Chapter 10: Old scars never fade

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With Izuku in the stadium seats

Izuku right now at the sports festival in the seats watching for the next fight. The next fight he is watching though is Mina Ashido's. She is supposed to be fighting up next with Aoyama but...

Izuku: Where is she....

Izuku literally just saw her a minute ago and wished her good luck. It should only be a 5-minute walk to the arena entrance.

Izuku's head: Something isn't right here.


Izuku's head: WHAT? They can do that? *Sigh* Of course they can but why isn't she here though. I know she wouldn't ditch. She worked so hard for this. Meaning that something must have happened..... something bad.

Izuku then got up and started to walk off until a black haired girl grabbed his hand.

Momo: And where do you think your going?

Izuku: To find Mina.

Momo: Why do you feel the need to find her. Did you do something?

Izuku: What? NO *sigh* She didn't show up for her event.

Momo: It's not like it's out of the ordinary for her to be late or not show up to things.

Izuku: BUT NOT THIS. She has always taken this part of U.A. really serious and has worked her ass off to compete. There is no way she would miss this.

Momo was surprised by Izukus concern for Mina. Ever since she saw him her first thought of him was of how savage and dangerous, he was. Who could blame her though when her first impression of him was when he fought off a Nomu by completely shredding it to pieces? Not to mention his fighting tactics he displayed when fighting the class were that of a killer. Seeing him worry like this though just doesn't seem anything like what she thought.

Momo: So, what do you think happened then?

Izuku: I don't know but that's why I think I should check it out.

Momo: Why not the teachers.

Izuku: Let's face it there already busy. Besides if this turns out to be nothing then I would get in trouble for making it a big deal.

Momo had to think about it for a minute on her options and came up with this.

Momo: Alright ill help you look for her.

Izuku just raised an eye at this.

Izuku: You sure?

Momo: Is there a problem with that?

Izuku: Well not really. I just thought you weren't too fond of me.

Momo: While it's true I find almost all of your actions savage uncivilized and even barbaric.

Izuku: *mumbles* Aren't you a sweet talker.

Momo: It doesn't mean you're not wrong or don't care about Mina. However-

Momo then created a knife from her hand and then aimed it at Izuku.

Momo: If you get anywhere near my personal bubble or try anything villainous or disgraceful, we will see if "everything" that gets cuts off you heals.

Izuku just gulped. I mean don't get him wrong he can take anything that hasn't been dished out at him already but come on...... no guy wants his dick cut off.

Izuku: Ok just put the knife down and let's go.

With that Momo and Izuku walk off into the halls of the U.A. sports festival stadium to try and find Mina.

In the halls of the U.A. stadium

Izuku and Mina are walking side by side looking for Mina checking locker rooms and bathrooms to see if she is there. Momo though is getting kinda bored looking so she trys to strike up a conversation.

Momo: So Izuku...

Izuku: Hm?

Momo: You seem to care an awful lot about Mina. It really has only been a month and you guys act like your living together.

Izuku: Well we do.







Izuku: We live with each other at U.A. dorms.



Momo just slapped Izuku in the arm.

Izuku: Whats the big idea? Why are you hitting me?

Momo: You shouldn't be living in the same room at such a young age you pervert.

Izuku: Ok first off we don't live in the same room second why the hell not.

Momo: BECAUSE ITS JUST WRONG. Your supposed to only do that if you guys are dating...... WAIT ARE YOU GUYS DATEING?

Izuku: What's dating?

Momo was just completely dumbfounded by all of this.

Momo: JESUS Stop acting like an innocent kid. HOW OLD ARE YOU 4?

Izuku: I DON'T KNOW.

With that they both stopped right there. Momo was confused at what he said.

Momo: Wait...... you don't know how old you are?

Izuku: Not really? I don't remember a whole lot. I think I'm 15 or 16. Or something like that.

Momo: didn't your parents ever celebrate your birthday or something.

Izuku: Not that I know of. I just met my mom about a week ago.

Momo then started to piece together some things about Izuku from what she heard before about Izuku.


Mr. Aizawa: Second he doesn't have a quirk. Third you would fight like that to if you went through hell like he did.

Bakugo: I-Izuku?... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? And how the hell are you still alive?


Izuku: It's not that I don't want a hero name. I just don't know one that would imply being a hero instead of a monster or animal.

