Chapter 5: Who am I?

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In the class room after the training exercise

Everyone else was in the locker rooms changing out of their hero suits. Midoryia though was the first to get back because he didn't have a hero suit. Just a shredded-up P.E. uniform. When he got in his home room though he started to see and hear some commotion go on. It was a short chubby lady with green hair and emerald eyes and Mr. Aizawa. Mr. Aizawa looked like he was trying to calm down the woman.

???: Where is my baby?

Mr. Aizawa: Mam its not that simple.

???: What do you mean not that simple. I have spent 11 years searching for my baby boy. Your telling me now that you have him you won't let me see him.

Mr. Aizawa: Ms. Inko it's not that easy. Izuku is ......... different now.

Inko: You listen here. I have been searching for little Izuku for 11 years worrying and crying over him. IF you do not take me to him I will-

Izuku: You know me?

Izuku than made himself known and immediately Inko eyes shot wide open. Mr. Aizawa though didn't want something like this to happen.

Inko: I-Izuku. Is that really you?

Inko was slowly tearing up and walking closer to her son.

Izuku: Ok my name is Izuku but who are you.

Inko: D-do you really not remember me. Sweetie I'm your mommy.

Izuku: Umm I'm sorry but...... I-I don't remember you.

Inko was shocked by this though.

Inko: W-what do you mean don't remember. I'm your mother. W-we played hide and seek together. Or save the day and you had the little All Might onesie.

Izuku: What's All Might?

Inko: *sob* W-what happened to you.

Mr. Aizawa: That's what I was trying to explain. Izuku can't remember.

Inko: N-No. *sob* He has to. We have so much lost time to c-catch up on. *sob* Oh my god H-he has grown so much.

Inko than walked closer to Izuku and tried cupping her hand on Izukus face. Izuku though flinched back and even popped his claws. His mother was even more shocked than before and teared up even more.

Inko: W-WHAT? *sob* You have a quirk? Bu-but the doctors said you were quirk less.

Izuku: I-I don't know.

Izuku started to flinch though and along came a splitting head ache. His head started to feel like it was spinning around. He than started to put his hands on his head from the pain.

Inko: I-Izuku? S-sweetie. A-are you ok?

Izuku was starting to become more aggressive though. He started swiping his hands in a getaway fashion and accidentally made a little cut on his mother's cheek.

Inko: Gah....... I-Izuku?

Izuku just stared at Inko though. He saw the horror in her face and how scared and sad she was. He felt like a ton was just pressed against his heart. It was guilt.

Inko: N-no it wasn't your fault. I-I'm ok.

Izuku: no you're not. I'm not ok. Nothing about me is ok...... I need to go.

Izuku than speed walked his way out of the class room.

Inko: I-IZUKU WAIT..... PLEASE *Sob* I just got you back.

As he was speed walking though the halls though he saw Mina and Mina saw him.

Mina: Izuku? What are you doing here your supposed to be in class.

She took a closer look at him though. She than saw the guilt and shame he was feeling in his eyes.

Mina: H-hey what's wrong?

Izuku: I...... I need to get away.

Izuku than started to run in the opposite direction and away from Mina.


Mina than chased after Izuku. Izuku than ran out of U.A. where it was pouring rain. He than started running through streets and sidewalks. As he was running though all of his flash backs were hitting him at once and now he was remembering parts of every torture he endured. He finally made it into an alley way and fell to his knees.

Izuku: GAH.

Izuku couldn't even tell what was reality any more. His mind was going in and out of his memories.


He then started seeing himself in the lab he was experimented on. He than remembered being in the black and dark room for months without contact. He than remembers that girl that looked similar to Mina from before. Izuku than had a new memory show up though. This time it was a small cabin in the woods and the girl he remembered earlier was a lot cleaner and was laying down next to him in a white bed with white sheets.

???: Good morning cutie.

