she gave Ben a familiar smiley faced cup with a fruity smell wafting from inside. "They told me to give you this on the house. You are their best customer after all."

"You mean you got them to sign too!?" Ben exclaimed. 

"Well not the CEO, have NO idea who he is." said Mina. "But all the employees at our local store love you to death. I think the girl at the counter has a crush on you.. teeheeeheeee."

Kyoka's expression turned slightly sour. "Right.. the one with the big chest huh..?"

"Ehehehehe, somebody's jeeaaalous.. no worries, Ben's only got eyes for one earphone jack girl!" Mina said, winking.  "Anyways, this trip is vital to the efforts of our fledgling club.."

"I wouldn't call it fledgling when the entire class is part of it, and your petition's got the signatures of Endeavor, Gang Orca and Ryukyu's entire agency.." muttered Kirishima. 

"-BECAUSE!" Mina continued in spite of Kirishima's interjection. "I'm establishing a new project. The Alien Photos Around the Universe Project!"

"The what the what now?" Ben muttered. 

"During our trip to space I'll take selfies with friendly aliens from all over, and ask them to do interviews so I can learn their stories." said Mina. "I'll post that to our Earth Internet's blog through the Extranet computer Tetrax is giving us, and maybe a look at the lives of peoples from all over the Universe will give people more depth and allow them to be open to more.. well.. non-human stuff."

"Huh, that's a pretty great idea actually." said Ben. "I dig it."

"Yep!" Mina dug into her box, pulling out what appeared to be a video camera and a few news microphones with the UA  Welcome Aliens Committee logo on them. 

"We'll be doing this News Reporter style!" said Mina. "I intend to make this as legit as possible! Anybody interested in being my camera crew?"

"I guess I can be a camera man." said Kirishima, walking over and picking up the camera, as if testing its weight.  "Though, honestly don't you think we could get some cool alien versions of cameras or something?"

"Meh, I don't know, doesn't hurt to be prepared though." said Mina. "Teehee, so Ben!! Have anything to say for our blog's first post!?"

"Eh!?" Ben stammered as Kirishima held a thumbs up and pointed the camera at him. "What we're starting now!? And why me? I'm not an alien! Technically.."

"Come on, that's no way to act." said Mina. "You will be the main reason for the blog post after all.."

"There will be no posting or blogging of any sort on this trip." Aizawa stepped into the living room, shouldering a large suitcase. "I'm sure I've already explained in the last class meeting that part of the reason for this trip is to protect Ben from the press as well as possible fanatic villainous followers of Will Harangue, who do exist. In fact nobody but your parents even know about this trip and it will stay that way until you return."

"Awwww come on!" Mina gave Aizawa a teary begging expression. "B-But think on it!"

"Well I guess we could record it and post it later." said Kirishima. "Is that acceptable Sensei? Nothing bad happens if we're already back from the trip by the time we said Ben went to space."

Aizawa sighed. "Very well. But until then you're not to reveal anything on social media. People won't question any radio silence, it's well known security on field trips have been upped after Vilgax. In any case, I'm here to let you all know that Tetrax's ship, The Resolute, will be landing late tonight. We will be leaving in the dead of night to avoid attention, and the ship itself will be cloaked in a remote location. You are to pack your Hero equipment, months worth of clothing, and anything else you think you'll need. Remember, to have a large supply of toiletries, there's a high chance that not many of the places we will stay at have humans in mind when it comes to personal hygiene."

"I still remember the picture of the Pyronite Toilet that Ben showed me.." muttered Kirishima. "H-how did you even-?"

"You wanted me to ask Azmuth how aliens pooped, I gave you his answer." said Ben with a shrug. "And Heatblast doesn't poop.. he fires out magma discharges to deal with heat overflow.."

"I mean I figured his food couldn't just be something like meat or veggies." said Kyoka. "The guy's burning at super nova levels. He probably just consumes Solar Radiation out of the air. It might even mean he gets stronger the hotter it is around him."

"Yes but that still presents the question of.. just WHAT does it look like when Heat Blast-?" Kirishima began.

"That is hardly a subject ever worth discussing in polite company." Aizawa said, his eyes flashing. 

"EEP! Probably right-.. " said Kirishima quickly. "Anyways, right, tonight, alien trip starts! Have bags packed! eheh!"

"Also, you all should probably know-." said Aizawa. "We have a new student who is joining us in the Hero Program starting today on this field trip. As so happens she's a former student from one of the other programs."

"Who is it?" Asked Ben curiously. 

"Hmmm, actually you've never really talked to her." said Aizawa. "That much is certain, or you would have much more to say to her considering her.. power. In fact I suggest you of all people get to know and understand her yourself."

