The Red Winged Girl

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"Aye.. now now now.."

Tetrax narrowed his eyes as the voice of his captor mused before him. 

He, Mic, and Pamela were all hanging in the air, strange energy gauntlets restraining their limbs in a spread eagle position, hovering in the center of the main bridge of the massive space station, the room itself large enough to fit an entire mall, filled with various consoles and.. of course.. crew members. But the crew members themselves.

"Captain Bivalvan! We have confirmation that First Mate Pandorr has entered the fray!!" yelled a young human girl wearing a jumpsuit, looking up from her console. 

"My word.." muttered Mic. "Kids... the entire crew.. and not just any kids.."

"Human kids." Pamela muttered. "Who would've thunk."

"You've got quite an interesting crew here.. Space Pirate.." Tetrax growled. "It's no wonder we were caught off guard."

A large captain's chair at the head of the room turned around slowly to reveal the individual sitting in it. 

As an alien, he had what appeared to be a red segmented exoskeleton. His head, serrated fingers, and red hue gave him a humanoid crab-like appearance. Though the armored hood over his head looked like mollusk's shell. He had four green eyes on his crab-like face and four more on his armored red chest. 

The palms of his gray clawed hands had portholes.

His eyes were blue in color, at least.. two of them were, the other two eyes seemly were grayed out thanks to three scars that had been carved in from some battle. in fact much of his exoskeleton was battered with battle damage and scars.. and one of his hands was gone, replaced by robotic pincer.  He wore a shredded dark coat, his armored hood also had a large wide brimmed black hat situated with the image of a strange tusked alien skull over its center. 

"He certainly looks piratey. " muttered Pamela. 

"Hmph. Human Adults. You aren't plumbers, and that Petrosapien who called himself a plumber looks more like mercenary, what kind of bedevilry is this!?" the creature growled, standing up.  "And to top it off, the fools who wish to rescue you are children!? There is something fucked up in the works here.. aye maties, I am a bit curious to know.. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?"

"Captain Bivalvan, Orishan leader of the Furious Frontier Battle Station, though this ship doesn't look like its in very furious shape." said Tetrax.  "I'm interested in asking you the same thing. Last I heard your crew consisted of six members."

"Don't you DARE give me that!" growled Captain Bivalvan, snapping his metal pincer claw. "Not when the fishiest is you lot!! Children aboard your ship!? A good number of them, right at the age when they're ripest for eating! A ship in as good condition as that is expensive to keep up. You're heading to the Dark Menu Drop Point aren't you!?  MONSTERS!! LIARS!! And you humans.. TRAITORS TO YOUR OWN SPECIES FOR MONEY!!"

"H-huh!?" Mic blinked. "B-but that's.. what is he talking about!? Isn't that Dark Menu thing supposed to be- Ah! It's that whole thing where aliens kidnap kids to.. "

"Eat them." Pamela finished. "We're not doing that.. Bivalvan was it? On that note you seem to have a bunch of children here-."

"We were liberated!" exclaimed a voice. "From nasty human slavers like you! The aliens that killed our families and kidnapped us for rich food enthusiast scum are all dead thanks to the captain!"

A girl leaped down from nearby. She had sandy short cut hair, wore bandages as a breast band over her lithe beautiful body, a pair of leather pants with multiple belts filled with grenades and sheathed with what appeared to be bladeless cutlass hilts. She wore a large coat similar to Bivalvan to finish the look. 

The girl looked to be around high school age as she grinned, and two massive red wings spread out from her back. 

"There's something familiar about that girl." Tetrax muttered. "Hey.. doesn't she look like-?"

"Hawks-chan? Come to think of it-.. when she caught us off guard before, we were hit with bladed feathers." muttered Pamela. "By the way, my adaptation for getting out of these restraints is done, just tell me when."

"Hold for now.. try too early, and all of them will be on us." said Tetrax. "All of these children are trained combatants with their Quirks... if they swarm us we won't stand a chance without really hurting them."

 The girl grinned as Bivalvan put a hand on her shoulder.  "Daughter, you return, the ship-?"

"No other intruders Captain.." said the girl, plucking a feather from one of her wings and putting it to her lips. "It is just those misguided children. Though I do intend to raid that nearby ship later for more, I must insist that I go to assist Ra'ad in restraining Pandorr."

