A fourth of July special (cousins together.)

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With UnknownRC oc's: Crafty, Crazy, Remnant, Remthy, Furtive, Adira, Valiant, and (the mischievous) Jumble.

Lera wanted to spend the Fourth of July with her family (Shifty, Crazy, and her cousin Crafty.) Shifty was getting ready before Crazy said, this is gonna be the most amazing Fourth of July ever. Shifty said as he pulled out a box of fireworks, I know sweetie...I know. Crazy asked, still mad cause Jet Devon's try to make a good firework for us. Shifty said, yeah..Crazy he nearly turned us into deep fried raccoons. Crazy sighed and said, look let's just make this into the best Fourth of July ever. Shifty nodded in agreement. Crazy said, oh...I hope you don't mind but I invited Remnant, Valiant, and her family to join. Shifty sighs and said, I don't mind Crazy..I really don't. Lera and Crafty were playing around in the back yard talking about how pretty the fireworks are. Lera said, so anyway...do you think this will be the best fireworks we ever seen Crafty? Crafty nodded and said, well yeah cousin..best of all we can do fireworks ourselves. Lera asked, wouldn't that be dangerous? Crafty shook his head no and said as he pulled out a firework (a stick that can ignite sparks which are called sparklers), we can do these fireworks Lera...we can hold them until the spark goes out but we may need to wait until the evening comes. Lera said, oh..hehe...can you teach me how? Crafty nodded as they continued playing. Meanwhile Rachel was in her room sitting on her bed before a knock on the door was heard. Rachel said, come in... Valiant opened the door and said, hey honey. Rachel said, hi mommy... Valiant and Temper walked in and Temper said, hey we're gonna get ready to go to Lera's house to watch the fireworks is that fun? Rachel smiled and said, that sounds fun. She then smelled the air and said, what's that smell? Temper said, I'm making some barbecue before we head out...I just hope Crazy doesn't mind if we brought some. Valiant said, I'm pretty sure she won't. Rachel hugged her parents and said, I love you guys. Temper said as she chuckled, we love you too Rachel. The three broke the hug as Valiant said, now you get ready we'll be leaving shortly. Rachel said, okay mommy. Meanwhile Remthy was walking around before seeing Jumble, Violet, and their daughter Hallow getting ready to go to the firework show. Violet said, have you contacted your brother yet? Jumble replied as he packed everything in the trunk, I just told him we're on our way... Hallow said, are the fireworks gonna be big and pretty daddy? Jumble replied, yes they will be honey...though they may get loud.. Hallow smiled and was wearing a red, white, and blue dress with white stars on her dress and on her hair. Jumble said as he picked up his daughter, aww don't you look so precious? Violet said, she sure does. Jumble chuckled and put her down and said as he got into the car, come on you guys we don't wanna keep my brother waiting. Hallow said as she got into the car, okay daddy. Violet got into the front seat before the family of three drove off. Remthy walked home. As he entered the house he sees his mother and brother and sister getting ready. Remthy said, what's going on? Adira said, we're getting ready to go to Shifty and Crazy's house for the Fourth of July. Remthy said, oh.. that's when Furtive remembered something and said, oh...Mom would it be okay if I bring Stealth and Rem with me? Remnant replied, if it's alright with his parents then okay. Furtive then ran off to Stealths house as Adira said, I can't wait to see Lera...we haven't seen her in a while...don't you think Mom? Remnant said, yeah...it's probably because she's warming up to her Uncle, Aunt and Crafty. Meanwhile when Furtive was on his way to Stealth and Rems house he sees most of the family getting ready for the Fourth of July. Alexa and her family were having their own firework shows and some others getting ready to go to their firework show and other family's planing their family time in the Fourth of July. When he arrived Furtive knocked on the door as Oblivion answered it and said, oh hey Furtive what a surprise. Furtive then said, hey..is Stealth and Rem home? Oblivion said, well yes but they're in the back yard...one of your cousin just came and got C.J., Calvin, and Gear...so it's gonna be just us, Silver, and Bullet. Furtive nodded in understanding before going to the back yard seeing Midnight with Stealth and thought, I don't know if she's stealing my best friend but I don't have time to deal with her. As soon as Midnight left Stealth continue to meditate as Furtive walks into the backyard. Rem sees him and said, hey Furtive long time no see. Stealth heard his name and said, oh hey... Furtive said, hey guys...listen I was wondering if you guys wanna come to Lera and Crafty's place to celebrate the Fourth of July. Both brothers looked at each and said, okay. Furtive was surprised and said, really? Rem said, yeah...oh..I gotta get something be right back. He walked back in as Stealth and Furtive looked at each other before Furtive said, hey...listen I'm really sorry...no matter what you really are my best friend Stealth...please don't be mad. Stealth smiled and said, I'm not mad Furtive...I always know no matter what your my best friend and always will be. Furtive smiles and hugged him before Rem came out as they broke the hug. Furtive said, come on guys let's go. Stealth said, last one to Lera and Craftys place is roadkill. Stealth ran off as Furtive said with a chuckle, hehe..your on Stealth.. Furitve ran after him as Rem said as he ran after them, FURTIVE STEALTH WAIT FOR ME!! Later when Valiant and her family, and Remnant and her family arrived before Furtive and Rem and Stealth stopped running and chuckled. Rachel said as she sees her cousin, hey Adira how are you doing? Adira said, hey Rachel I'm doing good. Temper knocked on the door as Lera opened it and said, hey you made it. Remnant said before hugging Lera, hey Lera. Remnant let go of her niece and said, my goodness your getting big. Lera chuckled and said, heh..yeah I'm growing into a big girl. Lera then sees her other two cousins and said, hey Adira...hi Rachel. Rachel and Adira said, hey Lera. Later in the evening everyone was getting ready to see the fireworks as they got their plate of food. Valiant sat right next to Temper and her older sister while Furtive and Remthy sat next to Stealth and Rem talking and laughing. Crafty was sitting next to Lera, Rachel, and Adira. Shifty said, ARE YOU GUYS READY!? Everyone nodded before Shifty started the fireworks and stood right next to Crazy. The fireworks were glowing beautifully as Adira thought, wow they are very pretty. Crafty then gave one sparkler each before the four of them ran around and laughed. Lera said as she hugged Crafty, this is the best Fourth of July ever...don't you think so Cousin? Crafty nodded and said, yep. Lera looked at Rachel and Adira and said, I love you both. Rachel said, we love you too Lera. Then the three girls giggled as they and Crafty ran around with the sparkler along with Remthy, Furtive, Rem, and Stealth. Crazy said watching them, ya know Shifty this is the best Fourth of July ever. Shifty said, yeah...it sure is. Crazy then gave Shifty a kiss on the cheek as Shifty blushed and smiled as he said, oh shucks. He chuckled as the fireworks blasted into the sky.

A/N: have a happy Fourth of July everyone! 😄

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