A little surprise + Suggestions

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Hello everyone! I'm not going to update the next chapter yet, but I came up with a couple of ideas and I'd love to hear what you guys think about it. Now, if you remember the previous chapter, I left a small hint that Katakuri fought against Akainu and beat him. This is important so please listen. I'm going to add other One Piece characters to the story! I will not explain how they are going to appear or I would be ruining the surprise that I planned for you. But I'm going to show you which characters I'll add to the story. For now, there are only two characters that I'm going to add. BUT, I'm going to let you suggest me what characters you would like to see here. Obviously, I'm not going to put all the characters in the story or it would be impossible to make a good appearance in the chapters for each character. 

Now, the characters that I'm adding. 

1) Doflamingo:

Mecha: I know that there are many of you who love this character as I do. But you will have to wait a couple of chapters for him to make his debbut :P

2) Dellinger:

Mecha: Dellinger is going to be a rather secondary character in the story. So do not expect to see him so often on stage.

3) Tremor: 

Mecha: Now, I know what you are going to say. "But Mecha, you said there would be only two characters for now. And Tremor is not from One Piece". I know, but Tremor is going to be a villain that is going to appear only one chapter. He is just a spoiler that I just show you xD

And that's all, for now. I would like to know what do you think about this and what characters would you like to see in the story. And Remember everyone...





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