Ben blinked with confusion as Aizawa stepped back out of the room.

"What was that about?" Kyoka asked. "Could it be one of your old classmates from the Business department?"

"Nah." said Ben. "Those guys always made fun of me for having low grades, plus it was all dudes."

"Low grades?" said Mina. "But you've got the top scores just under Todoroki-kun."

"Yeah well when your heart's not in it, your performance suffers." said Kyoka. "Ben never was too happy with being stuck in the Business Class while he watched me get to live both our dreams for us.."

"That's a bit of personal issue you're just telling everyone aren't you?" Ben muttered.

"Well you don't exactly hide it. Everyone outside of those in the Hero Course knew." said Kyoka. "But you're here now, so the past is the past as they always say. And if I might be honest, I think I always knew you'd somehow make it in.. even if I had my doubts on the outside.. "

"Teehee, yep, it isn't just that dumb super watch that makes a cool hero!" said Mina. "Tennyson-kun's always had just the flair I'd want from any top pro! One hundred percent!"

"You guys.." said Ben, blushing slightly. 

As Ben began to grin happily for a moment something else seemed to shift in his mind unawares.. until-

"They will all die.."

Ben's eyes went wide as suddenly he found himself standing in a horrific burned and destroyed version of the student dorms.. 

The walls were peeling.. and blood flooded the entire room.. as multiple purple eyes opened up from the darkness. Familiar eyes that spoke in a familiar voice..

A voice that Ben sometimes spoke in when he transformed into a particular alien.

The pale corpses of all the students of Class 1 A with Kyoka's corpse at the very top along with Kevin, Katsuki and Izuku.. their bodies stabbed with hideous rotting flesh-like tendrils, pulsating and giving birth to deadly maggots all possessing the same purple eyes all over their bodies.. lay before Ben in the blood pool that now filled the room. 

"They will suffer.. "

Ben's jaw went slack with horror as the Izuku and Katsuki's corpses both stood up and grabbed his wrists, pulling him forward so that a dead Kyoka, with a purple eye opening up in the center of her forehead, could give her a blood soaked smile, and kiss him full on the lips while the blood gushed into his mouth as well...

"As long as you stay with them, you doom them all"


Ben's eyes flitted open as he found himself staring straight at Aizawa's face, the usually stoic hero's eyes more worried than he had ever seen them. 

He was lying on the floor, the chair he had been sitting on toppled over.. apparently he had collapsed.

There were more students in the room than before. Katsuki Bakugou, Tenya, Ochaco, Izuku, and Asui were joining the students who were already present.. and the lot of them, even Katsuki, all looked disturbed, afraid even..

"Wh-what happened?"

"Ya.. ya fainted man." said Kirishima with a shake of his head. "And just started spazzing out! I mean, You were out for 30 minutes just shaking like a wobbling piece of jelly! Are you alright-!?"

"Shhh." Rachel shushed Kirishima. "He's fine. For now. His mental state is normal I can assure you.."

"N-No offense Roth-chan but how would you know-!?" 

"J-just stop it." Kyoka looked the most afraid out of all of them, kneeling next to Ben and clutching his hand. "I.. I thought we were going to have to call an ambulance.. but Aizawa sensei.."

"Ben's fine, I already surmised this might happen after all." said Aizawa. "Azmuth warned me after Ben used Ultimate Humungousaur so many times in preparation for the Provisional License Exams.. he should know by now that those transformations aren't something he can simply train his body for.."

"E-eh!? So that's all it was!? I thought a demon was possessing Tennyson-kun there!" Mina squealed. "Jeez Tennyson-kun! You need to stop going overboard, even if it is for the Provisional License and all!"

Katsuki was quietly staring at Aizawa, almost suspiciously as if there was something he wasn't buying, but he remained quiet. 

"S-so my Ultimate Training caused that dream?" Ben muttered. "It didn't even feel like 30 minutes.. it was so scary too.."

"Dream?" said Kyoka murmured as the rest of the students present blinked in confusion. 

"Yeah, it was.. I'd rather not describe it, today should be an exciting day after all." Ben said, grinning sheepishly. 

"Aw jeez you know you nearly drove me to tears, have a little more conscious awareness of the atmosphere right now!" said Kyoka furiously as she grabbed Ben in a hug. 

Ben looked up at Aizawa, expecting a reprimand for overdoing it, but instead, he was looking at what appeared to be an unusually worried teacher who was trying his best to remain stoic in appearance. 

"A-Aizawa sensei, you look like you've seen a ghost." said Ben. 

Aizawa froze as the other students looked at him too. 

"In a sense.. I have." said Aizawa. "But it has nothing to do with this, I've.. had a stressful day, please don't mind me.."

