Chapter 4

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Amrutha POV...Continuation :

" I too miss you dear" I hugged him back.

"Then why did you left me for so many days? You don't love me..." He whined.

" No...I love you so much..." I kissed on his forehead.

" I love you't lemme... ..." Rahul hugged me tightly placing his hands around my neck.

" If you both finished your talk shall we start to our home," Aditya asked us.

" Let's go to our home. I have to play with my mommy" Rahul said excitedly.

" Let's your mommy take rest till tomorrow morning then you can play with her," Aditya said looking at me.

Aditya placed my luggage in the backseat of the car. I took Rahul in my arms and sat in the front seat. The road was silent as it is midnight. After a few minutes, Rahul slept on my shoulder.

" I think it is very hard to manage work and Rahul alone from this one week," I asked Adi.

" It's okay. You are looking so pale and dull. Are you not feeling well?" He placed his hand on my forehead while placing his one hand on the steering.

" Everything is fine," I said plastering a small smile.

" I know you since we are studying in one college. So don't tell me lies" Adi said looking at my face.

"Don't ask me any questions. Please...Adi..." I requested.

He gripped steering tightly and drive to our home. I took Rahul in my arms and walked into the bedroom. I placed him gently on the bed and removed the shoes from his feet. I went to the bathroom to change into a nightdress.

When I came out of the bathroom, Aditya is standing at the window.

" What happened, Amrutha? Why did you return back? You suppose to stay one more week at your brother's house!!" He questioned holding my arms.

" I am tired, Adi. I want to sleep." I answered.

" Only after answering my questions," he said sternly.

" Did Dhruv say anything to you?" Adi asked me.

I nodded my head as No.

" Then...?" He asked me again.

"Dont you want to share your pain with me?" He lifted my head as I am looking down.

" He doesn't want to see my face in his life. He hates me now" I cried.

"Shh...stopping crying...Ammu" he hugged me.

"Death would be a simple punishment better than staying away from him. " I sobbed.

" Shh ....Calm down. I already told you to tell him the truth but you didn't listen to my words at that time" Adi said patting my back.

" I can't be selfish...Adi. I love him a lot more than my life" I cried.

" I know...Ammu. Stop crying. Take rest for one week and we will get back to our normal life" she suggested.

He made me sleep on the bed beside Rahul and covered us with the sheet.  I closed my eyes with tiredness not only physically but also emotionally.

Dhruv PoV

I spend one more hour with Arvind's daughter. When they are leaving the party, Shreya came to me to take her.

But that angel was sleeping on my shoulder holding my blazer. I gently removed her palm from my blazer and give her to Shreya. She took away her daughter saying Good night.

Shreya is so kind like my sister-in-law, Priya. I walked towards Ma, Karthik, and Priya.

" Karthik take Priya with you to the room and let her take some rest. I need to talk with Dhruv " Mom said Karthik looking at me.

" Actually, I want to talk to him. I will stay back" Karthik replied looking at me.

" Okay..." Mom said and called Sudha, Priya's cousin's sister.

" Go to the room with Priya and stay till Karthik comes" Mom informed her.

" Okay...Aunty. I will go with my Priya Akka " she left with Priya.

" Do you really want to move on in your life, Dhruv? Or else you are trying to fool me like your brother?" Mom asked me.

" Please tell me what you want to talk with me..." I asked her.

" I saw you playing with Arvind's daughter. Why you want to still associate with them?" She questioned me.

" She is a small baby ...for god sake...why are you talking like that," I said with a serious face.

" I dont want to see their faces but your brother, Karthik invited them yo the party. I stayed quiet for Priya as Shreya is Priya's best friend and mainly it is her birthday today," she said looking at Karthik seriously.

" Okay, I will not talk to them," I said.

" Not only that you have to promise me that you are going to marry very soon," she said.

" Mom, please give me some time for me," I asked

" It had been three years, Dhruv. That girl settled in her life. What about your life?" She yelled.

" Start a new life, forget about that witch" she added.

" Please...I need some time" I pleaded her.

" You need time. How much time you want to tell your decision ?" She asked.

I remained silent as I don't know the answer.

" Today I want to show the reality of life." Mom said in a serious voice.

" The girl whom you are loving madly is already married and having a son. She is happy in her life. Why can't you accept it and begin a new life" Mom threw photos on the floor

I startled on seeing those photos especially the person beside Amrutha. I looked at Karthik with disbelief.

" It is my last wish to see you happy with a complete family. As a mother, my wish is wrong?" Mom questioned me.

I picked those photos into my hands and started looking them one by one.

My world stopped .....

Hi readers

Is this chapter confusing??

I will reveal hidden secrets slowly and stay tuned to this story.

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