The One Who Shares His Face.

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Van Kleiss sighed as Ben turned to look at him..

"Well well.. isn't this a development.." He muttered. 

"THE KING!!" roared the other tetramands in the palace. "Rally to the King! PROTECT HIM AT ALL COSTS!!!"

"B-Ben.. I don't think this is over." said Kyoka as she stood back to back with her boyfriend while the Tetramands surrounded them, and Biowulf stepped forth, growling, licking his fangs. 

"Looma.. I.." Denki coughed as the tetramand princess pressed her hand to his wound, trying to staunch the bleeding. 

"Do not speak, focus on living." Whispered Looma as she held him gently in her arms, backing away to join Ben and Kyoka. 

"I still have stamina thanks to using Omni to boost my endurance when I was Ultimate.. but it's not much." Ben said as he held a hand over the Omnitrix's face plate. You?"

"I'm.. I think I've got a few fractures, I can barely stand as it is." Kyoka rasped. "Looma?"

"I must focus on Denki-san's injuries.. and I am barely in fighting condition." Looma said. "And if that isn't the worst part, your teacher is out cold."

"Goddamnit all" Ben growled, sweating. "Guess we'll just have to fight and pray huh?"

"Yep." said Kyoka. "Well this was one hell of a vacation.. while it lasted. 

The Tetramands closed in, as did Biowulf.. but then.. 

"FOOOOOOMMMMM!!" a giant tower of blue fire exploded down and then created a blazing wall before the Tetramands, driving them back for just a moment. 

"What the-!? Where is that coming from!?" roared one Tetramand. 

Van Kleiss narrowed his eyes. "I've heard of this fire.. but that's impossible-."

"Well that's the thing about impossibilities, when they do happen, it's all the more surprising ain't it?"

The blue fire wisped aside to reveal none other than Dabi, standing in front of Ben, Kyoka and Looma, his back to them as he faced the onlookers. 

"Y-YOU!?" Ben said

"H-HE'S HERE!?" Kyoka stammered. 

"BLAAAAMM BLAAAAM BLAAMMM!" Multiple lasers and rockets exploded into the earth in front of the aliens, causing them to back away uneasily as the surprise calvary arrived. 

Rojo landed next to Dabi, smirking slightly at a confused Kyoka before turning her silvery helm to face Biowulf. "Down doggy.."

"Hmph.. I'll rip em to shreds!!" Biowulf roared. 

"Biowulf wait.." Van Kleiss stepped up next to Biowulf and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"M.. Master? Wait weren't you just-?" Biowulf blinked as he stared at Van Kleiss for a moment, only to realize that HIS Van Kleiss was still standing quite a distance away near the unconscious Aizawa. 

"BOOOF" There was a suddenly flash as Zombozo appeared in a burst of smoke and confetti and took off his hat, letting it enlargen like a cartoon, putting it over Biowulf like a sack and then tying it up as it jumbled and rolled, Biowulf's muffled protests being heard from inside. 

"Teeheee.." The Fake Van Kleiss chuckled as his skin and clothes shed off like mud.. sliding off a girl's naked body like sludge before she stepped out in the full nude, putting her hands on her hips

"Heyyyyy!" said Himiko Toga. "Oh wait.."

"HERE YOU GO MY PRINCESS!!" Twice twirled into the scene throwing a towel on Himeko as she quickly wrapped it around herself (she's embarrassed only when it's her own body you see..) "ONLY PG13 allowed my kiddies!!"

Himeko chuckled. "Ah thanks.. though.. "

Himeko smirked at Ben, who was shocked and red as Kyoka put a hand over his eyes.  "Well there's one boy I don't mind seeing, if he likes what he sees that is! Teeheeheehee."

"Isn't that the girl I knocked out as Chromastone!? Why is she NAKED!?" Ben muttered. 

"B-beats me." Kyoka muttered. "Guess it has to do with that shape shifting quirk? Anyways thats not even the important question."

"Indeed." said Van Kleiss. "I am in agreement. I heard of you League of Villains before. You aren't a space faring capable organization.. just how did you end up on Techlandos.. and furthermore, how did you even get my blood Himiko Toga?"

"Ehhhh he knows my name too?" Himiko muttered. 

"Ah well the second question is a trade secret unfortunately..

"AAAAHHHH!" A Tetramand roared in fright as he turned to see one of his allies had suddenly eroded into a pile of bones, before turning instantly to dust. 

Tomura Shigaraki stepped over the dusty remains of the Tetramand he had killed from behind, flexing his fingers. 