Flashback ends

Momo never really gave question to why Izuku was like the way he is until now.

Momo: So, what do you remember?

Izuku: Um some bits and pieces. But I can only really recall everything that happened up from the U.S.J. attack when I met the class and fought the Nomu thing.

Momo: Do you know why?

Izuku: Why what?

Momo: Why you can't remember?

Izuku: Well from what Mr. Aizawa and the principal told me they said that things were done to me. One of those things is completely wiping away my memories including who I was or everything that happened to me. They said that maybe it's for the best....

Momo: ...... Aren't you curious though? About who you used to be? What your life was like before or what happened to you.

Izuku wanted nothing more than to say yes. He wants to know everything he wants it all back because it feels like a part of him is missing without his memories. He knows how others would react though so why let other people dig into his life any further.

Izuku: I wonder yeah but I guess it's just "all in the past now".

With that they kept walking continuing their search for Mina. Eventually Izuku and Momo were outside another bathroom for girls.

Momo: Alright ill check this one for Mina...... DON'T even think about walking in.

Izuku just puts his hands up defensively.

Izuku: OK Ok. I won't. I'll just check the halls around here for her.

With that Izuku left and Momo checked the bathrooms.

With Izuku in the halls

Izuku was walking around trying to find Mina and scanning around. He got frustrated though and just took a seat at a bench.

Izukus head: *Sigh* Where are you Mina. I know you wouldn't miss your event, so you have to be here.

As he said that another man wearing a black trench coat sat down right next to him.

???: Hey kid whats got you so down.

Izuku didn't know why but the hair on his skin stood up like an animal getting ready to fight would. He doesn't even know this guy though.

Izuku: Oh uh im just trying to find a friend.

???: What she look like maybe I've seen her hehe.

Izuku didn't know why but his voice. It sounds familiar. Not a good familiar either. Sort of like every cell in his body said's run or to fight him. But he doesn't know WHY.

Izuku: Well uh she has hair like mine and its pink. Oh and she has pink skin.

???: black/ yellow eyes and horns?

Izuku head then shot up with hope.

Izuku: YEAH THAT'S......her-

Izuku face of hope then went to fear. Now he knows why he sounds so familiar, why every cell in his body is telling him to run or fight. Because......

???: What's the matter kid.

Its Victor Creed. Aka: Sabertooth.

???: You look like you've seen a ghost.

Once Izuku figured out its Victor he immediately got up from the bench and backed away.

Izuku: W-Who the hell are you?

Victor: Oh, don't play dumb Izuku you know who I am. C'mon your old pal Sabretooth?

Izuku then started to get a flashback again of Sabretooth. How he hunted him and the mystery girl Jean and how he killed her.

Izuku: You...... You killed her?

Victor: Oh, so you do remember Jean.... That's nice. Makes things a lot better for me.

Izuku: What do you want?

Victor: Oh, you know just wanted to see you again. For old time sakes you know.

Victor then got up from the bench and started to walk slowly and Izuku did the same where they both went in a circle facing each other.

Victor: Not to mention I'm not really here for something I want. It's about what you want right?

Izukus eyes went wide with fear.

Izuku: Mina....

Victor: Ding....ding.........ding.

Izuku had enough.


Izuku popped his claws and went straight at Victor trying to slice him in half top to bottom but Victor extended his nails like claws and then grabbed onto Izukus hand he was using o attack. He then threw Izuku over his head and onto the bench completely breaking it on contact.

Victor: Now here's the deal. You are going to come with me quietly or else your new girl is going to die.

Izuku wants to do nothing but rip him to shreds but............. he has Mina. So, he can't risk her life. He has to go along with this.

Izuku: ......fine.

Victor: Ah I miss the you that was always obedient and did what he was told no matter what. It was a lot easier to socialize with you like that.

He then threw Izuku up on his feet and kicked him a few feet away so he couldn't try anything.

Victor: Now keep walking.

Earlier with Momo

Momo just got out of the bathroom and started to wander the halls looking for Izuku now.

Momo: First I look around for Mina now I'm looking for Izuku. Just grea-

She stops though when hearing a loud crashing noise. She immediately hugs the wall and sneakily peaks her head out the corner. She see's everything were Victor threatened Izuku with killing Mina. So, she decides to follow him.

Momo's head: Who the hell is this guy ...... and what does he want with Izuku.