Than another one shows up. This time though its in the middle of the woods and his hands are covered in blood and sees himself screaming in the air in anguish anger and pain.

Flash backs end

Izuku headaches stopped and so did the flashbacks with them. He was on his knees and then just started to grip his fist in anger and at the same time popped his claws. He than looked up into the rainy sky and screamed like an animal.


Izuku was so confused about everything and had so many questions. Who is he? Why is he like this? What's happening to his mind? Who is that girl? He had so many questions and no answers to them. While Izuku was just looking at the sky though letting the rain hit him Mina finally caught up with him.


Mina than ran to Izuku and Izuku immediately got back up on his feet and in a fighting position at Mina.

Mina: Izuku are you ok?

Izuku: NO j-just stay back.

Mina: Why?

Izuku: I-I'm not ok.

Mina: YEAH, no shit.

Izuku: J-just stay back its safer.

Mina than started to walk up closer to him.

Mina: Izuku it doesn't matter if its safer. *gets closer* If you want things to be safe than everyone would shut out everyone from their lives, so nobody could get hurt. *gets closer* Do you want that? *gets closer*.

Izuku: I.... N-No.

Mina: Good.... Because I don't.

Mina was now face to face with Izuku in the rain. There faces were so close their noses could practically touch. Mina was than leaning in closer until Izuku began to hear something.

(OK For the sake of just comedy I'm doing every person who watched red vs. blues a favor and giving them a little Easter egg in this story. If you have not seen or know what red vs. blue is just do yourself a favor and look it up because it will be the first thing to pop up. ALSO, the soldiers in this story are not personally part of the story just think of them as a funny side thing that happened)

Lopez *robotic voice*: Objetivo manchado esperando el comando. (translation: Target spotted waiting for command.) (Brown)

Izukus claws than pop out. Mina thinks that Izuku is freaking out.

Mina: H-hey nonono its ok your fine.

Izuku: No were not alone.

Mina: What?

Lopez: *robotic voice: Target sabe que estamos aquí. ENGAGE AHORA O NUNCA (translation: Target knows we are here ENGAGE NOW OR NEVER.)

Right when he said that a loud bang could be heard. Izuku immediately pushed Mina out of the way. A giant harpoon was than seen stabbing Izuku through the shoulder.



A black van than pulled into the alley way. The van opened and a strike team of 5 members came out all with different color armored vests and suits

Sarge: SHOOT TO KILL. (dark red)

Simmons: SAFTEYS OFFS (light red)

Church: LOCKED AND LOADED (Mild blue)

Tucker: FIRE. (light blue)

Grif: Fine let's just get this over with. (orange)

The soldiers than started opening fire at Izuku. Izuku though just took the bullets while Mina just hid in a corner.

Izuku: GAAAHHHH...... Now you just pissed me off even mor-GAH.

The harpoon that was in Izuku than started to pull on him dragging him further into the alley. Izuku than cut the wire to the harpoon of and pulled the harpoon out of himself and healed it off.

Lopez *robot voice*: Objetivo móvil de nuevo en espera. (translation: Target mobile again stand by)

The soldier than tried shooting another harpoon at him. Instead though Izuku blocked the shot with his claws and grabbed the wire. Izuku than pulled the wire hard pulling the soldier off of the roof he was shooting at. The soldier than fell off of the roof and into a dumpster.

Lopez *robot voice*: Malditos idiotas mejor me reciclas (translation: You fucking idiots better recycle me.)

Izuku than looked back at the soldiers that were covering his path out of the alley. He than popped his other claw and started snarling at him.










There was a long moment of silence with some of the other soldiers looking at each other. Than one soldier felt the need to speak up. He had on an orange vest and helmet. (Its Griff)

Grif: Ok you know what I'm out.

Sarge: WHAT? What do you mean out?

Tucker: Yeah don't pussy out now.

Simmons: Yeah don't give up Grif we can do this.

So Grif than puts a hand on Simmons shoulder with the sincerest touch and voice ever.