"Yes, Pandorr is a bit too enthusiastic." said Bivalvan. "Those children are obviously former Hero Students like a few of our crew.  If they put up too much of a fight, Pandorr might even shed his suit and go all out.. do you think you could defeat the children and bring them here my dear Galax?"

"It would be my honor Captain.. no.. Father.." said Galax, doing a bow as her wings spread wide. "I would like to personally spar that one child who transforms if you would allow it.. his power fascinates me."

"Ah yes, I think I know what enables him to do such a transformation, the tales of Vilgax's defeat at his hands has already reached me." said Bivalvan. "Do not hurt him badly, he is a victim just as you were. But do not underestimate him."

"Aye sir!" said Galax, looking thrilled and filled with anticipation. "The one who defeated Vilgax? Truly? This will make for a great challenge indeed!"

There was a burst of speed as the girl flew upward in a gust of wind, almost too fast for the eye to catch.

"Didn't Hawks have a sister?" muttered Tetrax. "You don't think-?"

"Tsk.. this situation just keeps getting more complicated! Ehh.. Shota where are you!?" Mic stammered as he watched the various other children continue to work at their consoles. 


"BOOOM BOOOOOM!" Cannonbolt hurled repeatedly into Pandorr's chest, bouncing off the wall and back over and over, shockwaves radiating from their collision. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Pandorr laughed as sparks burst from his armor, his visor heating up with orange light. "Nice try.. ARBURIAN! Nothing short of Taydenite can pierce this suit!"

"WHAT ABOUT ME!!!" Kirishima hurled in from the side, fully hardened and slamming a shoulder charge into Pandorr's side.

Sparks burst as Kirishima staggered back, gritting his teeth. "D-dang, he really is harder-!"

"Unruly BRAT!!" Pandorr whirled around and fired a powerful beam of orange light straight into Kirishima's body.

"BLLLLLAAAAAMMM!" Kirishima let out a cry as he was sent smashing through multiple consoles, a melted super heated gauge scarring the floor on his path.

"Kirishima-kun!" yelled Mina. "Are you-!?"

"F-fine, D-damn he's HOT!" Kirishima stammered as he brushed off segments of shedded hardened skin that had been severely burned before rehardening. 

"PANDORR!" Ra'ad growled. 

"Easy fool, he had an ability that let him shed the burns.." said Pandorr.

"You didn't KNOW that!" Ra'ad growled. "You KNOW what the captain said. You're strong but you go WAY overboard!"

"I know how to hold back you dumb Amperi! So stay back and watch as I teach these children to respect their elders!!" Pandorr growled as more students surrounded him. 

"Not gonna lie!" yelled Ojiro, his tail whipping back and forth nervously. "I don't think I have anything that can hurt this guy!"

"M-Me neither!" Yelled Tenya. 

"Those of us who can't harm him need to focus on support, the rest of us will focus on damage or restraint!" yelled Izuku. "Ben are you okay to transform again!? We need to counter the heat!! Heatblast maybe?!"

"I think I got somebody whose better at something like that!" said Cannonbolt. 

"Tsk.. that transforming child might be trouble if he's who I think he is." Pandorr muttered. "In that case.."

Pandorr slammed his fists into the floor, and a massive explosion of molten metal erupted forward, a tidal wave of pure molten lava forming over Cannonbolt as he moved his hand to his badge.

"BEN LOOK OUT!!" Kyoka screamed. "TODOROKI-KUN!"

"URRRGHHH!" Todoroki swept his foot out, and a massive wall of ice collided with the molten metal.

"TOO FAR PANDORR!" roared Ra'ad. "Are you trying to turn them into ash!?"

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Pandorr roared back. "You have NO idea who that boy is!!"

"BEN!" yelled Todoroki as his ice wall started to melt rapidly. "Arctiguana!"

"Who I was going for!!" Cannonbolt yelled as he transformed in a flash of green light. 

Ben became a large blue lizard-like alien with large fore arms and smaller back legs, three claws on each limb. his eyes were large and reptilian with black spines going down his back, and he wore a black and white jumpsuit. 

The blue iguana-like alien opened his large mouth and sighed, cold freezing mist wisping out of both the corners of his mouth and the gills on his sides. 


Present Mic: "ARCTIGUANA!! Quirk: ICE BREATH!!! Aside from having his name spelled wrong often- this big blue lizard can freeze and chill with the best of em!!"

