Chapter 1: First class.

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(no ones POV)

The legendary U.A academy! The academy where the heroes are born, where those who will be destined to protect the world begin their journey towards greatness! Those who pass the torch to the next generation in a continuous cycle of heroism! But above all, it will also be your new workplace. This doesn't mean that you stopped being a hero, this means that you will have some hours away from your hero work. And even though you still haven't started working in your new job as a professor at the academy, you were already hating it! To start, All Might announced your role within the academy, causing all the media to follow you everywhere and ask you questions after questions about this. This topic came out in the news and many people didn't like the idea. Many people said that you were a bad influence for their children and others that they would be in danger just because they weill be near you. You usually had to deal with daily criticism from the public, but this was already getting out of control and was starting to bother you. Right now, you were walking through the corridors of the academy to your class. And while you were walking, you were talking to All Might through your cell phone.

(y/n): I still think that this is a terrible idea... But I already agreed to this.

All Might: Don't worry, (y/n)! I'm sure you'll do well on your first day as a teacher! And just in case, today you will share class with Aizawa!

(y/n): Eraser? He is a teacher? Do you want to explain me exactly what kind of teachers did the director hire for this academy?

All Might: I'm sorry, (y/n)! But I have other very urgent matters to attend to! Don't forget, go to the class 1-A!

(y/n): But wait! You still didn't-

And just like that, All Might hung the call without answering more of your questions.

(y/n): One of these days All Might, one of these days...

After a few minutes, you finally arrived in the classroom 1-A. The classroom door was huge and it was open, but at the same time, it was being blocked by two students. One of them was a boy with dark green hair, while the other student was a brunette girl. 

Brunette: I wonder what our teacher's like?

(y/n): I'm afraid that would be me.

The brunette turned around and she was amazed to see you standing behind her. The other student with dark green hair, started acting like a fan-boy while mumbling things very quickly. 

(y/n): You two must be Midoriya Izuku and Uraraka Ochako, am I wrong? The director gave me a list with the information and photos of each one of my students, I hope I memorized it right.

Midoriya: Y-Y-Y-You are the number three hero, Katakuri! But what does that mean? Does it means that the recent *talking fast* waveofcriminalincreaseneedsnotonlyprofessionalheroesbutalso-

(y/n)(mind): What's... wrong with this kid?

???: Katakuri?! Now way!

One of the students ran to the door, pushing another student who was behind Midoriya, this student was Kirishima Ejiro. While the student that he pushed, you recognized him because he is the younger brother of another hero, and his name was Tenya Iida.

Kirishima: Oh my god! I can't believe that one of the most manly heros is going to be our teacher! Dude, you are a legend!

???: He is just another hero that I will surpass in a few years!

You looked inside the classroom, towards the student who had said that comment, you could already feel the stupidity of his arrogance. The student who said that was a student that you heard about in the news. His name was Katsuki Bakugou and he has a very bad temper.

Bakugou: Maybe he's a pro hero, but once I get to the top, no one will care for those who are under me!

(y/n)(mind): With that attitude, you will not even get into the top thirty.

Kirishima: Do you know anything about Katakuri?! About his legend?!

Bakugou: Why should I care?

Kirishima: Katakuri isn't just an unbeatable man! He's a superhuman who's never once been on his back since he was born!

(y/n): ...

Kirishima: The moment he was born, he stood on his feet and slept on a chair, the legend says! He's never once lied down in his life! He's a true man who looks down on the ground! Calm and strong! People say that he's perfect in every way! 

Bakugou: And who decides if he is invincible or not?! That just means that it will be more fun surpass him!

???: All of you are very loud.

To everyone's surprise, there was a sleeping bag behind the teacher's desk, with a person inside. The students didn't recognize this person and they freak out. As for you, you know this person as an old friend. For some years, you and Aizawa shared a similar idea about how to lead with the villains. There was a time when you two worked together as partners to deal with extreme situations and the most dangerous villains, but your paths were separated by personal problems. Despite the conflicts that occurred between you two, you and Aizawa were still friends.

Aizawa: Welcome to the hero course. 

(y/n)(mind): Here it comes.

Aizawa: Okay, it took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough. I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you.

(y/n): I see that you haven't changed at all, Aizawa.

Aizawa: I should be the one saying that. Although, I must admit, I'm surprised to see you here as a teacher. Why are you here?

(y/n): I could give you an answer or we could start with this class, time is limited and it would not be rational to waste it just because we are catching up. And as always, I know what decision you are going to take.

Aizawa smiled at your comment, something that is rare in him. He was always known as a serious man and also as a some kind of a ninja, showing gestures like this to old friends like that it wasn't something usual from him.

