Bakugou x overworked!reader

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The soft glow from your desk lamp illuminated your face as you studied your notes from class. It was way past 3 am and you had to get up at 7:30 for school. Running on 4 and a half hours of sleep was no good by any means, but you had to get it right. You were one of the top students in your class. You had to be better. You had to get stronger.

Your face scrunched up as the words on your notebook turned to gibberish. Your vision started getting blurry but you ignored it for now. Once you aced the written test tomorrow, you could finally get some real sleep.

The idea of getting a high grade on tomorrow's (or today's for that matter) test motivated you further to keep studying and reading until you got it right.

Hours passed as the sun finally started peeking through the horizon at 6 am. You figured running on no sleep wasn't going to get you an A, so you closed your notebook and headed to sleep.

Except that little sliver of 1 hour you had to sleep did absolutely nothing. You still were worried about the test. You didn't want to let your family down. And especially your teacher.

You finally let yourself into a slumber.

Bakugou yawned loudly as he exited his dorm, heading straight downstairs to brush his teeth and make his way to class. He was running late but a few minutes didn't matter in his books. He was already dressed and had his backpack around his shoulders, letting himself trot down the stairs into the boy's bathroom.

Brushing his teeth, he suddenly remembered the big test today. Damn it, he didn't study. If that stupid idiot Deku got a higher score than him he would definitely lose it. Angrily spitting out his toothpaste, the spiky blond suddenly remembered his second rival. (F/N).

Though you were his rival in terms of school and hero work, you were his angrily admitted crush. Of course no one ever knew that and no one would know that. Bakugou didn't even like admitting it in his head. It was disgusting.

He walked out of the restroom and bumped into the angel herself. "Hey, watch it fuckface!" He hissed. Bakugou's eyes widened when you turned around. You looked horrible. You had dark bags under your eyes, you hair was disheveled, and you looked a bit skinnier than you did a few weeks ago. Overall you looked...dead.

"Sorry." You mumbled and walked away.

Bakugou just watched you sluggishly head out the door. Whatever, it wasn't any of his business on why you looked like that. He didn't care. Not at all.

"Ah! I did good!" You sighed in relief as you hugged the paper to your chest. Finally! You could sleep without a care in the world. You happily looked down at your 98%, not even caring that Midoriya of course got 100%.

You gave the green haired boy a high five in excitement. "You did great, (L/N)!" He smiled, looking over at your score. "I was so worried. I thought for sure I wouldn't pass."

"Well, just make sure you do good on the second part of the test. I think it matters more." Midoriya said, looking up at you with a curious look on his face. 'There's a second part of the test?! I'm definitely fucked.' You worriedly thought.

"(L/N)? Are you okay?"

You nodded, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just caught me by surprise I guess." You nervously laughed. He studied your face, "Aizawa-sensei told us that last week."

You instantly paled. Shit. You must've spaced out when he was going over next week's syllabus. You just shook your head and walked away from your friend. It was lunch time but suddenly you didn't feel like eating. You needed to train.

If you didn't catch up now, you were going to be behind from the rest of the class. Midoriya said this part of the test counted more. Which means you had to study even harder than the past few nights!

You made your way over to the training room and checked your phone. You had about 45 minutes left of lunch to at least get some progress going. You started with the basics. You stretched before doing basic exercises like endurance run, lifting small boulders with your quirk, and climbing the rock wall. You had to make sure you were ready for anything Aizawa-sensei threw at you.

You climbed down from the rock wall to stop and get a drink of water when you saw Bakugou at the entrance. "Oh! Hey Kacchan!" You waved. "Don't fucking call me that." He said and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Why are training during lunch anyway, idiot. Go eat." Bakugou kicked a rock at you. You laughed at the boy and ignored his angry behavior. "I didn't know Aizawa-sensei assigned a second part of the test. I'm just trying to catch up." You explained before completely downing your water bottle.

"It's just a progress check. Chill out." He scoffed. You frowned, "I just want to make sure I'm doing good. I don't want to be behind."

"If I'm not wasting my lunch time training, then you shouldn't be either!" Bakugou argued. "Then why are you here?! Last time I checked it was the training room." You folded your hands over your chest. Bakugou's face went red before he turned around and stomped out the door.

You humphed and continued training.

"That insufferable idiot is going to make herself sick." Bakugou kicked more rocks as he angrily made his way back to the lunch room. He wasn't going to tell you the only reason he was there was to check up on you. You looked horrible this morning and stressed out during the test. Deep down in his little angry heart, he was worried about you.

But then you had to go off and give him attitude which completely ruined his mood. He stormed into the lunch room and plopped down next to Kirishima. "Where did you go? That was an awfully long trip to the restroom." The redhead playfully nudged his shoulder.

"Fuck off."

The table kept talking but Bakugou wasn't worried about any of his friends at the moment. If anything, their obnoxious voices were getting on his nerves. He was just worried if you kept this up, you were going to make yourself sick. You needed to take care of yourself, but Bakugou's pride wasn't going to let him tell you that.

It wasn't fair to you. As much as the blond hated to admit, you were a strong girl and were going to make a great hero. You didn't need to overwork yourself to become the best. You already were the best.

Bakugou grumbled and slouched further into his seat.

You were making him soft.

Days passed and it was now Friday. Class training was taking place and you were looking worse. Bakugou overheard Uraraka asking if you felt alright because you had stumbled a bit walking from class to the training grounds. You waved it off and said you were fine.