All Might: "Ah yes, this one's simple, but a fan favorite."


Arctiguana opened his mouth and fired a powerful white and blue beam of cold energy straight into the lava wave, freezing it back into twisted metal in one one large blast of cool mist. 

"OHOHOHO! Now this is getting exciting!!" Pandorr yelled as he stomped forward and hurled another radioactive heat beam from his visor at the new transformation.

Arctiguana inhaled deeply, air surging into his gills like a vacuum before his eyes flashed and he opened his mouth, firing another massive cold blast straight into Pandorr's heat beam. 

The two opposing temperature attacks collided and a surging explosion of heat and cold erupted. 

Todoroki and Kyoka grabbed Arctiguana under his arms and pulled him back as the shockwave nearly hit all of them, and Pandorr was sent skidding back on his metal feet, waving his arms around. 

"G-GAAAH What the heck!!" Pandorr roared.

"What did you THINK was going to happen if you hurled extreme cold into extreme heat at the same time!? Did you WANT to make a hurricane on this ship you bastard!?" Ra'ad yelled.  "You should've just let me handle this alone!"

"WHY YOU! If I let you handle this you'd be carted home on a stretcher you little-!"

"Enough bickering you two!!"

"Eh-eh!? Sh-shit its.." Pandorr looked up, as did Ra'ad to see none other than Galax hovering there, her arms folded, grinnning, her wings spread out.

"Th-that's.. a human?!" said Denki. 

"N-no way!" said Arctiguana. "There's a human on this ship!? And.. she's with them!?"

"Universe is a big place and there are over 7 billion people, I mean there always is a chance of a human getting involved with aliens." said Todoroki. 

"Hmph, stand back boys, captain wants a thorough job with no casualties, and I'm going to do that." said Galax as she landed lightly in front of Pandorr and Ra'ad.

"She's a human, not an alien, does she seriously think she can take all of us AND Ben at the same time!?" growled Sero.

"Jeez, way to put pressure on me." Arctiguana muttered.

"Come on, you ARE the strongest one here." said Sero. "Though maybe Helen's also super strong since she's got XLR8 speed."

"FUCK THAT I AM!" roared Katsuki. 

"Oh you are all so loud and irritating, don't worry, you'll quiet down once you're free, or not, whatevs, long as you're not being made meals out of, I'm happy." said Galax. 

"Guys, I don't feel right about this." Helen said nervously. "There's something that feels formidable about her."

"Those two are deferring to her that's for sure." said Todoroki. "We need to play it cautious if we can. Rachel, you're up."

Rachel frowned at Galax for a moment. "I'm.. not too sure, she doesn't feel malicious.. maybe we can talk this out."

"Talk it out?" Galax's face fell. "Huh, that would be disappointing, I was hoping since you were giving Pandorr here the time of his life, you'd do the same for me.

"So ya just wanna fight huh?" said Kirishima as he hardened both his arms. "I wouldn't be a man if I refused."

"Well then.. come on already! Show me what the Hero Students of Earth have up their sleeves!" said Galax. "Especially the transforming kid there."

"Formation 17!?" Arctiguana asked. "I know we usually do that for Heatblast but-."

"It'll do, get ready!" said Rachel. "Azarath.. Metrion ZINTHOS!" 

Multiple consoles were torn from the room, covered in black energy as they levitated around Arctiguana leaving just a small hole in front of him. 

Everyone leaped back behind Arctiguana and the telekinetic barrier, Izuku and Katsuki pulling Helen back with them. 

"YEAH!" Denki slammed both his hands on the floor and electricity erupted over the barrier, electrifying it in an instant. 

"Huh? An electrified bunker?" said Galax. "Nice, nice."

Arctiguana inhaled deeply and fired a massive wave of ice breath from his mouth through the hole. 

Galax suddenly flew into the air at high speed, dodging the ice blast as crystals formed all over the floor, forcing Pandorr to jump in front of Ra'ad, super heating his body so the ice melted off his armor. 

"He's fast!" Izuku exclaimed as Arctiguana continued fire blast after blast of cold breath, and Galax dodged so quickly that she was barely visible to the naked eye.  "The way she flies is.. its so familiar but I can't put my finger on it! I.. I think I might've put it in my notes!"

"Shoto! She's gotten closer, more in your field of range!" roared Arctiguana. "Wanna join the freeze fest?"