Aizawa: Straight to the point, as always. 

Aizawa pulled out some kind of gym uniform from his sleeping bag for the students.

Aizawa: It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field.

All the students went to the locker room, but you and Aizawa stood in front of the classroom door.

Aizawa: What do you think of these students?

(y/n): There are some students that just by seeing them, I can say that they lack the potential to be heroes. But at the same time, there are students with the potential to be heroes, but they lack what it takes to be heroes.

Aizawa: So a simple waste of potential? Huh?

(y/n): You're supposed to have more experience in this than me.

Aizawa: Only time will tell how good these kids are.

(time skip)

Everyone: A quirk assessment test?!

All the students gathered in front of you and Aizawa in the field outside the school. Particularly, one of them caught your attention immediately. Rei's son, Shoto Todoroki. His look was cold as ice and you could clearly see the scar on his face.

(y/n)(mind): So that's Shoto, Huh? I have to find the right way to approach him and talk to him about his mother.

Uraraka: What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation? 

Aizawa: If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes.

(y/n): You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness test where you weren't allowed to use your quirks. 

Aizawa: The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the ministry of education is procrastinating. 

(y/n): Bakugou, I understand that you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? Then tell me, in junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?

Bakugou: 67 meters.

(y/n): Hmm, that's adorable.


Aizawa: Try it with your quirk.

Aizawa gave Bakugou a ball and he stood in the middle of the pitch circle.

Aizawa: You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle.


(y/n)(mind): 750 meters, huh?

Bakugou threw the ball with a powerful explosion into the air. The ball quickly ascends towards the sky, in the same way that a rocket does. 

Midoriya: Die?

Aizawa measured the distance of Bakugou's throwing with his phone, since the ball had a special tracking device.

Aizawa: Know you own maximun first. That is the most rational way to form a foundation of a hero. 

Aizawa showed the students the distance in which Bakugou threw the ball, surprising everyone when they saw the amount of 750 meters on the screen.

Kaminari: 750 meters? Seriously? 

Ashido: What's this? It looks fun!

(y/n): "It looks fun", huh? Now it's clear to me how short your minds really are. It seems that you can't put in your little heads what a hero is.

Everyone: Huh?

(y/n): You have three years to become heroes. Do you really believe that you can afford to act in this stupid way during those three years? If you want to play like this, then let's make it really interesting.

Aizawa: Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion. 

Everyone: HUH?!!

The eyes of most of the students showed a fear that could not be measured. This not only meant that from the beginning they would have to overcome their limits, but it also meant that the one who gets the worst result in the exam could forget about the idea of being a hero. 

Aizawa: We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. 

Aizawa lifted the hair that blocked his face and showed all the students a sadistic smile.

Aizawa: Welcome to U.A.'s hero course!

(y/n)(mind): Someone is enjoying this. But anyway, now it only remains to see how these newbies handle pressure and fear. Master the stress in situations of risk is something fundamental to be a hero... I will have fun seeing how they break one by one. But...

Your eyes fell on Rei's son, Todoroki Shoto, analyzing him carefully. There was no kind of expression on his face. Perfectly calm, empty, as if there was no reaction.

(y/n)(mind): I hope you don't have problems with this. I really want you to see your mother and tell her yourself that you will become a hero. But now I must act as a teacher, for which my judgment will be fair and impartial.

Uraraka: Last place will be expelled?! But it's the first day of shcool! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!

(y/n): The world is full of injustices. The only thing you can do about it is be strong and learn how to survive them. Call it the survival of the strongest, cheating, finding a way to escape, in the end everything is the same. 

Aizawa: Japan is covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situatins. 

(y/n): But there are cases where not even heroes can do anything to stop these injustices. Take All Might for example, he proclaims that everything will be fine and he will save everyone with a smile. What a bunch of stupid chatter.

Midoriya: What do you mean with that?

(y/n): All Might is a very powerful hero, but even he with all his strength can't save the whole world from self-destruction. At this very moment that I'm talking, there is a starving child on the street who is praying that All Might will find him and rescue him. But guess what, nobody will come.

Midoriya: But All Might always saved everyone from the villains and multiple countless disasters! 

(y/n): And even he has his limits of what he can do.

Midoriya: It is for that precise reason that All Might is always exceeding his own limits, to rescue everyone!

(y/n): Midoriya Izuku, right? Let me tell you the great truth about exceeding your limits. In the end, you will only find another limit that you can't overcome. And unless you want to keep wasting everyone else's time here, I recommend you to stop talking as if you knew how the world really works and prepare yourself mentally for this test. Let me remind you that if you fail, I will happily be the one who would fill out your expulsion documents, Midoriya Izuku!

