Dark Remnant VS Shadow Resonance

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Stage: Strange Meteor Craters (Day)


Resonance: *spits blood from damage* damn you godless of the sister.

Remnant: *coughing* I don't need to be a goddess like hnngh my sister, I can just get stronger.

Resonance: *gasp for breath* I'm going to..kill you...

Remnant: you're going to die *cough* you expiremented person.

Resonance: sh-shut up! I'm going to...KILL YOU!!! *Strange energy force flows around Resonance changing his appearance*

Remnant: !!!

S. Resonance: witness my dark power that well send you to your doom.

Remnant: his power is strong and negative. ! *sees dark sword moving* wh-what?

The dark sword suddenly goes in to Remnant's body fusing with her

S. Resonance: !!?

D. Remnant: fine we will this more interesting. Darkness vs Darkness. Who will win?

S. Resonance: very well girl *gets in his stance*

D. Remnant: Anata wa totemo shinde imasu (you are so dead)

The heat of darkness is rising


Both side started clashing and fighting

S. Resonance: *throws a aura ball towards Remnant*

D. Remnant: *blocks the aura ball as she spins her swords and throws them at him*

S. Resonance: *blocks the swords* hmph... !

D. Remnant: haaa! *Slashes her swords towards him*

S. Resonance: *quickly blocks them with his hand's slash*

D. Remnant: *starts swinging her swords wildly at him*

S. Resonance: !! *Barely dodges and blocks some* ! *Sees a bit of cuts on him* tch... *Steps on her shoes*

D. Remnant: !!!

S. Resonance: *punches her in the stomach*

D. Remnant: ! hnngh!

S. Resonance: *punches her on the face three times*

D. Remnant: hnngh...grrr *grabs him and throws him at the side of the crater*

S. Resonance: *stops at the side of the crater before jumping towards Remnant*

D. Remnant: !!!

S. Resonance: hyaaah! *Does an axe kick towards Remnant*

D. Remnant: *barely blocks* h-how are your k-kick strong like weapons?

S. Resonance: is my ability to make all my kicks and punches even my body into the strength of weapons, no matter the transportation I am.

D. Remnant: omoshiroi *pushes Resonance* I got no time to see all your attacks so I'm just gonna try ending you *slashes her sword towards him*

S. Resonance: *blocks* very well *steps on Remnant's shoe*

D. Remnant: nani?

S. Resonance: *punches remnant left and right*

D. Remnant: !!! Hngh! *Coughs out blood*

S. Resonance: die, die, die!

D. Remnant: hnngh! Ggrrr! *stabs Resonance in the stomach*

S. Resonance: !!! *Spits out blood and steps back* d-damn you, baka

D. Remnant: you're the moron here *paralyzes* d-damn this body isn't ready yet to go all out with dark power *a bit of white light flows below her*

S. Resonance: w-what are you planning here? *Coughs*

D. Remnant: d-dammit I can't move, b-but why? *Tries to force herself to move leaving some cuts on her until she managed to free herself from paralyze* I need to end you quick

S. Resonance: huh?

D. Resonance: it's over *goes all out and runs towards Resonance*

S. Resonance: what the-?!

D. Resonance: *slashes through Resonance*

S. Resonance: *coughs alot of blood* h-how? *Falls on his knees and arm*

D. Remnant: is over *puts her sword away as many slashes attacked resonance until it slashes through his heart*

S. Resonance: *falls on the floor and dies*

D. Remnant: I hope I don't have to see him. ! *the dark sword unfuses from Remnant's body turning her back to normal*

Remnant: ! *Looks around and herself* I guess I let the sword use to much power on me *gets up and walks away* I can barely move quick. I need to rest, but what was that bit of light from earlier?

Meanwhile at ???

Cosmo: interesting fight. Even though these two are very interesting. Hmph, might as well not waste a good mortal until possibly later. *revives Resonance before looking at something*

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