"Right!" Shoto stood next to Arctiguana. 

As Shoto hurled an icy blast from his palm, creating a floor of stabbing icy spikes, forcing Galax upwards, Arctiguana attempted to pin her down by firing ice into the air, freezing sections of the air to form into a rain of sharp icicles. 

"HMPH!" Galax's eyes went wide as several of her feathers shed from her wings and slashed through the ice up top in an instant, as if they were blades. 

She then exploded towards the group at high speeds. 

"A wall made to keep me out while they take pot shots at me until I run out of stamina. " said Galax. "An effective strategy, if I were some sort of amateur villain, however-."

Galax grinned as she sent a single feather hurling at high speed straight through the hole being used by Arctiguana and Shoto to fire their attacks. 

"LOOK OUT!!" there was a flash of green light as Jetray hurled straight into Shoto, tackling out of the way. 

"ZZOOOOOOOMMMMM!" Galax folded her arms and put her arms to her side as she slipped straight through the hole, hurling a powerful roundhouse kick into Rachel's gut. 

"AAAGHHH!" Rachel slammed into Denki, and the two of them smashed into into the wall, causing their carefully placed telekinetic-electric barrier to crumble apart. 

"GET HER- AGH!" Before he could harden his body, Kirishima was hit in the gut by a swift chop to his stomach. 

"WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM!!" High speed hits razed through Class 1 A as in an instant, most of the class was sent sprawling by Galax's attacks. 

"H-holy sh-shit!" Sero stammered as he lay on the floor, watching Mineta get sent spinning like a top, blood flying from his nose. 

Galax grinned as she soared into the air and feathers spread out around her. "Who's next?"

"DIE DIE DIE DIE!!" Katsuki Bakugou appeared behind Galax, using and explosion from his palm to send him speeding behind her. 

Galax lunged back in a blur as Katsuki hurled an explosion at her, barely missing.

"AP SHOT!!" Bakugou created a hole with his fingers on one hand, firing an explosion through the loop to create a scatter shot of armor piercing long range explosion beams, forcing Galax backwards.

"NICE! But that won't get around my speed-!" Galax made to zoom at Bakugou, only to suddenly find a dinosaur-like wheeled foot was colliding with her jaw. 

Galax spun through the air like a rag doll before gaining control of herself and falling into a swift hover. "Well well.. a Kineceleran, color me surprised. Not as many stripes on the tail though, a hybrid?"

"Leave.. my class.. ALONE!" Helen zoomed up the wall and and spun through the air at top speed, firing a gattling gun barrage of kicks at Galax. 

"Shit you're fast!" Galax growled as she shielded herself with her wings and was sent hurtling to the ground. 

"SO AM I!" Jetray broke the sound barrier as he appeared behind Galax and charged his eyes to maximum, hurling a green Neuroshock blast  and engulfing the spot where she was in bright light.

Galax spun through the air, multiple feathers molting from her wings as she landed on her feet nearby, grinning and wiping a bit of blood off her chin. "Now.. THAT was an actual challenge!"

"Helen! Can you do that thing I do with XLR8.. the whirly.. uh.. run around in a circle and make a tornado thing!" said Jetray.

"I mean, I've never tried, but maybe!" said Helen. 

"Do it! I gotta try something!" said Jetray. "I think we're faster than her, but her skills are off the charts amazing!"

"R-right!" Helen began to run in circles at high speed until a massive tornado churned up, creating a surging gale force that started to suck Galax in. 

"Shit! Are they trying to use that to vacuum me in!?" Galax roared. "In that case I'll send some feathers straight into the ring and disrupt her flow-"


Galax felt shock, as her limbs all became paralyzed and her wings went limp in an instant. An electric precision bolt erupting into all her nerves at once.

"Th-that power-!!" Ra'ad exclaimed. "Don't tell me.. he transformed into-!?"

The whirlwind disappeared as Helen skidded to a halt next to AmpFibian. 

"A smokescreen eh?" said Pandorr. "That kid used quite some technique to make a move similar to your Shock Sniper attack eh Ra'ad?"

"Nothing's faster than lightning.. well almost nothing." said AmpFibian. 

Galax toppled over, panting. "Well well.. I guess you really are something huh? But You needed her help to do it."

"We're heroes." said AmpFibian. "Relying on each other to get the job done is kind of a comic book staple. That's why teamups exist!"

