Chapter 2

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My mom and dad were fighting again. As cooper sits by me with his "don't cry" face on. I look out the window of my bedroom, cooper now siting next to me with his slobbery mussel on my shoulder, I lay down and cooper lays on top of me and we get into a wrestling match. I hear my mother scream and I run down stairs.

I see her lying on the floor with a bunch of cuts all over her, one bigger one closer to her eye that's bleeding on the floor. "Mom!" I yell, she's unconscious and is still breathing. My dad walks into the room and yells at me to get to my room. As I run up to my room crying I see cooper on my bed looking at me, I run strait to him and give him a giant hug and cry into his shoulder. He lays his mussel on my shoulder as if to hug me, I smile as I cry into his shoulder as I wonder if my mom will be alright.

Later that evening....

I walk downstairs and see my mom using a new first aid kit. We go through so many at our house. My father is in the kitchen washing up his bloody knuckles. I walk to the fridge and take out an apple. I turn to walk out of the kitchen but my father tells me to come here. "What?" I ask him. " Don't tell-" "I know the drill" I interrupt. I turn around and walk out of the kitchen.

Cooper is sitting next to the couch trying to help mom but really just getting in the way. "Com'on cooper." I say patting my leg as I walk up the stairs back up to my room. He runs up the stairs tripping me as usual. I get back up as cooper comes back to make sure I'm ok, he licks my face and I tell him I'm alright. We walk into my room and walk over to the small treat box that I have for him and take out a treat. I walk back to him and he has a happy tail. "Sit, shake, lay down, dance, speak...... speak....come on cooper, speak." He barks and I tell him he's a good boy and I give him the treat.

I walk over to my bed and lay down copper lays next to me and I fall asleep.

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