"For an answer to the first question though, I suppose Sensei can answer that personally." said Tomura with a grin. 

"Sensei?" Ben and Kyoka both muttered. 

"Yes.. Tennyson, I have taken them under my wing. Surprised?"

Ben narrowed his eyes as he watched a new individual step out from behind Tomura. And as the person continued to step forward, slowly Ben's eyes widened into complete shock..

"N-no.. " Kyoka muttered, her mouth parted with surprise. "That's.. wh-what? He- he has to be using a quirk like that blood stealing girl.." 

"Well I was surprised by it too.. but honestly it ain't quirk related." said Twice. "Say hello to your SPITTING image Mr. Ben Tennyson! Which is ironic of me to say considering who I am!!"

Indeed he was a spitting image. Ben Tennyson's face was plain to see on the boy who had just stepped in.. but there were differences. Aside from the dress vest, tie, and shirt, and neat black pants, the boy's eyes were red, not green, and his hair white like snow. 

It was like looking at an albino version of Ben with a much more grim and disgruntled expression.

"Well.." said the boy curtly in definitely what sounded like a more Arrogant version of Ben.  "I do believe we have met already Van Kleiss. "How many years has it been?"

Van Kleiss stared for a moment with shock, but then narrowed his eyes. "That gait.. oh my.. Albedo? HAHAHAHA! My my how did THAT happen-?"

"Hmph, don't laugh, it was my choice. A necessary sacrifice to gain the power I needed." Albedo said, holding up his wrist to show a red gauntlet-like watch device, with a black faceplate showing a red glowing line in the middle. "The Anti-Omnitrix was completed, no thanks to you."

"Well well.. I didn't think you would actually succeed." said Van Kleiss. "Many congratulations are in order. 

"I was here hoping that you might be interested in joining my.. revolution." said Albedo, his expression displaying a coldness that looked surreal on the face of one who was normally known for his upbeat personality.  "But it seems you've already made an alliance with the Tetramands.."

"Actually.." said Van Kleiss with a chuckle. "After Gar's apparent defeat just now, it's just occurred to me how useless they are."

"Oh?" Albedo smiled slightly as he lowered his hand away from the device on his wrist. "Then I suppose we won't need to fight?"

"No, these four armed dunces were just starting to annoy me." said Van Kleiss. 

"TRAITOR!!" roared a Tetramand, aiming a spear at Van Kleiss as multiple other Tetramands did the same. 

"How.. utterly expected." said Van Kleiss boredly as he flicked his wrist, and multiple giant roots and rocks erupted from the surrounding palace, blasting the Tetramands out the through the gaps in the palace walls that had resulted from the recent battle, sending multiple four armed aliens yelling out into the near limitless expanse of the city that stood thousands of feet into the air. 

"H-holy shit.." Kyoka said, shivering.  "He was.. going easy?"

"Honestly, he was probably just toying with us the whole time." Looma said.

"What do we do?" Denki choked. "We.. can't give up.."

Ben narrowed his eyes for a moment, then there was a flash of green light as Heatblast emerged. 

"I'll clear a path!! GO!" Heatblast hurled out a massive blazing blast at Albedo. 

Dabi stepped forth, blue fire beginning to burn on his fingertips. 

Albedo smirked as the blaze neared him. "Fool.. Don't bother Dabi.. I would rather you not weaken yourself on my account."

"BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!" The earth shook as a red light flashed, and a blaze that matched Heatblast collided with the incoming fire.

When the flames cleared, in Albedo's place stood a large Heatblast-like being, only his rocks were darker red in color, with exposed burning arrms and a more gruesome skull-like face.. a more demonic Heatblast.. a mutant..

"He.. HE can transform TOO!?" Kyoka stammered. 


Twice: "HOTSHOT! This guy is a mutant Pyronite and therefore its like a way buffer version of Heatblast. It has all his super fire powers and THEN some!!!"

Himiko: "Ehehehe.. I wonder if his blood is like magma or something.. can I eat it..?"



"Well you're more of a copycat than I thought." Heatblast growled.

"No matter." said Hotshot as he conjured up a fireball and began tossing over his palm casually. "I am already far stronger than you. Unlike your sad encyclopedia, the Antitrix is designed with the pure idea of a weapon in mind."

"Can you go Ultimate?" Heatblast asked.

Hotshot went silent and caught his fireball, crushing it into wisps in his claw-like molten hand. 

"Oho.. hit a nerve haven't I?" Heatblast growled. "Who are you!?"

Hotshot nodded at Tomura. "Leave him to me just a moment. I'm bored."

"Very well.. sensei.." said Tomura as he stepped back. 