Grif: Simmons I appreciate the enthusiasm. I really appreciate it but.

Grif than points at Izuku who is snarling with his claws out and blood on his clothes like an animal.

Grif: LOOK AT WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH MAN. You need to draw a line somewhere. YOU GOTTA DRAW A LINE IN THE FUCKING SAND SOME WHERE. You gotta make a statement. You gotta take a long good look inside yourself and ask yourself honestly "what am I willing to put up with today". *points aggressively at Izuku* NOT FUCKIN THIS..........IM OUT.

Grif than drops his gun and walks away from the alley sticking a big middle finger to the world.

Grif: *Mutters to self-* Oh your serving your country.... Oh, it's worth the vacation time.... PFFF please you can pay me Elton John's bank account to deal with that shit and I still will say FUCK THAT.

The rest of the soldiers were than left without a comrade leaving 4 of them. Mean while though Mina was doing her best to hold in her laugh. The soldier known as Sarge who had a dark red vest and helmet on thank spoke up.


Simmons: Um sir should we fire him though. I mean he is just a kid. Who knows maybe this kid is really nice. Plus, I find it very unethical that we are shooting a kid.

Sarge: Simmons WE are getting paid to SHOOT HIM. That's all the philosophy and ethics you need.

Simmons: Yes sir.

Tucker: *mutters to Simmons* Kiss ass.


Everyone than once again started shooting at Izuku. Izuku started charging at the soldiers just taking the shots and healing them off. Izuku than leaped at Simmons. He sliced his gun in half and then threw Simmons out of the alley and into a trash can.

Tucker: Simmons if you really wanted a dirty hole than just go hit the club. I mean that's what I do. BOW CHICK A WOW WOW.

Sarge: Fine if guns won't work than good old combat will.

The red soldier than charged at Izuku with his shot gun in hand ready to fight him. He swings his shot gun at him trying to use it like a weapon. Izuku though just pops his claws and cut it in half.

Sarge: Damn your knife hands. Ugh fine time to do what we did to kids in the old day and beat the manners into them.

Sarge than tried throwing a punch at Izuku but Izuku just caught the punch. He than basically played Uncle with him making his fist go the wrong way until he was on his knees. Sarge than tried pulling a pistol on Izuku but right when he did Izuku grabbed the weapon with ease and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened though.

Church: Huh? I guess Grif laziness and not bringing any ammo saved your ass Sarge.

Sarge: Well remind me to yell at him for saving my life.

He was then knocked out by Izuku. He than started to make his way towards Tucker.

Tucker: Alright so you got knives on your hands. Well I have a sword BITCH. WAY BETTER THAN HAND KNIVES.

The soldier wearing a light shade of blue helmet and vest than pulled out a metal sword on Izuku. Izuku just chuckled though and sliced through the sword like it was nothing.

Tucker: *gulp* you know what I'm a lover not a fighter.

Tucker than just walked away.

Church: Dammit am I the only one who takes this job seriously.

After he said that though Izuku pinned him against the wall.

Izuku: Why are you after me.

Church: Ill never tell you.

Izukus claws than slowly slide out and more near Churches face.

Church: OK we are some bunch mercenaries hired to bring you to some weird abandon building get to paid and leave. The people who sent us are part of some program called weapon X. I have no idea who they and do my friends.

Izuku: Anything else.

Church: Also, some more guys are going to show up and kill you, so you should run. They are trained though and are not a bunch of fucking idiots like my friends here. Now please leave us alone and alive. Also, I'm currently wetting myself

Izuku was about to stab him when Mina stopped him.

Mina: WAIT.... Look let's just run plus he told us everything. Not to mention it was funny seeing you kick all their asses.

Izuku than let go of the mildly shade of blue soldier and then left the alley with Mina.

(Once again, the names for the soldiers with different colors was just pure comedy and references to a show. They don't actually mean anything to the plot.)