With Izuku and Victor walking the halls

Izuku: What do you want with me and Mina.

Victor: Well Mina is just bait for you. I'm sure we could find some use for her in the program though.

Izuku then turned around quick and popped his claws as Victor did the same with his.


Victor: Easy kid. Easy.... man, I know you lost your memories, but did you also just get dumber and more desperate. The old you would have already taken me out by now.

Izuku just stayed silent.

Victor: Anyways as for you...... the people who made us are kind of mad you took off and ran. They want what they paid for back.

Izuku: Wait...... your like me?

Victor: Oh yes quirk less and all.

Izuku: Wait so that means...... the program or whatever can give every human being on earth a power.

Victor: Not exactly ....... man, you really don't remember anything do you?

Victor then stopped where he stood and Izuku did as well. Izuku turned around and looked at Victor.

Victor: Tell you what kid. OUT OF THE "kindness" of my heart. I will give you one question to ask about anything from your past. I will answer in truth and in detail.

Izuku finally just got what he wanted...... kind of. A way to figure out a part of his path. Izuku had to think about it hard there was only one question that seemed to matter the most though.

Izuku: Who is Jean?

Victor just laughed and chuckled to himself.

Victor: Man, the weapon X program really did a number on you huh? They took away the memories of the love of your life?

Izuku: So ....... we were close?

Victor: Yeah you guys were close. Her name is Jean. Doesn't have a last name. It's the name you gave her actually. In the program she was experimented on just like you. Her powers were sort of a combination of our claws. Long and sharp but on all of her nails not to mention can heal as well. When you guys first met her memories were wiped so you gave her the name Jean. Ever since then you both stuck by each other sides and never left them. However, when the program finally thought it was necessary for you to be mind wiped and to made into a weapon. Jean didn't like that idea so much. So, she helped you break out of the compound you were stored at and you both ran into the woods.

Izuku then starts to remember this part of the story more. About the cabin the woods near the mountains....... where she died.

Izuku: Its...... the same place isn't it.

Victor: Ah so you remember then...... Well anyways you both found a cabin and stayed there for almost a month. You almost got away with it to. Until I came in that is. It was pretty easy to. All I had to do was track your guys scent. Then I knocked you out with an elephant tranquilizer. Then I went and hunted her down an-


Victor then just stopped his story.

Izuku: I get the rest...... I remember everything else.

Victor: Do you now? Well that makes things a lot better for me then huh?

Izuku just continued to walk though and Victor escorted him to where ever they are going.

A little bit later

Izuku and Victor were still just walking until suddenly a whistle was starting to be heard.

Izuku: What's that?

Victor: If this is some kind of trick it aint working.

Izuku: It's not me.

Then suddenly the whistle intensified to a point both Izuku and Victor were starting to crouch and cover their ears.


Momo: Back up.

Momo then came in with a metal bat and slammed it against victor head. She then swung it like a batter knocking Victor into a wall. She then crouches down to Izuku and helped him up.

Momo: Are you ok?

Izuku: What the hell was that?

Momo: A very loud dog whistle. I used my quirk to make it. I knew you had a similar quirk to that guy so I thought it would affect him as well.

Izuku: It freaking hurt for sure.

Momo: Well I didn't have any other ideas.

Izuku then grabbed Momo hand and started to run.

Momo: Where are we going?

Izuku: TO FIND MINA. He has to have her somewhere in here, so she has to be close.

Izuku then started to use his senses to try and find Mina. He then started to strategically make turns left and right trying to find Mina while dragging Momo behind him.

Momo's head: Man, his nose is like a blood hound.

Izuku than finally stopped in front of a door.

Izuku: She's here. Mina's here.

Momo then created a metal staff from her quirk getting ready for a fight.

Momo: Let's go.

Izuku then pops his claws and opens the door.

In the room

Izuku opens the room and immediately he sees Mina in a metal chair strapped down in ropes and gagged with teched out cuffs on her.

Mina: (gagged) MMHHHFFMM.

Izuku/ Momo: MINA.

Izuku immediately runs to Mina and Momo follows suit.

Momo: Your safe we will get you out of here.

Izuku then took the gag off of her and Mina finally spoke.

Mina: IT'S A TRAP.

Izuku and Momo go wide eye and look backwards. Momo is then knocked out onto the ground.