Hotshot grinned as the other League of Villains members stood back to let him approach Heatblast. 

"Lets see shall we? Whose fires are hotter? If you can prove to me yours are, perhaps I'll answer your question." said Hotshot. 

"Fine." Heatblast growled. 

At that moment, as if they both rehearsed it, the both of them lashed out their hands at the other, causing waves of immense flames to explode towards the other. 

The fire collided together, and as they did, Heatblast narrowed his eyes, and the ripple of Omni erupted over his flames, and they suddenly became bigger and brighter. 

"Oho? You know Omni? I'm surprised Tennyson, pleasantly so, but Omni at such an amateaur level isn't enough to stand against the likes of the Antitrix's improvements, observe.." Hotshot clenched his hand into a fist, and his darker red flames enveloped Heatblast's orange ones, blasting them apart. 

"SHIT!" Heatblast growled, as Hotshot's feet turned into blazing rockets and he propelled himself at his nonmutant counterpart. 

Hotshot hurled several flaming kicks at Heatblast, who parried with a few hand strikes that exploded. 

"Copying Katsuki Bakugou aren't we? Not a bad idea.." said Hotshot who slid under an explosive hand strike.  "But whatever you do-.."

Hotshot slammed a hand against Heatblast's face, and a huge explosion engulfed the other alien, sending him flying past Kyoka and blasting into the wall to create a huge smoking crater.

"BEN!!" Kyoka screamed. 

"I can do better." Hotshot finished. 


"BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!" Suddenly multiple flaming hands attached to a fiery cape erupted from the dust. 

Hotshot's eyes widened as Ultimate Heatblast floated out of the smoke and landed on his feet. 

"Really now?" Ultimate Heatblast growled as his flaming hands blazing from the cape began to form huge giant fire spheres between their palms.  "Let's test that theory!!"

Hotshot narrowed his eyes and went into a ready combative stance. 

Ultimate Heatblast readied his flaming fists.. but just as he did, he fell to one knee, crying out in pain as a shockwave blasted out, and he returned to base Heatblast form. 

Hotshot chuckled. "Well.. even if you did have the remaining strength to use Ultimate, the fact remains, that there remains a key difference between us.. I have studied and readied myself for using the Omnitrix for over a hundred years. I have trained even as I studied the means to create Master Azmuth's greatest work myself, while you as a welp human have only had that device for mere months.. "

Hotshot burned bright as he swept a hand up, and a giant tower of fire exploded across like a cyclone, sending Heatblast flying upwards. 

"In other words, not only are my transformations superior.. my very worthiness as a wielder is far greater than anything you could ever accomplish!!" 

Heatblast was sent smashing into the earth as Hotshot slammed his hand downwards, forcing his flame cyclone to become a huge flame wave that rammed powerful heat pressure into the alien. 

"Ughh... " Heatblast tried to push himself up, but Hotshot rammed a foot down on his back. 

"I acknowledge that you were weakened from your battle against Gar.. but I didn't count on being THIS dissappointed. This is the fool who Azmuth entrusted his greatest creation to?" said Hotshot. "How utterly unsatisfying."

"FOOOOOOOOMMM!" suddenly Hotshot was forced to step aside as a powerful bo staff thrust hurled just past his head and created a crater in the wall. 

"Now.. I must insist that you step away from the Omnitrix's prime wielder." said Rook  as twirled his staff and stood to face Hotshot. 

"A Revonnahgander?" said Hotshot. "And.. that green ripple. Hmm, a master of the Secret art.. I see. That explains how Tennyson learned Omni in such a short time. I doubt I've ever seen a master of that art with such prowess in my entire lifetime."

"Speaking to the fact you are indeed a long lived Galvan.. I thank you for the compliment." said Rook pleasantly with a small smile. "And again I must ask you to step away from Mr. Tennyson and his friends... it took me quite a while to come up here you see, I didn't expect Appoplexian enthusiasm to be quite so.. altitude gaining.. but I would hate to see my climb here be marred by such violence on your part."

"Wait.. Galvan.."Kyoka muttered. "As in.. Grey Matter!?"

"Yes Ms. Jiro." said Rook. "That man before you is originally a Galvan, however he has had to make certain changes to his genetics  due to the fact that any Omnitrix in this universe, however bootleg, must synch onto the same Omni Energy frequency which at the moment only responds to Mr. Tennyson's genetics."

Hotshot chuckled before leaping back next to Dabi. "You are correct Revonnahgander. Now I suppose its time for me to ask how you came across such a large amount of information when I have not even heard of you before.. I know everyone whose everyone in this Galaxy, and yet I've heard no hide nor hair of you.."