Midoriya was frozen in fear. Failing in this exam was the same as breaking his promise to All Might. And as if that were not enough, Midoriya got the most brutal hero in the world to put one of his eyes on him.

(y/n): There is no future for you as a hero...

Aizawa: The real thing starts now.

(Time skip)

It was time for another test! For most of the day, you were able to analyze the strengths of each of one the students. But there were two of them that particularly stood out in your judgment. One of them was Todoroki Shoto. It really surprised you how incredibly capable Todoroki was to handle each of the tests and maintain his composure. But what surprised you, was that Todoroki only used his right side to create ice. From what Rei told you, Todoroki has her quirk and his father's, each one on each side of his body. If so, then why only use half of his power? The other student that caught your attention was Izuku Midoriya. You knew he would not do well in the results, but you didn't expect him to be so pitiful. Is he not taking this seriously? Or maybe he doesn't know how to use his quirk? Anyway, if he didn't do something soon, it would be his first and last day at this academy. Now it was Midorya's turn to throw the ball and just out of curiosity, you used your future vision to know what would happen. But what would happen surprised you, Midoriya would throw the ball with incredible strength, but his arm would end up completely broken. 

(y/n): Aizawa, stop Midoriya with your quirk before he can throw the ball.

Aizawa: I already know, I was just wondering if it would be a good lesson for him to let him experience the failure.

(y/n): Aizawa!

Aizawa: Jeez, fine. 

Just before Midoriya could throw the ball, Aizawa activated his quirk, nullifying the effects of Midoriya's quirk. This caused Midoriya's throw to be weak and pathetic. 

Midoriya: H-How?...

(Mecha: I know I'm taking away a lot of scenes from Aizawa but is for the plot.)

(y/n): Are you stupid or what?

Midoriya: W-What?

(y/n): This is what would have happened if Aizawa had not stopped you. At the moment you would have thrown the ball, your arm would have been ended up broken and you would be crying in pain on the floor right now.

Everyone was surprised to hear this. Although, there were others who felt more curiosity than fear about. Apparently the stories of your ability to see the future were not just stories.

(y/n): From what I just saw, you can't control your own quirk, can you? What do you hope to achieve by incapacitating yourself with your own power? 

Midoriya: Th-That's not my intention-

In a second, you appeared in front of Midoriya, staring into his eyes as if you were trying to pierce his soul with your gaze.

(y/n): Whatever your intention is, I don't need to be able to predict the future to know that you will become a burden for those around you. In the past, there was an oppressively passionate hero who saved over a thousand of people by himself and created a dumb legend. You should not follow his reckless behaviors only to end like dead weight. Midoriya Izuku, you can't become a hero.

After your speech, you turned around and walked away from Midoriya. You walked until you were next to Aizawa.

Aizawa: You have two turns for the ball throw. Hurry up and get it over with. 

You looked at Midoriya, who was standing inside the throwing circle looking at the ground. 

(y/n)(mind): If he uses his quirk, he will send the ball to the sky. But at the same time, he will end up with a broken arm. But if he doesn't use his quirk, he will lose all hope of not being the last place in this test. Any option will lead him to failure.

Midoriya adopted a determined look and he got ready to throw the ball. But what happened next, was a surprise for everyone. It was a single second, but you saw it clearly. Somehow, Midoriya Izuku managed to focus his quirk on his finger just a second before the ball stopped making contact with his finger. As a result, Midoriya threw the ball through the air, creating a strong blast of wind. While Midoriya ended up with a broken finger for his Quirk, he got a solid score of 705 meters.

Midoriya: I can still move!

Aizawa: This kid...

(y/n): Not bad kid, I give you that. You were between the sword and the wall, but you managed to find a way out of the problem. 

You turned around and started walking back to the school.

Aizawa: You are leaving?

(y/n): I'm sure you have things under control here. And if it doesn't bother you, I'm hungry and I want to eat something.

While you were walking, you were meditating on the things you saw today. But above everything else, you didn't stop thinking about what Midoriya Izuku did and the reason why All Might had become a teacher. It used to be a mystery to you. But now, everything makes sense. All Might is not the only one who knows your secret, but you also know his secret, the secret of One for All.

(y/n)(mind): So the reason you became a teacher is to find a successor, All Might? 




(y/n)(mind): I wonder what is the approaching threat that forced you to look for a successor this quick. Anyway, I don't intend to get involved with your decisions. Once I reach my objective here I will leave this place.

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