Izuku: MOMO.

Izuku is then injected with something into his neck and then blacks out collapsing on the ground.

??? Hours later

Izuku slowly opens his eyes. He looks around and see's the room before. The one Mina was trapped in. He looks around and see Momo and Mina sitting in metal chairs tied up with quirk restraining cuffs on both of them.

Izuku: *grunt* Mina...... Momo?

Mina: Izuku you're ok.

Momo: About time you woke up.

Izuku: What's happening?

Victor: Hey again.

Izuku then quickly turned his head to the voice and saw Victor leaning on the wall.

Victor: You know you may not be the same person you use to be, but you are still just as exhausting.

Izuku just growled at him ready for a fight. He then tries to pull his arms out to fight him but notices his current position.

Victor: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

His back is chained to the wall and his hands are aimed at himself so if he pops his claws, they will stab into himself.

Izuku: WHY THE HELL are you trying to get me. Can't they make another person like me.

Victor: Oh, Izuku don't be so humble. You're a one of a kind. They couldn't make another you even if they wanted to. You see when quirk less people are given the mutant gene their bodies are more adaptable. Its why people with quirks can't do everything like we can.

Izuku: So, what that still doesn't mean you can't find someone else. 20% of the population is quirk less.

Victor: *sigh* you still don't get it. Izuku not only is the gene that gave you your powers are powerful but they're not going to let somebody with billions of dollars of priceless indestructible metal on their bones walk around high school. They want what they paid for.

Victor than stood up from the wall and walked over to Momo and Mina.

Izuku: Stay away from them.

Victor: They want you. Which I can't give them now because of your little friend here that I was not expecting.

He then extends his claws and traced them along her neck and then to her cheek.

Izuku: I'm warning you.

Victor: NO, I WARNED YOU...... I told you what would happen if you didn't listen to me and you did it anyways.

He then cut the cheek on Momo. In response Momo HEADBUTTED Victor in the face knocking him back.

Victor: WOW you're a feisty one.

Momo: Stay away from me you disgusting pig.

Victor: You know ......

Victor then started to walk towards the door near there that was completely metal.

Victor: Because of her I can't get paid. My plan was to lure you here knock you out take you back where you belong get paid maybe even sell the girl or use her myself. Never know when the house might need a maid, or a bed might need some breaking.

Izuku just tried to rip the restraints off of himself so he can rip every limb off his body but to no use.

Victor: But because of her now I have to leave before the Pro heroes show up. But you know...... I feel like I should leave you with something. A parting gifts. I think you're going to LOVE this.

Victor then opened the door and in walked someone Izuku never thought he'd see. Some one that just by the sight made his heart fill with guilt and regret along with hope and joy.

Victor: You remember Jean, right?  

(Imagine her wearing some Jeans and a t-shirt)

The girl known as Jean then had her eyes wide open. Izukus eyes were also wide with confusion and surprise.

Jean: I-Izuku?

Izuku: J-Jean?

Jean then tried to run to Izuku before Victor grabbed her by the neck restraining her.

Victor: NA AH AHH. What did I say about behaving Jean?


Jean then tried to attack only for Victor to grab a small remote out of his pocket and press it. Immediately Jean went to her knees in pain as the collar on her started to shock the hell out of her.



Victor then stopped and Jean could only just stay on her knees in obedience.

Victor: There.... see what happens when you play nice.


Victor: Actually, I never did. In fact, you never let me finish my story earlier. Though then again, I knew you were going to interrupt me dramatically. To think if you let me go on you would have known the truth a bit sooner. 

Izukus head: He was planning this from the start.

Victor: I planned this whole thing from the start. I had this whole place mapped out like the back of my hand, I spied on you collecting everything new on you, I did research on your friends and everything. I even memorized the patrol patterns of all the heroes here. I knew I couldn't take on all of U.A. or even your class so if you would have just done everything liked plan this would have been so much easier. But because your little friend decided to butt in .............................. plan B is going to happen.

Victor than pulled out a clear vial. When Jean saw it, she trembled in fear.

Jean: NO please don't. Please I'm begging you don't do it. Please don't make me do it.

Izuku: Do what?

Victor: See there is a funny thing about Jean here.

Victor then grabbed Jean by the hair. He picked her up and slammed her face into the wall so her neck faced him.