"Well they say the best way to learn about a person, is to exchange a few blows." said Rook. "Would you care to get to know me?"

"No, you've wasted enough time as it is, the pro heroes are obviously on their way." said Hotshot. "We will snag the Omnitrix another day, after all, we got what we came here for.. I take it you will accept our offer Van Kleiss?"

Van Kleiss chuckled. "Why of course, it would only be natural to hear you out now that you've finally started making your move."

"Sensei!" Tomura growled, putting a finger to an earpiece. "I got news from Magni.. Ultimos and the GE, they're close, we can't linger."

"Of course." said Albedo as he returned to human form in a flash of red light. "Tell Animo to summon our transport now. And make room for a few new guests.. Van Kleiss and the Pack of the Dark Menu, our new honored allies... well done today Shigaraki, all of you.. you've all done quite well today, everything according to plan.. with only a few hinderances.."

Albedo smirked at Ben as he stood up gingerly, back in human form as well.

"Well.. not that the hinderances were anything of note.."

Ben scowled furiously. "You.."

"Goodbye Ben Tennyson, perhaps the next time we meet, you'll actually seem like something slightly worthy of licking Azmuth's boots. " said Albedo as he snapped his fingers.

Immediately strange otherworldly portals of white energy opened up as multiple giant squid-like tentacles, making monstrous whale noises, slid out and wrapped around the League of villains members..

"Travel by mutant squid! Come now Animo! I gots Squids coming out of ass for days! Eldritch ones!" said Zombozo with a cackle.

"Later Ben-kun! Don't take your loss too hard! I'm rootin' for you really!" Himiko exclaimed, waving as a giant tentacle obscured her from view. 

Finally Shigaraki took the hand off his face for a moment as he walked towards one of the giant portals. He grinned at Ben. "Oi.. tell that Midoriya kid.. that I'll be comin' for him soon... and not just him.."

Shigaraki pointed at Ben. "That Omnitrix of yours.. is for me.. ya got it? So keep it nice and warm for my wrist.."

With that.. the tentacles withdrew into the giant portals, taking the League of Villains with them.


"BOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!" The palace shook as its cieling was shattered by a powerful fist thrust out from the Universe's symbol of Peace. 

Ultimos slammed down into the center of the room, his eyes blazing furiously. "I AM HERE!!"

The entire room quaked for a moment as heroes of all alien species burst into the palace, Galax herself gliding in with Tetrax and Pamela at her side. 

"OI OI!! Shota!!" Present Mic ran over to Aizawa, shaking his shoulder. "You alright man!?" 

"HMmmmmmnngh.... Hizashi.. wh.. what are you..?" Aizawa raised his head a little. "Is everyone alright?"

"Shit, you scared me for a moment there." Mic grunted as he stood up and looked around seriously, adjusting his glasses. "I don't see any sign of the enemy, unless you count a ton of knocked out big four armed guys.."

"Is everyone okay!?" Ultimos looked serious and fervent as he helped Ben to his feet with one hand and then felt Looma's cheek to check her bruises. "Damnit, I should've been here sooner!! The fact it took this long to track your location is inexcusable!"

"Honestly boss, I'm just glad you came for us even if it was a little late." said Tiny with a small smile. "I'll be fine, but the boy, please.. he needs medical attention!"

"This is serious!" Ultimos roared as he looked at the barely conscious Denki. "MEDICS! SEE TO THIS IMMEDIATELY! HURRY!"

The next few hours were a blur.. 

Ben found himself nearly surrounded by multiple aliens wearing white medic uniforms as they did everything from check his temperature, to scan him down to the molecular level for irregularities. 

The alien medical technology was a marvel to behold as he found his fractured bones, any missing teeth and pretty much every injury he had at the time instantly healed by the devices they attached to him. 

When they were done, Ben felt almost good as new, with only a few bandaids on his cheek and wrist to account for the toll Ultimate Humungousaur had taken on his muscular system. 

"Feeling alright?" Galax asked as she sat down next to Ben, who watched as Looma fussed over a now talkative Denki who was thankfully, given over to the medics before things got too grimm. 

("Denki-kun.. I'm.. I'm just so glad you're alive!" 

"Wh-whoa.. I.. man you don't need to start crying! I'm just fine!")

"Yeah I'm fine." Ben said. 

Galax raised an eyebrow, her wing flapping slightly. "Really?"


Galax frowned. "Ya gonna lie to me again? Or do I have to ask Jiro to come here and smack a bit of sense into ya?"