As the other students continued to fret over the embarrassed Ben, Aizawa backed away  into the hallway. 

"A Ghost, yes I think you have seen one, though I think the word Freak should be tailored to the end of it."

Aizawa looked over to see Principal Nezu, standing quietly next to him. 

"It's emerging.." said Aizawa. "Its just as Azmuth warned."

"Hmmm, yes, we need to proceed with the plans as fast as we can." said Nezu. "If this creature.. this being.. truly wishes what Azmuth theorizes, then the bonds he forges with his fellow students are more important than ever. The goal of this trip remains the same Shoto-san. Reviving Petropia, training our young ones, and keeping Ben safe. However we are also tasked with one other goal: The Solidifying of Teamwork."

"I'll do what I can. We all will." said Aizawa. "I refuse to lose him after all he's sacrificed."

"Hmmm, indeed. " said Nezu. "Well I won't be going into the vast void of the stars with you, but my well wishes will travel with you I hope. A happy journey to you."

Aizawa nodded. "Well I'll send you a post card or something, if that's a thing on other planets."


That night, the students of Class 1A all hitched up their large amounts of luggage which were all considerably bulkier than the things they had taken with them to the Training Camp, and with the help of Mezo Shoji's dexterity, Ochaco's gravity  quirk, and a very enthusiastic XLR8, everything was somehow packed into the small shuttle bus driven by a very  sleepy and unusually quiet Present Mic, whose hair was disheveled in a way that suggested that Aizawa had dragged him out of bed. 

It was quite a sign of things to come that All Might himself had dressed his scrawny body a windbreaker, numerous brochures of intergalactic destinations snagged from friendly Plumber fans stuffed in his pockets, a flashlight helmet on his head, looking pumped to the point he almost looked like his old muscled self again. 

This was a revolutionary journey. They were heading into Space. The act of leaving the atmosphere behind alone would be life changing. 

The Shuttle Bus drove for a few hours until finally at 3 AM it parked in a grassy clearing where a large ship could be seen parked nearby. 

It was massive, the size of a 4 story building..

Massive twin leg-like structures, obviously landing supports, held up the huge, sleek, almost airplane-like ship with it's two massive twin vent-like rockets. A ramp was going down from the ship  where Tetrax was waiting in his full armor. 

(Pop Up Note: The Resolute's appearance in MHA is no different from that of Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix, neither is its size, meaning that it is indeed massive enough to hold all of Class 1 A and has numerous guest rooms, with accommodations to suit most if not all Oxygen-Nitrogen Breathing species and Earth Mass Planet dwellers. The one main difference is its Secret Room housing Tetrax's old Hero Costume when he was disguised as a Quirk Human, which also holds his Hero License and pictures from the time he ran his agency, mostly depicting his employees including Aizawa, Present Mic, and their late friend Oburo Shirakumo. The Resolute actually acted as the Tetrax Agency's headquarters and was disguised as a building in Hokkaido )

"Hey everyone? I expect you're all tired?" said Tetrax.

"YOU kidding!?" Denki exclaimed. "I was too excited for-."


"Eh?" Denki looked over his shoulder and screamed. "EEEEEEEEEE!!! THE SPIRITS OF THE DEA- oh wait it's Minoru-san.. "

Mineta was drooling so wildly, his face nearly completely pale white as he hugged his bag to his chest. "Long ago.. I watched every scifi movie of every hot alien lady that William Shatner ever seduced! NOW.. I shall finally do it.. the dream that I thought could only be fiction.. the ULTIMATE panty raid.. yessss... ALIEN PANTIES ACROSS THE UNIVERSE!! I SHALL COLLECT THEM ALL!! AND BECOME A PANTY-MON MASTER!!!!!!!"

As Mineta began laughing maniacally Ben scratched his ear for a moment. "Did I just hear a ghost in the woods or something? Cause I feel like I'm hearing some real eldritch shit right now.."

"It seems to be going around.." Kevin muttered, sweating a little as he watched Mineta roll around on the ground, foaming at the mouth. 

"Avert your eyes men.. avert your eyes and pray to God for the swift judgement upon this evil." said Kyoka as she shook her head. 

"Huh, so that's Mineta.." said Tetrax. "Okay, everyone on board. I'll be taking attendance when you've all settled in the cockpit, we'll do crew quarters tours after the ship has left the atmosphere. You'll be given a safety briefing from Pamela in a bit.."

"F-Finally, the final frontier is within our reach! To think that UA would be the first to do a field trip to the outer reaches of the unknown!" roared Tenya. "AS EXPECTED OF UA!"

"Wh-what kind of planets do you think we'll see?" Uraraka asked excitedly as everyone stepped up the ramp and into the massive metal hallway connecting the entrance of the ship to its interior. 