'What a fucking idiot.' Bakugou thought. He didn't have time to dwell on you, even though he wanted to. Bakugou had to get a better score than that nerd Deku. Nothing else mattered.

The class started off as normal. Aizawa-sensei explained the scoring system and sent the class off on a mile run for endurance, quirks allowed.

You got into starting position. This is good. You've been running for the past few days. You can do this no problem! It was hard for you to run especially since your quirk didn't give you any special speed abilities. That's why it was important you get a good score.

Aizawa signaled the start and everyone set off. Of course Iida was in the lead no problem, then Midoriya, Bakugou, and you. It was all going well until you noticed Todoroki slowly pass you, then Asui, and other classmates.

'What's going on?' You thought, 'I was in 4th! I was doing good!' The endurance runs never left you in the back of the class.

Then your vision started getting spotted and your fingers started turning numb. You felt nauseous but you swallowed it back and just kept running harder than before. You had to do good, you have to become a great hero!

But everyone has their limits, even heroes. Your vision went black and you fell face down on the track. "(L/N)!" Uraraka turned back around and ran up to you, pulling you into her lap. "Aizawa-sensei! (L/N) is hurt!" She yelled.

All your classmates stopped running to look at what was going on. Bakugou felt his blood go cold. He knew that idiot would get herself sick. And there she goes, fainting in the middle of training.

Bakugou ran over to Uraraka and Aizawa-sensei, shoving the girl aside and picking you up. "I'm taking her to Recovery Girl." Is all he said before hauling you towards the building.

Your hands were cold and he could feel your heart beating extremely fast, but other than that, you looked like you were sleeping. His red eyes hardened at you, angry for not taking care of yourself.

There was nothing he could do about it now. You sure as hell were going to get yelled at when you woke up.

The two of you made it to the infirmary where Bakugou threw you down on one of the beds. "(L/N) overworked herself. She passed out." The old woman gave Bakugou a look before rolling over in her chair to inspect you.

"She looks dehydrated and malnourished. Have you noticed her drinking and eating?" Recovery Girl asked, gently healing you. Bakugou thought about it. The more he did, the more he realized you hadn't been coming downstairs for dinner.

"I haven't seen her eat or drink. She's been stressing out over this damn test, she hasn't been taking care of herself." The blond plopped down at the foot of the bed, watching the old woman work her quirk.

He knew you would be okay, he was still angry at you though. Recovery Girl stepped back once she was finished and wrote something down in a logbook. "She'll be fine. You can go back to class now, Bakugou." She croaked.


The woman raised a curious eyebrow, "Oh? And why's that, young man?"

Bakugou blushed and looked away, "I don't want this idiot hurting herself anymore." The was a long passing awkward silence before the short elder stood in front of Bakugou. "If you're so dead set on taking care of (L/N), go take her back to her room. She's not going back to class today." With that, Recovery Girl said no more and unlocked the medical bed so Bakugou could roll you back to the dorms.

He huffed and left without a goodbye, expertly navigating you through the halls and to the handicapped elevator. While making your descent, he studied your face. You looked so peaceful despite your stress these last few days. Bakugou was glad you finally were getting some rest. Only god knows when the last time you slept was.

Your long lashes settled against your soft cheeks, chest rising and falling in your training uniform. You were beautiful.

Bakugou shook his head in disgust, pushing those thoughts into the back of his mind for now. He had to get you back to the dorms. Wheeling you across campus wasn't a difficult affair, but trying to lift you into your own bed was proving to be challenging.

You weren't heavy, but the angry boy felt uncomfortable being so close to you while you lied down. He opted to stand on top of your desk and throw you on your bed. It should work, he wouldn't be lying you down like Snow White in her casket.

So there Bakugou Katsuki was, standing on top of your desk with you in his arms.

Then he let go.

You bounced for a bit then ended up falling on the hardwood floor.

"Ow!" You yelped and sat up, looking left and right before your eyes finally landed on Bakugou. "Shit." He scrambled to get off your desk and help you up, but you beat him to it. You gently lifted yourself up and sat on your bed.

"Did you just...d-did you just throw me?" You asked, holding your head in your hand and wincing. "Well what did you expect me to do?! I wasn't about to lay you down like I'm Prince Charming or anything!" Bakugou stomped towards your door.

"Where are you going?!" You yelled while watching his retreating form. "To get you some food, fuckface!" He yelled from the hallway. You softly smiled and allowed yourself to lay down on your bed.

Bakugou was so cute. He had his rough moments but he was so sweet on the inside, that's why you liked him. His cold hearted demeanor is just a defense mechanism because he can't show affection easily for whatever reason. You thought it was endearing.

The boy eventually came back with some chicken and rice in a bowl and set it down on your desk. "Here. It's light on the stomach so it should be fine."

"Thank you, Bakugou." You smiled. Grabbing the bowl, you motioned for him to sit next to you on the bed. He looked hesitant for a moment before eventually just sitting next to you while you ate.

"You don't have to keep overexerting yourself. It looks stupid, especially when you're already strong." You let out a small chuckle and gently set your food down, "I know. I just wanted to prove that I can be a great hero...but you're right. It does look stupid."

Bakugou looked torn before finally grabbing your hand, angrily looking at the floor. You looked surprised, but didn't complain. "I didn't mean you're stupid. But don't think I'm going soft on you."

You turned your hand up and laced your fingers together, smiling softly at the boy.

"Of course not."

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