Ben sighed. "No I'm not alright.. he.. he tossed me around like baby."

"Firstly, you weren't in the best condition for a one on one fight with a guy who shares your powers." said Galax. "Secondly, being able to fight better isn't what makes you worthy to wear that thing, I hope you realize that."

Ben lowered his gaze. "He.. laughed at me, he must've known Azmuth.. and he even went easy on me, I could feel it. I know that his aliens are.. different.. than mine.. mutated somehow. But-."

"When somebody wears your face and your powers and then shows you up in front of everyone, it can't be easy." said Galax. "But this Albedo guy, you said he trained for a hundred years, or so he claims. The fact he had to do that to get to the level you described is frankly dumb in my opinion. You learned way more in just a single school year don't you think?" 

Galax put a knuckle to Ben's head and grinned. "Trust me kiddo. I know talent when I see it, you'll blaze past him."

"Maybe.." Ben said quietly. "I just.. I just don't wanna lose to him again. I won't feel worthy of the Omnitrix if all it takes for somebody to do what I do is to wear my face and have a watch... otherwise I might as well give it to somebody else.."

"Can't say I agree with your sentiment, but I do understand it." said Galax. "Question is, are you gonna just mope around and be sad about it? Or are you gonna do something about it?"

Ben's eyes turned into a glare as he stood up quietly. "Thanks Galax, I know what I have to do."

"S'long as you're doing something instead of moping." said Galax with a grin. "Go get em kiddo."

As Ben walked off, Kyoka sat down next to Galax, massaging her bandaged side. "Hey, uh.. thanks for that.. "

"No prob.. what we girls do best I guess." said Galax as she gave Kyoka  a fist bump. 


4 hours later.. 

A swift knock..

Izuku, in the bathroom of his room within the Resolute, a toothbrush stuck in his mouth as he readied himself for bed, stuck his head out of the restroom. "Mmmghh?" 

He pressed the button to open the bedroom door, revealing Ben, dressed fully in his Hero Suit and gear.

"I.. Izuku, s-sorry I should've asked this while everyone was still awake and.."

"Ben.. ? Wh-what do you need?" Izuku asked. 

"Y-.. you're a genius!" Ben bowed. "You can come up with solutions and ways to improve yourself like with the Shoot style and everything and-"

Ben stood up again and spoke. "I'm going to the simulation room, and I'm going to upload my memories of my fight with Albedo, the guy who looks like me and-."

"-Do.. you want me to oversee your training!?" Izuku stammered. 

"If you don't mind.." Ben muttered. "And maybe Katsuki too if he's awa-."

"SHUT UP AND GET READY ALREADY!!" Ben's request was cut short, as Bakugou walked past, dressed in his full hero gear as well. 

"HAAAAHHH!?" Ben roared, staring. "ARE YOU PSYCHIC!?" 

"With you I might as well be." Katsuki snarled. "Suit up Deku, this is gonna be a fucking late night! Also the goddamn cat wants to watch!" 

Ben looked over down the hall to see Rook standing there, smiling. 

"If you don't mind of course." said Rook with a slight bow of his head. 

"R-right of course" Ben stammered. 

As Izuku rushed to put on his hero suit, and Ben and Katsuki began to discuss training for the night, Rook leaned against the wall and spoke towards the slightly open door next to him, which led into All Might's room. 

"You're right about him you know, he has a ton of potential."  Rook said quietly. 

"Hmmm.." All Might, who was leaning against the other side of the door nodded. "Tetrax vouched for you quite heavily.. just.. what sort of person are you?"

"A wanderer, on the side of the Plumbers I assure you, and very much employed by them." said Rook. "I'm afraid I can't be more detailed than that... after all.. the Multiverse is quite a dangerous thing to toy with.."

"It is indeed." said All Might. "I assume you will be staying with us for a bit?"

"Hmm, yes, this 'Albedo' is an intrigueing threat. Keep your guard up All Might." Rook muttered. "To think he recruited your human villains, there's something more to this that not even the Galactic Enforcers can predict.."

With that, Rook walked off to join the students as All Might continued to lean against the door, pondering Rook's words. 

"Something not even the Galactic Enforcers can predict.." All Might murmured. "What would that even be?"

He closed his eyes as a memory of Aizawa flashed through his mind.

"This Ghostfreak.. the true monster behind it is something beyond even the level of terrifying that Vilgax showed us.. keep an eye on it, please All Might.."

"It can't be that.. can it?" All Might muttered. "Am I overthinking it? Or has this  moved beyond simply the fight between Heroes and Villains?"


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