You've got a friend in me {Midiroya x half spider reader}

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Warning: spiders

Request by: SS2MHAfan


Animals developing quirks is a possibility which is what happened to me, you see I'm a spider well was a spider now am a half spider and I have a quirk which allows me to mutate my genes into the genes of the one I internally in contact with, which is slightly a weird quirk but it's what I have. Back when I was a regular spider, a black widow spider to be exact, I was shipped to a lab to be experimented on where they injected me with human DNA and after around an hour I appeared to be a spider with a human torso, arms, head, hair, hands, etc on top, I also gained the quirk of that individual which appeared to be an heightened intelligence one.

I easily managed to escape from that facility and found some buildings which I crawled up, once disguising myself as a full spider again up the walls of and slipped into, I realised fast this was a dorm block for students of...UA? Whatever the place is called I quickly located somewhere safe in there to make my web and laid down on it looking around seeing the students walk about before sadly one with slightly spiky yellow hair saw me and screeched like a baby, well goodbye world I'm so going to die right now. That boy shot his lightning at me which knocked me off my web onto the floor where he was about to stamp on me before I said

"Please no" and the foot stopped descending on me as the bot went wide eyed hearing me talk

"Why is the spider speaking?" He questioned everyone, wondering if he was going crazy but the others looked between him and the spider and each said in their own ways

"It did speak" which just made the boy, identified from them speaking as Denki, to faint on the spot. I took that as my chance and dipped straight for the wall where I slipped in through crack and gave myself my human upper half again before running off inside the walls to look for a better place to stay.

Throughout the next few days, I noticed a slightly spiky green haired boy come to where I entered the wall looking inside the entrance possibly looking for me which confused me since yeah I spoke but most don't look for spiders that aren't bothering anyone. One day I got the, possibly morbid, curiosity to go and see him at the entrance that morning so I scurried over there making my human upper half vanish to look like a normal spider before I was met with those familiar yet unfamiliar eyes. A smile came to the boy's lips when he saw me:

"Hi there, so you're the talking spider?"

He asked looking at me, and since I was still in the safety of the wall:

"Yeah I am"

It appears a pleasant surprise to the boy to hear my voice but he continued to smile

"I'm Midoriya, but most call me Deku, what's your name?"

He asked his sight not leaving me, though strangely I wasn't intimidated by that but I answered regardless


He smiled more

"That's a nice name. Say, how come you can speak? Not to be rude but I didn't know spiders could speak"

I chuckled and looked at him again

"99% of spiders can't speak...I only can cause of my quirk"

He was surprised to hear that

"You have a quirk? What is it?"

He asked me, fixing his curious eyes upon me. I cleared my throat a bit before replying

"I have a which allows me to mutate my genes into the genes of the one I internally in contact with, I was injected with DNA of a human who had a quirk of heightened intelligence and my physical form also changed due to the human DNA but I can turn back to looking like a normal spider too"

I explained just raising another question from him

"Can I see that other form of yours? I promise I won't hurt you or do anything bad"

He requested causing a sigh to come from me


And with that I made my half human body appear which caught him by surprise before he smiled softly and put his hand out in front of me

"Can I hold you? I promise I'll be gentle"

He asked. My eyes flicked to his hand then back up at his face before I once again nodded and slowly walked into his hand.

He started to slowly raise me up to his face to see me better

"I think we're going to be the best of friends"

He smiled

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