"Eh... ehhhhh?" Ochaco said, looking really afraid. 

"He's evolved into a monster.." muttered Ben. "Please tell me somebody's got sedatives."

Momo wordlessly brought up an armful of sedative dart guns which she had just made from her quirk. "We are prepared."

"Good!" the rest of the class quietly held up a thumbs up as Mineta continued to laugh maniacally all the way into the ship. 

"Do we have a plan B though?" asked Asui. "Ribbit.."

"Hmmmmm.." Everyone thought to themselves.

"Rath." said Todoroki. 

"Rath." echoed Izuku.

"Rath." the rest of the class echoed in agreement.

"I suddenly have an eerie feeling that my fellow students are stepping all over my premature grave." Mineta muttered as he entered the ship's cockpit area. 

As the class entered the massive ship's cockpit which was complete with a huge display screen and console area, as well as multiple seats with locking mechanisms,  a swirling tornado of familiar orange goo popped into view before shaping itself into a familiar alien in front of the console itself. 

"D-Doctor Gluto!?" said Ben. "You're a pilot too!?"

"It's a nice hobby traveling with my friend Tetrax.  You could say I enjoy it quite a bit." said Gluto. "Now my Petrosapien friend, I think it's time we.."

"A-are they here yet?" 

A fast blur appeared next to Gluto and everyone blinked with surprise as what appeared to be a female version of XLR8 appeared. 

Unlike XLR8, her obviously male equivalent, her eyes were larger and shaped in a more feminine fashion, with black lips and less striking facial markings.  Her tail was also less striped with only a few near the tip of the tail. She wore a black helmet like XLR8. 

She also wore a UA Skirt and Blazer which was open in the front to show some bandages wrapped around her shapely chest. 

"Hey! It's Helen from Kendo Club!" said Sato. "It's been quite a while!"

However, the rest of the class was staring at Helen with a sense of shock. 

"She.. I remember now.. I went to Middle school with her!" stammered Mina. "I haven't seen her in ages, but now that I'm looking at her when we've grown up... sh-she looks like.."

"She's even got wheels on her feet!" said Kyoka. "Ben she's a-."

"Indeed." said Aizawa. "Some of you who've met UA's other students from the Non-Hero based programs might know her as the Head of the Kendo club in the school. She once passed the Hero Entrance Exam with flying colors, however she opted for a quieter life goal before she decided she wanted to return for a shot at the Hero course.  Let it be known that before Ben Tennyson became widely known, she long thought she was a Quirk Human, as do many part human aliens who currently live on Earth."

There was a stunned silence as Aizawa's explanation hit home. 

"I expect you to treat her as you would any other fellow student, I hope that is clear.." said Aizawa as Helen Wheels bowed her head quietly, blushing slightly.  "And do not underestimate her because she is a rooky. She received the top examination score in the Entrance Exam  for your year. I believe she topped Katsuki Bakugou in overall scores."

"I-I'm very fast." said Helen quickly. 

"Sh-she's cute.." said Kaminari, whispering to to Kirishima, who nodded in agreement. "Feels weird to say that considering how long I've seen Ben run around as XLR8, but yeah, girl XLR8 is cute.."

"She's a Kineceleran." said Momo cheerily. "That's what Tetrax-sensei says the species is called. I.. I hope we can be friends.."

"What kind of alien panties does SHE wear?" Mineta whispered right before Kyoka's Earphone Jack smacked him upside the head and sent him smashing straight into a nearby console. 

"Well, that should do it for introductions." said Tetrax. "Now everyone, strap in. Pamela, All Might, Aizawa and Hizashi will be up front with Gluto. I'll be going over the steps of takeoff before we launch... and no Kaminari, I will not allow you to undo your seatbelt before the artificial gravity is activated so you can live out your flying fantasies.."

"AWWWWWW.." Kaminari moaned.  "But its a space classic!!"

"If you also believe a classic to be immediately falling flat on the metal floor and breaking something without warning." said Aoyama. "Even a sparkling twinkling star like me knows the merits of keeping safe to the sidelines."

"Can I at least say Mister Sulu, take us out?" said Kaminari. "We can't start this journey without at least saying-."

"My name is Gluto." said Gluto.

"OH.. well.. actually- never mind." said Kaminari with a sigh. "Still excited though."

"Meh.." Rachel muttered, holding up her book and recommencing her reading.

"Does ANYTHING make you excited?" Kaminari grumbled. 

"Everyone ready!? Good." said Tetrax. "Commencing safety briefing. Gluto, prepare to steer this hunk of metal offworld.."

And so, Class 1 A's space journey began.

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