Victor: Her healing powers sort of went haywire after dosing herself some experimental mutant gene serums when she thought you died. Luckily the doctors at the program fixed up something. It's sort of an enhancer for the mutant gene in all of us. It puts us into over drive. It has a time limit but man are the results worth it.

He then injected the serum directly into her neck and to her spine.

Jean: GAH ......AHHH.

Once he was done Jean fell to the floor as her arms started to shake.

Victor: The thing is though is that she goes full on savage with pure rage. Attacking anything near her. So, to fix that we created a way to give the rage and savageness an objective.

Victor then walked up to Mina and Momo. He then pulled a spray bottle out and sprayed it on both of them.

Mina: UGH what is this stuff it smells.

Momo: GOD it reaks.

Victor: That's how she's going to find you.

Izukus heart dropped dead as he pieced it all together.

Izuku: You didn't?

Victor just smiled as he looked at Izuku.

Victor: Hope you like my parting gift kid. I hope it's not the last one I give you.

With that Victor started to leave.


Victor then leaves the room and closes it and locks it.

Mina: Izuku what's going to happen?

Jean then started to crawl towards Mina and Momo.

Jean: I-I'm sorry. I can't control it for long-RRAAA.

(If you haven't guessed what Victor plan it is here is. Victor used a scent that triggers Jean to relentlessly attack whoever is wearing it no matter what for as long as the scent lasts or the serum in Jean last).

Jean is using every bit of her will power to hold back the urge to kill. She still crawls towards Mina and Momo though. She then pops out her claws. Her claws are like Izukus long and sharp, but they all extend through her finger nails. She then uses her claws to slice off the ropes but not the cuffs.

Momo: Get the cuffs to.


Mina: But-


Mina than tries to set Izuku free.

Mina: MOMO help me get these off Izuku.


Mina just looks at Izuku. Izuku eyes are saying for her to go. To RUN as far away as she can. She can't do it though.


Izuku: MINA GO WITH HER. She won't attack me she is after you and Momo now RUN.

Mina: But-


Izuku then looks at Momo.


Momo: Ok.....

Momo then grabs Mina and pries her off of Izuku.

Mina: I'm sorry...

Izuku: It's ok ill be fine.

With that Momo and Mina leave to get as far away as possible so Jean can't get them. Leaving the 2 alone.

Izuku: Jean?

Jean: *grunt* y-yeah?

Izuku: Is that really you?

Jean: *chuckle* You remember me cutie?

Izuku can't help it. He starts to cry a little.

Izuku: Y-Yeah, I do. N-not much but I remember the time we first met and the cabin in the mountains.

Jean: *grunt* ....... I thought you died.

Izuku...... I thought you died to.

Jean then started to crawl her way to Izuku.

Izuku: I-I'm sorry...... All this time I thought you died. It took me so long to even remember you. They took so much from me.

Jean: I-I know. They did the same for me before I met you*grunt of pain*.

Jean doesn't have much time left.

Jean: T-That doesn't mean they can take anything else though.

Izuku: W-What?

Jean finally made her way to Izuku and used the last of her strength to say her final words while cupping his face.

Jean: Y-You taught me that *grunt* it's not about who we used to be. Y-You said it's about the choices we make that make us who we are. You made me believe that I wasn't a weapon. That I could be something else and so much more. You were the one who made my life whole again.

Jean than started to inch closer at Izukus face.

Jean: You might not remember me or what we had. But I do though. I remember all of it. So, I just want to say this to you one last time.

Jean then pressed her lips onto Izuku cupping his face and running her other hand through his hair. Izuku never felt something this warm in his life other than when he is around Mina. After 30 seconds Jean separated from Izuku.

Jean: Y-You said that we are t-the choices we make. W-Well Izuku M-Midoryia........ You were the best ch-choice I ever m-made.

With her final words Jean couldn't take it anymore and fell backwards. Izuku could see the change in her eyes. The veins in her eyes grew Neon blue from the overdrive serum Victor gave her. She now had only one goal. To kill Mina and Momo.

Hey yawl it's nice to be back kind of. I've just been dealing with a lot and not to mention it is summer, so I've been busy. Sorry if I'm not going to post as much during the summer. SO ANYWAYS if you like this please leave a vote and if you have a comment or thought please leave it and as always, I hoped you enjoyed............................................. OK BYE.  

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