"Hmph, guess the kid couldn't cut it after all.. impressive, though, she took out every one of em except the Kineceleran, the shape shifter and that Ice Fire kid."  said Pandorr. "My turn- eh?"

Pandorr shifted a little on the spot. "I can't.. move my  foot.. wait.. WHAAAAA!?"

Pandorr looked down to see the entire floor was covered in sticky blackish-purple balls, and that his boots were tuck in a good number of them. 

"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS STUFF!?" Pandorr roared. 

"GRAPE JUICE STRIKES AGAIN!!" Mineta cackled as he leaped out from behind a downed console, his nose still bleeding and sporting a black eye. "HAHAHAHAH!! SUCKER!!!"

"YOU LITTLE SHIT HEAAAAAD!!" Pandorr roared as suddenly his entire suit turned orange, and all the sticky balls melted into a large pool of molten metal around the alien. 

"PANDORR KEEP IT TOGETHER!!" Ra'ad yelled "Aw crap he isn't listening! Grape kid! RUN!!"

"Eh.... EEEEEEEEE!?" Mineta squealed fearfully as Pandorr hurled a  massive high powered Radioactive blast from his visor at him, diving away only just in time as a molten blast ripped through the wall, melting it in one go.. causing waves of melted orange liquid metal  to splash over the room, barely missing some of the exhausted fearful students. 

"GET BACK GET BACK!" Kirishima roared, getting over throbbing gut enough to grab the unconscious Mina Ashido by the armpits and start dragging her away from the pools of molten lava that was now splashing across the room. 

"Pandorr get a grip!!" yelled Galax as she slowly regained use of her limbs and started to stand up. 

"Don't be ridiculous!! These children should be GRATEFUL that we're fucking helping em! And now they're throwing around their powers at us like WE are the villains! I can't STAND it!" Pandorr growled. "We can save more grateful children next time! I'll MELT these fools for their ingrate-!!"


AmpFibian flew over and hurled multiple tendrils at Pandorr stretching out his tentacles and engulfing them in powerful lightning so that he could lash multiple high speed shock whips at the alien. 

The lightning whips glanced off Pandorr's helmet as he furiously began to superheat his armor again. "YOU! You look like that prick Ra'ad! That is the WRONG form to use to try and take ME!!"

Pandorr grabbed AmpFibian's stretched limbs and the Amperi form of Ben Tennyson screamed in sheer pain as the heat burned into his jelly-like flesh and he fell to the floor. 

"ENOUGH!!" Ra'ad made to leap at Pandorr, but Pandorr hammered his ally aside with another radiation beam from his visor. 

"I'll crush these fools!" Pandorr raised his arms as he moved in on Mineta once more, raising his heated fists. 


"MINETA!!" AmpFibian moved up, his tentacles burned and reddish looking as he dove in front of his classmate. 

"HEAVEN PIERCING WALL!" Shoto desperately swept a hand out, creating a massive ice wall between AmpFibian, Mineta and the furious armored alien. 

"It won't be enough, he's too strong!" yelled Shoto. "BEN THERE'S ONLY ONE OPTION! DO IT!! JUST A FEW SECONDS IF YOU CAN!"


A massive jellyfish the size of a building filled the room. with a bell shaped-blobbish darker blue body and multiple tentacles drifting below him, his body undulating slighting through the air  as he towered above Pandorr who had just melted through Shoto's ice wall.

"Wh-whaaaaaaaaa!?" Pandorr stammered. 

Ultimate AmpFibian's eyes glowed as he touched a tentacle to Pandorr's helmet. 

"Wh-what's happening!? WHAT IS!?" Pandorr roared as his limbs began to move on their own and he began walking backwards. 

"Just taking over your entire nervous system." said Ultimate AmpFibian. "Oh by the way.. here's a classic. Stop hitting yourself.. stop hitting yourself.."

Pandorr began slamming himself in the head with his fists, electricity reverbrating around his body as he was turned into an electrically charged puppet. 

"And.. Finis.." Ultimate AmpFibian fire massive beams of pure white lightning from his eyes, hammering Pandorr with such burning force, that he was sent exploding through multiple walls till-.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!" A massive vacuum whirled into the control room as everyone was sent screaming into the air, pulled towards the hull breach caused by Pandorr's body. 