As Izuku and Mina were running through the side walks trying to escape a bunch of masked men with guns they passed by a nice-looking Harley bike. Izuku stopped and looked at the bike.

Mina: IZUKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING. We need to get to U.A. where its safe.

Izuku: Or......

Izuku than grabbed Minas hand and put her on the bike. Izuku also got on and Mina just held onto his stomach.

Izuku: We can get to U.A. in this.

Izuku than only popped his middle claw out and put it in where the keys would go in the ignition. He than turned his hand and the bike started up and Izuku revved it up. Also, this song started to play.

Mina: How do you know how to do that.

Izuku: I saw it on a TV show.

Izuku than full throttled the bike making it burnout and pop a wheelie. Mina just hugged Izuku tighter to hang on to him. The men who were chasing them earlier than started to chase them with jeeps, cars and guns.


Soldier 2: IN PURSUIT


Izuku: Not for long HOLD ON.

Izuku than went straight into traffic and in between a bunch of cars. The jeeps that were following them than started to bash through the traffic.


Mina: LEFT

Izuku than started to lean in left until Mina spoke up again.


Izuku than popped a claw and sharp turned right but as they leaned the bike started to tip over. Izuku than stabbed his claw in the ground and they did a sharp turn right. The cars followed them drifting right and screeching their tires. They were almost to U.A.


Mina: ON IT.

Mina than used her quirk and made the ground behind them full of slime. (you know like in spy movies with oil spills).

The jeeps behind them that were chasing them than started losing traction with the road. Due to the slime and the rain they started hydroplaning. (Hydroplaning- when your cars tire's close friction and you can't stop moving, turn or use your brakes). The cars chasing them than crashed into each other.

Izuku: *sigh of relief* finally.

Izuku was almost their way to U.A. until a bunch of cars and soldiers had a blockade in front of them. Instead of slowing down though he sped up more.

Mina: Um Izuku what are you doing.

Izuku: Trust me I saw this on TV.

Izuku popped a wheelie and began to go even faster.


Izuku than used one of the cars in the blockade like a ramp and flew into the air. They than flew all the way right into U.A....... Well into one of the windows at U.A.

A little earlier in the principal's office

Principle Nezu and the bald man in the wheel chair known as Charles were still talking in the principle office.

Nezu: So, when would you like to meet Mr. Midoryia.

Charles: Oh, I have a feeling we are going to meet very soon.

Nezu: Oh, really that's wonderful and when is that.

Than they could hear light screaming and an engine roar.

Nezu: Oh, I see what you did there.

Suddenly Mina Izuku and a Harley bike crashed through the window and into the principal's office. The bike surprisingly landed next to the wall and didn't damage anything. Than Mina somehow landed right into a chair safely. Izuku though crashed through 5 different walls leaving a clear hole through each one. He landed though in the girl's locker room.

Izuku: Ugh *grunt* What happened? *more painful grunts*.

He looked around though and saw a bunch of girls in under wear and towels. Some he knew and were familiar like Momo, Ochako, Tsyu, and even Jiro. Than there were other he didn't know and seemed to be from another class. They all just kind of stared silently





Izuku: I think I'm going to go n-

He was than cut off by multiple girls stomping on him and hitting him.




Toru was invincible, so nobody could see she wasn't participating and Tsyu just stayed out because she felt pity for Izuku.

Toru: I feel bad for him.

Tsyu: *Ribbit* He probably didn't even mean for this to happen.

Mina though busted into the locker room and saved Izuku.

Mina: STOP HITTING HIM. Its not like we meant for this to happen.


Mina: NO...... Look just get away from my manz and stop hitting him.





Minas head: Oh, shit did I really call him my manz

Everyone else: Did she really call him her manz

Izukus head: I wonder if were having Ramen for dinner again.

Hey, it's me again please tell me if you want more and if you have any thoughts please leave them. As always, I hoped you enjoyed....... OK BYE. 

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