A promise between us

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With baki10addz oc: (the one and only) Maxwell

Later in the night at 2:00 in the morning. Eris was asleep before she received a text from Maxwell telling her to meet on the roof of the house it's important. Eris got up immediately before climbing to the roof of the house waiting for Maxwell and whispered to herself, I wonder what this is about. She waited for him about five minutes before Maxwell appeared and said, Eris.. Eris sees him and said, oh hey...I received your message the moment I woke up. Maxwell sits next to her and said, I'm sorry...I didn't wanna wake you up but.. Eris replies, it's okay Maxwell I'm used to waking up this early...so what is it you wanna talk about Maxwell? Maxwell looked down and said, can you keep a secret? Eris said, yes I wouldn't even tell anyone not even my parents and brothers. Maxwell sighed before he told her, you know how my dad is the war god? Eris nodded and said, I do Maxwell I seen how tough he is...why? Maxwell sighed and said, cause...when the time comes he'll pass his war-God powers over to me. Eris was surprised to hear it before she said, what's gonna happen to your dad if that happens? Maxwell said as he looked a little sad, well...if it happens he'll live a little longer and dies...just like my grandfather. Eris gasped before she said holding Maxwells hand and said, I will keep this a secret Maxwell...I love you and I will do anything for you. Maxwell said, Eris... there was brief silence in the wind before Maxwell said, I guess your dad already passed a little bit of that immortality thing to your brothers and you. Eris said, yeah I mean it's really weird..I appreciated you and your brother into getting Micheal to his inner carnivore the other day..I almost thought he wasn't gonna have it. Maxwell said as he blushed, I..it was no problem Eris. Another brief silence was between them before Maxwell asked Eris, hey Eris?...can you promise me something? Eris said, what is it Maxwell? Maxwell looked into her eyes and said as he took her hand, even if I do become the new War-God...will you be by my side when the time comes?...we maybe two different soon to be soldiers from two alternative militaries but I can't help but think we're meant for each other..so please Eris..will you promise me? Eris smiles at him and said, I promise to be by your side when it happens Maxwell... Maxwell smiles and said, what did I do to deserve a pretty yet badass girlfriend like you Eris?...I love you Eris Wars. Eris replied, I love you too Maxwell. Then they both kissed as the stars gleamed in the night.

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