"THIS IS THE SHITTIEST WAY TO DIEEEEEEEEEE!!" Denki roared as he flew towards the vacuum, only for Ultimate AmpFibian's tentacle to catch him like a baseball glove, grabbing multiple 1 A students at once.

Ultimate AmpFibian gasped for breath as he whipped out his other massive tentacles at high speeds, catching his classmates, as well as the shocked looking Ra'ad and Galax while two of his other tentacles grabbed parts of the ship. 

"KID! LISTEN TO ME!! YOU NEED TO MAKE A STATIC CHARGE POWERFUL ENOUGH TO ACTIVATE THE EMERGENCY SHIELDING!" roared Ra'ad. "I can't do it from here, but that weird enhanced Amperi form might have what it takes!"

"I... I.. c.. can't concent.. trate.. "Ultimate AmpFibian's eyes began to drift off as his tentacles began to go limp. 

"Kid.. KID!?" Ra'ad roared. "What's wrong with him!?"

"The Ultimate Forms put a strain on his body!! He's not used to- AAAAAHHH!" Kyoka flew through the air with the rest of Class 1 A as Ultimate AmpFibian fell unconscious, and everyone, including the massive jellyfish began to fly towards the vacuum of space. 

"KAAAAPPPHOOOOOMM!" A giant geyser of water erupted in a blanket over the hole as a voice yelled. "ICE FIRE KID!!"

Todoroki, in an instant of heart pounding desperation, threw a freezing blast at the blanket of continuous pouring water and an ice wall appeared which everyone immediately slammed into like a pile of potatoes. 

As everyone moaned and fell on the floor, Ultimate AmpFibian lying motionless nearby, Captain Bivalvan stepped forward, pressing a button, causing emergency metal shielding to slide over the ice wall, sealing the breach more permanently. 

"F-father I'm sorry, I.." Galax began. 

"I don't blame you." said Bivalvan. "I should've never let Pandorr be the first to assist Ra'ad. His history doesn't allow him to be merciful when necessary, especially after his time in the war. I'll send an EVA team to fetch him later. Some time in the wide expanse  among the stars should cool him off a little.  Though I suppose Andreas would've just gotten scared. "

Bivalvan looked at Ultimate AmpFibian. "As for THAT.. now THAT is not something you see every day.. that's one uber enhanced Amperi.."

"T.. TORU!!"  Kyoka yelled. "We need a smoke screen! Ochaco-chan- Midoriya-kun! We need to move Ben!!!"

"R-RIGHT!" Ochaco touched Ultimate AmpFibian, causing the large jellyfish to levitate as Izuku ran in, using Full Cowling as he grabbed hold of one of the tentacles and began pulling away.

"W-WAIT-!" Ra'ad roared trying to fly in. "You all need Medi-"

"Warp REFRACTION!!!"  The sound of footsteps echoed across the hall as somebody invisible leaped into the air, and caused a bright flash of light to erupt from her body, blinding all present. 

When the light cleared, only a few bouncing sticky balls from Mineta, and the quick whip of Ojiro's tail around a corner was left in the student's wake. 

"-cal attention.." Ra'ad finished. "Aw come on.. "

"They're well trained." said Bivalvan. "Those Hero schools on Earth are no joke that's for sure. They might make good assets, if we can convince them that we're not a threat. Damnit Pandorr's taken away plenty of good will that we might've had.. "

"I doubt I can do much now either. My intent was to impress em with my skill and then lay down the offer so they'd see how cool it was to work for us." said Galax. "But Pandorr lost his temper after that kid managed to trick me.. just what is his power?"

"Something that could change the course of the entire war on the Dark Menu." said Bivalvan. "That's why it's imperative that we have them see reason. You're human like them, I need you to try and appeal to them one more time, bring some of the other kids if you like to convince em. I gotta go get that EVA team to find Pandorr.  Ra'ad can watch those Dark Menu scum back on the bridge...  Ra'ad? Hey! Come on mate.. what's wrong? "

"Oh.. uh.. nothing.. just.. I can see pretty much anything invisible thanks to my training fighting Ectonurites in the Old War.. " Ra'ad muttered. 

"Yeah? So..?" 

"Was it just me?" Ra'ad muttered. "Or was that human girl just now.. buck ass nude?"

There was an awkward pause. 

"By the Fel Blight.. we got more weirdos don't we?" Muttered Bivalvan. 

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