《《chapter 4 》》

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AN: Sorry for the late update I was having an author's block... For now continue to read. Once again thank you for reading.

"Is it Shinso?"

"Yeah, although his late" answered Seto.

Izuku was right after all, do they disregarded Shinso as a Villain?. He don't considered Shinso as a villain but he has a villain quirk just like his 'self'. So it has a possibilty.

No, he should not think like this, he's a number one hero for godsake! He should have trust in his-err classmate, the future hero in this world. Besides in his world Shinso became a number 7 hero.

He will do his best to train his new students to make All Might and  Aizawa proud again. But how would he train them?.

It will be good if he copy All Might's lesson but that would be boring and besides it already happened here....maybe.

Wait, why would he think this much, his giving to much pressure to himself.

He shook his head, hoping the thoughts get out in his head. He sighed wondering how Shinso look like in this world. But then he forgot that he has class today. For all of the times he could be distracted why only now.

"Let's wait for Shinso while I'll make your groups" Annouced Izuku. Everyone face change but nonetheless they agreed.


Izuku tried to remember their quirk, in order for him to set a group. Sadly, He forgot a half of them so he just insert random student. He decided 4 groups, in each group there are 5 members. One is a leader and others are members.

He pick 4 students to be a leader
- Momo
- Uraraka
- Todoroki
- Shinso

Yep, he pick Shinso. Why? Because, Shinso think before he moves and also he was interested how his students coordinate with him. With that he announced the leaders, and when his done. Someone protest and it was Bakugou.

"Why would Shinso be a fucking leader?" He yelled while his hand were having sparks. Everyone nodded

"Yeah! Why is that?" They agreed.

Izuku sighed as he was about to explain, he heard someone said 'He has a Villain quirk and there 99% chance that he be a Villain'

Ohh, that was a bad move, being as a innocent and a colorful smile doesn't mean he can't get scary. Too bad that this was his student were talking about he just hold back.

Midoriya glared at them all. Making all the noise. Everyone shivered, this is the first time they saw Midoriya glared at them. And the Aura in this room was suffocating. This is th 3% power of our No.1 hero.

"Look, I don't know why would you all think that if someone has a villain quirk, he is considered as a villain. Instead discouraging a person to be a hero, help them to be a hero. Didn't you even learn that my 'twin' here became a villain because, you were all naive" Izuku ranted and scold them as the suffocating aura disappeared.

Everyone became quiet. As Shinso widen his eyes in shocked. He arrived when he was announced as a leader, he was happy but got disappointed when classmated protest about him having a villain quirk. He knew it, great now his teacher will be against him.

As he was about to leave then he heard Midoriya's Voice , it was deep. He was suprised and wondered why. Then he was hit by the rumours he heard earlier, even Aizawa explained it to him. But he didn't listen, oh god he screwed but what suprised him the most is what Midoriya said.

That was the second time someone defend him, first it was Aizawa-sensei and now this other Midoriya. He was brought to tears but he wiped it away and smiled. As Midoriya was still scolding them, he step out and this Midoriya here that defended him, notice his precsence.

Midoriya widen his eyes as he saw Shinso. Nothing change in him, atleast but ecxept he has Aizawa's scarf. He always knew Aizawa help Shinso. Because his sensei knows what is the feeling by having a villain quirk, he was grateful to his sensei.

He quickly faced at his students and whispered. "Guys, listen up. If you wanna make up for him apologize to him and encourage him not to be a villain but to be a hero. Try to gain his trust he will be a great hero that will also save you one day" and with that he smiled at them.

Everyone brighten up and ran towards to Shinso with tears. They hugged him and apologize. All Shinso could was to smile and say 'It's fine'

Izuku smiled at them, atleast they make up eachother. But let us not forget the training.

He clap his hands together, that caught everyone's attention. "Oh well, that's enough" he said

"We're not done yet, there is still traning and I'll be assigning you in a team"

Everyone groaned but nonetheless they smirked and with that the training start.

Group Momo

Group Uraraka

Group Todoroki

Group Shinso

And with that they start training. "Group 1 and group 2 proceed to Training ground 1" said Izuku.

Momo's team and Uraraka's team stood and went in the training ground 1. It has a massive buildings and the road was destroyed. They were shock.

"Each group has a flag, the rest of you need to defend and attack. For a group that has 2 flags will win the time will be only 45 minutes. Goodluck" Izuku let go of the microphone and turned. The left team were just staring at the screen intensly.

"Are not going to cheer?" Asked Izuku.

Everyone looked each other and nodded.

"DO YOUR BEST EVERYONE!!" they yelled

Izuku quickly covered his ears "Not literally" Everyone just laughed. But they keep on cheering ignoring Midoriya.

Izuku sighed 'what a bunch idiots'

Suddenly his phone starts ringing. Everyone looked at him and he excuse himself. He went out and answered the call.

"WHERE THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU? DAMN NERD" Bakugou's voice explode out of his phone. He almost dropped his phone but he caught it.

It was Bakugou, his childhood friend, he was calling him and was angry. He was damn screwed. Izuku low the volume and ran towards the rooftop so no one could hear him.

"Umm...K-Kachan-" before Izuku could explained he heard Todoroki's voice.

"Izuku?! Where are you?! You been missing for about 3 days?!" Todoroki voice were barging not letting Midoriya answer.

Then he heard Uraraka's Voice "Deku-kun! Are you safe? Are you hurt?"


Suddenly he heard Momo's voice "Everyone, you're not letting him answer let me- Midoriya, where are you?"

"It's a long story" he said

"We have a long time" answered Todoroki.

"Okay but just a second" he ran towards the Teacher's office and asked Aizawa to take over his class. Motioning him that he was having a call. Aizawa quickly agreed and Izuku ran back towards the rooftop again.


"That took so long"

"Sorry Everyone, now let me explain"

Aizawa entered the training room and saw them. He was amaze that Shinso was with them and he was laughing. What a truly unbelievable scene, Midoriya was really something else.

"What are you doing here, Aizawa-sensei?" Asked Todoroki.

"Well your sensei got a call and it will took a ehile so he ask me to look over you so here I am. If you have question just ask me, I'll be sleeping over there" Aizawa point at the corner and slept.

Todoroki could only nodded and return to his group...


"So that what happens" Izuku end his explanation.

"That would be possible but how would you go back" asked Uraraka.

"I'm still searching for a solution, Uraraka-san" answered Izuku.

"We'll be searching also, Izuku" said Todoroki.

"Thanks Todoroki" smiled Izuku.

"Before you could end this call, can tell me what clues you have?" Asked Momo. But Izuku didn't answer. Suddenly she heard a tap 3 times. She was confused but Bakugou answer her confusion

"He's facing a villain" with that they all wide their eyes.


AN: And that ends our story. Thank you reading and waith for another chapter. Tom or later. Hehe

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